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* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Shader and Program helpers.
#include "gluDefs.hpp"
#include "gluShaderUtil.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "qpTestLog.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace tcu
class TestLog;
namespace glu
class RenderContext;
typedef std::vector<deUint32> ShaderBinaryDataType;
* \brief Shader information (compile status, log, etc.).
struct ShaderInfo
ShaderType type; //!< Shader type.
std::string source; //!< Shader source.
std::string infoLog; //!< Compile info log.
bool compileOk; //!< Did compilation succeed?
deUint64 compileTimeUs; //!< Compile time in microseconds (us).
ShaderInfo (void) : compileOk(false), compileTimeUs(0) {}
* \brief Program information (link status, log).
struct ProgramInfo
std::string infoLog; //!< Link info log.
bool linkOk; //!< Did link succeed?
deUint64 linkTimeUs; //!< Link time in microseconds (us).
ProgramInfo (void) : linkOk(false), linkTimeUs(0) {}
* \brief Combined shader compilation and program linking info.
struct ShaderProgramInfo
glu::ProgramInfo program;
std::vector<glu::ShaderInfo> shaders;
* \brief Shader object.
class Shader
Shader (const glw::Functions& gl, ShaderType shaderType);
Shader (const RenderContext& renderCtx, ShaderType shaderType);
~Shader (void);
void setSources (int numSourceStrings, const char* const* sourceStrings, const int* lengths);
void compile (void);
void specialize (const char* entryPoint, glw::GLuint numSpecializationConstants,
const glw::GLuint* constantIndex, const glw::GLuint* constantValue);
deUint32 getShader (void) const { return m_shader; }
const ShaderInfo& getInfo (void) const { return m_info; }
glu::ShaderType getType (void) const { return getInfo().type; }
bool getCompileStatus (void) const { return getInfo().compileOk; }
const std::string& getSource (void) const { return getInfo().source; }
const std::string& getInfoLog (void) const { return getInfo().infoLog; }
deUint32 operator* (void) const { return getShader(); }
Shader (const Shader& other);
Shader& operator= (const Shader& other);
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
deUint32 m_shader; //!< Shader handle.
ShaderInfo m_info; //!< Client-side clone of state for debug / perf reasons.
* \brief Program object.
class Program
Program (const glw::Functions& gl);
Program (const RenderContext& renderCtx);
Program (const RenderContext& renderCtx, deUint32 program);
~Program (void);
void attachShader (deUint32 shader);
void detachShader (deUint32 shader);
void bindAttribLocation (deUint32 location, const char* name);
void transformFeedbackVaryings (int count, const char* const* varyings, deUint32 bufferMode);
void link (void);
deUint32 getProgram (void) const { return m_program; }
const ProgramInfo& getInfo (void) const { return m_info; }
bool getLinkStatus (void) const { return getInfo().linkOk; }
const std::string& getInfoLog (void) const { return getInfo().infoLog; }
bool isSeparable (void) const;
void setSeparable (bool separable);
int getUniformLocation (const std::string& name);
deUint32 operator* (void) const { return getProgram(); }
Program (const Program& other);
Program& operator= (const Program& other);
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
deUint32 m_program;
ProgramInfo m_info;
* \brief Program pipeline object.
class ProgramPipeline
ProgramPipeline (const RenderContext& renderCtx);
ProgramPipeline (const glw::Functions& gl);
~ProgramPipeline (void);
deUint32 getPipeline (void) const { return m_pipeline; }
void useProgramStages (deUint32 stages, deUint32 program);
void activeShaderProgram (deUint32 program);
bool isValid (void);
ProgramPipeline (const ProgramPipeline& other);
ProgramPipeline& operator= (const ProgramPipeline& other);
const glw::Functions& m_gl;
deUint32 m_pipeline;
struct ProgramSources;
struct ProgramBinaries;
* \brief Shader program manager.
* ShaderProgram manages both Shader and Program objects, and provides
* convenient API for constructing such programs.
class ShaderProgram
ShaderProgram (const glw::Functions& gl, const ProgramSources& sources);
ShaderProgram (const glw::Functions& gl, const ProgramBinaries& binaries);
ShaderProgram (const RenderContext& renderCtx, const ProgramSources& sources);
ShaderProgram (const RenderContext& renderCtx, const ProgramBinaries& binaries);
~ShaderProgram (void);
bool isOk (void) const { return m_program.getLinkStatus(); }
deUint32 getProgram (void) const { return m_program.getProgram(); }
bool hasShader (glu::ShaderType shaderType) const { return !m_shaders[shaderType].empty(); }
Shader* getShader (glu::ShaderType shaderType, int shaderNdx = 0) const { return m_shaders[shaderType][shaderNdx]; }
int getNumShaders (glu::ShaderType shaderType) const { return (int)m_shaders[shaderType].size(); }
const ShaderInfo& getShaderInfo (glu::ShaderType shaderType, int shaderNdx = 0) const { return m_shaders[shaderType][shaderNdx]->getInfo(); }
const ProgramInfo& getProgramInfo (void) const { return m_program.getInfo(); }
ShaderProgram (const ShaderProgram& other);
ShaderProgram& operator= (const ShaderProgram& other);
void init (const glw::Functions& gl, const ProgramSources& sources);
void init (const glw::Functions& gl, const ProgramBinaries& binaries);
void setBinary (const glw::Functions& gl, std::vector<Shader*>& shaders, glw::GLenum binaryFormat, const void* binaryData, const int length);
std::vector<Shader*> m_shaders[SHADERTYPE_LAST];
Program m_program;
// Utilities.
deUint32 getGLShaderType (ShaderType shaderType);
deUint32 getGLShaderTypeBit (ShaderType shaderType);
qpShaderType getLogShaderType (ShaderType shaderType);
tcu::TestLog& operator<< (tcu::TestLog& log, const ShaderInfo& shaderInfo);
tcu::TestLog& operator<< (tcu::TestLog& log, const ShaderProgramInfo& shaderProgramInfo);
tcu::TestLog& operator<< (tcu::TestLog& log, const ProgramSources& sources);
tcu::TestLog& operator<< (tcu::TestLog& log, const Shader& shader);
tcu::TestLog& operator<< (tcu::TestLog& log, const ShaderProgram& program);
// ProgramSources utilities and implementation.
struct AttribLocationBinding
std::string name;
deUint32 location;
AttribLocationBinding (void) : location(0) {}
AttribLocationBinding (const std::string& name_, deUint32 location_) : name(name_), location(location_) {}
struct TransformFeedbackMode
deUint32 mode;
TransformFeedbackMode (void) : mode(0) {}
TransformFeedbackMode (deUint32 mode_) : mode(mode_) {}
struct TransformFeedbackVarying
std::string name;
explicit TransformFeedbackVarying (const std::string& name_) : name(name_) {}
struct ProgramSeparable
bool separable;
explicit ProgramSeparable (bool separable_) : separable(separable_) {}
template<typename Iterator>
struct TransformFeedbackVaryings
Iterator begin;
Iterator end;
TransformFeedbackVaryings (Iterator begin_, Iterator end_) : begin(begin_), end(end_) {}
struct ShaderSource
ShaderType shaderType;
std::string source;
ShaderSource (void) : shaderType(SHADERTYPE_LAST) {}
ShaderSource (glu::ShaderType shaderType_, const std::string& source_) : shaderType(shaderType_), source(source_) { DE_ASSERT(!source_.empty()); }
struct VertexSource : public ShaderSource
VertexSource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_VERTEX, source_) {}
struct FragmentSource : public ShaderSource
FragmentSource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT, source_) {}
struct GeometrySource : public ShaderSource
GeometrySource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_GEOMETRY, source_) {}
struct ComputeSource : public ShaderSource
ComputeSource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE, source_) {}
struct TessellationControlSource : public ShaderSource
TessellationControlSource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL, source_) {}
struct TessellationEvaluationSource : public ShaderSource
TessellationEvaluationSource (const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION, source_) {}
struct RaygenSource : public ShaderSource
RaygenSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_RAYGEN, source_) {}
struct AnyHitSource : public ShaderSource
AnyHitSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_ANY_HIT, source_) {}
struct ClosestHitSource : public ShaderSource
ClosestHitSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_CLOSEST_HIT, source_) {}
struct MissSource : public ShaderSource
MissSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_MISS, source_) {}
struct IntersectionSource : public ShaderSource
IntersectionSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_INTERSECTION, source_) {}
struct CallableSource : public ShaderSource
CallableSource(const std::string& source_) : ShaderSource(glu::SHADERTYPE_CALLABLE, source_) {}
struct ProgramSources
std::vector<std::string> sources[SHADERTYPE_LAST];
std::vector<AttribLocationBinding> attribLocationBindings;
deUint32 transformFeedbackBufferMode; //!< TF buffer mode, or GL_NONE.
std::vector<std::string> transformFeedbackVaryings;
bool separable;
ProgramSources (void) : transformFeedbackBufferMode(0), separable(false) {}
ProgramSources& operator<< (const AttribLocationBinding& binding) { attribLocationBindings.push_back(binding); return *this; }
ProgramSources& operator<< (const TransformFeedbackMode& mode) { transformFeedbackBufferMode = mode.mode; return *this; }
ProgramSources& operator<< (const TransformFeedbackVarying& varying) { transformFeedbackVaryings.push_back(; return *this; }
ProgramSources& operator<< (const ShaderSource& shaderSource) { sources[shaderSource.shaderType].push_back(shaderSource.source); return *this; }
ProgramSources& operator<< (const ProgramSeparable& progSeparable) { separable = progSeparable.separable; return *this; }
template<typename Iterator>
ProgramSources& operator<< (const TransformFeedbackVaryings<Iterator>& varyings);
struct SpecializationData
deUint32 index;
deUint32 value;
SpecializationData (void) : index(0), value(0) {}
SpecializationData (const deUint32 index_, const deUint32 value_) : index(index_), value(value_) {}
struct ShaderBinary
ShaderBinaryDataType binary;
std::vector<ShaderType> shaderTypes;
std::vector<std::string> shaderEntryPoints;
std::vector<deUint32> specializationIndices;
std::vector<deUint32> specializationValues;
ShaderBinary (void) {}
ShaderBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : binary(binary_)
ShaderBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_, glu::ShaderType shaderType_) : binary(binary_)
ShaderBinary& operator<< (const ShaderType& shaderType)
return *this;
ShaderBinary& operator<< (const std::string& entryPoint)
return *this;
ShaderBinary& operator<< (const SpecializationData& specData)
return *this;
struct VertexBinary : public ShaderBinary
VertexBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_VERTEX) {}
struct FragmentBinary : public ShaderBinary
FragmentBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT) {}
struct GeometryBinary : public ShaderBinary
GeometryBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_GEOMETRY) {}
struct ComputeBinary : public ShaderBinary
ComputeBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_COMPUTE) {}
struct TessellationControlBinary : public ShaderBinary
TessellationControlBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_TESSELLATION_CONTROL) {}
struct TessellationEvaluationBinary : public ShaderBinary
TessellationEvaluationBinary (const ShaderBinaryDataType binary_) : ShaderBinary(binary_, glu::SHADERTYPE_TESSELLATION_EVALUATION) {}
struct ProgramBinaries
std::vector<ShaderBinary> binaries;
glw::GLenum binaryFormat;
ProgramBinaries (void) : binaryFormat(GL_SHADER_BINARY_FORMAT_SPIR_V_ARB) {}
ProgramBinaries (glw::GLenum binaryFormat_) : binaryFormat(binaryFormat_) {}
ProgramBinaries& operator<< (const ShaderBinary& shaderBinary) { binaries.push_back(shaderBinary); return *this; }
template<typename Iterator>
inline ProgramSources& ProgramSources::operator<< (const TransformFeedbackVaryings<Iterator>& varyings)
for (Iterator cur = varyings.begin; cur != varyings.end; ++cur)
return *this;
//! Helper for constructing vertex-fragment source pair.
inline ProgramSources makeVtxFragSources (const std::string& vertexSrc, const std::string& fragmentSrc)
ProgramSources sources;
return sources;
} // glu