// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textlayout.h" #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/css/cfx_csscomputedstyle.h" #include "core/fxcrt/css/cfx_cssstyleselector.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlelement.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlnode.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmltext.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h" #include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h" #include "core/fxge/text_char_pos.h" #include "fxjs/xfa/cjx_object.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_linkuserdata.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_rtfbreak.h" #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_textuserdata.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_loadercontext.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_pieceline.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textparsecontext.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textpiece.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_textprovider.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_texttabstopscontext.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_font.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_node.h" #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_para.h" namespace { constexpr float kHeightTolerance = 0.001f; void ProcessText(WideString* pText) { int32_t iLen = pText->GetLength(); if (iLen == 0) return; int32_t iTrimLeft = 0; { // Span's lifetime must end before ReleaseBuffer() below. pdfium::span psz = pText->GetBuffer(iLen); wchar_t wPrev = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { wchar_t wch = psz[i]; if (wch < 0x20) wch = 0x20; if (wch == 0x20 && wPrev == 0x20) continue; wPrev = wch; psz[iTrimLeft++] = wch; } } pText->ReleaseBuffer(iTrimLeft); } } // namespace CXFA_TextLayout::CXFA_TextLayout(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CXFA_TextProvider* pTextProvider) : m_pDoc(doc), m_pTextProvider(pTextProvider) { ASSERT(m_pTextProvider); } CXFA_TextLayout::~CXFA_TextLayout() { m_textParser.Reset(); Unload(); } void CXFA_TextLayout::Unload() { m_pieceLines.clear(); m_pBreak.reset(); } void CXFA_TextLayout::GetTextDataNode() { CXFA_Node* pNode = m_pTextProvider->GetTextNode(&m_bRichText); if (pNode && m_bRichText) m_textParser.Reset(); m_pTextDataNode = pNode; } CFX_XMLNode* CXFA_TextLayout::GetXMLContainerNode() { if (!m_bRichText) return nullptr; CFX_XMLNode* pXMLRoot = m_pTextDataNode->GetXMLMappingNode(); if (!pXMLRoot) return nullptr; for (CFX_XMLNode* pXMLChild = pXMLRoot->GetFirstChild(); pXMLChild; pXMLChild = pXMLChild->GetNextSibling()) { CFX_XMLElement* pXMLElement = ToXMLElement(pXMLChild); if (!pXMLElement) continue; WideString wsTag = pXMLElement->GetLocalTagName(); if (wsTag.EqualsASCII("body") || wsTag.EqualsASCII("html")) return pXMLChild; } return nullptr; } std::unique_ptr CXFA_TextLayout::CreateBreak(bool bDefault) { uint32_t dwStyle = FX_LAYOUTSTYLE_ExpandTab; if (!bDefault) dwStyle |= FX_LAYOUTSTYLE_Pagination; auto pBreak = pdfium::MakeUnique(dwStyle); pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(1); pBreak->SetFont(m_textParser.GetFont(m_pDoc.Get(), m_pTextProvider, nullptr)); pBreak->SetFontSize(m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, nullptr)); return pBreak; } void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(float fLineWidth) { CXFA_Para* para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaIfExists(); float fStart = 0; float fStartPos = 0; if (para) { CFX_RTFLineAlignment iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Left; switch (para->GetHorizontalAlign()) { case XFA_AttributeValue::Center: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Center; break; case XFA_AttributeValue::Right: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Right; break; case XFA_AttributeValue::Justify: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Justified; break; case XFA_AttributeValue::JustifyAll: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Distributed; break; case XFA_AttributeValue::Left: case XFA_AttributeValue::Radix: break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign); fStart = para->GetMarginLeft(); if (m_pTextProvider->IsCheckButtonAndAutoWidth()) { if (iAlign != CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Left) fLineWidth -= para->GetMarginRight(); } else { fLineWidth -= para->GetMarginRight(); } if (fLineWidth < 0) fLineWidth = fStart; fStartPos = fStart; float fIndent = para->GetTextIndent(); if (fIndent > 0) fStartPos += fIndent; } m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth); m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos); CXFA_Font* font = m_pTextProvider->GetFontIfExists(); if (font) { m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale( static_cast(font->GetHorizontalScale())); m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale(static_cast(font->GetVerticalScale())); m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(font->GetLetterSpacing()); } float fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, nullptr); m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize); m_pBreak->SetFont( m_textParser.GetFont(m_pDoc.Get(), m_pTextProvider, nullptr)); m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f); } void CXFA_TextLayout::InitBreak(CFX_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle, CFX_CSSDisplay eDisplay, float fLineWidth, const CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode, CFX_CSSComputedStyle* pParentStyle) { if (!pStyle) { InitBreak(fLineWidth); return; } if (eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::Block || eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::ListItem) { CFX_RTFLineAlignment iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Left; switch (pStyle->GetTextAlign()) { case CFX_CSSTextAlign::Right: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Right; break; case CFX_CSSTextAlign::Center: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Center; break; case CFX_CSSTextAlign::Justify: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Justified; break; case CFX_CSSTextAlign::JustifyAll: iAlign = CFX_RTFLineAlignment::Distributed; break; default: break; } m_pBreak->SetAlignment(iAlign); float fStart = 0; const CFX_CSSRect* pRect = pStyle->GetMarginWidth(); const CFX_CSSRect* pPaddingRect = pStyle->GetPaddingWidth(); if (pRect) { fStart = pRect->left.GetValue(); fLineWidth -= pRect->right.GetValue(); if (pPaddingRect) { fStart += pPaddingRect->left.GetValue(); fLineWidth -= pPaddingRect->right.GetValue(); } if (eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::ListItem) { const CFX_CSSRect* pParRect = pParentStyle->GetMarginWidth(); const CFX_CSSRect* pParPaddingRect = pParentStyle->GetPaddingWidth(); if (pParRect) { fStart += pParRect->left.GetValue(); fLineWidth -= pParRect->right.GetValue(); if (pParPaddingRect) { fStart += pParPaddingRect->left.GetValue(); fLineWidth -= pParPaddingRect->right.GetValue(); } } CFX_CSSRect pNewRect; pNewRect.left.Set(CFX_CSSLengthUnit::Point, fStart); pNewRect.right.Set(CFX_CSSLengthUnit::Point, pRect->right.GetValue()); pNewRect.top.Set(CFX_CSSLengthUnit::Point, pRect->top.GetValue()); pNewRect.bottom.Set(CFX_CSSLengthUnit::Point, pRect->bottom.GetValue()); pStyle->SetMarginWidth(pNewRect); } } m_pBreak->SetLineBoundary(fStart, fLineWidth); float fIndent = pStyle->GetTextIndent().GetValue(); if (fIndent > 0) fStart += fIndent; m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart); m_pBreak->SetTabWidth(m_textParser.GetTabInterval(pStyle)); if (!m_pTabstopContext) m_pTabstopContext = pdfium::MakeUnique(); m_textParser.GetTabstops(pStyle, m_pTabstopContext.get()); for (const auto& stop : m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops) m_pBreak->AddPositionedTab(stop.fTabstops); } float fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle); m_pBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize); m_pBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(fFontSize * 0.2f); m_pBreak->SetFont( m_textParser.GetFont(m_pDoc.Get(), m_pTextProvider, pStyle)); m_pBreak->SetHorizontalScale( m_textParser.GetHorScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle, pXMLNode)); m_pBreak->SetVerticalScale(m_textParser.GetVerScale(m_pTextProvider, pStyle)); m_pBreak->SetCharSpace(pStyle->GetLetterSpacing().GetValue()); } float CXFA_TextLayout::GetLayoutHeight() { if (!m_pLoader) return 0; if (m_pLoader->lineHeights.empty() && m_pLoader->fWidth > 0) { CFX_SizeF szMax(m_pLoader->fWidth, m_pLoader->fHeight); m_pLoader->bSaveLineHeight = true; m_pLoader->fLastPos = 0; CFX_SizeF szDef = CalcSize(szMax, szMax); m_pLoader->bSaveLineHeight = false; return szDef.height; } float fHeight = m_pLoader->fHeight; if (fHeight < 0.1f) { fHeight = 0; for (float value : m_pLoader->lineHeights) fHeight += value; } return fHeight; } float CXFA_TextLayout::StartLayout(float fWidth) { if (!m_pLoader) m_pLoader = pdfium::MakeUnique(); if (fWidth < 0 || (m_pLoader->fWidth > -1 && fabs(fWidth - m_pLoader->fWidth) > 0)) { m_pLoader->lineHeights.clear(); m_Blocks.clear(); Unload(); m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset = 0; } m_pLoader->fWidth = fWidth; if (fWidth >= 0) return fWidth; CFX_SizeF szMax; m_pLoader->bSaveLineHeight = true; m_pLoader->fLastPos = 0; CFX_SizeF szDef = CalcSize(szMax, szMax); m_pLoader->bSaveLineHeight = false; return szDef.width; } float CXFA_TextLayout::DoLayout(float fTextHeight) { if (!m_pLoader) return fTextHeight; UpdateLoaderHeight(fTextHeight); return fTextHeight; } float CXFA_TextLayout::DoSplitLayout(size_t szBlockIndex, float fCalcHeight, float fTextHeight) { if (!m_pLoader) return fCalcHeight; UpdateLoaderHeight(fTextHeight); if (fCalcHeight < 0) return fCalcHeight; m_bHasBlock = true; if (m_Blocks.empty() && m_pLoader->fHeight > 0) { float fHeight = fTextHeight - GetLayoutHeight(); if (fHeight > 0) { XFA_AttributeValue iAlign = m_textParser.GetVAlign(m_pTextProvider); if (iAlign == XFA_AttributeValue::Middle) fHeight /= 2.0f; else if (iAlign != XFA_AttributeValue::Bottom) fHeight = 0; m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset = fHeight; } } float fLinePos = m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset; size_t szLineIndex = 0; if (!m_Blocks.empty()) { if (szBlockIndex < m_Blocks.size()) szLineIndex = m_Blocks[szBlockIndex].szIndex; else szLineIndex = GetNextIndexFromLastBlockData(); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min(szBlockIndex, m_pLoader->blockHeights.size()); ++i) { fLinePos -= m_pLoader->blockHeights[i].fHeight; } } if (szLineIndex >= m_pLoader->lineHeights.size()) return fCalcHeight; if (m_pLoader->lineHeights[szLineIndex] - fCalcHeight > kHeightTolerance) return 0; for (size_t i = szLineIndex; i < m_pLoader->lineHeights.size(); ++i) { float fLineHeight = m_pLoader->lineHeights[i]; if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - fCalcHeight <= kHeightTolerance) { fLinePos += fLineHeight; continue; } if (szBlockIndex < m_Blocks.size()) m_Blocks[szBlockIndex] = {szLineIndex, i - szLineIndex}; else m_Blocks.push_back({szLineIndex, i - szLineIndex}); if (i != szLineIndex) return fLinePos; if (fCalcHeight > fLinePos) return fCalcHeight; if (szBlockIndex < m_pLoader->blockHeights.size() && m_pLoader->blockHeights[szBlockIndex].szBlockIndex == szBlockIndex) { m_pLoader->blockHeights[szBlockIndex].fHeight = fCalcHeight; } else { m_pLoader->blockHeights.push_back({szBlockIndex, fCalcHeight}); } return fCalcHeight; } return fCalcHeight; } size_t CXFA_TextLayout::CountBlocks() const { size_t szCount = m_Blocks.size(); return szCount > 0 ? szCount : 1; } size_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetNextIndexFromLastBlockData() const { return m_Blocks.back().szIndex + m_Blocks.back().szLength; } void CXFA_TextLayout::UpdateLoaderHeight(float fTextHeight) { m_pLoader->fHeight = fTextHeight; if (m_pLoader->fHeight < 0) m_pLoader->fHeight = GetLayoutHeight(); } CFX_SizeF CXFA_TextLayout::CalcSize(const CFX_SizeF& minSize, const CFX_SizeF& maxSize) { float width = maxSize.width; if (width < 1) width = 0xFFFF; m_pBreak = CreateBreak(false); float fLinePos = 0; m_iLines = 0; m_fMaxWidth = 0; Loader(width, &fLinePos, false); if (fLinePos < 0.1f) fLinePos = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, nullptr); m_pTabstopContext.reset(); return CFX_SizeF(m_fMaxWidth, fLinePos); } float CXFA_TextLayout::Layout(const CFX_SizeF& size) { if (size.width < 1) return 0.f; Unload(); m_pBreak = CreateBreak(true); if (m_pLoader) { m_pLoader->iTotalLines = -1; m_pLoader->iChar = 0; } m_iLines = 0; float fLinePos = 0; Loader(size.width, &fLinePos, true); UpdateAlign(size.height, fLinePos); m_pTabstopContext.reset(); return fLinePos; } bool CXFA_TextLayout::LayoutInternal(size_t szBlockIndex) { ASSERT(szBlockIndex < CountBlocks()); if (!m_pLoader || m_pLoader->fWidth < 1) return false; m_pLoader->iTotalLines = -1; m_iLines = 0; float fLinePos = 0; CXFA_Node* pNode = nullptr; CFX_SizeF szText(m_pLoader->fWidth, m_pLoader->fHeight); if (szBlockIndex < m_pLoader->blockHeights.size()) return true; if (szBlockIndex == m_pLoader->blockHeights.size()) { Unload(); m_pBreak = CreateBreak(true); fLinePos = m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_pLoader->blockHeights.size(); ++i) fLinePos -= m_pLoader->blockHeights[i].fHeight; m_pLoader->iChar = 0; if (!m_Blocks.empty()) m_pLoader->iTotalLines = m_Blocks[szBlockIndex].szLength; Loader(szText.width, &fLinePos, true); if (m_Blocks.empty() && m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset < 0.1f) UpdateAlign(szText.height, fLinePos); } else if (m_pTextDataNode) { if (!m_Blocks.empty() && szBlockIndex < m_Blocks.size() - 1) m_pLoader->iTotalLines = m_Blocks[szBlockIndex].szLength; m_pBreak->Reset(); if (m_bRichText) { CFX_XMLNode* pContainerNode = GetXMLContainerNode(); if (!pContainerNode) return true; const CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode = m_pLoader->pXMLNode.Get(); if (!pXMLNode) return true; const CFX_XMLNode* pSaveXMLNode = pXMLNode; for (; pXMLNode; pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNextSibling()) { if (!LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText.width, &fLinePos, m_pLoader->pParentStyle, true, nullptr, true, false, 0)) { break; } } while (!pXMLNode) { pXMLNode = pSaveXMLNode->GetParent(); if (pXMLNode == pContainerNode) break; if (!LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText.width, &fLinePos, m_pLoader->pParentStyle, true, nullptr, false, false, 0)) { break; } pSaveXMLNode = pXMLNode; pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNextSibling(); if (!pXMLNode) continue; for (; pXMLNode; pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNextSibling()) { if (!LoadRichText(pXMLNode, szText.width, &fLinePos, m_pLoader->pParentStyle, true, nullptr, true, false, 0)) { break; } } } } else { pNode = m_pLoader->pNode.Get(); if (!pNode) return true; LoadText(pNode, szText.width, &fLinePos, true); } } if (szBlockIndex == m_Blocks.size()) { m_pTabstopContext.reset(); m_pLoader.reset(); } return true; } void CXFA_TextLayout::ItemBlocks(const CFX_RectF& rtText, size_t szBlockIndex) { if (!m_pLoader) return; if (m_pLoader->lineHeights.empty()) return; float fLinePos = m_pLoader->fStartLineOffset; size_t szLineIndex = 0; if (szBlockIndex > 0) { if (szBlockIndex <= m_pLoader->blockHeights.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < szBlockIndex; ++i) fLinePos -= m_pLoader->blockHeights[i].fHeight; } else { fLinePos = 0; } szLineIndex = GetNextIndexFromLastBlockData(); } size_t i; for (i = szLineIndex; i < m_pLoader->lineHeights.size(); ++i) { float fLineHeight = m_pLoader->lineHeights[i]; if (fLinePos + fLineHeight - rtText.height > kHeightTolerance) { m_Blocks.push_back({szLineIndex, i - szLineIndex}); return; } fLinePos += fLineHeight; } if (i > szLineIndex) m_Blocks.push_back({szLineIndex, i - szLineIndex}); } bool CXFA_TextLayout::DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice* pFxDevice, const CFX_Matrix& mtDoc2Device, const CFX_RectF& rtClip, size_t szBlockIndex) { if (!pFxDevice) return false; pFxDevice->SaveState(); pFxDevice->SetClip_Rect(rtClip.GetOuterRect()); if (m_pieceLines.empty()) { size_t szBlockCount = CountBlocks(); for (size_t i = 0; i < szBlockCount; ++i) LayoutInternal(i); } std::vector char_pos(1); size_t szLineStart = 0; size_t szPieceLines = m_pieceLines.size(); if (!m_Blocks.empty()) { if (szBlockIndex < m_Blocks.size()) { szLineStart = m_Blocks[szBlockIndex].szIndex; szPieceLines = m_Blocks[szBlockIndex].szLength; } else { szPieceLines = 0; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < szPieceLines; ++i) { if (i + szLineStart >= m_pieceLines.size()) break; CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = m_pieceLines[i + szLineStart].get(); for (size_t j = 0; j < pPieceLine->m_textPieces.size(); ++j) { const CXFA_TextPiece* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[j].get(); int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars; if (pdfium::CollectionSize(char_pos) < iChars) char_pos.resize(iChars); RenderString(pFxDevice, pPieceLine, j, &char_pos, mtDoc2Device); } for (size_t j = 0; j < pPieceLine->m_textPieces.size(); ++j) RenderPath(pFxDevice, pPieceLine, j, &char_pos, mtDoc2Device); } pFxDevice->RestoreState(false); return szPieceLines > 0; } void CXFA_TextLayout::UpdateAlign(float fHeight, float fBottom) { fHeight -= fBottom; if (fHeight < 0.1f) return; switch (m_textParser.GetVAlign(m_pTextProvider)) { case XFA_AttributeValue::Middle: fHeight /= 2.0f; break; case XFA_AttributeValue::Bottom: break; default: return; } for (const auto& pPieceLine : m_pieceLines) { for (const auto& pPiece : pPieceLine->m_textPieces) pPiece->rtPiece.top += fHeight; } } void CXFA_TextLayout::Loader(float textWidth, float* pLinePos, bool bSavePieces) { GetTextDataNode(); if (!m_pTextDataNode) return; if (!m_bRichText) { LoadText(m_pTextDataNode, textWidth, pLinePos, bSavePieces); return; } const CFX_XMLNode* pXMLContainer = GetXMLContainerNode(); if (!pXMLContainer) return; if (!m_textParser.IsParsed()) m_textParser.DoParse(pXMLContainer, m_pTextProvider); auto pRootStyle = m_textParser.CreateRootStyle(m_pTextProvider); LoadRichText(pXMLContainer, textWidth, pLinePos, pRootStyle, bSavePieces, nullptr, true, false, 0); } void CXFA_TextLayout::LoadText(CXFA_Node* pNode, float textWidth, float* pLinePos, bool bSavePieces) { InitBreak(textWidth); CXFA_Para* para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaIfExists(); float fSpaceAbove = 0; if (para) { fSpaceAbove = para->GetSpaceAbove(); if (fSpaceAbove < 0.1f) fSpaceAbove = 0; switch (para->GetVerticalAlign()) { case XFA_AttributeValue::Top: case XFA_AttributeValue::Middle: case XFA_AttributeValue::Bottom: { *pLinePos += fSpaceAbove; break; } default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } WideString wsText = pNode->JSObject()->GetContent(false); wsText.TrimRight(L" "); bool bRet = AppendChar(wsText, pLinePos, fSpaceAbove, bSavePieces); if (bRet && m_pLoader) m_pLoader->pNode = pNode; else EndBreak(CFX_BreakType::Paragraph, pLinePos, bSavePieces); } bool CXFA_TextLayout::LoadRichText( const CFX_XMLNode* pXMLNode, float textWidth, float* pLinePos, const RetainPtr& pParentStyle, bool bSavePieces, RetainPtr pLinkData, bool bEndBreak, bool bIsOl, int32_t iLiCount) { if (!pXMLNode) return false; CXFA_TextParseContext* pContext = m_textParser.GetParseContextFromMap(pXMLNode); CFX_CSSDisplay eDisplay = CFX_CSSDisplay::None; bool bContentNode = false; float fSpaceBelow = 0; RetainPtr pStyle; WideString wsName; if (bEndBreak) { bool bCurOl = false; bool bCurLi = false; const CFX_XMLElement* pElement = nullptr; if (pContext) { if (m_bBlockContinue || (m_pLoader && pXMLNode == m_pLoader->pXMLNode)) { m_bBlockContinue = true; } if (pXMLNode->GetType() == CFX_XMLNode::Type::kText) { bContentNode = true; } else if (pXMLNode->GetType() == CFX_XMLNode::Type::kElement) { pElement = static_cast(pXMLNode); wsName = pElement->GetLocalTagName(); } if (wsName.EqualsASCII("ol")) { bIsOl = true; bCurOl = true; } if (m_bBlockContinue || !bContentNode) { eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay(); if (eDisplay != CFX_CSSDisplay::Block && eDisplay != CFX_CSSDisplay::Inline && eDisplay != CFX_CSSDisplay::ListItem) { return true; } pStyle = m_textParser.ComputeStyle(pXMLNode, pParentStyle.Get()); InitBreak(bContentNode ? pParentStyle.Get() : pStyle.Get(), eDisplay, textWidth, pXMLNode, pParentStyle.Get()); if ((eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::Block || eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::ListItem) && pStyle && (wsName.IsEmpty() || !(wsName.EqualsASCII("body") || wsName.EqualsASCII("html") || wsName.EqualsASCII("ol") || wsName.EqualsASCII("ul")))) { const CFX_CSSRect* pRect = pStyle->GetMarginWidth(); if (pRect) { *pLinePos += pRect->top.GetValue(); fSpaceBelow = pRect->bottom.GetValue(); } } if (wsName.EqualsASCII("a")) { WideString wsLinkContent = pElement->GetAttribute(L"href"); if (!wsLinkContent.IsEmpty()) pLinkData = pdfium::MakeRetain(wsLinkContent); } int32_t iTabCount = m_textParser.CountTabs( bContentNode ? pParentStyle.Get() : pStyle.Get()); bool bSpaceRun = m_textParser.IsSpaceRun( bContentNode ? pParentStyle.Get() : pStyle.Get()); WideString wsText; if (bContentNode && iTabCount == 0) { wsText = ToXMLText(pXMLNode)->GetText(); } else if (wsName.EqualsASCII("br")) { wsText = L'\n'; } else if (wsName.EqualsASCII("li")) { bCurLi = true; if (bIsOl) wsText = WideString::Format(L"%d. ", iLiCount); else wsText = 0x00B7 + WideStringView(L" ", 1); } else if (!bContentNode) { if (iTabCount > 0) { while (iTabCount-- > 0) wsText += L'\t'; } else { Optional obj = m_textParser.GetEmbeddedObj(m_pTextProvider, pXMLNode); if (obj) wsText = *obj; } } int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength(); if (iLength > 0 && bContentNode && !bSpaceRun) ProcessText(&wsText); if (m_pLoader) { if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 && m_pLoader->bFilterSpace) { wsText.TrimLeft(L" "); } if (CFX_CSSDisplay::Block == eDisplay) { m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = true; } else if (CFX_CSSDisplay::Inline == eDisplay && m_pLoader->bFilterSpace) { m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = false; } else if (wsText.GetLength() > 0 && wsText.Back() == 0x20) { m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = true; } else if (wsText.GetLength() != 0) { m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = false; } } if (wsText.GetLength() > 0) { if (!m_pLoader || m_pLoader->iChar == 0) { auto pUserData = pdfium::MakeRetain( bContentNode ? pParentStyle : pStyle, pLinkData); m_pBreak->SetUserData(pUserData); } if (AppendChar(wsText, pLinePos, 0, bSavePieces)) { if (m_pLoader) m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = false; if (!IsEnd(bSavePieces)) return true; if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->iTotalLines > -1) { m_pLoader->pXMLNode = pXMLNode; m_pLoader->pParentStyle = pParentStyle; } return false; } } } } for (CFX_XMLNode* pChildNode = pXMLNode->GetFirstChild(); pChildNode; pChildNode = pChildNode->GetNextSibling()) { if (bCurOl) iLiCount++; if (!LoadRichText(pChildNode, textWidth, pLinePos, pContext ? pStyle : pParentStyle, bSavePieces, pLinkData, true, bIsOl, iLiCount)) return false; } if (m_pLoader) { if (CFX_CSSDisplay::Block == eDisplay) m_pLoader->bFilterSpace = true; } if (bCurLi) EndBreak(CFX_BreakType::Line, pLinePos, bSavePieces); } else { if (pContext) eDisplay = pContext->GetDisplay(); } if (m_bBlockContinue) { if (pContext && !bContentNode) { CFX_BreakType dwStatus = (eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::Block) ? CFX_BreakType::Paragraph : CFX_BreakType::Piece; EndBreak(dwStatus, pLinePos, bSavePieces); if (eDisplay == CFX_CSSDisplay::Block) { *pLinePos += fSpaceBelow; if (m_pTabstopContext) m_pTabstopContext->RemoveAll(); } if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) { if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->iTotalLines > -1) { m_pLoader->pXMLNode = pXMLNode->GetNextSibling(); m_pLoader->pParentStyle = pParentStyle; } return false; } } } return true; } bool CXFA_TextLayout::AppendChar(const WideString& wsText, float* pLinePos, float fSpaceAbove, bool bSavePieces) { CFX_BreakType dwStatus = CFX_BreakType::None; int32_t iChar = 0; if (m_pLoader) iChar = m_pLoader->iChar; int32_t iLength = wsText.GetLength(); for (int32_t i = iChar; i < iLength; i++) { wchar_t wch = wsText[i]; if (wch == 0xA0) wch = 0x20; dwStatus = m_pBreak->AppendChar(wch); if (dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::None && dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::Piece) { AppendTextLine(dwStatus, pLinePos, bSavePieces, false); if (IsEnd(bSavePieces)) { if (m_pLoader) m_pLoader->iChar = i; return true; } if (dwStatus == CFX_BreakType::Paragraph && m_bRichText) *pLinePos += fSpaceAbove; } } if (m_pLoader) m_pLoader->iChar = 0; return false; } bool CXFA_TextLayout::IsEnd(bool bSavePieces) { if (!bSavePieces) return false; if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->iTotalLines > 0) return m_iLines >= m_pLoader->iTotalLines; return false; } void CXFA_TextLayout::EndBreak(CFX_BreakType dwStatus, float* pLinePos, bool bSavePieces) { dwStatus = m_pBreak->EndBreak(dwStatus); if (dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::None && dwStatus != CFX_BreakType::Piece) AppendTextLine(dwStatus, pLinePos, bSavePieces, true); } void CXFA_TextLayout::DoTabstops(CFX_CSSComputedStyle* pStyle, CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine) { if (!pStyle || !pPieceLine) return; if (!m_pTabstopContext || m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops.empty()) return; int32_t iPieces = pdfium::CollectionSize(pPieceLine->m_textPieces); if (iPieces == 0) return; CXFA_TextPiece* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[iPieces - 1].get(); int32_t& iTabstopsIndex = m_pTabstopContext->m_iTabIndex; int32_t iCount = m_textParser.CountTabs(pStyle); if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops, iTabstopsIndex)) return; if (iCount > 0) { iTabstopsIndex++; m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = true; float fRight = 0; if (iPieces > 1) { CXFA_TextPiece* p = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[iPieces - 2].get(); fRight = p->rtPiece.right(); } m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth = pPiece->rtPiece.width + pPiece->rtPiece.left - fRight; } else if (iTabstopsIndex > -1) { float fLeft = 0; if (m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops) { uint32_t dwAlign = m_pTabstopContext->m_tabstops[iTabstopsIndex].dwAlign; if (dwAlign == FX_HashCode_GetW(L"center", false)) { fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width / 2.0f; } else if (dwAlign == FX_HashCode_GetW(L"right", false) || dwAlign == FX_HashCode_GetW(L"before", false)) { fLeft = pPiece->rtPiece.width; } else if (dwAlign == FX_HashCode_GetW(L"decimal", false)) { int32_t iChars = pPiece->iChars; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iChars; i++) { if (pPiece->szText[i] == L'.') break; fLeft += pPiece->Widths[i] / 20000.0f; } } m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft = std::min(fLeft, m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth); m_pTabstopContext->m_bTabstops = false; m_pTabstopContext->m_fTabWidth = 0; } pPiece->rtPiece.left -= m_pTabstopContext->m_fLeft; } } void CXFA_TextLayout::AppendTextLine(CFX_BreakType dwStatus, float* pLinePos, bool bSavePieces, bool bEndBreak) { int32_t iPieces = m_pBreak->CountBreakPieces(); if (iPieces < 1) return; RetainPtr pStyle; if (bSavePieces) { auto pNew = pdfium::MakeUnique(); CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine = pNew.get(); m_pieceLines.push_back(std::move(pNew)); if (m_pTabstopContext) m_pTabstopContext->Reset(); float fLineStep = 0, fBaseLine = 0; int32_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) { const CFX_BreakPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPieceUnstable(i); CFX_TextUserData* pUserData = pPiece->m_pUserData.Get(); if (pUserData) pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle; float fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f; auto pTP = pdfium::MakeUnique(); pTP->iChars = pPiece->m_iChars; pTP->szText = pPiece->GetString(); pTP->Widths = pPiece->GetWidths(); pTP->iBidiLevel = pPiece->m_iBidiLevel; pTP->iHorScale = pPiece->m_iHorizontalScale; pTP->iVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale; m_textParser.GetUnderline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get(), pTP->iUnderline, pTP->iPeriod); m_textParser.GetLinethrough(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get(), pTP->iLineThrough); pTP->dwColor = m_textParser.GetColor(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get()); pTP->pFont = m_textParser.GetFont(m_pDoc.Get(), m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get()); pTP->fFontSize = m_textParser.GetFontSize(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get()); pTP->rtPiece.left = pPiece->m_iStartPos / 20000.0f; pTP->rtPiece.width = pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f; pTP->rtPiece.height = static_cast(pPiece->m_iFontSize) * fVerScale / 20.0f; float fBaseLineTemp = m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get()); pTP->rtPiece.top = fBaseLineTemp; float fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight( m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get(), m_iLines == 0, fVerScale); if (fBaseLineTemp > 0) { float fLineHeightTmp = fBaseLineTemp + pTP->rtPiece.height; if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp; } fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight); pTP->pLinkData = pUserData ? pUserData->m_pLinkData : nullptr; pPieceLine->m_textPieces.push_back(std::move(pTP)); DoTabstops(pStyle.Get(), pPieceLine); } for (const auto& pTP : pPieceLine->m_textPieces) { float& fTop = pTP->rtPiece.top; float fBaseLineTemp = fTop; fTop = *pLinePos + fLineStep - pTP->rtPiece.height - fBaseLineTemp; fTop = std::max(0.0f, fTop); } *pLinePos += fLineStep + fBaseLine; } else { float fLineStep = 0; float fLineWidth = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < iPieces; i++) { const CFX_BreakPiece* pPiece = m_pBreak->GetBreakPieceUnstable(i); CFX_TextUserData* pUserData = pPiece->m_pUserData.Get(); if (pUserData) pStyle = pUserData->m_pStyle; float fVerScale = pPiece->m_iVerticalScale / 100.0f; float fBaseLine = m_textParser.GetBaseline(m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get()); float fLineHeight = m_textParser.GetLineHeight( m_pTextProvider, pStyle.Get(), m_iLines == 0, fVerScale); if (fBaseLine > 0) { float fLineHeightTmp = fBaseLine + static_cast(pPiece->m_iFontSize) * fVerScale / 20.0f; if (fLineHeight < fLineHeightTmp) { fLineHeight = fLineHeightTmp; } } fLineStep = std::max(fLineStep, fLineHeight); fLineWidth += pPiece->m_iWidth / 20000.0f; } *pLinePos += fLineStep; m_fMaxWidth = std::max(m_fMaxWidth, fLineWidth); if (m_pLoader && m_pLoader->bSaveLineHeight) { float fHeight = *pLinePos - m_pLoader->fLastPos; m_pLoader->fLastPos = *pLinePos; m_pLoader->lineHeights.push_back(fHeight); } } m_pBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); if (dwStatus == CFX_BreakType::Paragraph) { m_pBreak->Reset(); if (!pStyle && bEndBreak) { CXFA_Para* para = m_pTextProvider->GetParaIfExists(); if (para) { float fStartPos = para->GetMarginLeft(); float fIndent = para->GetTextIndent(); if (fIndent > 0) fStartPos += fIndent; float fSpaceBelow = para->GetSpaceBelow(); if (fSpaceBelow < 0.1f) fSpaceBelow = 0; m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStartPos); *pLinePos += fSpaceBelow; } } } if (pStyle) { float fStart = 0; const CFX_CSSRect* pRect = pStyle->GetMarginWidth(); if (pRect) fStart = pRect->left.GetValue(); float fTextIndent = pStyle->GetTextIndent().GetValue(); if (fTextIndent < 0) fStart -= fTextIndent; m_pBreak->SetLineStartPos(fStart); } m_iLines++; } void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderString(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine, size_t szPiece, std::vector* pCharPos, const CFX_Matrix& mtDoc2Device) { const CXFA_TextPiece* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[szPiece].get(); size_t szCount = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos); if (szCount > 0) { auto span = pdfium::make_span(pCharPos->data(), szCount); CFDE_TextOut::DrawString(pDevice, pPiece->dwColor, pPiece->pFont, span, pPiece->fFontSize, mtDoc2Device); } pPieceLine->m_charCounts.push_back(szCount); } void CXFA_TextLayout::RenderPath(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CXFA_PieceLine* pPieceLine, size_t szPiece, std::vector* pCharPos, const CFX_Matrix& mtDoc2Device) { CXFA_TextPiece* pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[szPiece].get(); bool bNoUnderline = pPiece->iUnderline < 1 || pPiece->iUnderline > 2; bool bNoLineThrough = pPiece->iLineThrough < 1 || pPiece->iLineThrough > 2; if (bNoUnderline && bNoLineThrough) return; CFX_PathData path; size_t szChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos); if (szChars > 0) { CFX_PointF pt1; CFX_PointF pt2; float fEndY = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.y + 1.05f; if (pPiece->iPeriod == XFA_AttributeValue::Word) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < szChars; j++) { pt1.x = (*pCharPos)[j].m_Origin.x; pt2.x = pt1.x + (*pCharPos)[j].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f; pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY; path.AppendLine(pt1, pt2); } fEndY += 2.0f; } } else { pt1.x = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.x; pt2.x = (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_Origin.x + (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) { pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY; path.AppendLine(pt1, pt2); fEndY += 2.0f; } } fEndY = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.y - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f; pt1.x = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.x; pt2.x = (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_Origin.x + (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) { pt1.y = pt2.y = fEndY; path.AppendLine(pt1, pt2); fEndY += 2.0f; } } else { if (bNoLineThrough && (bNoUnderline || pPiece->iPeriod != XFA_AttributeValue::All)) { return; } bool bHasCount = false; size_t szPiecePrev = szPiece; size_t szPieceNext = szPiece; while (szPiecePrev > 0) { szPiecePrev--; if (pPieceLine->m_charCounts[szPiecePrev] > 0) { bHasCount = true; break; } } if (!bHasCount) return; bHasCount = false; while (szPieceNext < pPieceLine->m_textPieces.size() - 1) { szPieceNext++; if (pPieceLine->m_charCounts[szPieceNext] > 0) { bHasCount = true; break; } } if (!bHasCount) return; float fOrgX = 0.0f; float fEndX = 0.0f; pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[szPiecePrev].get(); szChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos); if (szChars < 1) return; fOrgX = (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_Origin.x + (*pCharPos)[szChars - 1].m_FontCharWidth * pPiece->fFontSize / 1000.0f; pPiece = pPieceLine->m_textPieces[szPieceNext].get(); szChars = GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos); if (szChars < 1) return; fEndX = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.x; CFX_PointF pt1; CFX_PointF pt2; pt1.x = fOrgX; pt2.x = fEndX; float fEndY = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.y + 1.05f; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iUnderline; i++) { pt1.y = fEndY; pt2.y = fEndY; path.AppendLine(pt1, pt2); fEndY += 2.0f; } fEndY = (*pCharPos)[0].m_Origin.y - pPiece->rtPiece.height * 0.25f; for (int32_t i = 0; i < pPiece->iLineThrough; i++) { pt1.y = fEndY; pt2.y = fEndY; path.AppendLine(pt1, pt2); fEndY += 2.0f; } } CFX_GraphStateData graphState; graphState.m_LineCap = CFX_GraphStateData::LineCapButt; graphState.m_LineJoin = CFX_GraphStateData::LineJoinMiter; graphState.m_LineWidth = 1; graphState.m_MiterLimit = 10; graphState.m_DashPhase = 0; pDevice->DrawPath(&path, &mtDoc2Device, &graphState, 0, pPiece->dwColor, 0); } size_t CXFA_TextLayout::GetDisplayPos(const CXFA_TextPiece* pPiece, std::vector* pCharPos) { if (!pPiece || pPiece->iChars < 1) return 0; return m_pBreak->GetDisplayPos(pPiece, pCharPos); }