build: false environment: matrix: - PYTHON_VERSION: 27 - PYTHON_VERSION: 33 - PYTHON_VERSION: 34 - PYTHON_VERSION: 35 - PYTHON_VERSION: 36 platform: - x64 - x86 matrix: fast_finish: true exclude: - platform: x86 PYTHON_VERSION: 33 - platform: x86 PYTHON_VERSION: 34 - platform: x86 PYTHON_VERSION: 35 install: # set env variables - set TOXENV=py%PYTHON_VERSION% - if %PLATFORM% == "X64" (set PYTHON_PATH=C:\Python%PYTHON_VERSION%-x64) ELSE (set PYTHON_PATH=C:\Python%PYTHON_VERSION%) # Add PostgreSQL (zic), Python and scripts directory to current path - set PATH=%PYTHON_PATH%;c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\;%PATH% - set PYTHON=%PYTHON_PATH%/python.exe - "%PYTHON% -c \"import sys; print(sys.executable, sys.version)\"" # This frequently fails with network errors, so we'll retry it up to 5 times # with a 1 minute rate limit. - "%PYTHON% -m pip install six" - "ci_tools/retry.bat %PYTHON%" # This environment variable tells the test suite it's OK to mess with the time zone. - set DATEUTIL_MAY_CHANGE_TZ=1 - C:\Python36\python -m pip install -U tox test_script: - C:\Python36\scripts\tox after_test: - C:\Python36\scripts\tox -e coverage,codecov