use std::fs; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::Once; pub fn setup() { static BUILD: Once = Once::new(); BUILD.call_once(|| { let status = Command::new("cargo") .arg("build") .status() .expect("failed to build"); assert!(status.success()); }); } pub fn contains_panic(name: &str, code: &str) -> bool { let tempdir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let prelude = stringify! { use no_panic::no_panic; }; let rs = tempdir.path().join(format!("{}.rs", name)); fs::write(&rs, format!("{}{}", prelude, code)).unwrap(); let status = Command::new("rustc") .arg("--crate-name") .arg(name) .arg(rs) .arg("--edition=2018") .arg("-C") .arg("opt-level=3") .arg("--emit=asm") .arg("--out-dir") .arg(tempdir.path()) .arg("--extern") .arg("no_panic=target/debug/") .status() .expect("failed to execute rustc"); assert!(status.success()); let asm = tempdir.path().join(format!("{}.s", name)); let asm = fs::read_to_string(asm).unwrap(); asm.contains("detected panic in function") } macro_rules! assert_no_panic { ($(mod $name:ident { $($content:tt)* })*) => { mod no_panic { use crate::compiletest; $( #[test] fn $name() { compiletest::setup(); let name = stringify!($name); let content = stringify!($($content)*); assert!(!compiletest::contains_panic(name, content)); } )* } }; } macro_rules! assert_link_error { ($(mod $name:ident { $($content:tt)* })*) => { mod link_error { use crate::compiletest; $( #[test] fn $name() { compiletest::setup(); let name = stringify!($name); let content = stringify!($($content)*); assert!(compiletest::contains_panic(name, content)); } )* } }; }