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* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES Utilities
* ------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief GL Rendering Context.
#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "sglrContext.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuVector.hpp"
#include "gluRenderContext.hpp"
#include "gluShaderProgram.hpp"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace glu
class CallLogWrapper;
namespace sglr
enum GLContextLogFlag
class GLContext : public Context
GLContext (const glu::RenderContext& context, tcu::TestLog& log, deUint32 logFlags, const tcu::IVec4& baseViewport);
virtual ~GLContext (void);
void enableLogging (deUint32 logFlags);
virtual int getWidth (void) const;
virtual int getHeight (void) const;
virtual void viewport (int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void activeTexture (deUint32 texture);
virtual void bindTexture (deUint32 target, deUint32 texture);
virtual void genTextures (int numTextures, deUint32* textures);
virtual void deleteTextures (int numTextures, const deUint32* textures);
virtual void bindFramebuffer (deUint32 target, deUint32 framebuffer);
virtual void genFramebuffers (int numFramebuffers, deUint32* framebuffers);
virtual void deleteFramebuffers (int numFramebuffers, const deUint32* framebuffers);
virtual void bindRenderbuffer (deUint32 target, deUint32 renderbuffer);
virtual void genRenderbuffers (int numRenderbuffers, deUint32* renderbuffers);
virtual void deleteRenderbuffers (int numRenderbuffers, const deUint32* renderbuffers);
virtual void pixelStorei (deUint32 pname, int param);
virtual void texImage1D (deUint32 target, int level, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int border, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void texImage2D (deUint32 target, int level, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int height, int border, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void texImage3D (deUint32 target, int level, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int height, int depth, int border, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void texSubImage1D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int width, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void texSubImage2D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void texSubImage3D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int width, int height, int depth, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, const void* data);
virtual void copyTexImage1D (deUint32 target, int level, deUint32 internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int border);
virtual void copyTexImage2D (deUint32 target, int level, deUint32 internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border);
virtual void copyTexSubImage1D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int x, int y, int width);
virtual void copyTexSubImage2D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void copyTexSubImage3D (deUint32 target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int zoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void texStorage2D (deUint32 target, int levels, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int height);
virtual void texStorage3D (deUint32 target, int levels, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int height, int depth);
virtual void texParameteri (deUint32 target, deUint32 pname, int value);
virtual void framebufferTexture2D (deUint32 target, deUint32 attachment, deUint32 textarget, deUint32 texture, int level);
virtual void framebufferTextureLayer (deUint32 target, deUint32 attachment, deUint32 texture, int level, int layer);
virtual void framebufferRenderbuffer (deUint32 target, deUint32 attachment, deUint32 renderbuffertarget, deUint32 renderbuffer);
virtual deUint32 checkFramebufferStatus (deUint32 target);
virtual void getFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv (deUint32 target, deUint32 attachment, deUint32 pname, int* params);
virtual void renderbufferStorage (deUint32 target, deUint32 internalformat, int width, int height);
virtual void renderbufferStorageMultisample (deUint32 target, int samples, deUint32 internalFormat, int width, int height);
virtual void bindBuffer (deUint32 target, deUint32 buffer);
virtual void genBuffers (int numBuffers, deUint32* buffers);
virtual void deleteBuffers (int numBuffers, const deUint32* buffers);
virtual void bufferData (deUint32 target, deIntptr size, const void* data, deUint32 usage);
virtual void bufferSubData (deUint32 target, deIntptr offset, deIntptr size, const void* data);
virtual void clearColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
virtual void clearDepthf (float depth);
virtual void clearStencil (int stencil);
virtual void clear (deUint32 buffers);
virtual void clearBufferiv (deUint32 buffer, int drawbuffer, const int* value);
virtual void clearBufferfv (deUint32 buffer, int drawbuffer, const float* value);
virtual void clearBufferuiv (deUint32 buffer, int drawbuffer, const deUint32* value);
virtual void clearBufferfi (deUint32 buffer, int drawbuffer, float depth, int stencil);
virtual void scissor (int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void enable (deUint32 cap);
virtual void disable (deUint32 cap);
virtual void stencilFunc (deUint32 func, int ref, deUint32 mask);
virtual void stencilOp (deUint32 sfail, deUint32 dpfail, deUint32 dppass);
virtual void stencilFuncSeparate (deUint32 face, deUint32 func, int ref, deUint32 mask);
virtual void stencilOpSeparate (deUint32 face, deUint32 sfail, deUint32 dpfail, deUint32 dppass);
virtual void depthFunc (deUint32 func);
virtual void depthRangef (float n, float f);
virtual void depthRange (double n, double f);
virtual void polygonOffset (float factor, float units);
virtual void provokingVertex (deUint32 convention);
virtual void primitiveRestartIndex (deUint32 index);
virtual void blendEquation (deUint32 mode);
virtual void blendEquationSeparate (deUint32 modeRGB, deUint32 modeAlpha);
virtual void blendFunc (deUint32 src, deUint32 dst);
virtual void blendFuncSeparate (deUint32 srcRGB, deUint32 dstRGB, deUint32 srcAlpha, deUint32 dstAlpha);
virtual void blendColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
virtual void colorMask (deBool r, deBool g, deBool b, deBool a);
virtual void depthMask (deBool mask);
virtual void stencilMask (deUint32 mask);
virtual void stencilMaskSeparate (deUint32 face, deUint32 mask);
virtual void blitFramebuffer (int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, deUint32 mask, deUint32 filter);
virtual void invalidateSubFramebuffer(deUint32 target, int numAttachments, const deUint32* attachments, int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual void invalidateFramebuffer (deUint32 target, int numAttachments, const deUint32* attachments);
virtual void bindVertexArray (deUint32 array);
virtual void genVertexArrays (int numArrays, deUint32* vertexArrays);
virtual void deleteVertexArrays (int numArrays, const deUint32* vertexArrays);
virtual void vertexAttribPointer (deUint32 index, int size, deUint32 type, deBool normalized, int stride, const void *pointer);
virtual void vertexAttribIPointer (deUint32 index, int size, deUint32 type, int stride, const void *pointer);
virtual void enableVertexAttribArray (deUint32 index);
virtual void disableVertexAttribArray(deUint32 index);
virtual void vertexAttribDivisor (deUint32 index, deUint32 divisor);
virtual void vertexAttrib1f (deUint32 index, float);
virtual void vertexAttrib2f (deUint32 index, float, float);
virtual void vertexAttrib3f (deUint32 index, float, float, float);
virtual void vertexAttrib4f (deUint32 index, float, float, float, float);
virtual void vertexAttribI4i (deUint32 index, deInt32, deInt32, deInt32, deInt32);
virtual void vertexAttribI4ui (deUint32 index, deUint32, deUint32, deUint32, deUint32);
virtual deInt32 getAttribLocation (deUint32 program, const char *name);
virtual void uniform1f (deInt32 location, float);
virtual void uniform1i (deInt32 location, deInt32);
virtual void uniform1fv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const float*);
virtual void uniform2fv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const float*);
virtual void uniform3fv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const float*);
virtual void uniform4fv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const float*);
virtual void uniform1iv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const deInt32*);
virtual void uniform2iv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const deInt32*);
virtual void uniform3iv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const deInt32*);
virtual void uniform4iv (deInt32 index, deInt32 count, const deInt32*);
virtual void uniformMatrix3fv (deInt32 location, deInt32 count, deBool transpose, const float *value);
virtual void uniformMatrix4fv (deInt32 location, deInt32 count, deBool transpose, const float *value);
virtual deInt32 getUniformLocation (deUint32 program, const char *name);
virtual void lineWidth (float);
virtual void drawArrays (deUint32 mode, int first, int count);
virtual void drawArraysInstanced (deUint32 mode, int first, int count, int instanceCount);
virtual void drawElements (deUint32 mode, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices);
virtual void drawElementsInstanced (deUint32 mode, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices, int instanceCount);
virtual void drawElementsBaseVertex (deUint32 mode, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices, int baseVertex);
virtual void drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex (deUint32 mode, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices, int instanceCount, int baseVertex);
virtual void drawRangeElements (deUint32 mode, deUint32 start, deUint32 end, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices);
virtual void drawRangeElementsBaseVertex (deUint32 mode, deUint32 start, deUint32 end, int count, deUint32 type, const void *indices, int baseVertex);
virtual void drawArraysIndirect (deUint32 mode, const void *indirect);
virtual void drawElementsIndirect (deUint32 mode, deUint32 type, const void *indirect);
virtual void multiDrawArrays (deUint32 mode, const int* first, const int* count, int primCount);
virtual void multiDrawElements (deUint32 mode, const int* count, deUint32 type, const void** indices, int primCount);
virtual void multiDrawElementsBaseVertex (deUint32 mode, const int* count, deUint32 type, const void** indices, int primCount, const int* baseVertex);
virtual deUint32 createProgram (ShaderProgram*);
virtual void deleteProgram (deUint32 program);
virtual void useProgram (deUint32 program);
virtual void readPixels (int x, int y, int width, int height, deUint32 format, deUint32 type, void* data);
virtual deUint32 getError (void);
virtual void finish (void);
virtual void getIntegerv (deUint32 pname, int* params);
virtual const char* getString (deUint32 pname);
// Expose helpers from Context.
using Context::readPixels;
using Context::texImage2D;
using Context::texSubImage2D;
GLContext (const GLContext& other);
GLContext& operator= (const GLContext& other);
tcu::IVec2 getReadOffset (void) const;
tcu::IVec2 getDrawOffset (void) const;
const glu::RenderContext& m_context;
tcu::TestLog& m_log;
deUint32 m_logFlags;
tcu::IVec4 m_baseViewport;
tcu::IVec4 m_curViewport;
tcu::IVec4 m_curScissor;
deUint32 m_readFramebufferBinding;
deUint32 m_drawFramebufferBinding;
glu::CallLogWrapper* m_wrapper;
// For cleanup
std::set<deUint32> m_allocatedTextures;
std::set<deUint32> m_allocatedFbos;
std::set<deUint32> m_allocatedRbos;
std::set<deUint32> m_allocatedBuffers;
std::set<deUint32> m_allocatedVaos;
std::vector<glu::ShaderProgram*> m_programs;
} // sglr