/* * Copyright (c) Hisilicon Technologies Co., Ltd.. 2020-2020. All rights reserved. * Description: Logcat version of the slog function implementation * Author: Hisilicon * Create: 2020-10-9 */ #include "securec.h" #include "slog.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #ifndef LOG_CPP extern "C" { #endif #endif // __cplusplus static int g_is_inited = -1; __attribute__ ((constructor)) void dlog_init(); /** * @brief dlog_init: libslog.so initialize * @return: void */ void dlog_init(void) { g_is_inited = 0; } /** * @brief dlog_getlevel: get module loglevel * @param [in]module_id: moudule Id eg: CCE * @param [in/out]enableEvent: point to enableEvent to record enableEvent * @return: module level(0: debug, 1: info, 2: warning, 3: error, 4: null output) */ int dlog_getlevel(int module_id, int *enable_event) { return 0; } /** * @brief dlog_setlevel: set module loglevel and enableEvent * @param [in]module_id: moudule id(see slog.h, eg: CCE), -1: all modules, others: invalid * @param [in]level: log level(0: debug, 1: info, 2: warning, 3: error, 4: null output) * @param [in]enableEvent: 1: enable; 0: disable, others:invalid * @return: 0: SUCCEED, others: FAILED */ int dlog_setlevel(int module_id, int level, int enable_event) { int ret = 0; return ret; } /** * @brief CheckLogLevel: check log allow output or not * @param [in]module_id: module Id * @param [in]level: log level * @return: TRUE/FALSE */ int CheckLogLevel(int module_id, int level) { return 0; } /** * @brief DlogSetAttr: set log attr * @param [in]logAttr: attr info, include pid, process type and device id * @return: 0: SUCCEED, others: FAILED */ int DlogSetAttr(LogAttr logAttr) { return 0; } void DlogErrorInner(int module_id, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogErrorInner stub\n"); } void DlogWarnInner(int module_id, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogWarnInner stub\n"); } void DlogInfoInner(int module_id, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogInfoInner stub\n"); } void DlogDebugInner(int module_id, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogDebugInner stub\n"); } void DlogEventInner(int module_id, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogEventInner stub\n"); } /** * @brief DlogInner: log interface with level * @param [in]module_id: moudule Id eg: CCE * @param [in]level: log level((0: debug, 1: info, 2: warning, 3: error) * @param [in]fmt: log msg string * @return: void */ void DlogInner(int module_id, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { printf("DlogInner stub\n"); } /** * @brief DlogFlush: flush log buffer to file * @return: void */ void DlogFlush(void) { return; } #ifdef __cplusplus #ifndef LOG_CPP } #endif // LOG_CPP #endif // __cplusplus #ifdef LOG_CPP #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int DlogGetlevelForC(int module_id, int *enableEvent) { return dlog_getlevel(module_id, enableEvent); } int DlogSetlevelForC(int module_id, int level, int enableEvent) { return dlog_setlevel(module_id, level, enableEvent); } int CheckLogLevel_for_c(int module_id, int logLevel) { return CheckLogLevel(module_id, logLevel); } int DlogSetAttrForC(LogAttr logAttr) { return DlogSetAttr(logAttr); } void DlogFlushForC(void) { return DlogFlush(); } void DlogInnerForC(int module_id, int level, const char *fmt, ...) { } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // LOG_CPP // the code for stub #if (!defined PROCESS_LOG && !defined PLOG_AUTO) #include "plog.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int DlogReportInitialize() { return 0; } int DlogReportFinalize() { return 0; } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif