// Copyright 2020 The Pigweed Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not // use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of // the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT // WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the // License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under // the License. #include "pw_hex_dump/hex_dump.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "pw_log/log.h" namespace pw::dump { namespace { std::array source_data = { std::byte(0xa4), std::byte(0xcc), std::byte(0x32), std::byte(0x62), std::byte(0x9b), std::byte(0x46), std::byte(0x38), std::byte(0x1a), std::byte(0x23), std::byte(0x1a), std::byte(0x2a), std::byte(0x7a), std::byte(0xbc), std::byte(0xe2), std::byte(0x40), std::byte(0xa0), std::byte(0xff), std::byte(0x33), std::byte(0xe5), std::byte(0x2b), std::byte(0x9e), std::byte(0x9f), std::byte(0x6b), std::byte(0x3c), std::byte(0xbe), std::byte(0x9b), std::byte(0x89), std::byte(0x3c), std::byte(0x7e), std::byte(0x4a), std::byte(0x7a), std::byte(0x48), std::byte(0x18)}; std::array short_string = { std::byte('m'), std::byte('y'), std::byte(' '), std::byte('t'), std::byte('e'), std::byte('s'), std::byte('t'), std::byte(' '), std::byte('s'), std::byte('t'), std::byte('r'), std::byte('i'), std::byte('n'), std::byte('g'), std::byte('\n'), }; class HexDump : public ::testing::Test { protected: HexDump() { dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); } // Sufficiently large destination buffer to hold line-by-line formatted hex // dump. std::array dest_ = {0}; FormattedHexDumper dumper_; FormattedHexDumper::Flags default_flags_ = { .bytes_per_line = 16, .group_every = 1, .show_ascii = false, .show_header = false, .prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kDisabled}; }; class SmallBuffer : public ::testing::Test { protected: SmallBuffer() { // Disable address prefix for most of the tests as it's platform-specific. dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); } // Small destination buffer that should be inadequate in some cases. std::array dest_ = {0}; FormattedHexDumper dumper_; FormattedHexDumper::Flags default_flags_ = { .bytes_per_line = 16, .group_every = 1, .show_ascii = false, .show_header = false, .prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kDisabled}; }; // On platforms where uintptr_t is 32-bit this evaluates to a 10-byte string // where hex_string is prefixed with "0x". On 64-bit targets, this expands to // an 18-byte string with the significant bytes are zero padded. #define EXPECTED_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES(hex_string) \ sizeof(uintptr_t) == sizeof(uint64_t) ? "0x00000000" hex_string \ : "0x" hex_string TEST_F(HexDump, DumpAddr_ZeroSizeT) { constexpr const char* expected = EXPECTED_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES("00000000"); size_t zero = 0; EXPECT_EQ(DumpAddr(dest_, zero), OkStatus()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, DumpAddr_NonzeroSizeT) { constexpr const char* expected = EXPECTED_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES("deadbeef"); size_t nonzero = 0xDEADBEEF; EXPECT_TRUE(DumpAddr(dest_, nonzero).ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, DumpAddr_ZeroPtr) { constexpr const char* expected = EXPECTED_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES("00000000"); uintptr_t zero = 0; EXPECT_TRUE(DumpAddr(dest_, reinterpret_cast(zero)).ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, DumpAddr_NonzeroPtr) { constexpr const char* expected = EXPECTED_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES("deadbeef"); uintptr_t nonzero = 0xDEADBEEF; EXPECT_TRUE(DumpAddr(dest_, reinterpret_cast(nonzero)).ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_Defaults) { constexpr const char* expected = "a4 cc 32 62 9b 46 38 1a 23 1a 2a 7a bc e2 40 a0 ..2b.F8.#.*z..@."; default_flags_.show_ascii = true; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_DefaultHeader) { constexpr const char* expected = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f"; default_flags_.show_header = true; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_DumpEntireBuffer) { constexpr size_t kTestBytesPerLine = 8; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = kTestBytesPerLine; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); for (size_t i = 0; i < source_data.size(); i += kTestBytesPerLine) { EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); } EXPECT_EQ(dumper_.DumpLine(), Status::ResourceExhausted()); } // This test is provided for convenience of debugging, as it actually logs the // dump. TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_LogDump) { default_flags_.show_ascii = true; default_flags_.show_header = true; default_flags_.prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kOffset; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); // Dump data. while (dumper_.DumpLine().ok()) { PW_LOG_INFO("%s", dest_.data()); } EXPECT_EQ(dumper_.DumpLine(), Status::ResourceExhausted()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_NoSpaces) { constexpr const char* expected = "a4cc32629b46381a231a2a7abce240a0"; default_flags_.group_every = 0; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_SetGroupEveryByte) { constexpr const char* expected = "a4 cc 32 62 9b 46 38 1a 23 1a 2a 7a bc e2 40 a0"; default_flags_.group_every = 1; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_SetGroupEveryThreeBytes) { constexpr const char* expected = "a4cc32 629b46 381a23 1a2a7a bce240 a0"; default_flags_.group_every = 3; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_TwoLines) { constexpr const char* expected1 = "a4 cc 32 62 9b 46 38 1a"; constexpr const char* expected2 = "23 1a 2a 7a bc e2 40 a0"; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 8; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected1, dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected2, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_Ascii) { constexpr const char* expected1 = "6d 79 20 74 65 73 74 20 my test "; constexpr const char* expected2 = "73 74 72 69 6e 67 0a string."; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 8; default_flags_.show_ascii = true; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(short_string).ok()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected1, dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected2, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_AsciiHeader) { constexpr const char* expected0 = " 0 4 Text"; constexpr const char* expected1 = "6d792074 65737420 my test "; constexpr const char* expected2 = "73747269 6e670a string."; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 8; default_flags_.group_every = 4; default_flags_.show_ascii = true; default_flags_.show_header = true; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(short_string).ok()); // Dump header. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected0, dest_.data()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected1, dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected2, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_AsciiHeaderGroupEvery) { constexpr const char* expected0 = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Text"; constexpr const char* expected1 = "6d 79 20 74 65 73 74 20 my test "; constexpr const char* expected2 = "73 74 72 69 6e 67 0a string."; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 8; default_flags_.group_every = 1; default_flags_.show_ascii = true; default_flags_.show_header = true; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(short_string).ok()); // Dump header. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected0, dest_.data()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected1, dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected2, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_OffsetPrefix) { constexpr const char* expected1 = "0000"; constexpr const char* expected2 = "0010"; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 16; default_flags_.prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kOffset; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); // Truncate string to only contain the offset. dest_[strlen(expected1)] = '\0'; EXPECT_STREQ(expected1, dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); // Truncate string to only contain the offset. dest_[strlen(expected2)] = '\0'; EXPECT_STREQ(expected2, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(HexDump, FormattedHexDump_AbsolutePrefix) { constexpr size_t kTestBytesPerLine = 16; std::array expected1; std::array expected2; DumpAddr(expected1, source_data.data()); DumpAddr(expected2, source_data.data() + kTestBytesPerLine); default_flags_.bytes_per_line = kTestBytesPerLine; default_flags_.prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kAbsolute; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); // Dump first line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); // Truncate string to only contain the offset. dest_[kHexAddrStringSize] = '\0'; EXPECT_STREQ(expected1.data(), dest_.data()); // Dump second line. EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); // Truncate string to only contain the offset. dest_[kHexAddrStringSize] = '\0'; EXPECT_STREQ(expected2.data(), dest_.data()); } TEST_F(SmallBuffer, TinyHexDump) { constexpr const char* expected = "a4cc32"; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 3; default_flags_.group_every = 4; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data).ok()); EXPECT_TRUE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(SmallBuffer, TooManyBytesPerLine) { constexpr const char* expected = ""; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 13; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_EQ(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_FALSE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(SmallBuffer, SpacesIncreaseBufferRequirement) { constexpr const char* expected = ""; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 3; default_flags_.group_every = 1; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_EQ(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_FALSE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST_F(SmallBuffer, PrefixIncreasesBufferRequirement) { constexpr const char* expected = ""; default_flags_.bytes_per_line = 3; default_flags_.prefix_mode = FormattedHexDumper::AddressMode::kOffset; dumper_ = FormattedHexDumper(dest_, default_flags_); EXPECT_EQ(dumper_.BeginDump(source_data), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_FALSE(dumper_.DumpLine().ok()); EXPECT_STREQ(expected, dest_.data()); } TEST(BadBuffer, ZeroSize) { char buffer[1] = {static_cast(0xaf)}; FormattedHexDumper dumper(std::span(buffer, 0)); EXPECT_EQ(dumper.BeginDump(source_data), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_EQ(dumper.DumpLine(), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_EQ(buffer[0], static_cast(0xaf)); } TEST(BadBuffer, NullPtrDest) { FormattedHexDumper dumper; EXPECT_EQ(dumper.SetLineBuffer(std::span()), Status::InvalidArgument()); EXPECT_EQ(dumper.BeginDump(source_data), Status::FailedPrecondition()); EXPECT_EQ(dumper.DumpLine(), Status::FailedPrecondition()); } TEST(BadBuffer, NullPtrSrc) { char buffer[24] = {static_cast(0)}; FormattedHexDumper dumper(buffer); EXPECT_EQ(dumper.BeginDump(ByteSpan(nullptr, 64)), Status::InvalidArgument()); // Don't actually dump nullptr in this test as it could cause a crash. } } // namespace } // namespace pw::dump