You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 KiB

1Issue #Issue NameMeetingStatusFirst released version
2`2070 <>`__``allocate_shared``\ should use ``allocator_traits<A>::construct``\ TorontoResolved by `P0674R1 <>`__
3`2444 <>`__Inconsistent complexity for ``std::sort_heap``\ Toronto
4`2593 <>`__Moved-from state of AllocatorsToronto
5`2597 <>`__``std::log``\ misspecified for complex numbersToronto
6`2783 <>`__``stack::emplace()``\ and ``queue::emplace()``\ should return ``decltype(auto)``\ Toronto|Complete|
7`2932 <>`__Constraints on parallel algorithm implementations are underspecifiedToronto
8`2937 <>`__Is ``equivalent("existing_thing", "not_existing_thing")``\ an errorToronto|Complete|
9`2940 <>`__``result_of``\ specification also needs a little cleanupToronto
10`2942 <>`__LWG 2873's resolution missed ``weak_ptr::owner_before``\ Toronto|Complete|
11`2954 <>`__Specialization of the convenience variable templates should be prohibitedToronto|Complete|
12`2961 <>`__Bad postcondition for ``set_default_resource``\ Toronto
13`2966 <>`__Incomplete resolution of US 74Toronto|Nothing To Do|
14`2974 <>`__Diagnose out of bounds ``tuple_element/variant_alternative``\ Toronto|Complete|
16`2779 <>`__[networking.ts] Relax requirements on buffer sequence iteratorsAlbuquerque
17`2870 <>`__Default value of parameter theta of polar should be dependentAlbuquerque|Complete|
18`2935 <>`__What should create_directories do when p already exists but is not a directory?Albuquerque
19`2941 <>`__[thread.req.timing] wording should apply to both member and namespace-level functionsAlbuquerque|Nothing To Do|
20`2944 <>`__LWG 2905 accidentally removed requirement that construction of the deleter doesn't throw an exceptionAlbuquerque|Nothing To Do|
21`2945 <>`__Order of template parameters in optional comparisonsAlbuquerque|Complete|
22`2948 <>`__unique_ptr does not define operator<< for stream outputAlbuquerque|Complete|
23`2950 <>`__std::byte operations are misspecifiedAlbuquerque|Complete|
24`2952 <>`__iterator_traits should work for pointers to cv TAlbuquerque|Complete|
25`2953 <>`__LWG 2853 should apply to deque::erase tooAlbuquerque|Complete|
26`2958 <>`__Moves improperly defined as deletedAlbuquerque*We already do this*
27`2964 <>`__Apparently redundant requirement for dynamic_pointer_castAlbuquerque
28`2965 <>`__Non-existing path::native_string() in filesystem_error::what() specificationAlbuquerque|Nothing To Do|
29`2972 <>`__What is ``is_trivially_destructible_v<int>``\ ?Albuquerque|Complete|
30`2976 <>`__Dangling uses_allocator specialization for packaged_taskAlbuquerque|Complete|
31`2977 <>`__unordered_meow::merge() has incorrect Throws: clauseAlbuquerque|Nothing To Do|
32`2978 <>`__Hash support for pmr::string and friendsAlbuquerque
33`2979 <>`__aligned_union should require complete object typesAlbuquerque|Complete|
34`2980 <>`__Cannot compare_exchange empty pointersAlbuquerque
35`2981 <>`__Remove redundant deduction guides from standard libraryAlbuquerque
36`2982 <>`__Making size_type consistent in associative container deduction guidesAlbuquerque
37`2988 <>`__Clause 32 cleanup missed one typenameAlbuquerque
38`2993 <>`__reference_wrapper<T> conversion from T&&Albuquerque
39`2998 <>`__Requirements on function objects passed to {``forward_``,}list-specific algorithmsAlbuquerque|Nothing To Do|
40`3001 <>`__weak_ptr::element_type needs remove_extent_tAlbuquerque
41`3024 <>`__variant's copies must be deleted instead of disabled via SFINAEAlbuquerque|Complete|
43`2164 <>`__What are the semantics of ``vector.emplace(vector.begin(), vector.back())``\ ?Jacksonville|Complete|
44`2243 <>`__``istream::putback``\ problemJacksonville|Complete|
45`2816 <>`__``resize_file``\ has impossible postconditionJacksonville|Nothing To Do|
46`2843 <>`__Unclear behavior of ``std::pmr::memory_resource::do_allocate()``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
47`2849 <>`__Why does ``!is_regular_file(from)``\ cause ``copy_file``\ to report a "file already exists" error?Jacksonville|Nothing To Do|
48`2851 <>`__``std::filesystem``\ enum classes are now underspecifiedJacksonville|Nothing To Do|
49`2946 <>`__LWG 2758's resolution missed further correctionsJacksonville|Complete|
50`2969 <>`__``polymorphic_allocator::construct()``\ shouldn't pass ``resource()``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
51`2975 <>`__Missing case for ``pair``\ construction in scoped and polymorphic allocatorsJacksonville
52`2989 <>`__``path``\ 's stream insertion operator lets you insert everything under the sunJacksonville|Complete|
53`3000 <>`__``monotonic_memory_resource::do_is_equal``\ uses ``dynamic_cast``\ unnecessarilyJacksonville
54`3002 <>`__[networking.ts] ``basic_socket_acceptor::is_open()``\ isn't ``noexcept``\ Jacksonville
55`3004 <>`__|sect|\ [string.capacity] and |sect|\ [vector.capacity] should specify time complexity for ``capacity()``\ Jacksonville|Nothing To Do|
56`3005 <>`__Destruction order of arrays by ``make_shared/allocate_shared``\ only recommended?Jacksonville
57`3007 <>`__``allocate_shared``\ should rebind allocator to *cv*-unqualified ``value_type``\ for constructionJacksonville
58`3009 <>`__Including ``<string_view>``\ doesn't provide ``std::size/empty/data``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
59`3010 <>`__[networking.ts] ``uses_executor``\ says "if a type ``T::executor_type``\ exists"Jacksonville
60`3013 <>`__``(recursive_)directory_iterator``\ construction and traversal should not be ``noexcept``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
61`3014 <>`__More ``noexcept``\ issues with filesystem operationsJacksonville|Complete|
62`3015 <>`__``copy_options::*unspecified*``\ underspecifiedJacksonville|Nothing To Do|
63`3017 <>`__``list splice``\ functions should use ``addressof``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
64`3020 <>`__[networking.ts] Remove spurious nested ``value_type``\ buffer sequence requirementJacksonville
65`3026 <>`__``filesystem::weakly_canonical``\ still defined in terms of ``canonical(p, base)``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
66`3030 <>`__Who shall meet the requirements of ``try_lock``\ ?Jacksonville|Nothing To Do|
67`3034 <>`__P0767R1 breaks previously-standard-layout typesJacksonville|Complete|
68`3035 <>`__``std::allocator``\ 's constructors should be ``constexpr``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
69`3039 <>`__Unnecessary ``decay``\ in ``thread``\ and ``packaged_task``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
70`3041 <>`__Unnecessary ``decay``\ in ``reference_wrapper``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
71`3042 <>`__``is_literal_type_v``\ should be inlineJacksonville|Complete|
72`3043 <>`__Bogus postcondition for ``filesystem_error``\ constructorJacksonville|Complete|
73`3045 <>`__``atomic<*floating-point*>``\ doesn't have ``value_type``\ or ``difference_type``\ Jacksonville
74`3048 <>`__``transform_reduce(exec, first1, last1, first2, init)``\ discards execution policyJacksonville
75`3051 <>`__Floating point classifications were inadvertently changed in P0175Jacksonville|Nothing To Do|
76`3075 <>`__``basic_string``\ needs deduction guides from ``basic_string_view``\ Jacksonville|Complete|
78`2139 <>`__What is a user-defined type?Rapperswil
79`2970 <>`__Return type of std::visit misspecifiedRapperswil
80`3058 <>`__Parallel adjacent_difference shouldn't require creating temporariesRapperswil
81`3062 <>`__Unnecessary decay_t in is_execution_policy_v should be remove_cvref_tRapperswil
82`3067 <>`__recursive_directory_iterator::pop must invalidateRapperswil|Nothing To Do|
83`3071 <>`__[networking.ts] read_until still refers to "input sequence"Rapperswil|Nothing To Do|
84`3074 <>`__Non-member functions for valarray should only deduce from the valarrayRapperswil
85`3076 <>`__basic_string CTAD ambiguityRapperswil|Complete|
86`3079 <>`__LWG 2935 forgot to fix the existing_p overloads of create_directoryRapperswil
87`3080 <>`__Floating point from_chars pattern specification breaks round-trippingRapperswil
88`3083 <>`__What should ios::iword(-1) do?Rapperswil|Nothing To Do|
89`3094 <>`__[]p4 makes surprising claims about encodingRapperswil
90`3100 <>`__Unnecessary and confusing "empty span" wordingRapperswil|Nothing To Do|
91`3102 <>`__Clarify span iterator and ``const_iterator`` behaviorRapperswil|Complete|
92`3104 <>`__Fixing duration divisionRapperswil|Complete|
94`2183 <>`__Muddled allocator requirements for ``match_results``\ constructorsSan Diego|Complete|
95`2184 <>`__Muddled allocator requirements for ``match_results``\ assignmentsSan Diego|Complete|
96`2412 <>`__``promise::set_value()``\ and ``promise::get_future()``\ should not raceSan Diego
97`2499 <>`__``operator>>(basic_istream&, CharT*)``\ makes it hard to avoid buffer overflowsSan DiegoResolved by P0487R1
98`2682 <>`__``filesystem::copy()``\ won't create a symlink to a directorySan Diego|Nothing To Do|
99`2697 <>`__[concurr.ts] Behavior of ``future/shared_future``\ unwrapping constructor when given an invalid ``future``\ San Diego
100`2797 <>`__Trait precondition violationsSan DiegoResolved by 1285R0
101`2936 <>`__Path comparison is defined in terms of the generic formatSan Diego|Complete|
102`2943 <>`__Problematic specification of the wide version of ``basic_filebuf::open``\ San Diego|Nothing To Do|
103`2960 <>`__[fund.ts.v3] ``nonesuch``\ is insufficiently uselessSan Diego|Complete|
104`2995 <>`__``basic_stringbuf``\ default constructor forbids it from using SSO capacitySan Diego
105`2996 <>`__Missing rvalue overloads for ``shared_ptr``\ operationsSan Diego
106`3008 <>`__``make_shared``\ (sub)object destruction semantics are not specifiedSan Diego
107`3022 <>`__``is_convertible<derived*, base*>``\ may lead to ODRSan DiegoResolved by 1285R0
108`3025 <>`__Map-like container deduction guides should use ``pair<Key, T>``\ , not ``pair<const Key, T>``\ San Diego|Complete|
109`3031 <>`__Algorithms and predicates with non-const reference argumentsSan Diego
110`3037 <>`__``polymorphic_allocator``\ and incomplete typesSan Diego
111`3038 <>`__``polymorphic_allocator::allocate``\ should not allow integer overflow to create vulnerabilitiesSan Diego
112`3054 <>`__``uninitialized_copy``\ appears to not be able to meet its exception-safety guaranteeSan Diego
113`3065 <>`__LWG 2989 missed that all ``path``\ 's other operators should be hidden friends as wellSan Diego|Complete|
114`3096 <>`__``path::lexically_relative``\ is confused by trailing slashesSan Diego|Complete|
115`3116 <>`__``*OUTERMOST_ALLOC_TRAITS*``\ needs ``remove_reference_t``\ San Diego
116`3122 <>`__``__cpp_lib_chrono_udls``\ was accidentally droppedSan Diego|Complete|
117`3127 <>`__``basic_osyncstream::rdbuf``\ needs a ````const_cast````\ San Diego
118`3128 <>`__``strstream::rdbuf``\ needs a ````const_cast````\ San Diego|Nothing To Do|
119`3129 <>`__``regex_token_iterator``\ constructor uses wrong pointer arithmeticSan Diego
120`3130 <>`__|sect|\ [input.output] needs many ``addressof``\ San Diego
121`3131 <>`__``addressof``\ all the thingsSan Diego
122`3132 <>`__Library needs to ban macros named ``expects``\ or ``ensures``\ San Diego|Nothing To Do|
123`3134 <>`__[fund.ts.v3] LFTSv3 contains extraneous [meta] variable templates that should have been deleted by P09961San DiegoResolved by P1210R0
124`3137 <>`__Header for ``__cpp_lib_to_chars``\ San Diego|Complete|
125`3145 <>`__``file_clock``\ breaks ABI for C++17 implementationsSan Diego|Complete|
126`3147 <>`__Definitions of "likely" and "unlikely" are likely to cause problemsSan Diego
127`3148 <>`__``<concepts>``\ should be freestandingSan Diego
128`3153 <>`__``Common``\ and ``common_type``\ have too little in commonSan Diego
129`3154 <>`__``Common``\ and ``CommonReference``\ have a common defectSan Diego
131`3012 <>`__``atomic<T>``\ is unimplementable for non-``is_trivially_copy_constructible T``\ Kona
132`3040 <>`__``basic_string_view::starts_with``\ *Effects* are incorrectKona|Complete|
133`3077 <>`__``(push|emplace)_back``\ should invalidate the ``end``\ iteratorKona|Nothing To Do|
134`3087 <>`__One final ``&x``\ in |sect|\ [list.ops]Kona|Nothing To Do|
135`3101 <>`__``span``\ 's ``Container``\ constructors need another constraintKona|Complete|
136`3112 <>`__``system_error``\ and ``filesystem_error``\ constructors taking a ``string``\ may not be able to meet their postconditionsKona
137`3119 <>`__Program-definedness of closure typesKona|Nothing To Do|
138`3133 <>`__Modernizing numeric type requirementsKona
139`3144 <>`__``span``\ does not have a ````const_pointer````\ typedefKona|Complete|
140`3173 <>`__Enable CTAD for *``ref-view``*\ Kona
141`3179 <>`__``subrange``\ should always model ``Range``\ Kona
142`3180 <>`__Inconsistently named return type for ``ranges::minmax_element``\ Kona
143`3182 <>`__Specification of ``Same``\ could be clearerKona
145`2899 <>`__``is_(nothrow_)move_constructible``\ and ``tuple``\ , ``optional``\ and ``unique_ptr``\ Cologne
146`3055 <>`__``path::operator+=(*single-character*)``\ misspecifiedCologne|Complete|7.0
147`3158 <>`__``tuple(allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&)``\ should be conditionally explicitCologne
148`3169 <>`__``ranges``\ permutation generators discard useful informationCologne
149`3183 <>`__Normative permission to specialize Ranges variable templatesCologne
150`3184 <>`__Inconsistencies in ``bind_front``\ wordingCologne
151`3185 <>`__Uses-allocator construction functions missing ``constexpr``\ and ``noexcept``\ Cologne
152`3186 <>`__``ranges``\ removal, partition, and ``partial_sort_copy``\ algorithms discard useful informationCologne
153`3187 <>`__`P0591R4 <>`__ reverted DR 2586 fixes to ``scoped_allocator_adaptor::construct()``\ Cologne
154`3191 <>`__``std::ranges::shuffle``\ synopsis does not match algorithm definitionCologne
155`3196 <>`__``std::optional<T>``\ is ill-formed is ``T``\ is an arrayCologne|Complete|
156`3198 <>`__Bad constraint on ``std::span::span()``\ Cologne|Complete|
157`3199 <>`__``istream >> bitset<0>``\ failsCologne
158`3202 <>`__P0318R1 was supposed to be revisedCologne|Complete|
159`3206 <>`__``year_month_day``\ conversion to ``sys_days``\ uses not-existing member functionCologne|Complete|
160`3208 <>`__``Boolean``\ 's expression requirements are ordered inconsistentlyCologne|Nothing To Do|
161`3209 <>`__Expression in ``year::ok()``\ returns clause is ill-formedCologne|Complete|
163`3231 <>`__``year_month_day_last::day``\ specification does not cover ``!ok()``\ valuesBelfast|Nothing To Do|
164`3225 <>`__``zoned_time``\ converting constructor shall not be ``noexcept``\ Belfast
165`3190 <>`__``std::allocator::allocate``\ sometimes returns too little storageBelfast
166`3218 <>`__Modifier for ``%d``\ parse flag does not match POSIX and ``format``\ specificationBelfast
167`3224 <>`__``zoned_time``\ constructor from ``TimeZonePtr``\ does not specify initialization of ``tp_``\ Belfast
168`3230 <>`__Format specifier ``%y/%Y``\ is missing locale alternative versionsBelfast
169`3232 <>`__Inconsistency in ``zoned_time``\ deduction guidesBelfast
170`3222 <>`__P0574R1 introduced preconditions on non-existent parametersBelfast
171`3221 <>`__Result of ``year_month``\ arithmetic with ``months``\ is ambiguousBelfast|Complete|8.0
172`3235 <>`__``parse``\ manipulator without abbreviation is not callableBelfast
173`3246 <>`__What are the constraints on the template parameter of ``basic_format_arg``\ ?Belfast
174`3253 <>`__``basic_syncbuf::basic_syncbuf()``\ should not be explicitBelfast
175`3245 <>`__Unnecessary restriction on ``'%p'``\ parse specifierBelfast
176`3244 <>`__Constraints for ``Source``\ in |sect|\ [fs.path.req] insufficiently constraintyBelfast
177`3241 <>`__``chrono-spec``\ grammar ambiguity in |sect|\ [time.format]Belfast
178`3257 <>`__Missing feature testing macro update from P0858Belfast
179`3256 <>`__Feature testing macro for ``constexpr``\ algorithmsBelfast
180`3273 <>`__Specify ``weekday_indexed``\ to range of ``[0, 7]``\ Belfast
181`3070 <>`__``path::lexically_relative``\ causes surprising results if a filename can also be a *root-name*Belfast
182`3266 <>`__``to_chars(bool)``\ should be deletedBelfast
183`3272 <>`__``%I%p``\ should parse/format ``duration``\ since midnightBelfast
184`3259 <>`__The definition of *constexpr iterators* should be adjustedBelfast
185`3103 <>`__Errors in taking subview of ``span``\ should be ill-formed where possibleBelfast
186`3274 <>`__Missing feature test macro for ``<span>``\ Belfast
187`3276 <>`__Class ``split_view::outer_iterator::value_type``\ should inherit from ``view_interface``\ Belfast
188`3277 <>`__Pre-increment on prvalues is not a requirement of ``weakly_incrementable``\ Belfast
189`3149 <>`__``DefaultConstructible``\ should require default initializationBelfast
191`1203 <>`__More useful rvalue stream insertionPrague|Complete|12.0
192`2859 <>`__Definition of *reachable* in [ptr.launder] misses pointer arithmetic from pointer-interconvertible objectPrague
193`3018 <>`__``shared_ptr``\ of function typePrague
194`3050 <>`__Conversion specification problem in ``chrono::duration``\ constructorPrague
195`3141 <>`__``CopyConstructible``\ doesn't preserve source valuesPrague
196`3150 <>`__``UniformRandomBitGenerator``\ should validate ``min``\ and ``max``\ Prague
197`3175 <>`__The ``CommonReference``\ requirement of concept ``SwappableWith``\ is not satisfied in the examplePrague
198`3194 <>`__``ConvertibleTo``\ prose does not match codePrague
199`3200 <>`__``midpoint``\ should not constrain ``T``\ is completePrague|Nothing To Do|
200`3201 <>`__``lerp``\ should be marked as ``noexcept``\ Prague|Complete|
201`3226 <>`__``zoned_time``\ constructor from ``string_view``\ should accept ``zoned_time<Duration2, TimeZonePtr2>``\ Prague
202`3233 <>`__Broken requirements for ``shared_ptr``\ converting constructorsPrague
203`3237 <>`__LWG 3038 and 3190 have inconsistent PRsPrague
204`3238 <>`__Insufficiently-defined behavior of ``std::function``\ deduction guidesPrague
205`3242 <>`__``std::format``\ : missing rules for ``arg-id``\ in ``width``\ and ``precision``\ Prague
206`3243 <>`__``std::format``\ and negative zeroesPrague
207`3247 <>`__``ranges::iter_move``\ should perform ADL-only lookup of ``iter_move``\ Prague
208`3248 <>`__``std::format``\ ``#b``\ , ``#B``\ , ``#o``\ , ``#x``\ , and ``#X``\ presentation types misformat negative numbersPrague
209`3250 <>`__``std::format``\ : ``#``\ (alternate form) for NaN and infPrague
210`3251 <>`__Are ``std::format``\ alignment specifiers applied to string arguments?Prague
211`3252 <>`__Parse locale's aware modifiers for commands are not consistent with POSIX specPrague
212`3254 <>`__Strike ``stop_token``\ 's ``operator!=``\ Prague
213`3255 <>`__``span``\ 's ``array``\ constructor is too strictPrague|Complete|
214`3260 <>`__``year_month*``\ arithmetic rejects durations convertible to yearsPrague
215`3262 <>`__Formatting of negative durations is not specifiedPrague
216`3264 <>`__``sized_range``\ and ``ranges::size``\ redundantly use ``disable_sized_range``\ Prague
217`3269 <>`__Parse manipulators do not specify the result of the extraction from streamPrague
218`3270 <>`__Parsing and formatting ``%j``\ with ``duration``\ sPrague
219`3280 <>`__View converting constructors can cause constraint recursion and are unneededPrague
220`3281 <>`__Conversion from ``*pair-like*``\ types to ``subrange``\ is a silent semantic promotionPrague
221`3282 <>`__``subrange``\ converting constructor should disallow derived to base conversionsPrague
222`3284 <>`__``random_access_iterator``\ semantic constraints accidentally promote difference type using unary negatePrague
223`3285 <>`__The type of a customization point object shall satisfy ``semiregular``\ Prague
224`3286 <>`__``ranges::size``\ is not required to be valid after a call to ``ranges::begin``\ on an input rangePrague
225`3291 <>`__``iota_view::iterator``\ has the wrong ``iterator_category``\ Prague
226`3292 <>`__``iota_view``\ is under-constrainedPrague
227`3294 <>`__``zoned_time``\ deduction guides misinterprets ``string``\ /``char*``\ Prague
228`3296 <>`__Inconsistent default argument for ``basic_regex<>::assign``\ Prague|Complete|
229`3299 <>`__Pointers don't need customized iterator behaviorPrague
230`3300 <>`__Non-array ``ssize``\ overload is underconstrainedPrague
231`3301 <>`__``transform_view::iterator``\ has incorrect ``iterator_category``\ Prague
232`3302 <>`__Range adaptor objects ``keys``\ and ``values``\ are unspecifiedPrague
233`3303 <>`__Bad "``constexpr``\ " marker for ``destroy/destroy_n``\ Prague
234`3304 <>`__Allocate functions of ``std::polymorphic_allocator``\ should require ``[[nodiscard]]``\ Prague
235`3307 <>`__``std::allocator<void>().allocate(n)``\ Prague
236`3310 <>`__Replace ``SIZE_MAX``\ with ``numeric_limits<size_t>::max()``\ Prague
237`3313 <>`__``join_view::iterator::operator--``\ is incorrectly constrainedPrague
238`3314 <>`__Is stream insertion behavior locale dependent when ``Period::type``\ is ``micro``\ ?Prague
239`3315 <>`__Correct Allocator Default BehaviorPrague
240`3316 <>`__Correctly define epoch for ``utc_clock``\ / ``utc_timepoint``\ Prague
241`3317 <>`__Incorrect ``operator<<``\ for floating-point durationsPrague
242`3318 <>`__Clarify whether clocks can represent time before their epochPrague
243`3319 <>`__Properly reference specification of IANA time zone databasePrague
244`3320 <>`__``span::cbegin/cend``\ methods produce different results than ``std::[ranges::]cbegin/cend``\ Prague|Complete|
245`3321 <>`__``uninitialized_construct_using_allocator``\ should use ``construct_at``\ Prague
246`3323 <>`__``*has-tuple-element*``\ helper concept needs ``convertible_to``\ Prague
247`3324 <>`__Special-case ``std::strong/weak/partial_order``\ for pointersPrague
248`3325 <>`__Constrain return type of transformation function for ``transform_view``\ Prague
249`3326 <>`__``enable_view``\ has false positivesPrague
250`3327 <>`__Format alignment specifiers vs. text directionPrague
251`3328 <>`__Clarify that ``std::string``\ is not good for UTF-8Prague
252`3329 <>`__``totally_ordered_with``\ both directly and indirectly requires ``common_reference_with``\ Prague
253`3330 <>`__Include ``<compare>``\ from most library headersPrague
254`3331 <>`__Define ``totally_ordered/_with``\ in terms of ``*partially-ordered-with*``\ Prague
255`3332 <>`__Issue in |sect|\ [time.format]Prague
256`3334 <>`__``basic_osyncstream``\ move assignment and destruction calls ``basic_syncbuf::emit()``\ twicePrague
257`3335 <>`__Resolve C++20 NB comments US 273 and GB 274Prague
258`3338 <>`__Rename ``default_constructible``\ to ``default_initializable``\ Prague
259`3340 <>`__Formatting functions should throw on argument/format string mismatch in |sect|\ [format.functions]Prague
260`3346 <>`__``pair``\ and ``tuple``\ copy and move constructor have backwards specificationPrague
261`3347 <>`__``std::pair<T, U>``\ now requires ``T``\ and ``U``\ to be less-than-comparablePrague
262`3348 <>`__``__cpp_lib_unwrap_ref``\ in wrong headerPrague
263`3349 <>`__Missing ``__cpp_lib_constexpr_complex``\ for P0415R1Prague
264`3350 <>`__Simplify return type of ``lexicographical_compare_three_way``\ Prague
265`3351 <>`__``ranges::enable_safe_range``\ should not be constrainedPrague
266`3352 <>`__``strong_equality``\ isn't a thingPrague
267`3354 <>`__``has_strong_structural_equality``\ has a meaningless definitionPrague
268`3355 <>`__The memory algorithms should support move-only input iterators introduced by P1207Prague
269`3356 <>`__``__cpp_lib_nothrow_convertible``\ should be ``__cpp_lib_is_nothrow_convertible``\ Prague
270`3358 <>`__|sect|\ [span.cons] is mistaken that ``to_address``\ can throwPrague
271`3359 <>`__``<chrono>``\ leap second support should allow for negative leap secondsPrague
272`3360 <>`__``three_way_comparable_with``\ is inconsistent with similar conceptsPrague
273`3362 <>`__Strike ``stop_source``\ 's ``operator!=``\ Prague
274`3363 <>`__``drop_while_view``\ should opt-out of ``sized_range``\ Prague
275`3364 <>`__Initialize data members of ranges and their iteratorsPrague
276`3367 <>`__Integer-class conversions should not throwPrague
277`3369 <>`__``span``\ 's deduction-guide for built-in arrays doesn't workPrague
278`3371 <>`__``visit_format_arg``\ and ``make_format_args``\ are not hidden friendsPrague
279`3372 <>`__``vformat_to``\ should not try to deduce ``Out``\ twicePrague
280`3373 <>`__``{to,from}_chars_result``\ and ``format_to_n_result``\ need the "we really mean what we say" wordingPrague
281`3374 <>`__P0653 + P1006 should have made the other ``std::to_address``\ overload ``constexpr``\ Prague|Complete|12.0
282`3375 <>`__``decay``\ in ``viewable_range``\ should be ``remove_cvref``\ Prague
283`3377 <>`__``elements_view::iterator``\ befriends a specialization of itselfPrague
284`3379 <>`__"``safe``\ " in several library names is misleadingPrague
285`3380 <>`__``common_type``\ and comparison categoriesPrague
286`3381 <>`__``begin``\ and ``data``\ must agree for ``contiguous_range``\ Prague
287`3382 <>`__NTTP for ``pair``\ and ``array``\ Prague
288`3383 <>`__|sect|\ [] ``sys_seconds``\ should be replaced with ``seconds``\ Prague
289`3384 <>`__``transform_view::*sentinel*``\ has an incorrect ``operator-``\ Prague
290`3385 <>`__``common_iterator``\ is not sufficiently constrained for non-copyable iteratorsPrague
291`3387 <>`__|sect|\ [range.reverse.view] ``reverse_view<V>``\ unintentionally requires ``range<const V>``\ Prague
292`3388 <>`__``view``\ iterator types have ill-formed ``<=>``\ operatorsPrague
293`3389 <>`__A move-only iterator still does not have a ``counted_iterator``\ Prague
294`3390 <>`__``make_move_iterator()``\ cannot be used to construct a ``move_iterator``\ for a move-only iteratorPrague
295`3393 <>`__Missing/incorrect feature test macro for coroutinesPrague
296`3395 <>`__Definition for three-way comparison needs to be updated (US 152)Prague
297`3396 <>`__Clarify point of reference for ``source_location::current()``\ (DE 169)Prague
298`3397 <>`__``ranges::basic_istream_view::iterator``\ should not provide ``iterator_category``\ Prague
299`3398 <>`__``tuple_element_t``\ is also wrong for ``const subrange``\ Prague