# REQUIRES: x86 ## Test that SHT_GROUP sections are retained in relocatable output. The content ## may be rewritten because group members may change their indices. Additionally, ## group member may be combined or discarded (e.g. /DISCARD/ or --gc-sections). # RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-pc-linux %s -o %t.o # RUN: ld.lld -r %t.o %t.o -o %t.ro # RUN: llvm-readelf -g -S %t.ro | FileCheck %s # CHECK: Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al # CHECK: .group GROUP 0000000000000000 {{.*}} 000014 04 {{[1-9]}} 1 4 # CHECK: COMDAT group section [{{.*}}] `.group' [abc] contains 4 sections: # CHECK-NEXT: Name # CHECK-NEXT: .rodata.bar # CHECK-NEXT: .rodata.foo # CHECK-NEXT: .text.bar # CHECK-NEXT: .text.foo ## Rewrite SHT_GROUP content if some members are combined. # RUN: echo 'SECTIONS { .rodata : {*(.rodata.*)} .text : {*(.text.*)} }' > %t1.lds # RUN: ld.lld -r -T %t1.lds %t.o %t.o -o %t1.ro # RUN: llvm-readelf -g -S %t1.ro | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SCRIPT1 # SCRIPT1: Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al # SCRIPT1: .group GROUP 0000000000000000 {{.*}} 00000c 04 {{[1-9]}} 1 4 # SCRIPT1: COMDAT group section [{{.*}}] `.group' [abc] contains 2 sections: # SCRIPT1-NEXT: Name # SCRIPT1-NEXT: .rodata # SCRIPT1-NEXT: .text # RUN: echo 'SECTIONS { /DISCARD/ : {*(.rodata.*)} }' > %t2.lds # RUN: ld.lld -r -T %t2.lds %t.o %t.o -o %t2.ro # RUN: llvm-readelf -g -S %t2.ro | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=SCRIPT2 ## Handle discarded group members. # SCRIPT2: [Nr] Name Type Address Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al # SCRIPT2: [ 2] .group GROUP 0000000000000000 {{.*}} 00000c 04 {{[1-9]}} 1 4 # SCRIPT2: COMDAT group section [{{.*}}] `.group' [abc] contains 2 sections: # SCRIPT2-NEXT: Name # SCRIPT2-NEXT: .text.bar # SCRIPT2-NEXT: .text.foo .section .rodata.bar,"aG",@progbits,abc,comdat .byte 42 .section .rodata.foo,"aG",@progbits,abc,comdat .byte 42 .section .text.bar,"axG",@progbits,abc,comdat .quad 42 .section .text.foo,"axG",@progbits,abc,comdat .long 42