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jianglk.darker 7ee447c011
8 months ago
service/repodiff v811_spc009_project 8 months ago v811_spc009_project 8 months ago
android_exclusions.txt v811_spc009_project 8 months ago v811_spc009_project 8 months ago v811_spc009_project 8 months ago v811_spc009_project 8 months ago

Repo Diff Trees compares two repo source trees and outputs reports on the findings.

The ouput is in CSV and is easily consumable in a spreadsheet.

In addition to importing to a spreadsheet, you can also create your own Data Studio dashboard like this one.

If you wish to create your own dashboard follow the instructions below:

  1. Sync the two repo workspaces you wish to compare. Example:
mkdir android-8.0.0_r1
cd android-8.0.0_r1
repo init \
  --manifest-url= \
# Adjust the number of parallel jobs to your needs
repo sync --current-branch --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --jobs=8
cd ..
mkdir android-8.0.0_r11
cd android-8.0.0_r11
repo init \
  --manifest-url= \
# Adjust the number of parallel jobs to your needs
repo sync --current-branch --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --jobs=8
cd ..
  1. Run Example:
python --exclusions_file=android_exclusions.txt \
  android-8.0.0_r1 android-8.0.0_r11
  1. Create a new Google spreadsheet.
  2. Import projects.csv to a new sheet.
  3. Create a new data source in Data Studio.
  4. Connect your new data source to the project.csv sheet in the Google spreadsheet.
  5. Add a "Count Diff Status" field by selecting the menu next to the "Diff Status" field and selecting "Count".
  6. Copy the Data Studio dashboard sample. Make sure you are logged into your Google account and you have agreed to Data Studio's terms of service. Once this is done you should get a link to "Make a copy of this report".
  7. Select your own data source for your copy of the dashboard when prompted.
  8. You may see a "Configuration Incomplete" message under the "Modified Projects" pie chart. To address this select the pie chart, then replace the "Invalid Metric" field for "Count Diff Status".

Analysis method goes through several stages when comparing two repo source trees:

  1. Match projects in source tree A with projects in source tree B.
  2. Diff projects that have a match.
  3. Find commits in source tree B that are not in source tree A.

The first two steps are self explanatory. The method of finding commits only in B is explaned below.

Finding commits not upstream

After matching up projects in both source tree and diffing, the last stage is to iterate through each project matching pair and find the commits that exist in the downstream project (B) but not the upstream project (A).

'git cherry' is a useful tool that finds changes which exist in one branch but not another. It does so by not only by finding which commits that were merged to both branches, but also by matching cherry picked commits.

However, there are many instances where a change in one branch can have an equivalent in another branch without being a merge or a cherry pick. Some examples are:

  • Commits that were squashed with other commits
  • Commits that were reauthored

Cherry pick will not recognize these commits as having an equivalent yet they clearly do.

This is addressed in two steps:

  1. First listing the "git cherry" commits that will give us the list of changes for which "git cherry" could not find an equivalent.
  2. Then we "git blame" the entire project's source tree and compile a list of changes that actually have lines of code in the tree.
  3. Finally we find the intersection: 'git cherry' changes that have lines of code in the final source tree.


The method described above has proven effective on Android source trees. It does have shortcomings.

  • It does not find commits that only delete lines of code.
  • It does take into accounts merge conflict resolutions.