//===-- OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay.cpp ---------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay.h" #include "lldb/DataFormatters/ValueObjectPrinter.h" #include "lldb/Host/OptionParser.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/OptionArgParser.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay() {} OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::~OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay() {} static const OptionDefinition g_option_table[] = { {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "dynamic-type", 'd', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, GetDynamicValueTypes(), 0, eArgTypeNone, "Show the object as its full dynamic type, not its static " "type, if available."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "synthetic-type", 'S', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeBoolean, "Show the object obeying its synthetic provider, if available."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "depth", 'D', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeCount, "Set the max recurse depth when dumping " "aggregate types (default is infinity)."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "flat", 'F', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Display results in a flat format that uses " "expression paths for each variable or member."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "location", 'L', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Show variable location information."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "object-description", 'O', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Display using a language-specific description API, if possible."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "ptr-depth", 'P', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeCount, "The number of pointers to be traversed " "when dumping values (default is zero)."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "show-types", 'T', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Show variable types when dumping values."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "no-summary-depth", 'Y', OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeCount, "Set the depth at which omitting summary information stops (default is " "1)."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "raw-output", 'R', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Don't use formatting options."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "show-all-children", 'A', OptionParser::eNoArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeNone, "Ignore the upper bound on the number of children to show."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "validate", 'V', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeBoolean, "Show results of type validators."}, {LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "element-count", 'Z', OptionParser::eRequiredArgument, nullptr, {}, 0, eArgTypeCount, "Treat the result of the expression as if its type is an array of this " "many values."}}; llvm::ArrayRef OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::GetDefinitions() { return llvm::makeArrayRef(g_option_table); } Status OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::SetOptionValue( uint32_t option_idx, llvm::StringRef option_arg, ExecutionContext *execution_context) { Status error; const int short_option = g_option_table[option_idx].short_option; bool success = false; switch (short_option) { case 'd': { int32_t result; result = OptionArgParser::ToOptionEnum(option_arg, GetDynamicValueTypes(), 2, error); if (error.Success()) use_dynamic = (lldb::DynamicValueType)result; } break; case 'T': show_types = true; break; case 'L': show_location = true; break; case 'F': flat_output = true; break; case 'O': use_objc = true; break; case 'R': be_raw = true; break; case 'A': ignore_cap = true; break; case 'D': if (option_arg.getAsInteger(0, max_depth)) { max_depth = UINT32_MAX; error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid max depth '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); } break; case 'Z': if (option_arg.getAsInteger(0, elem_count)) { elem_count = UINT32_MAX; error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid element count '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); } break; case 'P': if (option_arg.getAsInteger(0, ptr_depth)) { ptr_depth = 0; error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid pointer depth '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); } break; case 'Y': if (option_arg.empty()) no_summary_depth = 1; else if (option_arg.getAsInteger(0, no_summary_depth)) { no_summary_depth = 0; error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid pointer depth '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); } break; case 'S': use_synth = OptionArgParser::ToBoolean(option_arg, true, &success); if (!success) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid synthetic-type '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); break; case 'V': run_validator = OptionArgParser::ToBoolean(option_arg, true, &success); if (!success) error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid validate '%s'", option_arg.str().c_str()); break; default: llvm_unreachable("Unimplemented option"); } return error; } void OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::OptionParsingStarting( ExecutionContext *execution_context) { // If these defaults change, be sure to modify AnyOptionWasSet(). show_types = false; no_summary_depth = 0; show_location = false; flat_output = false; use_objc = false; max_depth = UINT32_MAX; ptr_depth = 0; elem_count = 0; use_synth = true; be_raw = false; ignore_cap = false; run_validator = false; TargetSP target_sp = execution_context ? execution_context->GetTargetSP() : TargetSP(); if (target_sp) use_dynamic = target_sp->GetPreferDynamicValue(); else { // If we don't have any targets, then dynamic values won't do us much good. use_dynamic = lldb::eNoDynamicValues; } } DumpValueObjectOptions OptionGroupValueObjectDisplay::GetAsDumpOptions( LanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosity lang_descr_verbosity, lldb::Format format, lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary_sp) { DumpValueObjectOptions options; options.SetMaximumPointerDepth( {DumpValueObjectOptions::PointerDepth::Mode::Always, ptr_depth}); if (use_objc) options.SetShowSummary(false); else options.SetOmitSummaryDepth(no_summary_depth); options.SetMaximumDepth(max_depth) .SetShowTypes(show_types) .SetShowLocation(show_location) .SetUseObjectiveC(use_objc) .SetUseDynamicType(use_dynamic) .SetUseSyntheticValue(use_synth) .SetFlatOutput(flat_output) .SetIgnoreCap(ignore_cap) .SetFormat(format) .SetSummary(summary_sp); if (lang_descr_verbosity == eLanguageRuntimeDescriptionDisplayVerbosityCompact) options.SetHideRootType(use_objc).SetHideName(use_objc).SetHideValue( use_objc); if (be_raw) options.SetRawDisplay(); options.SetRunValidator(run_validator); options.SetElementCount(elem_count); return options; }