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// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#ifndef _helpers_h
#define _helpers_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if !defined (__APPLE__)
#include <CL/cl.h>
#include "gl_headers.h"
#include <CL/cl_gl.h>
#include "gl_headers.h"
#include "harness/errorHelpers.h"
#include "harness/kernelHelpers.h"
#include "harness/threadTesting.h"
#include "harness/typeWrappers.h"
#include "harness/conversions.h"
#include "harness/mt19937.h"
typedef cl_mem
(CL_API_CALL *clCreateFromGLBuffer_fn)(cl_context context,
cl_mem_flags flags,
GLuint bufobj,
int * errcode_ret);
typedef cl_mem
(CL_API_CALL *clCreateFromGLTexture_fn)(cl_context context ,
cl_mem_flags flags ,
GLenum target ,
GLint miplevel ,
GLuint texture ,
cl_int * errcode_ret) ;
typedef cl_mem
(CL_API_CALL *clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer_fn)(cl_context context ,
cl_mem_flags flags ,
GLuint renderbuffer ,
cl_int * errcode_ret) ;
typedef cl_int
(CL_API_CALL *clGetGLObjectInfo_fn)(cl_mem memobj ,
cl_gl_object_type * gl_object_type ,
GLuint * gl_object_name) ;
typedef cl_int
(CL_API_CALL *clGetGLTextureInfo_fn)(cl_mem memobj ,
cl_gl_texture_info param_name ,
size_t param_value_size ,
void * param_value ,
size_t * param_value_size_ret) ;
typedef cl_int
(CL_API_CALL *clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects_fn)(cl_command_queue command_queue ,
cl_uint num_objects ,
const cl_mem * mem_objects ,
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list ,
const cl_event * event_wait_list ,
cl_event * event) ;
typedef cl_int
(CL_API_CALL *clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects_fn)(cl_command_queue command_queue ,
cl_uint num_objects ,
const cl_mem * mem_objects ,
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list ,
const cl_event * event_wait_list ,
cl_event * event) ;
extern clCreateFromGLBuffer_fn clCreateFromGLBuffer_ptr;
extern clCreateFromGLTexture_fn clCreateFromGLTexture_ptr;
extern clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer_fn clCreateFromGLRenderbuffer_ptr;
extern clGetGLObjectInfo_fn clGetGLObjectInfo_ptr;
extern clGetGLTextureInfo_fn clGetGLTextureInfo_ptr;
extern clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects_fn clEnqueueAcquireGLObjects_ptr;
extern clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects_fn clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects_ptr;
class glBufferWrapper
glBufferWrapper() { mBuffer = 0; }
glBufferWrapper( GLuint b ) { mBuffer = b; }
~glBufferWrapper() { if( mBuffer != 0 ) glDeleteBuffers( 1, &mBuffer ); }
glBufferWrapper & operator=( const GLuint &rhs ) { mBuffer = rhs; return *this; }
operator GLuint() { return mBuffer; }
operator GLuint *() { return &mBuffer; }
GLuint * operator&() { return &mBuffer; }
bool operator==( GLuint rhs ) { return mBuffer == rhs; }
GLuint mBuffer;
class glTextureWrapper
glTextureWrapper() { mBuffer = 0; }
glTextureWrapper( GLuint b ) { mBuffer = b; }
~glTextureWrapper() { if( mBuffer != 0 ) glDeleteTextures( 1, &mBuffer ); }
glTextureWrapper & operator=( const GLuint &rhs ) { mBuffer = rhs; return *this; }
operator GLuint() { return mBuffer; }
operator GLuint *() { return &mBuffer; }
GLuint * operator&() { return &mBuffer; }
bool operator==( GLuint rhs ) { return mBuffer == rhs; }
GLuint mBuffer;
class glRenderbufferWrapper
glRenderbufferWrapper() { mBuffer = 0; }
glRenderbufferWrapper( GLuint b ) { mBuffer = b; }
~glRenderbufferWrapper() { if( mBuffer != 0 ) glDeleteRenderbuffersEXT( 1, &mBuffer ); }
glRenderbufferWrapper & operator=( const GLuint &rhs ) { mBuffer = rhs; return *this; }
operator GLuint() { return mBuffer; }
operator GLuint *() { return &mBuffer; }
GLuint * operator&() { return &mBuffer; }
bool operator==( GLuint rhs ) { return mBuffer == rhs; }
GLuint mBuffer;
class glFramebufferWrapper
glFramebufferWrapper() { mBuffer = 0; }
glFramebufferWrapper( GLuint b ) { mBuffer = b; }
~glFramebufferWrapper() { if( mBuffer != 0 ) glDeleteFramebuffersEXT( 1, &mBuffer ); }
glFramebufferWrapper & operator=( const GLuint &rhs ) { mBuffer = rhs; return *this; }
operator GLuint() { return mBuffer; }
operator GLuint *() { return &mBuffer; }
GLuint * operator&() { return &mBuffer; }
bool operator==( GLuint rhs ) { return mBuffer == rhs; }
GLuint mBuffer;
// Helper functions (defined in helpers.cpp)
extern void * CreateGLTexture2D( size_t width, size_t height,
GLenum target, GLenum glFormat,
GLenum internalFormat, GLenum glType,
ExplicitType type, GLuint *outTextureID,
int *outError, bool allocateMem, MTdata d );
extern void * CreateGLTexture3D( size_t width, size_t height, size_t depth,
GLenum target, GLenum glFormat,
GLenum internalFormat, GLenum glType,
ExplicitType type, GLuint *outTextureID,
int *outError, MTdata d, bool allocateMem = true );
extern void * ReadGLTexture( GLenum glTarget, GLuint glTexture,
GLenum glFormat, GLenum glInternalFormat,
GLenum glType, ExplicitType typeToReadAs,
size_t outWidth, size_t outHeight );
void * CreateGLRenderbuffer( GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum rbFormat, GLenum rbType,
GLenum texFormat, GLenum texType,
ExplicitType type,
GLuint *outFramebuffer,
GLuint *outRenderbuffer,
int *outError, MTdata d, bool allocateMem );
int CreateGLRenderbufferRaw( GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum rbFormat, GLenum rbType,
GLuint *outFramebuffer,
GLuint *outRenderbuffer );
void * ReadGLRenderbuffer( GLuint glFramebuffer, GLuint glRenderbuffer,
GLenum attachment,
GLenum rbFormat, GLenum rbType,
GLenum texFormat, GLenum texType,
ExplicitType typeToReadAs,
size_t outWidth, size_t outHeight );
extern void DumpGLBuffer(GLenum type, size_t width, size_t height, void* buffer);
extern const char *GetGLTypeName( GLenum type );
extern const char *GetGLAttachmentName( GLenum att );
extern const char *GetGLTargetName( GLenum tgt );
extern const char *GetGLBaseFormatName( GLenum baseformat );
extern const char *GetGLFormatName( GLenum format );
extern void* CreateRandomData( ExplicitType type, size_t count, MTdata d );
extern GLenum GetGLFormat(GLenum internalFormat);
extern GLenum GetGLTypeForExplicitType(ExplicitType type);
extern size_t GetGLTypeSize(GLenum type);
extern ExplicitType GetExplicitTypeForGLType(GLenum type);
extern GLenum get_base_gl_target( GLenum target );
extern int init_clgl_ext( cl_platform_id platform_id );
#endif // _helpers_h