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package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["Android-Apache-2.0"],
android_library {
name: "TestApp_TestApps",
sdk_version: "test_current",
srcs: [
static_libs: [
manifest: "src/main/testapps/AndroidManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28",
plugins: ["ConnectedAppsSDK_Processor", "TestApp_Processor"],
android_library {
name: "TestApp",
sdk_version: "test_current",
srcs: [
static_libs: [
manifest: "src/main/library/AndroidManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28",
resource_zips: [":TestApp_Apps"],
plugins: ["ConnectedAppsSDK_Processor", "TestApp_Processor"],
android_test {
name: "TestAppTest",
srcs: [
test_suites: [
static_libs: [
"testng" // for assertThrows
manifest: "src/test/AndroidManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28"
python_binary_host {
name: "index_testapps",
version: {
py2: {
enabled: false,
embedded_launcher: false,
py3: {
enabled: true,
embedded_launcher: true,
main: "tools/index/",
srcs: [
java_genrule {
name: "TestApp_Apps",
srcs: [":EmptyTestApp", ":EmptyTestApp2", ":DeviceAdminTestApp", ":LockTaskApp"],
out: [""],
tools: ["soong_zip", "index_testapps"],
cmd: "mkdir -p $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && cp $(location :EmptyTestApp) $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && cp $(location :EmptyTestApp2) $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && cp $(location :DeviceAdminTestApp) $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && cp $(location :LockTaskApp) $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && $(location index_testapps) --directory $(genDir)/res/raw"
+ " && $(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/res -D $(genDir)/res/raw"
android_test_helper_app {
name: "EmptyTestApp",
static_libs: [
manifest: "manifests/EmptyTestAppManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28"
android_test_helper_app {
name: "EmptyTestApp2",
static_libs: [
manifest: "manifests/EmptyTestApp2Manifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28"
android_test_helper_app {
name: "DeviceAdminTestApp",
static_libs: [
manifest: "manifests/DeviceAdminManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28"
android_test_helper_app {
name: "LockTaskApp",
static_libs: [
manifest: "manifests/LockTaskAppManifest.xml",
min_sdk_version: "28"
java_library {
name: "TestApp_Annotations",
srcs: [
host_supported: true
java_plugin {
name: "TestApp_Processor",
processor_class: "",
static_libs: [
srcs: [
plugins: ["auto_service_plugin"],
generates_api: true,