/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define ATRACE_TAG (ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS | ATRACE_TAG_HAL) #define DEBUG 0 #include "QtiMapper4.h" #include #include #include #include #include "gr_utils.h" namespace vendor { namespace qti { namespace hardware { namespace display { namespace mapper { namespace V4_0 { namespace implementation { using gralloc::BufferInfo; using aidl::android::hardware::graphics::common::StandardMetadataType; QtiMapper::QtiMapper() { extensions_ = new QtiMapperExtensions(); buf_mgr_ = BufferManager::GetInstance(); ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Created QtiMapper instance"); } bool QtiMapper::ValidDescriptor(const BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0 &bd) { if (bd.width == 0 || bd.height == 0 || (static_cast(bd.format) <= 0) || bd.layerCount <= 0) { return false; } return true; } Error QtiMapper::CreateDescriptor(const BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0 &descriptor_info, IMapperBufferDescriptor *descriptor) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "BufferDescriptorInfo: name %s wxh: %dx%d usage: 0x%" PRIu64 " format: %d layer_count: %d", descriptor_info.name.c_str(), descriptor_info.width, descriptor_info.height, descriptor_info.usage, static_cast(descriptor_info.format), descriptor_info.layerCount); if (ValidDescriptor(descriptor_info)) { auto vec = Encode(descriptor_info); *descriptor = vec; return Error::NONE; } else { return Error::BAD_VALUE; } } // Methods from ::android::hardware::graphics::mapper::V2_0::IMapper follow. Return QtiMapper::createDescriptor(const BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0 &descriptor_info, createDescriptor_cb hidl_cb) { IMapperBufferDescriptor descriptor; auto info_4_0 = BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0{descriptor_info.name, descriptor_info.width, descriptor_info.height, descriptor_info.layerCount, static_cast(descriptor_info.format), descriptor_info.usage, descriptor_info.reservedSize}; auto err = CreateDescriptor(info_4_0, &descriptor); hidl_cb(err, descriptor); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::importBuffer(const hidl_handle &raw_handle, importBuffer_cb hidl_cb) { if (!raw_handle.getNativeHandle()) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to import handle", __FUNCTION__); hidl_cb(Error::BAD_BUFFER, nullptr); return Void(); } native_handle_t *buffer_handle = native_handle_clone(raw_handle.getNativeHandle()); if (!buffer_handle) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to clone handle", __FUNCTION__); hidl_cb(Error::NO_RESOURCES, nullptr); return Void(); } auto error = static_cast(buf_mgr_->RetainBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer_handle))); if (error != Error::NONE) { ALOGE("%s: Unable to retain handle: %p", __FUNCTION__, buffer_handle); native_handle_close(buffer_handle); native_handle_delete(buffer_handle); hidl_cb(error, nullptr); return Void(); } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Imported handle: %p id: %" PRIu64, buffer_handle, PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer_handle)->id); hidl_cb(Error::NONE, buffer_handle); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::freeBuffer(void *buffer) { if (!buffer) { return Error::BAD_BUFFER; } return static_cast(buf_mgr_->ReleaseBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer))); } bool QtiMapper::GetFenceFd(const hidl_handle &fence_handle, int *outFenceFd) { auto handle = fence_handle.getNativeHandle(); if (handle && handle->numFds > 1) { ALOGE("invalid fence handle with %d fds", handle->numFds); return false; } *outFenceFd = (handle && handle->numFds == 1) ? handle->data[0] : -1; return true; } void QtiMapper::WaitFenceFd(int fence_fd) { if (fence_fd < 0) { return; } const int timeout = 3000; ATRACE_BEGIN("fence wait"); const int error = sync_wait(fence_fd, timeout); ATRACE_END(); if (error < 0) { ALOGE("QtiMapper: lock fence %d didn't signal in %u ms - error: %s", fence_fd, timeout, strerror(errno)); } } Error QtiMapper::LockBuffer(void *buffer, uint64_t usage, const hidl_handle &acquire_fence, const IMapper::Rect &access_region) { if (!buffer) { return Error::BAD_BUFFER; } int fence_fd; if (!GetFenceFd(acquire_fence, &fence_fd)) { return Error::BAD_VALUE; } if (fence_fd > 0) { WaitFenceFd(fence_fd); } auto hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); if (access_region.top < 0 || access_region.left < 0 || access_region.width < 0 || access_region.height < 0 || access_region.width > hnd->width || access_region.height > hnd->height) { return Error::BAD_VALUE; } return static_cast(buf_mgr_->LockBuffer(hnd, usage)); } Return QtiMapper::lock(void *buffer, uint64_t cpu_usage, const IMapper::Rect &access_region, const hidl_handle &acquire_fence, lock_cb hidl_cb) { auto err = LockBuffer(buffer, cpu_usage, acquire_fence, access_region); if (err != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(err, nullptr); return Void(); } auto hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); auto *out_data = reinterpret_cast(hnd->base); hidl_cb(err, out_data); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::unlock(void *buffer, unlock_cb hidl_cb) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; if (buffer != nullptr) { err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->UnlockBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer))); } // We don't have a release fence hidl_cb(err, hidl_handle(nullptr)); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::validateBufferSize(void *buffer, const BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0 &descriptor_info, uint32_t /*stride*/) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; auto hnd = static_cast(buffer); if (buffer != nullptr && private_handle_t::validate(hnd) == 0) { if (static_cast(buf_mgr_->IsBufferImported(hnd)) != Error::NONE) { return Error::BAD_BUFFER; } auto info = gralloc::BufferInfo(descriptor_info.width, descriptor_info.height, static_cast(descriptor_info.format), static_cast(descriptor_info.usage)); info.layer_count = descriptor_info.layerCount; err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->ValidateBufferSize(hnd, info)); } return err; } Return QtiMapper::getTransportSize(void *buffer, getTransportSize_cb hidl_cb) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; auto hnd = static_cast(buffer); uint32_t num_fds = 0, num_ints = 0; if (buffer != nullptr && private_handle_t::validate(hnd) == 0) { if (static_cast(buf_mgr_->IsBufferImported(hnd)) != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(err, num_fds, num_ints); return Void(); } num_fds = 2; // TODO(user): reduce to transported values; num_ints = static_cast(hnd->numInts); err = Error::NONE; } ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "GetTransportSize: num fds: %d num ints: %d err:%d", num_fds, num_ints, err); hidl_cb(err, num_fds, num_ints); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::get(void *buffer, const MetadataType &metadataType, get_cb hidl_cb) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; hidl_vec metadata; if (buffer != nullptr) { if (metadataType.name != GRALLOC4_STANDARD_METADATA_TYPE && metadataType.name != qtigralloc::VENDOR_QTI) { hidl_cb(Error::UNSUPPORTED, metadata); return Void(); } auto hnd = static_cast(buffer); err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->GetMetadata(hnd, metadataType.value, &metadata)); } hidl_cb(err, metadata); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::set(void *buffer, const MetadataType &metadataType, const hidl_vec &metadata) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; if (buffer != nullptr) { auto hnd = static_cast(buffer); err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->SetMetadata(hnd, metadataType.value, metadata)); } return err; } Return QtiMapper::getFromBufferDescriptorInfo(const BufferDescriptorInfo &description, const MetadataType &metadataType, getFromBufferDescriptorInfo_cb hidl_cb) { hidl_vec out; auto err = Error::UNSUPPORTED; switch (metadataType.value) { case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::NAME): err = static_cast(android::gralloc4::encodeName(description.name, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::WIDTH): err = static_cast(android::gralloc4::encodeWidth(description.width, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::HEIGHT): err = static_cast(android::gralloc4::encodeHeight(description.height, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::LAYER_COUNT): err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodeLayerCount(description.layerCount, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_REQUESTED): err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodePixelFormatRequested(description.format, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::USAGE): err = static_cast(android::gralloc4::encodeUsage(description.usage, &out)); break; case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::COMPRESSION): { int format = gralloc::GetImplDefinedFormat(description.usage, static_cast(description.format)); if (gralloc::IsUBwcEnabled(format, description.usage)) { err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodeCompression(qtigralloc::Compression_QtiUBWC, &out)); } else { err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodeCompression(android::gralloc4::Compression_None, &out)); } break; } case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::PROTECTED_CONTENT): { uint64_t protected_content = 0; if (description.usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED && !(description.usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_MASK) && !(description.usage & GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_WRITE_MASK)) { protected_content = 1; } err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodeProtectedContent(protected_content, &out)); break; } case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_FOURCC): case static_cast(StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_MODIFIER): { int format = gralloc::GetImplDefinedFormat(description.usage, static_cast(description.format)); uint32_t drm_format; uint64_t drm_format_modifier; if (gralloc::IsUBwcEnabled(format, description.usage)) { gralloc::GetDRMFormat(format, private_handle_t::PRIV_FLAGS_UBWC_ALIGNED, &drm_format, &drm_format_modifier); } else { gralloc::GetDRMFormat(format, 0, &drm_format, &drm_format_modifier); } if (metadataType.value == static_cast(StandardMetadataType::PIXEL_FORMAT_FOURCC)) { err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodePixelFormatFourCC(drm_format, &out)); } else { err = static_cast( android::gralloc4::encodePixelFormatModifier(drm_format_modifier, &out)); } break; } default: break; } hidl_cb(err, out); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::flushLockedBuffer(void *buffer, flushLockedBuffer_cb hidl_cb) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; if (buffer != nullptr) { err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->FlushBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer))); } // We don't have a release fence hidl_cb(err, hidl_handle(nullptr)); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::rereadLockedBuffer(void *buffer) { auto err = Error::BAD_BUFFER; if (buffer != nullptr) { err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->RereadBuffer(PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer))); } return err; } Return QtiMapper::getReservedRegion(void *buffer, getReservedRegion_cb hidl_cb) { auto hnd = static_cast(buffer); void *reserved_region = nullptr; uint64_t reserved_size = 0; if (static_cast(buf_mgr_->IsBufferImported(hnd)) != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(Error::BAD_BUFFER, reserved_region, reserved_size); } auto err = static_cast( buf_mgr_->GetReservedRegion(hnd, &reserved_region, &reserved_size)); hidl_cb(err, reserved_region, reserved_size); return Void(); } Error QtiMapper::DumpBufferMetadata(const private_handle_t *buffer, BufferDump *outBufferDump) { outBufferDump->metadataDump.resize(metadata_type_descriptions_.size()); for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(metadata_type_descriptions_.size()); i++) { auto type = metadata_type_descriptions_[i].metadataType; hidl_vec metadata; if (static_cast(buf_mgr_->GetMetadata( const_cast(buffer), type.value, &metadata)) == Error::BAD_BUFFER) { // If buffer is deleted during metadata dump, return BAD_BUFFER return Error::BAD_BUFFER; } MetadataDump metadata_dump = {type, metadata}; outBufferDump->metadataDump[i] = metadata_dump; } return Error::NONE; } Return QtiMapper::dumpBuffer(void *buffer, dumpBuffer_cb hidl_cb) { BufferDump buffer_dump; auto hnd = PRIV_HANDLE_CONST(buffer); if (buffer != nullptr) { if (DumpBufferMetadata(hnd, &buffer_dump) == Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(Error::NONE, buffer_dump); return Void(); } } hidl_cb(Error::BAD_BUFFER, buffer_dump); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::dumpBuffers(dumpBuffers_cb hidl_cb) { hidl_vec buffers_dump; std::vector handle_list; if (static_cast(buf_mgr_->GetAllHandles(&handle_list)) != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(Error::NO_RESOURCES, buffers_dump); } buffers_dump.resize(handle_list.size()); for (int i = 0; i < handle_list.size(); i++) { BufferDump buffer_dump; if (DumpBufferMetadata(handle_list[i], &buffer_dump) != Error::NONE) { continue; } buffers_dump[i] = buffer_dump; } hidl_cb(Error::NONE, buffers_dump); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::listSupportedMetadataTypes(listSupportedMetadataTypes_cb hidl_cb) { hidl_cb(Error::NONE, metadata_type_descriptions_); return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::isSupported(const BufferDescriptorInfo_4_0 &descriptor_info, isSupported_cb hidl_cb) { IMapperBufferDescriptor descriptor; auto err = CreateDescriptor(descriptor_info, &descriptor); if (err != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(err, false); return Void(); } gralloc::BufferDescriptor desc; err = static_cast(Decode(descriptor, &desc)); if (err != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(err, false); return Void(); } buffer_handle_t buffer; err = static_cast(buf_mgr_->AllocateBuffer(desc, &buffer, 0, true)); if (err != Error::NONE) { hidl_cb(err, false); } else { hidl_cb(err, true); } return Void(); } Return QtiMapper::getMapperExtensions(QtiMapper::getMapperExtensions_cb hidl_cb) { if (extensions_ != nullptr) { hidl_cb(Error::NONE, extensions_); } else { hidl_cb(Error::UNSUPPORTED, extensions_); } return Void(); } // Methods from ::android::hidl::base::V1_0::IBase follow. // When we are in passthrough mode, this method is used // by hidl to obtain the SP HAL object extern "C" IMapper *HIDL_FETCH_IMapper(const char * /* name */) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Fetching IMapper from QtiMapper"); auto mapper = new QtiMapper(); return static_cast(mapper); } extern "C" IQtiMapper *HIDL_FETCH_IQtiMapper(const char * /* name */) { ALOGD_IF(DEBUG, "Fetching QtiMapper"); return new QtiMapper(); } } // namespace implementation } // namespace V4_0 } // namespace mapper } // namespace display } // namespace hardware } // namespace qti } // namespace vendor