// REQUIRES: ppc // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=InputRelocs %s // RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --no-show-raw-insn %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=Dis %s // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=OutputRelocs %s // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=powerpc64-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t.o | FileCheck --check-prefix=InputRelocs %s // RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t // RUN: llvm-objdump -d --no-show-raw-insn %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=Dis %s // RUN: llvm-readelf -r %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=OutputRelocs %s .text .abiversion 2 .globl _start # -- Begin function _start .p2align 4 .type _start,@function _start: # @_start .Lfunc_begin0: .Lfunc_gep0: addis 2, 12, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep0@ha addi 2, 2, .TOC.-.Lfunc_gep0@l .Lfunc_lep0: .localentry _start, .Lfunc_lep0-.Lfunc_gep0 # %bb.0: # %entry mflr 0 std 31, -8(1) std 0, 16(1) stdu 1, -64(1) mr 31, 1 std 30, 48(31) # 8-byte Folded Spill li 3, 0 stw 3, 44(31) addis 3, 2, a@got@tlsld@ha addi 3, 3, a@got@tlsld@l bl __tls_get_addr(a@tlsld) nop addis 3, 3, a@dtprel@ha addi 3, 3, a@dtprel@l lwz 30, 0(3) extsw 3, 30 ld 30, 48(31) # 8-byte Folded Reload addi 1, 1, 64 ld 0, 16(1) ld 31, -8(1) mtlr 0 blr .long 0 .quad 0 .Lfunc_end0: .size _start, .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # -- End function .type a,@object # @a .section .tdata,"awT",@progbits .p2align 2 a: .long 2 # 0x2 .size a, 4 // Verify that the input has local-dynamic tls relocation types // InputRelocs: Relocation section '.rela.text' // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_HA {{0+}} a + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_GOT_TLSLD16_LO {{0+}} a + 0 // InputRelocs: R_PPC64_TLSLD {{0+}} a + 0 // Verify that the local-dynamic sequence is relaxed to local exec. // Dis: <_start>: // Dis: nop // Dis: addis 3, 13, 0 // Dis: nop // Dis: addi 3, 3, 4096 // #ha(a@dtprel) --> (0x0 -0x8000 + 0x8000) >> 16 = 0 // #lo(a@dtprel) --> (0x0 -0x8000) = -0x8000 = -32768 // Dis: addis 3, 3, 0 // Dis: addi 3, 3, -32768 // Verify that no local-dynamic relocations exist for the dynamic linker. // OutputRelocs-NOT: R_PPC64_DTPMOD64