You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
5.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <brillo/data_encoding.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace brillo {
namespace data_encoding {
TEST(data_encoding, UrlEncoding) {
std::string test = "\"http://sample/path/0014.html \"";
std::string encoded = UrlEncode(test.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ("%22http%3A%2F%2Fsample%2Fpath%2F0014.html+%22", encoded);
EXPECT_EQ(test, UrlDecode(encoded.c_str()));
test = "\"http://sample/path/0014.html \"";
encoded = UrlEncode(test.c_str(), false);
EXPECT_EQ("%22http%3A%2F%2Fsample%2Fpath%2F0014.html%20%22", encoded);
EXPECT_EQ(test, UrlDecode(encoded.c_str()));
TEST(data_encoding, WebParamsEncoding) {
std::string encoded =
WebParamsEncode({{"q", "test"}, {"path", "/usr/bin"}, {"#", "%"}});
EXPECT_EQ("q=test&path=%2Fusr%2Fbin&%23=%25", encoded);
auto params = WebParamsDecode(encoded);
EXPECT_EQ(3, params.size());
EXPECT_EQ("q", params[0].first);
EXPECT_EQ("test", params[0].second);
EXPECT_EQ("path", params[1].first);
EXPECT_EQ("/usr/bin", params[1].second);
EXPECT_EQ("#", params[2].first);
EXPECT_EQ("%", params[2].second);
TEST(data_encoding, Base64Encode) {
const std::string text1 = "hello world";
const std::string encoded1 = "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=";
const std::string text2 =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facilisis erat nec aliquam, scelerisque "
"molestie commodo. Viverra tincidunt integer erat ipsum, integer "
"molestie, arcu in, sit mauris ac a sed sit etiam.";
const std::string encoded2 =
brillo::Blob data3(256);
std::iota(data3.begin(), data3.end(), 0); // Fills the buffer with 0x00-0xFF.
const std::string encoded3 =
EXPECT_EQ(encoded1, Base64Encode(text1));
EXPECT_EQ(encoded2, Base64Encode(text2));
EXPECT_EQ(encoded3, Base64Encode(data3));
TEST(data_encoding, Base64EncodeWrapLines) {
const std::string text1 = "hello world";
const std::string encoded1 = "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=\n";
const std::string text2 =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facilisis erat nec aliquam, scelerisque "
"molestie commodo. Viverra tincidunt integer erat ipsum, integer "
"molestie, arcu in, sit mauris ac a sed sit etiam.";
const std::string encoded2 =
brillo::Blob data3(256);
std::iota(data3.begin(), data3.end(), 0); // Fills the buffer with 0x00-0xFF.
const std::string encoded3 =
EXPECT_EQ(encoded1, Base64EncodeWrapLines(text1));
EXPECT_EQ(encoded2, Base64EncodeWrapLines(text2));
EXPECT_EQ(encoded3, Base64EncodeWrapLines(data3));
TEST(data_encoding, Base64Decode) {
const std::string encoded1 = "dGVzdCBzdHJpbmc=";
const std::string encoded2 =
const std::string decoded2 =
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, facilisis erat nec aliquam, scelerisque "
"molestie commodo. Viverra tincidunt integer erat ipsum, integer "
"molestie, arcu in, sit mauris ac a sed sit etiam.";
const std::string encoded3 =
brillo::Blob decoded3(256);
std::iota(decoded3.begin(), decoded3.end(), 0); // Fill with 0x00..0xFF.
std::string decoded;
EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode(encoded1, &decoded));
EXPECT_EQ("test string", decoded);
EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode(encoded2, &decoded));
EXPECT_EQ(decoded2, decoded);
brillo::Blob decoded_blob;
EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode(encoded3, &decoded_blob));
EXPECT_EQ(decoded3, decoded_blob);
EXPECT_FALSE(Base64Decode("A", &decoded_blob));
EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode("/w==", &decoded_blob));
EXPECT_EQ((brillo::Blob{0xFF}), decoded_blob);
EXPECT_TRUE(Base64Decode("//8=", &decoded_blob));
EXPECT_EQ((brillo::Blob{0xFF, 0xFF}), decoded_blob);
EXPECT_FALSE(Base64Decode("AAECAwQFB,cI", &decoded_blob));
} // namespace data_encoding
} // namespace brillo