/* * Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "BpBinder" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#undef ALOGV //#define ALOGV(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) namespace android { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mutex BpBinder::sTrackingLock; std::unordered_map BpBinder::sTrackingMap; int BpBinder::sNumTrackedUids = 0; std::atomic_bool BpBinder::sCountByUidEnabled(false); binder_proxy_limit_callback BpBinder::sLimitCallback; bool BpBinder::sBinderProxyThrottleCreate = false; // Arbitrarily high value that probably distinguishes a bad behaving app uint32_t BpBinder::sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark = 2500; // Another arbitrary value a binder count needs to drop below before another callback will be called uint32_t BpBinder::sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark = 2000; enum { LIMIT_REACHED_MASK = 0x80000000, // A flag denoting that the limit has been reached COUNTING_VALUE_MASK = 0x7FFFFFFF, // A mask of the remaining bits for the count value }; BpBinder::ObjectManager::ObjectManager() { } BpBinder::ObjectManager::~ObjectManager() { kill(); } void BpBinder::ObjectManager::attach( const void* objectID, void* object, void* cleanupCookie, IBinder::object_cleanup_func func) { entry_t e; e.object = object; e.cleanupCookie = cleanupCookie; e.func = func; if (mObjects.indexOfKey(objectID) >= 0) { ALOGE("Trying to attach object ID %p to binder ObjectManager %p with object %p, but object ID already in use", objectID, this, object); return; } mObjects.add(objectID, e); } void* BpBinder::ObjectManager::find(const void* objectID) const { const ssize_t i = mObjects.indexOfKey(objectID); if (i < 0) return nullptr; return mObjects.valueAt(i).object; } void BpBinder::ObjectManager::detach(const void* objectID) { mObjects.removeItem(objectID); } void BpBinder::ObjectManager::kill() { const size_t N = mObjects.size(); ALOGV("Killing %zu objects in manager %p", N, this); for (size_t i=0; i BpBinder::create(int32_t handle) { int32_t trackedUid = -1; if (sCountByUidEnabled) { trackedUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid(); AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); uint32_t trackedValue = sTrackingMap[trackedUid]; if (CC_UNLIKELY(trackedValue & LIMIT_REACHED_MASK)) { if (sBinderProxyThrottleCreate) { return nullptr; } } else { if ((trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK) >= sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark) { ALOGE("Too many binder proxy objects sent to uid %d from uid %d (%d proxies held)", getuid(), trackedUid, trackedValue); sTrackingMap[trackedUid] |= LIMIT_REACHED_MASK; if (sLimitCallback) sLimitCallback(trackedUid); if (sBinderProxyThrottleCreate) { ALOGI("Throttling binder proxy creates from uid %d in uid %d until binder proxy" " count drops below %d", trackedUid, getuid(), sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark); return nullptr; } } } sTrackingMap[trackedUid]++; } return sp::make(BinderHandle{handle}, trackedUid); } sp BpBinder::create(const sp& session, const RpcAddress& address) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(session == nullptr, "BpBinder::create null session"); // These are not currently tracked, since there is no UID or other // identifier to track them with. However, if similar functionality is // needed, session objects keep track of all BpBinder objects on a // per-session basis. return sp::make(RpcHandle{session, address}); } BpBinder::BpBinder(Handle&& handle) : mStability(0), mHandle(handle), mAlive(true), mObitsSent(false), mObituaries(nullptr), mTrackedUid(-1) { extendObjectLifetime(OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK); } BpBinder::BpBinder(BinderHandle&& handle, int32_t trackedUid) : BpBinder(Handle(handle)) { mTrackedUid = trackedUid; ALOGV("Creating BpBinder %p handle %d\n", this, this->binderHandle()); IPCThreadState::self()->incWeakHandle(this->binderHandle(), this); } BpBinder::BpBinder(RpcHandle&& handle) : BpBinder(Handle(handle)) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(rpcSession() == nullptr, "BpBinder created w/o session object"); } bool BpBinder::isRpcBinder() const { return std::holds_alternative(mHandle); } const RpcAddress& BpBinder::rpcAddress() const { return std::get(mHandle).address; } const sp& BpBinder::rpcSession() const { return std::get(mHandle).session; } int32_t BpBinder::binderHandle() const { return std::get(mHandle).handle; } bool BpBinder::isDescriptorCached() const { Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); return mDescriptorCache.size() ? true : false; } const String16& BpBinder::getInterfaceDescriptor() const { if (isDescriptorCached() == false) { sp thiz = sp::fromExisting(const_cast(this)); Parcel data; data.markForBinder(thiz); Parcel reply; // do the IPC without a lock held. status_t err = thiz->transact(INTERFACE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); if (err == NO_ERROR) { String16 res(reply.readString16()); Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock); // mDescriptorCache could have been assigned while the lock was // released. if (mDescriptorCache.size() == 0) mDescriptorCache = res; } } // we're returning a reference to a non-static object here. Usually this // is not something smart to do, however, with binder objects it is // (usually) safe because they are reference-counted. return mDescriptorCache; } bool BpBinder::isBinderAlive() const { return mAlive != 0; } status_t BpBinder::pingBinder() { Parcel data; data.markForBinder(sp::fromExisting(this)); Parcel reply; return transact(PING_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); } status_t BpBinder::dump(int fd, const Vector& args) { Parcel send; Parcel reply; send.writeFileDescriptor(fd); const size_t numArgs = args.size(); send.writeInt32(numArgs); for (size_t i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) { send.writeString16(args[i]); } status_t err = transact(DUMP_TRANSACTION, send, &reply); return err; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) status_t BpBinder::transact( uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags) { // Once a binder has died, it will never come back to life. if (mAlive) { bool privateVendor = flags & FLAG_PRIVATE_VENDOR; // don't send userspace flags to the kernel flags = flags & ~FLAG_PRIVATE_VENDOR; // user transactions require a given stability level if (code >= FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION && code <= LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION) { using android::internal::Stability; auto category = Stability::getCategory(this); Stability::Level required = privateVendor ? Stability::VENDOR : Stability::getLocalLevel(); if (CC_UNLIKELY(!Stability::check(category, required))) { ALOGE("Cannot do a user transaction on a %s binder (%s) in a %s context.", category.debugString().c_str(), String8(getInterfaceDescriptor()).c_str(), Stability::levelString(required).c_str()); return BAD_TYPE; } } status_t status; if (CC_UNLIKELY(isRpcBinder())) { status = rpcSession()->transact(rpcAddress(), code, data, reply, flags); } else { status = IPCThreadState::self()->transact(binderHandle(), code, data, reply, flags); } if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) mAlive = 0; return status; } return DEAD_OBJECT; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) status_t BpBinder::linkToDeath( const sp& recipient, void* cookie, uint32_t flags) { if (isRpcBinder()) return UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION; Obituary ob; ob.recipient = recipient; ob.cookie = cookie; ob.flags = flags; LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(recipient == nullptr, "linkToDeath(): recipient must be non-NULL"); { AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (!mObitsSent) { if (!mObituaries) { mObituaries = new Vector; if (!mObituaries) { return NO_MEMORY; } ALOGV("Requesting death notification: %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); getWeakRefs()->incWeak(this); IPCThreadState* self = IPCThreadState::self(); self->requestDeathNotification(binderHandle(), this); self->flushCommands(); } ssize_t res = mObituaries->add(ob); return res >= (ssize_t)NO_ERROR ? (status_t)NO_ERROR : res; } } return DEAD_OBJECT; } // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments) status_t BpBinder::unlinkToDeath( const wp& recipient, void* cookie, uint32_t flags, wp* outRecipient) { if (isRpcBinder()) return UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION; AutoMutex _l(mLock); if (mObitsSent) { return DEAD_OBJECT; } const size_t N = mObituaries ? mObituaries->size() : 0; for (size_t i=0; iitemAt(i); if ((obit.recipient == recipient || (recipient == nullptr && obit.cookie == cookie)) && obit.flags == flags) { if (outRecipient != nullptr) { *outRecipient = mObituaries->itemAt(i).recipient; } mObituaries->removeAt(i); if (mObituaries->size() == 0) { ALOGV("Clearing death notification: %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); IPCThreadState* self = IPCThreadState::self(); self->clearDeathNotification(binderHandle(), this); self->flushCommands(); delete mObituaries; mObituaries = nullptr; } return NO_ERROR; } } return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } void BpBinder::sendObituary() { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(isRpcBinder(), "Cannot send obituary for remote binder."); ALOGV("Sending obituary for proxy %p handle %d, mObitsSent=%s\n", this, binderHandle(), mObitsSent ? "true" : "false"); mAlive = 0; if (mObitsSent) return; mLock.lock(); Vector* obits = mObituaries; if(obits != nullptr) { ALOGV("Clearing sent death notification: %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); IPCThreadState* self = IPCThreadState::self(); self->clearDeathNotification(binderHandle(), this); self->flushCommands(); mObituaries = nullptr; } mObitsSent = 1; mLock.unlock(); ALOGV("Reporting death of proxy %p for %zu recipients\n", this, obits ? obits->size() : 0U); if (obits != nullptr) { const size_t N = obits->size(); for (size_t i=0; iitemAt(i)); } delete obits; } } void BpBinder::reportOneDeath(const Obituary& obit) { sp recipient = obit.recipient.promote(); ALOGV("Reporting death to recipient: %p\n", recipient.get()); if (recipient == nullptr) return; recipient->binderDied(wp::fromExisting(this)); } void BpBinder::attachObject( const void* objectID, void* object, void* cleanupCookie, object_cleanup_func func) { AutoMutex _l(mLock); ALOGV("Attaching object %p to binder %p (manager=%p)", object, this, &mObjects); mObjects.attach(objectID, object, cleanupCookie, func); } void* BpBinder::findObject(const void* objectID) const { AutoMutex _l(mLock); return mObjects.find(objectID); } void BpBinder::detachObject(const void* objectID) { AutoMutex _l(mLock); mObjects.detach(objectID); } BpBinder* BpBinder::remoteBinder() { return this; } BpBinder::~BpBinder() { ALOGV("Destroying BpBinder %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); if (CC_UNLIKELY(isRpcBinder())) return; IPCThreadState* ipc = IPCThreadState::self(); if (mTrackedUid >= 0) { AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); uint32_t trackedValue = sTrackingMap[mTrackedUid]; if (CC_UNLIKELY((trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK) == 0)) { ALOGE("Unexpected Binder Proxy tracking decrement in %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); } else { if (CC_UNLIKELY( (trackedValue & LIMIT_REACHED_MASK) && ((trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK) <= sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark) )) { ALOGI("Limit reached bit reset for uid %d (fewer than %d proxies from uid %d held)", getuid(), mTrackedUid, sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark); sTrackingMap[mTrackedUid] &= ~LIMIT_REACHED_MASK; } if (--sTrackingMap[mTrackedUid] == 0) { sTrackingMap.erase(mTrackedUid); } } } if (ipc) { ipc->expungeHandle(binderHandle(), this); ipc->decWeakHandle(binderHandle()); } } void BpBinder::onFirstRef() { ALOGV("onFirstRef BpBinder %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); if (CC_UNLIKELY(isRpcBinder())) return; IPCThreadState* ipc = IPCThreadState::self(); if (ipc) ipc->incStrongHandle(binderHandle(), this); } void BpBinder::onLastStrongRef(const void* /*id*/) { ALOGV("onLastStrongRef BpBinder %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); if (CC_UNLIKELY(isRpcBinder())) { (void)rpcSession()->sendDecStrong(rpcAddress()); return; } IF_ALOGV() { printRefs(); } IPCThreadState* ipc = IPCThreadState::self(); if (ipc) ipc->decStrongHandle(binderHandle()); mLock.lock(); Vector* obits = mObituaries; if(obits != nullptr) { if (!obits->isEmpty()) { ALOGI("onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: %s", mDescriptorCache.size() ? String8(mDescriptorCache).c_str() : ""); } if (ipc) ipc->clearDeathNotification(binderHandle(), this); mObituaries = nullptr; } mLock.unlock(); if (obits != nullptr) { // XXX Should we tell any remaining DeathRecipient // objects that the last strong ref has gone away, so they // are no longer linked? delete obits; } } bool BpBinder::onIncStrongAttempted(uint32_t /*flags*/, const void* /*id*/) { // RPC binder doesn't currently support inc from weak binders if (CC_UNLIKELY(isRpcBinder())) return false; ALOGV("onIncStrongAttempted BpBinder %p handle %d\n", this, binderHandle()); IPCThreadState* ipc = IPCThreadState::self(); return ipc ? ipc->attemptIncStrongHandle(binderHandle()) == NO_ERROR : false; } uint32_t BpBinder::getBinderProxyCount(uint32_t uid) { AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); auto it = sTrackingMap.find(uid); if (it != sTrackingMap.end()) { return it->second & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK; } return 0; } void BpBinder::getCountByUid(Vector& uids, Vector& counts) { AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); uids.setCapacity(sTrackingMap.size()); counts.setCapacity(sTrackingMap.size()); for (const auto& it : sTrackingMap) { uids.push_back(it.first); counts.push_back(it.second & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK); } } void BpBinder::enableCountByUid() { sCountByUidEnabled.store(true); } void BpBinder::disableCountByUid() { sCountByUidEnabled.store(false); } void BpBinder::setCountByUidEnabled(bool enable) { sCountByUidEnabled.store(enable); } void BpBinder::setLimitCallback(binder_proxy_limit_callback cb) { AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); sLimitCallback = cb; } void BpBinder::setBinderProxyCountWatermarks(int high, int low) { AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock); sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark = high; sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark = low; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace android