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<h1><a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.html">Dialogflow API</a> . <a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.projects.html">projects</a> . <a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.projects.agent.html">agent</a> . <a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.projects.agent.sessions.html">sessions</a></h1>
<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.projects.agent.sessions.contexts.html">contexts()</a></code>
<p class="firstline">Returns the contexts Resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="dialogflow_v2beta1.projects.agent.sessions.entityTypes.html">entityTypes()</a></code>
<p class="firstline">Returns the entityTypes Resource.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#deleteContexts">deleteContexts(parent, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.</p>
<p class="toc_element">
<code><a href="#detectIntent">detectIntent(session, body, x__xgafv=None)</a></code></p>
<p class="firstline">Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data</p>
<h3>Method Details</h3>
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="deleteContexts">deleteContexts(parent, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Deletes all active contexts in the specified session.
parent: string, Required. The name of the session to delete all contexts from. Format:
`projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>` or `projects/<Project
ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User ID>/sessions/<Session
ID>`. If `Environment ID` is not specified we assume default 'draft'
environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user. (required)
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated
# empty messages in your APIs. A typical example is to use it as the request
# or the response type of an API method. For instance:
# service Foo {
# rpc Bar(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
# }
# The JSON representation for `Empty` is empty JSON object `{}`.
<div class="method">
<code class="details" id="detectIntent">detectIntent(session, body, x__xgafv=None)</code>
<pre>Processes a natural language query and returns structured, actionable data
as a result. This method is not idempotent, because it may cause contexts
and session entity types to be updated, which in turn might affect
results of future queries.
session: string, Required. The name of the session this query is sent to. Format:
`projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>`, or
`projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
ID>/sessions/<Session ID>`. If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume
default 'draft' environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we are using
"-". It’s up to the API caller to choose an appropriate `Session ID` and
`User Id`. They can be a random numbers or some type of user and session
identifiers (preferably hashed). The length of the `Session ID` and
`User ID` must not exceed 36 characters. (required)
body: object, The request body. (required)
The object takes the form of:
{ # The request to detect user's intent.
"outputAudioConfig": { # Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio content. # Optional. Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output
# audio. If this field is not set and agent-level speech synthesizer is not
# configured, no output audio is generated.
"sampleRateHertz": 42, # Optional. The synthesis sample rate (in hertz) for this audio. If not
# provided, then the synthesizer will use the default sample rate based on
# the audio encoding. If this is different from the voice's natural sample
# rate, then the synthesizer will honor this request by converting to the
# desired sample rate (which might result in worse audio quality).
"audioEncoding": "A String", # Required. Audio encoding of the synthesized audio content.
"synthesizeSpeechConfig": { # Configuration of how speech should be synthesized. # Optional. Configuration of how speech should be synthesized.
"effectsProfileId": [ # Optional. An identifier which selects 'audio effects' profiles that are
# applied on (post synthesized) text to speech. Effects are applied on top of
# each other in the order they are given.
"A String",
"voice": { # Description of which voice to use for speech synthesis. # Optional. The desired voice of the synthesized audio.
"ssmlGender": "A String", # Optional. The preferred gender of the voice. If not set, the service will
# choose a voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and
# name. Note that this is only a preference, not requirement. If a
# voice of the appropriate gender is not available, the synthesizer should
# substitute a voice with a different gender rather than failing the request.
"name": "A String", # Optional. The name of the voice. If not set, the service will choose a
# voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and gender.
"speakingRate": 3.14, # Optional. Speaking rate/speed, in the range [0.25, 4.0]. 1.0 is the normal
# native speed supported by the specific voice. 2.0 is twice as fast, and
# 0.5 is half as fast. If unset(0.0), defaults to the native 1.0 speed. Any
# other values < 0.25 or > 4.0 will return an error.
"volumeGainDb": 3.14, # Optional. Volume gain (in dB) of the normal native volume supported by the
# specific voice, in the range [-96.0, 16.0]. If unset, or set to a value of
# 0.0 (dB), will play at normal native signal amplitude. A value of -6.0 (dB)
# will play at approximately half the amplitude of the normal native signal
# amplitude. A value of +6.0 (dB) will play at approximately twice the
# amplitude of the normal native signal amplitude. We strongly recommend not
# to exceed +10 (dB) as there's usually no effective increase in loudness for
# any value greater than that.
"pitch": 3.14, # Optional. Speaking pitch, in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. 20 means increase 20
# semitones from the original pitch. -20 means decrease 20 semitones from the
# original pitch.
"inputAudio": "A String", # Optional. The natural language speech audio to be processed. This field
# should be populated iff `query_input` is set to an input audio config.
# A single request can contain up to 1 minute of speech audio data.
"queryInput": { # Represents the query input. It can contain either: # Required. The input specification. It can be set to:
# 1. an audio config
# which instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio,
# 2. a conversational query in the form of text, or
# 3. an event that specifies which intent to trigger.
# 1. An audio config which
# instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio.
# 2. A conversational query in the form of text.
# 3. An event that specifies which intent to trigger.
"text": { # Represents the natural language text to be processed. # The natural language text to be processed.
"text": "A String", # Required. The UTF-8 encoded natural language text to be processed.
# Text length must not exceed 256 characters.
"languageCode": "A String", # Required. The language of this conversational query. See [Language
# Support](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
# for a list of the currently supported language codes. Note that queries in
# the same session do not necessarily need to specify the same language.
"event": { # Events allow for matching intents by event name instead of the natural # The event to be processed.
# language input. For instance, input `<event: { name: "welcome_event",
# parameters: { name: "Sam" } }>` can trigger a personalized welcome response.
# The parameter `name` may be used by the agent in the response:
# `"Hello #welcome_event.name! What can I do for you today?"`.
"languageCode": "A String", # Required. The language of this query. See [Language
# Support](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
# for a list of the currently supported language codes. Note that queries in
# the same session do not necessarily need to specify the same language.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the event.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with the event.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"audioConfig": { # Instructs the speech recognizer on how to process the audio content. # Instructs the speech recognizer how to process the speech audio.
"languageCode": "A String", # Required. The language of the supplied audio. Dialogflow does not do
# translations. See [Language
# Support](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
# for a list of the currently supported language codes. Note that queries in
# the same session do not necessarily need to specify the same language.
"audioEncoding": "A String", # Required. Audio encoding of the audio content to process.
"phraseHints": [ # Optional. A list of strings containing words and phrases that the speech
# recognizer should recognize with higher likelihood.
# See [the Cloud Speech
# documentation](https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/basics#phrase-hints)
# for more details.
"A String",
"enableWordInfo": True or False, # Optional. If `true`, Dialogflow returns SpeechWordInfo in
# StreamingRecognitionResult with information about the recognized speech
# words, e.g. start and end time offsets. If false or unspecified, Speech
# doesn't return any word-level information.
"sampleRateHertz": 42, # Required. Sample rate (in Hertz) of the audio content sent in the query.
# Refer to
# [Cloud Speech API
# documentation](https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/basics) for
# more details.
"modelVariant": "A String", # Optional. Which variant of the Speech model to use.
"model": "A String", # Optional. Which Speech model to select for the given request. Select the
# model best suited to your domain to get best results. If a model is not
# explicitly specified, then we auto-select a model based on the parameters
# in the InputAudioConfig.
# If enhanced speech model is enabled for the agent and an enhanced
# version of the specified model for the language does not exist, then the
# speech is recognized using the standard version of the specified model.
# Refer to
# [Cloud Speech API
# documentation](https://cloud.google.com/speech-to-text/docs/basics#select-model)
# for more details.
"queryParams": { # Represents the parameters of the conversational query. # Optional. The parameters of this query.
"geoLocation": { # An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair # Optional. The geo location of this conversational query.
# of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless
# specified otherwise, this must conform to the
# <a href="http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/icg/2012/template/WGS_84.pdf">WGS84
# standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges.
"latitude": 3.14, # The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].
"longitude": 3.14, # The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].
"contexts": [ # Optional. The collection of contexts to be activated before this query is
# executed.
{ # Represents a context.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context.
# Refer to [this
# doc](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/intents-actions-parameters)
# for syntax.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`,
# or `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`.
# The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only contain
# characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
"lifespanCount": 42, # Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the
# context expires. If set to `0` (the default) the context expires
# immediately. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there
# are no matching queries.
"knowledgeBaseNames": [ # Optional. KnowledgeBases to get alternative results from. If not set, the
# KnowledgeBases enabled in the agent (through UI) will be used.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/knowledgeBases/<Knowledge Base ID>`.
"A String",
"sentimentAnalysisRequestConfig": { # Configures the types of sentiment analysis to perform. # Optional. Configures the type of sentiment analysis to perform. If not
# provided, sentiment analysis is not performed.
# Note: Sentiment Analysis is only currently available for Enterprise Edition
# agents.
"analyzeQueryTextSentiment": True or False, # Optional. Instructs the service to perform sentiment analysis on
# `query_text`. If not provided, sentiment analysis is not performed on
# `query_text`.
"resetContexts": True or False, # Optional. Specifies whether to delete all contexts in the current session
# before the new ones are activated.
"timeZone": "A String", # Optional. The time zone of this conversational query from the
# [time zone database](https://www.iana.org/time-zones), e.g.,
# America/New_York, Europe/Paris. If not provided, the time zone specified in
# agent settings is used.
"payload": { # Optional. This field can be used to pass custom data into the webhook
# associated with the agent. Arbitrary JSON objects are supported.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"sessionEntityTypes": [ # Optional. Additional session entity types to replace or extend developer
# entity types with. The entity synonyms apply to all languages and persist
# for the session of this query.
{ # Represents a session entity type.
# Extends or replaces a developer entity type at the user session level (we
# refer to the entity types defined at the agent level as "developer entity
# types").
# Note: session entity types apply to all queries, regardless of the language.
"entities": [ # Required. The collection of entities associated with this session entity
# type.
{ # An **entity entry** for an associated entity type.
"synonyms": [ # Required. A collection of value synonyms. For example, if the entity type
# is *vegetable*, and `value` is *scallions*, a synonym could be *green
# onions*.
# For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
# * This collection must contain exactly one synonym equal to `value`.
"A String",
"value": "A String", # Required. The primary value associated with this entity entry.
# For example, if the entity type is *vegetable*, the value could be
# *scallions*.
# For `KIND_MAP` entity types:
# * A canonical value to be used in place of synonyms.
# For `KIND_LIST` entity types:
# * A string that can contain references to other entity types (with or
# without aliases).
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of this session entity type. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/entityTypes/<Entity Type
# Display Name>`, or
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/entityTypes/<Entity Type Display Name>`.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
# `<Entity Type Display Name>` must be the display name of an existing entity
# type in the same agent that will be overridden or supplemented.
"entityOverrideMode": "A String", # Required. Indicates whether the additional data should override or
# supplement the developer entity type definition.
x__xgafv: string, V1 error format.
Allowed values
1 - v1 error format
2 - v2 error format
An object of the form:
{ # The message returned from the DetectIntent method.
"outputAudioConfig": { # Instructs the speech synthesizer how to generate the output audio content. # The config used by the speech synthesizer to generate the output audio.
"sampleRateHertz": 42, # Optional. The synthesis sample rate (in hertz) for this audio. If not
# provided, then the synthesizer will use the default sample rate based on
# the audio encoding. If this is different from the voice's natural sample
# rate, then the synthesizer will honor this request by converting to the
# desired sample rate (which might result in worse audio quality).
"audioEncoding": "A String", # Required. Audio encoding of the synthesized audio content.
"synthesizeSpeechConfig": { # Configuration of how speech should be synthesized. # Optional. Configuration of how speech should be synthesized.
"effectsProfileId": [ # Optional. An identifier which selects 'audio effects' profiles that are
# applied on (post synthesized) text to speech. Effects are applied on top of
# each other in the order they are given.
"A String",
"voice": { # Description of which voice to use for speech synthesis. # Optional. The desired voice of the synthesized audio.
"ssmlGender": "A String", # Optional. The preferred gender of the voice. If not set, the service will
# choose a voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and
# name. Note that this is only a preference, not requirement. If a
# voice of the appropriate gender is not available, the synthesizer should
# substitute a voice with a different gender rather than failing the request.
"name": "A String", # Optional. The name of the voice. If not set, the service will choose a
# voice based on the other parameters such as language_code and gender.
"speakingRate": 3.14, # Optional. Speaking rate/speed, in the range [0.25, 4.0]. 1.0 is the normal
# native speed supported by the specific voice. 2.0 is twice as fast, and
# 0.5 is half as fast. If unset(0.0), defaults to the native 1.0 speed. Any
# other values < 0.25 or > 4.0 will return an error.
"volumeGainDb": 3.14, # Optional. Volume gain (in dB) of the normal native volume supported by the
# specific voice, in the range [-96.0, 16.0]. If unset, or set to a value of
# 0.0 (dB), will play at normal native signal amplitude. A value of -6.0 (dB)
# will play at approximately half the amplitude of the normal native signal
# amplitude. A value of +6.0 (dB) will play at approximately twice the
# amplitude of the normal native signal amplitude. We strongly recommend not
# to exceed +10 (dB) as there's usually no effective increase in loudness for
# any value greater than that.
"pitch": 3.14, # Optional. Speaking pitch, in the range [-20.0, 20.0]. 20 means increase 20
# semitones from the original pitch. -20 means decrease 20 semitones from the
# original pitch.
"queryResult": { # Represents the result of conversational query or event processing. # The selected results of the conversational query or event processing.
# See `alternative_query_results` for additional potential results.
"sentimentAnalysisResult": { # The result of sentiment analysis as configured by # The sentiment analysis result, which depends on the
# `sentiment_analysis_request_config` specified in the request.
# `sentiment_analysis_request_config`.
"queryTextSentiment": { # The sentiment, such as positive/negative feeling or association, for a unit # The sentiment analysis result for `query_text`.
# of analysis, such as the query text.
"score": 3.14, # Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive
# sentiment).
"magnitude": 3.14, # A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the absolute
# magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or negative).
"fulfillmentText": "A String", # The text to be pronounced to the user or shown on the screen.
# Note: This is a legacy field, `fulfillment_messages` should be preferred.
"knowledgeAnswers": { # Represents the result of querying a Knowledge base. # The result from Knowledge Connector (if any), ordered by decreasing
# `KnowledgeAnswers.match_confidence`.
"answers": [ # A list of answers from Knowledge Connector.
{ # An answer from Knowledge Connector.
"answer": "A String", # The piece of text from the `source` knowledge base document that answers
# this conversational query.
"source": "A String", # Indicates which Knowledge Document this answer was extracted from.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/knowledgeBases/<Knowledge Base
# ID>/documents/<Document ID>`.
"matchConfidenceLevel": "A String", # The system's confidence level that this knowledge answer is a good match
# for this conversational query.
# NOTE: The confidence level for a given `<query, answer>` pair may change
# without notice, as it depends on models that are constantly being
# improved. However, it will change less frequently than the confidence
# score below, and should be preferred for referencing the quality of an
# answer.
"matchConfidence": 3.14, # The system's confidence score that this Knowledge answer is a good match
# for this conversational query.
# The range is from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain).
# Note: The confidence score is likely to vary somewhat (possibly even for
# identical requests), as the underlying model is under constant
# improvement. It may be deprecated in the future. We recommend using
# `match_confidence_level` which should be generally more stable.
"faqQuestion": "A String", # The corresponding FAQ question if the answer was extracted from a FAQ
# Document, empty otherwise.
"parameters": { # The collection of extracted parameters.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"languageCode": "A String", # The language that was triggered during intent detection.
# See [Language
# Support](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
# for a list of the currently supported language codes.
"speechRecognitionConfidence": 3.14, # The Speech recognition confidence between 0.0 and 1.0. A higher number
# indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized words are
# correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidence
# was not set.
# This field is not guaranteed to be accurate or set. In particular this
# field isn't set for StreamingDetectIntent since the streaming endpoint has
# separate confidence estimates per portion of the audio in
# StreamingRecognitionResult.
"intentDetectionConfidence": 3.14, # The intent detection confidence. Values range from 0.0
# (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain).
# If there are `multiple knowledge_answers` messages, this value is set to
# the greatest `knowledgeAnswers.match_confidence` value in the list.
"fulfillmentMessages": [ # The collection of rich messages to present to the user.
{ # Corresponds to the `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
"simpleResponses": { # The collection of simple response candidates. # Returns a voice or text-only response for Actions on Google.
# This message in `QueryResult.fulfillment_messages` and
# `WebhookResponse.fulfillment_messages` should contain only one
# `SimpleResponse`.
"simpleResponses": [ # Required. The list of simple responses.
{ # The simple response message containing speech or text.
"textToSpeech": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. The plain text of the
# speech output. Mutually exclusive with ssml.
"displayText": "A String", # Optional. The text to display.
"ssml": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. Structured spoken
# response to the user in the SSML format. Mutually exclusive with
# text_to_speech.
"quickReplies": { # The quick replies response message. # Displays quick replies.
"quickReplies": [ # Optional. The collection of quick replies.
"A String",
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the collection of quick replies.
"platform": "A String", # Optional. The platform that this message is intended for.
"text": { # The text response message. # Returns a text response.
"text": [ # Optional. The collection of the agent's responses.
"A String",
"image": { # The image response message. # Displays an image.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"telephonySynthesizeSpeech": { # Synthesizes speech and plays back the synthesized audio to the caller in # Synthesizes speech in Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway takes the synthesizer settings from
# `DetectIntentResponse.output_audio_config` which can either be set
# at request-level or can come from the agent-level synthesizer config.
"ssml": "A String", # The SSML to be synthesized. For more information, see
# [SSML](https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/ssml).
"text": "A String", # The raw text to be synthesized.
"suggestions": { # The collection of suggestions. # Displays suggestion chips for Actions on Google.
"suggestions": [ # Required. The list of suggested replies.
{ # The suggestion chip message that the user can tap to quickly post a reply
# to the conversation.
"title": "A String", # Required. The text shown the in the suggestion chip.
"telephonyPlayAudio": { # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway. # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway.
"audioUri": "A String", # Required. URI to a Google Cloud Storage object containing the audio to
# play, e.g., "gs://bucket/object". The object must contain a single
# channel (mono) of linear PCM audio (2 bytes / sample) at 8kHz.
# This object must be readable by the `service-<Project
# Number>@gcp-sa-dialogflow.iam.gserviceaccount.com` service account
# where <Project Number> is the number of the Telephony Gateway project
# (usually the same as the Dialogflow agent project). If the Google Cloud
# Storage bucket is in the Telephony Gateway project, this permission is
# added by default when enabling the Dialogflow V2 API.
# For audio from other sources, consider using the
# `TelephonySynthesizeSpeech` message with SSML.
"linkOutSuggestion": { # The suggestion chip message that allows the user to jump out to the app # Displays a link out suggestion chip for Actions on Google.
# or website associated with this agent.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The URI of the app or site to open when the user taps the
# suggestion chip.
"destinationName": "A String", # Required. The name of the app or site this chip is linking to.
"basicCard": { # The basic card message. Useful for displaying information. # Displays a basic card for Actions on Google.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # The button object that appears at the bottom of a card.
"openUriAction": { # Opens the given URI. # Required. Action to take when a user taps on the button.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The HTTP or HTTPS scheme URI.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the button.
"formattedText": "A String", # Required, unless image is present. The body text of the card.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image for the card.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"carouselSelect": { # The card for presenting a carousel of options to select from. # Displays a carousel card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. Carousel items.
{ # An item in the carousel.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional info about the option item.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The body text of the card.
"title": "A String", # Required. Title of the carousel item.
"listSelect": { # The card for presenting a list of options to select from. # Displays a list card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. List items.
{ # An item in the list.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional information about this option.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The main text describing the item.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the list item.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The overall title of the list.
"telephonyTransferCall": { # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway. # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway.
"phoneNumber": "A String", # Required. The phone number to transfer the call to
# in [E.164 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164).
# We currently only allow transferring to US numbers (+1xxxyyyzzzz).
"payload": { # Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
# See the Intent.Message.Platform type for a description of the
# structure that may be required for your platform.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"card": { # The card response message. # Displays a card.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # Optional. Contains information about a button.
"text": "A String", # Optional. The text to show on the button.
"postback": "A String", # Optional. The text to send back to the Dialogflow API or a URI to
# open.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file for the card.
"action": "A String", # The action name from the matched intent.
"intent": { # Represents an intent. # The intent that matched the conversational query. Some, not
# all fields are filled in this message, including but not limited to:
# `name`, `display_name` and `webhook_state`.
# Intents convert a number of user expressions or patterns into an action. An
# action is an extraction of a user command or sentence semantics.
"isFallback": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this is a fallback intent.
"mlDisabled": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether Machine Learning is disabled for the intent.
# Note: If `ml_disabled` setting is set to true, then this intent is not
# taken into account during inference in `ML ONLY` match mode. Also,
# auto-markup in the UI is turned off.
"displayName": "A String", # Required. The name of this intent.
"name": "A String", # The unique identifier of this intent.
# Required for Intents.UpdateIntent and Intents.BatchUpdateIntents
# methods.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"parameters": [ # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with the intent.
{ # Represents intent parameters.
"mandatory": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the parameter is required. That is,
# whether the intent cannot be completed without collecting the parameter
# value.
"name": "A String", # The unique identifier of this parameter.
"defaultValue": "A String", # Optional. The default value to use when the `value` yields an empty
# result.
# Default values can be extracted from contexts by using the following
# syntax: `#context_name.parameter_name`.
"entityTypeDisplayName": "A String", # Optional. The name of the entity type, prefixed with `@`, that
# describes values of the parameter. If the parameter is
# required, this must be provided.
"value": "A String", # Optional. The definition of the parameter value. It can be:
# - a constant string,
# - a parameter value defined as `$parameter_name`,
# - an original parameter value defined as `$parameter_name.original`,
# - a parameter value from some context defined as
# `#context_name.parameter_name`.
"prompts": [ # Optional. The collection of prompts that the agent can present to the
# user in order to collect value for the parameter.
"A String",
"isList": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
"displayName": "A String", # Required. The name of the parameter.
"trainingPhrases": [ # Optional. The collection of examples that the agent is
# trained on.
{ # Represents an example that the agent is trained on.
"parts": [ # Required. The ordered list of training phrase parts.
# The parts are concatenated in order to form the training phrase.
# Note: The API does not automatically annotate training phrases like the
# Dialogflow Console does.
# Note: Do not forget to include whitespace at part boundaries,
# so the training phrase is well formatted when the parts are concatenated.
# If the training phrase does not need to be annotated with parameters,
# you just need a single part with only the Part.text field set.
# If you want to annotate the training phrase, you must create multiple
# parts, where the fields of each part are populated in one of two ways:
# - `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that has no parameters.
# - `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that you want to annotate,
# and the `entity_type`, `alias`, and `user_defined` fields are all
# set.
{ # Represents a part of a training phrase.
"text": "A String", # Required. The text for this part.
"entityType": "A String", # Optional. The entity type name prefixed with `@`.
# This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
"userDefined": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the text was manually annotated.
# This field is set to true when the Dialogflow Console is used to
# manually annotate the part. When creating an annotated part with the
# API, you must set this to true.
"alias": "A String", # Optional. The parameter name for the value extracted from the
# annotated part of the example.
# This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
"type": "A String", # Required. The type of the training phrase.
"name": "A String", # Output only. The unique identifier of this training phrase.
"timesAddedCount": 42, # Optional. Indicates how many times this example was added to
# the intent. Each time a developer adds an existing sample by editing an
# intent or training, this counter is increased.
"followupIntentInfo": [ # Read-only. Information about all followup intents that have this intent as
# a direct or indirect parent. We populate this field only in the output.
{ # Represents a single followup intent in the chain.
"followupIntentName": "A String", # The unique identifier of the followup intent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"parentFollowupIntentName": "A String", # The unique identifier of the followup intent's parent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"webhookState": "A String", # Optional. Indicates whether webhooks are enabled for the intent.
"resetContexts": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether to delete all contexts in the current
# session when this intent is matched.
"messages": [ # Optional. The collection of rich messages corresponding to the
# `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
{ # Corresponds to the `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
"simpleResponses": { # The collection of simple response candidates. # Returns a voice or text-only response for Actions on Google.
# This message in `QueryResult.fulfillment_messages` and
# `WebhookResponse.fulfillment_messages` should contain only one
# `SimpleResponse`.
"simpleResponses": [ # Required. The list of simple responses.
{ # The simple response message containing speech or text.
"textToSpeech": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. The plain text of the
# speech output. Mutually exclusive with ssml.
"displayText": "A String", # Optional. The text to display.
"ssml": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. Structured spoken
# response to the user in the SSML format. Mutually exclusive with
# text_to_speech.
"quickReplies": { # The quick replies response message. # Displays quick replies.
"quickReplies": [ # Optional. The collection of quick replies.
"A String",
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the collection of quick replies.
"platform": "A String", # Optional. The platform that this message is intended for.
"text": { # The text response message. # Returns a text response.
"text": [ # Optional. The collection of the agent's responses.
"A String",
"image": { # The image response message. # Displays an image.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"telephonySynthesizeSpeech": { # Synthesizes speech and plays back the synthesized audio to the caller in # Synthesizes speech in Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway takes the synthesizer settings from
# `DetectIntentResponse.output_audio_config` which can either be set
# at request-level or can come from the agent-level synthesizer config.
"ssml": "A String", # The SSML to be synthesized. For more information, see
# [SSML](https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/ssml).
"text": "A String", # The raw text to be synthesized.
"suggestions": { # The collection of suggestions. # Displays suggestion chips for Actions on Google.
"suggestions": [ # Required. The list of suggested replies.
{ # The suggestion chip message that the user can tap to quickly post a reply
# to the conversation.
"title": "A String", # Required. The text shown the in the suggestion chip.
"telephonyPlayAudio": { # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway. # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway.
"audioUri": "A String", # Required. URI to a Google Cloud Storage object containing the audio to
# play, e.g., "gs://bucket/object". The object must contain a single
# channel (mono) of linear PCM audio (2 bytes / sample) at 8kHz.
# This object must be readable by the `service-<Project
# Number>@gcp-sa-dialogflow.iam.gserviceaccount.com` service account
# where <Project Number> is the number of the Telephony Gateway project
# (usually the same as the Dialogflow agent project). If the Google Cloud
# Storage bucket is in the Telephony Gateway project, this permission is
# added by default when enabling the Dialogflow V2 API.
# For audio from other sources, consider using the
# `TelephonySynthesizeSpeech` message with SSML.
"linkOutSuggestion": { # The suggestion chip message that allows the user to jump out to the app # Displays a link out suggestion chip for Actions on Google.
# or website associated with this agent.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The URI of the app or site to open when the user taps the
# suggestion chip.
"destinationName": "A String", # Required. The name of the app or site this chip is linking to.
"basicCard": { # The basic card message. Useful for displaying information. # Displays a basic card for Actions on Google.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # The button object that appears at the bottom of a card.
"openUriAction": { # Opens the given URI. # Required. Action to take when a user taps on the button.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The HTTP or HTTPS scheme URI.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the button.
"formattedText": "A String", # Required, unless image is present. The body text of the card.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image for the card.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"carouselSelect": { # The card for presenting a carousel of options to select from. # Displays a carousel card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. Carousel items.
{ # An item in the carousel.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional info about the option item.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The body text of the card.
"title": "A String", # Required. Title of the carousel item.
"listSelect": { # The card for presenting a list of options to select from. # Displays a list card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. List items.
{ # An item in the list.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional information about this option.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The main text describing the item.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the list item.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The overall title of the list.
"telephonyTransferCall": { # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway. # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway.
"phoneNumber": "A String", # Required. The phone number to transfer the call to
# in [E.164 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164).
# We currently only allow transferring to US numbers (+1xxxyyyzzzz).
"payload": { # Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
# See the Intent.Message.Platform type for a description of the
# structure that may be required for your platform.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"card": { # The card response message. # Displays a card.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # Optional. Contains information about a button.
"text": "A String", # Optional. The text to show on the button.
"postback": "A String", # Optional. The text to send back to the Dialogflow API or a URI to
# open.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file for the card.
"parentFollowupIntentName": "A String", # Read-only after creation. The unique identifier of the parent intent in the
# chain of followup intents. You can set this field when creating an intent,
# for example with CreateIntent or BatchUpdateIntents, in order to
# make this intent a followup intent.
# It identifies the parent followup intent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"defaultResponsePlatforms": [ # Optional. The list of platforms for which the first responses will be
# copied from the messages in PLATFORM_UNSPECIFIED (i.e. default platform).
"A String",
"priority": 42, # Optional. The priority of this intent. Higher numbers represent higher
# priorities. If this is zero or unspecified, we use the default
# priority 500000.
# Negative numbers mean that the intent is disabled.
"rootFollowupIntentName": "A String", # Read-only. The unique identifier of the root intent in the chain of
# followup intents. It identifies the correct followup intents chain for
# this intent. We populate this field only in the output.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"endInteraction": True or False, # Optional. Indicates that this intent ends an interaction. Some integrations
# (e.g., Actions on Google or Dialogflow phone gateway) use this information
# to close interaction with an end user. Default is false.
"inputContextNames": [ # Optional. The list of context names required for this intent to be
# triggered.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>`.
"A String",
"mlEnabled": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether Machine Learning is enabled for the intent.
# Note: If `ml_enabled` setting is set to false, then this intent is not
# taken into account during inference in `ML ONLY` match mode. Also,
# auto-markup in the UI is turned off.
# DEPRECATED! Please use `ml_disabled` field instead.
# NOTE: If both `ml_enabled` and `ml_disabled` are either not set or false,
# then the default value is determined as follows:
# - Before April 15th, 2018 the default is:
# ml_enabled = false / ml_disabled = true.
# - After April 15th, 2018 the default is:
# ml_enabled = true / ml_disabled = false.
"action": "A String", # Optional. The name of the action associated with the intent.
# Note: The action name must not contain whitespaces.
"outputContexts": [ # Optional. The collection of contexts that are activated when the intent
# is matched. Context messages in this collection should not set the
# parameters field. Setting the `lifespan_count` to 0 will reset the context
# when the intent is matched.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>`.
{ # Represents a context.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context.
# Refer to [this
# doc](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/intents-actions-parameters)
# for syntax.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`,
# or `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`.
# The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only contain
# characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
"lifespanCount": 42, # Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the
# context expires. If set to `0` (the default) the context expires
# immediately. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there
# are no matching queries.
"events": [ # Optional. The collection of event names that trigger the intent.
# If the collection of input contexts is not empty, all of the contexts must
# be present in the active user session for an event to trigger this intent.
"A String",
"webhookPayload": { # If the query was fulfilled by a webhook call, this field is set to the
# value of the `payload` field returned in the webhook response.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"diagnosticInfo": { # The free-form diagnostic info. For example, this field could contain
# webhook call latency. The string keys of the Struct's fields map can change
# without notice.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"queryText": "A String", # The original conversational query text:
# - If natural language text was provided as input, `query_text` contains
# a copy of the input.
# - If natural language speech audio was provided as input, `query_text`
# contains the speech recognition result. If speech recognizer produced
# multiple alternatives, a particular one is picked.
# - If automatic spell correction is enabled, `query_text` will contain the
# corrected user input.
"outputContexts": [ # The collection of output contexts. If applicable,
# `output_contexts.parameters` contains entries with name
# `<parameter name>.original` containing the original parameter values
# before the query.
{ # Represents a context.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context.
# Refer to [this
# doc](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/intents-actions-parameters)
# for syntax.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`,
# or `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`.
# The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only contain
# characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
"lifespanCount": 42, # Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the
# context expires. If set to `0` (the default) the context expires
# immediately. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there
# are no matching queries.
"webhookSource": "A String", # If the query was fulfilled by a webhook call, this field is set to the
# value of the `source` field returned in the webhook response.
"allRequiredParamsPresent": True or False, # This field is set to:
# - `false` if the matched intent has required parameters and not all of
# the required parameter values have been collected.
# - `true` if all required parameter values have been collected, or if the
# matched intent doesn't contain any required parameters.
"responseId": "A String", # The unique identifier of the response. It can be used to
# locate a response in the training example set or for reporting issues.
"outputAudio": "A String", # The audio data bytes encoded as specified in the request.
# Note: The output audio is generated based on the values of default platform
# text responses found in the `query_result.fulfillment_messages` field. If
# multiple default text responses exist, they will be concatenated when
# generating audio. If no default platform text responses exist, the
# generated audio content will be empty.
"alternativeQueryResults": [ # If Knowledge Connectors are enabled, there could be more than one result
# returned for a given query or event, and this field will contain all
# results except for the top one, which is captured in query_result. The
# alternative results are ordered by decreasing
# `QueryResult.intent_detection_confidence`. If Knowledge Connectors are
# disabled, this field will be empty until multiple responses for regular
# intents are supported, at which point those additional results will be
# surfaced here.
{ # Represents the result of conversational query or event processing.
"sentimentAnalysisResult": { # The result of sentiment analysis as configured by # The sentiment analysis result, which depends on the
# `sentiment_analysis_request_config` specified in the request.
# `sentiment_analysis_request_config`.
"queryTextSentiment": { # The sentiment, such as positive/negative feeling or association, for a unit # The sentiment analysis result for `query_text`.
# of analysis, such as the query text.
"score": 3.14, # Sentiment score between -1.0 (negative sentiment) and 1.0 (positive
# sentiment).
"magnitude": 3.14, # A non-negative number in the [0, +inf) range, which represents the absolute
# magnitude of sentiment, regardless of score (positive or negative).
"fulfillmentText": "A String", # The text to be pronounced to the user or shown on the screen.
# Note: This is a legacy field, `fulfillment_messages` should be preferred.
"knowledgeAnswers": { # Represents the result of querying a Knowledge base. # The result from Knowledge Connector (if any), ordered by decreasing
# `KnowledgeAnswers.match_confidence`.
"answers": [ # A list of answers from Knowledge Connector.
{ # An answer from Knowledge Connector.
"answer": "A String", # The piece of text from the `source` knowledge base document that answers
# this conversational query.
"source": "A String", # Indicates which Knowledge Document this answer was extracted from.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/knowledgeBases/<Knowledge Base
# ID>/documents/<Document ID>`.
"matchConfidenceLevel": "A String", # The system's confidence level that this knowledge answer is a good match
# for this conversational query.
# NOTE: The confidence level for a given `<query, answer>` pair may change
# without notice, as it depends on models that are constantly being
# improved. However, it will change less frequently than the confidence
# score below, and should be preferred for referencing the quality of an
# answer.
"matchConfidence": 3.14, # The system's confidence score that this Knowledge answer is a good match
# for this conversational query.
# The range is from 0.0 (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain).
# Note: The confidence score is likely to vary somewhat (possibly even for
# identical requests), as the underlying model is under constant
# improvement. It may be deprecated in the future. We recommend using
# `match_confidence_level` which should be generally more stable.
"faqQuestion": "A String", # The corresponding FAQ question if the answer was extracted from a FAQ
# Document, empty otherwise.
"parameters": { # The collection of extracted parameters.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"languageCode": "A String", # The language that was triggered during intent detection.
# See [Language
# Support](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/reference/language)
# for a list of the currently supported language codes.
"speechRecognitionConfidence": 3.14, # The Speech recognition confidence between 0.0 and 1.0. A higher number
# indicates an estimated greater likelihood that the recognized words are
# correct. The default of 0.0 is a sentinel value indicating that confidence
# was not set.
# This field is not guaranteed to be accurate or set. In particular this
# field isn't set for StreamingDetectIntent since the streaming endpoint has
# separate confidence estimates per portion of the audio in
# StreamingRecognitionResult.
"intentDetectionConfidence": 3.14, # The intent detection confidence. Values range from 0.0
# (completely uncertain) to 1.0 (completely certain).
# If there are `multiple knowledge_answers` messages, this value is set to
# the greatest `knowledgeAnswers.match_confidence` value in the list.
"fulfillmentMessages": [ # The collection of rich messages to present to the user.
{ # Corresponds to the `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
"simpleResponses": { # The collection of simple response candidates. # Returns a voice or text-only response for Actions on Google.
# This message in `QueryResult.fulfillment_messages` and
# `WebhookResponse.fulfillment_messages` should contain only one
# `SimpleResponse`.
"simpleResponses": [ # Required. The list of simple responses.
{ # The simple response message containing speech or text.
"textToSpeech": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. The plain text of the
# speech output. Mutually exclusive with ssml.
"displayText": "A String", # Optional. The text to display.
"ssml": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. Structured spoken
# response to the user in the SSML format. Mutually exclusive with
# text_to_speech.
"quickReplies": { # The quick replies response message. # Displays quick replies.
"quickReplies": [ # Optional. The collection of quick replies.
"A String",
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the collection of quick replies.
"platform": "A String", # Optional. The platform that this message is intended for.
"text": { # The text response message. # Returns a text response.
"text": [ # Optional. The collection of the agent's responses.
"A String",
"image": { # The image response message. # Displays an image.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"telephonySynthesizeSpeech": { # Synthesizes speech and plays back the synthesized audio to the caller in # Synthesizes speech in Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway takes the synthesizer settings from
# `DetectIntentResponse.output_audio_config` which can either be set
# at request-level or can come from the agent-level synthesizer config.
"ssml": "A String", # The SSML to be synthesized. For more information, see
# [SSML](https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/ssml).
"text": "A String", # The raw text to be synthesized.
"suggestions": { # The collection of suggestions. # Displays suggestion chips for Actions on Google.
"suggestions": [ # Required. The list of suggested replies.
{ # The suggestion chip message that the user can tap to quickly post a reply
# to the conversation.
"title": "A String", # Required. The text shown the in the suggestion chip.
"telephonyPlayAudio": { # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway. # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway.
"audioUri": "A String", # Required. URI to a Google Cloud Storage object containing the audio to
# play, e.g., "gs://bucket/object". The object must contain a single
# channel (mono) of linear PCM audio (2 bytes / sample) at 8kHz.
# This object must be readable by the `service-<Project
# Number>@gcp-sa-dialogflow.iam.gserviceaccount.com` service account
# where <Project Number> is the number of the Telephony Gateway project
# (usually the same as the Dialogflow agent project). If the Google Cloud
# Storage bucket is in the Telephony Gateway project, this permission is
# added by default when enabling the Dialogflow V2 API.
# For audio from other sources, consider using the
# `TelephonySynthesizeSpeech` message with SSML.
"linkOutSuggestion": { # The suggestion chip message that allows the user to jump out to the app # Displays a link out suggestion chip for Actions on Google.
# or website associated with this agent.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The URI of the app or site to open when the user taps the
# suggestion chip.
"destinationName": "A String", # Required. The name of the app or site this chip is linking to.
"basicCard": { # The basic card message. Useful for displaying information. # Displays a basic card for Actions on Google.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # The button object that appears at the bottom of a card.
"openUriAction": { # Opens the given URI. # Required. Action to take when a user taps on the button.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The HTTP or HTTPS scheme URI.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the button.
"formattedText": "A String", # Required, unless image is present. The body text of the card.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image for the card.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"carouselSelect": { # The card for presenting a carousel of options to select from. # Displays a carousel card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. Carousel items.
{ # An item in the carousel.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional info about the option item.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The body text of the card.
"title": "A String", # Required. Title of the carousel item.
"listSelect": { # The card for presenting a list of options to select from. # Displays a list card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. List items.
{ # An item in the list.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional information about this option.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The main text describing the item.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the list item.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The overall title of the list.
"telephonyTransferCall": { # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway. # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway.
"phoneNumber": "A String", # Required. The phone number to transfer the call to
# in [E.164 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164).
# We currently only allow transferring to US numbers (+1xxxyyyzzzz).
"payload": { # Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
# See the Intent.Message.Platform type for a description of the
# structure that may be required for your platform.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"card": { # The card response message. # Displays a card.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # Optional. Contains information about a button.
"text": "A String", # Optional. The text to show on the button.
"postback": "A String", # Optional. The text to send back to the Dialogflow API or a URI to
# open.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file for the card.
"action": "A String", # The action name from the matched intent.
"intent": { # Represents an intent. # The intent that matched the conversational query. Some, not
# all fields are filled in this message, including but not limited to:
# `name`, `display_name` and `webhook_state`.
# Intents convert a number of user expressions or patterns into an action. An
# action is an extraction of a user command or sentence semantics.
"isFallback": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether this is a fallback intent.
"mlDisabled": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether Machine Learning is disabled for the intent.
# Note: If `ml_disabled` setting is set to true, then this intent is not
# taken into account during inference in `ML ONLY` match mode. Also,
# auto-markup in the UI is turned off.
"displayName": "A String", # Required. The name of this intent.
"name": "A String", # The unique identifier of this intent.
# Required for Intents.UpdateIntent and Intents.BatchUpdateIntents
# methods.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"parameters": [ # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with the intent.
{ # Represents intent parameters.
"mandatory": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the parameter is required. That is,
# whether the intent cannot be completed without collecting the parameter
# value.
"name": "A String", # The unique identifier of this parameter.
"defaultValue": "A String", # Optional. The default value to use when the `value` yields an empty
# result.
# Default values can be extracted from contexts by using the following
# syntax: `#context_name.parameter_name`.
"entityTypeDisplayName": "A String", # Optional. The name of the entity type, prefixed with `@`, that
# describes values of the parameter. If the parameter is
# required, this must be provided.
"value": "A String", # Optional. The definition of the parameter value. It can be:
# - a constant string,
# - a parameter value defined as `$parameter_name`,
# - an original parameter value defined as `$parameter_name.original`,
# - a parameter value from some context defined as
# `#context_name.parameter_name`.
"prompts": [ # Optional. The collection of prompts that the agent can present to the
# user in order to collect value for the parameter.
"A String",
"isList": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the parameter represents a list of values.
"displayName": "A String", # Required. The name of the parameter.
"trainingPhrases": [ # Optional. The collection of examples that the agent is
# trained on.
{ # Represents an example that the agent is trained on.
"parts": [ # Required. The ordered list of training phrase parts.
# The parts are concatenated in order to form the training phrase.
# Note: The API does not automatically annotate training phrases like the
# Dialogflow Console does.
# Note: Do not forget to include whitespace at part boundaries,
# so the training phrase is well formatted when the parts are concatenated.
# If the training phrase does not need to be annotated with parameters,
# you just need a single part with only the Part.text field set.
# If you want to annotate the training phrase, you must create multiple
# parts, where the fields of each part are populated in one of two ways:
# - `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that has no parameters.
# - `Part.text` is set to a part of the phrase that you want to annotate,
# and the `entity_type`, `alias`, and `user_defined` fields are all
# set.
{ # Represents a part of a training phrase.
"text": "A String", # Required. The text for this part.
"entityType": "A String", # Optional. The entity type name prefixed with `@`.
# This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
"userDefined": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether the text was manually annotated.
# This field is set to true when the Dialogflow Console is used to
# manually annotate the part. When creating an annotated part with the
# API, you must set this to true.
"alias": "A String", # Optional. The parameter name for the value extracted from the
# annotated part of the example.
# This field is required for annotated parts of the training phrase.
"type": "A String", # Required. The type of the training phrase.
"name": "A String", # Output only. The unique identifier of this training phrase.
"timesAddedCount": 42, # Optional. Indicates how many times this example was added to
# the intent. Each time a developer adds an existing sample by editing an
# intent or training, this counter is increased.
"followupIntentInfo": [ # Read-only. Information about all followup intents that have this intent as
# a direct or indirect parent. We populate this field only in the output.
{ # Represents a single followup intent in the chain.
"followupIntentName": "A String", # The unique identifier of the followup intent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"parentFollowupIntentName": "A String", # The unique identifier of the followup intent's parent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"webhookState": "A String", # Optional. Indicates whether webhooks are enabled for the intent.
"resetContexts": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether to delete all contexts in the current
# session when this intent is matched.
"messages": [ # Optional. The collection of rich messages corresponding to the
# `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
{ # Corresponds to the `Response` field in the Dialogflow console.
"simpleResponses": { # The collection of simple response candidates. # Returns a voice or text-only response for Actions on Google.
# This message in `QueryResult.fulfillment_messages` and
# `WebhookResponse.fulfillment_messages` should contain only one
# `SimpleResponse`.
"simpleResponses": [ # Required. The list of simple responses.
{ # The simple response message containing speech or text.
"textToSpeech": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. The plain text of the
# speech output. Mutually exclusive with ssml.
"displayText": "A String", # Optional. The text to display.
"ssml": "A String", # One of text_to_speech or ssml must be provided. Structured spoken
# response to the user in the SSML format. Mutually exclusive with
# text_to_speech.
"quickReplies": { # The quick replies response message. # Displays quick replies.
"quickReplies": [ # Optional. The collection of quick replies.
"A String",
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the collection of quick replies.
"platform": "A String", # Optional. The platform that this message is intended for.
"text": { # The text response message. # Returns a text response.
"text": [ # Optional. The collection of the agent's responses.
"A String",
"image": { # The image response message. # Displays an image.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"telephonySynthesizeSpeech": { # Synthesizes speech and plays back the synthesized audio to the caller in # Synthesizes speech in Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway.
# Telephony Gateway takes the synthesizer settings from
# `DetectIntentResponse.output_audio_config` which can either be set
# at request-level or can come from the agent-level synthesizer config.
"ssml": "A String", # The SSML to be synthesized. For more information, see
# [SSML](https://developers.google.com/actions/reference/ssml).
"text": "A String", # The raw text to be synthesized.
"suggestions": { # The collection of suggestions. # Displays suggestion chips for Actions on Google.
"suggestions": [ # Required. The list of suggested replies.
{ # The suggestion chip message that the user can tap to quickly post a reply
# to the conversation.
"title": "A String", # Required. The text shown the in the suggestion chip.
"telephonyPlayAudio": { # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway. # Plays audio from a file in Telephony Gateway.
"audioUri": "A String", # Required. URI to a Google Cloud Storage object containing the audio to
# play, e.g., "gs://bucket/object". The object must contain a single
# channel (mono) of linear PCM audio (2 bytes / sample) at 8kHz.
# This object must be readable by the `service-<Project
# Number>@gcp-sa-dialogflow.iam.gserviceaccount.com` service account
# where <Project Number> is the number of the Telephony Gateway project
# (usually the same as the Dialogflow agent project). If the Google Cloud
# Storage bucket is in the Telephony Gateway project, this permission is
# added by default when enabling the Dialogflow V2 API.
# For audio from other sources, consider using the
# `TelephonySynthesizeSpeech` message with SSML.
"linkOutSuggestion": { # The suggestion chip message that allows the user to jump out to the app # Displays a link out suggestion chip for Actions on Google.
# or website associated with this agent.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The URI of the app or site to open when the user taps the
# suggestion chip.
"destinationName": "A String", # Required. The name of the app or site this chip is linking to.
"basicCard": { # The basic card message. Useful for displaying information. # Displays a basic card for Actions on Google.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # The button object that appears at the bottom of a card.
"openUriAction": { # Opens the given URI. # Required. Action to take when a user taps on the button.
"uri": "A String", # Required. The HTTP or HTTPS scheme URI.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the button.
"formattedText": "A String", # Required, unless image is present. The body text of the card.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image for the card.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"carouselSelect": { # The card for presenting a carousel of options to select from. # Displays a carousel card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. Carousel items.
{ # An item in the carousel.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional info about the option item.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The body text of the card.
"title": "A String", # Required. Title of the carousel item.
"listSelect": { # The card for presenting a list of options to select from. # Displays a list card for Actions on Google.
"items": [ # Required. List items.
{ # An item in the list.
"info": { # Additional info about the select item for when it is triggered in a # Required. Additional information about this option.
# dialog.
"synonyms": [ # Optional. A list of synonyms that can also be used to trigger this
# item in dialog.
"A String",
"key": "A String", # Required. A unique key that will be sent back to the agent if this
# response is given.
"image": { # The image response message. # Optional. The image to display.
"accessibilityText": "A String", # A text description of the image to be used for accessibility,
# e.g., screen readers. Required if image_uri is set for CarouselSelect.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file.
"description": "A String", # Optional. The main text describing the item.
"title": "A String", # Required. The title of the list item.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The overall title of the list.
"telephonyTransferCall": { # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway. # Transfers the call in Telephony Gateway.
"phoneNumber": "A String", # Required. The phone number to transfer the call to
# in [E.164 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164).
# We currently only allow transferring to US numbers (+1xxxyyyzzzz).
"payload": { # Returns a response containing a custom, platform-specific payload.
# See the Intent.Message.Platform type for a description of the
# structure that may be required for your platform.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"card": { # The card response message. # Displays a card.
"buttons": [ # Optional. The collection of card buttons.
{ # Optional. Contains information about a button.
"text": "A String", # Optional. The text to show on the button.
"postback": "A String", # Optional. The text to send back to the Dialogflow API or a URI to
# open.
"title": "A String", # Optional. The title of the card.
"subtitle": "A String", # Optional. The subtitle of the card.
"imageUri": "A String", # Optional. The public URI to an image file for the card.
"parentFollowupIntentName": "A String", # Read-only after creation. The unique identifier of the parent intent in the
# chain of followup intents. You can set this field when creating an intent,
# for example with CreateIntent or BatchUpdateIntents, in order to
# make this intent a followup intent.
# It identifies the parent followup intent.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"defaultResponsePlatforms": [ # Optional. The list of platforms for which the first responses will be
# copied from the messages in PLATFORM_UNSPECIFIED (i.e. default platform).
"A String",
"priority": 42, # Optional. The priority of this intent. Higher numbers represent higher
# priorities. If this is zero or unspecified, we use the default
# priority 500000.
# Negative numbers mean that the intent is disabled.
"rootFollowupIntentName": "A String", # Read-only. The unique identifier of the root intent in the chain of
# followup intents. It identifies the correct followup intents chain for
# this intent. We populate this field only in the output.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/intents/<Intent ID>`.
"endInteraction": True or False, # Optional. Indicates that this intent ends an interaction. Some integrations
# (e.g., Actions on Google or Dialogflow phone gateway) use this information
# to close interaction with an end user. Default is false.
"inputContextNames": [ # Optional. The list of context names required for this intent to be
# triggered.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>`.
"A String",
"mlEnabled": True or False, # Optional. Indicates whether Machine Learning is enabled for the intent.
# Note: If `ml_enabled` setting is set to false, then this intent is not
# taken into account during inference in `ML ONLY` match mode. Also,
# auto-markup in the UI is turned off.
# DEPRECATED! Please use `ml_disabled` field instead.
# NOTE: If both `ml_enabled` and `ml_disabled` are either not set or false,
# then the default value is determined as follows:
# - Before April 15th, 2018 the default is:
# ml_enabled = false / ml_disabled = true.
# - After April 15th, 2018 the default is:
# ml_enabled = true / ml_disabled = false.
"action": "A String", # Optional. The name of the action associated with the intent.
# Note: The action name must not contain whitespaces.
"outputContexts": [ # Optional. The collection of contexts that are activated when the intent
# is matched. Context messages in this collection should not set the
# parameters field. Setting the `lifespan_count` to 0 will reset the context
# when the intent is matched.
# Format: `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/-/contexts/<Context ID>`.
{ # Represents a context.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context.
# Refer to [this
# doc](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/intents-actions-parameters)
# for syntax.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`,
# or `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`.
# The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only contain
# characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
"lifespanCount": 42, # Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the
# context expires. If set to `0` (the default) the context expires
# immediately. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there
# are no matching queries.
"events": [ # Optional. The collection of event names that trigger the intent.
# If the collection of input contexts is not empty, all of the contexts must
# be present in the active user session for an event to trigger this intent.
"A String",
"webhookPayload": { # If the query was fulfilled by a webhook call, this field is set to the
# value of the `payload` field returned in the webhook response.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"diagnosticInfo": { # The free-form diagnostic info. For example, this field could contain
# webhook call latency. The string keys of the Struct's fields map can change
# without notice.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"queryText": "A String", # The original conversational query text:
# - If natural language text was provided as input, `query_text` contains
# a copy of the input.
# - If natural language speech audio was provided as input, `query_text`
# contains the speech recognition result. If speech recognizer produced
# multiple alternatives, a particular one is picked.
# - If automatic spell correction is enabled, `query_text` will contain the
# corrected user input.
"outputContexts": [ # The collection of output contexts. If applicable,
# `output_contexts.parameters` contains entries with name
# `<parameter name>.original` containing the original parameter values
# before the query.
{ # Represents a context.
"parameters": { # Optional. The collection of parameters associated with this context.
# Refer to [this
# doc](https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow-enterprise/docs/intents-actions-parameters)
# for syntax.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object.
"name": "A String", # Required. The unique identifier of the context. Format:
# `projects/<Project ID>/agent/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`,
# or `projects/<Project ID>/agent/environments/<Environment ID>/users/<User
# ID>/sessions/<Session ID>/contexts/<Context ID>`.
# The `Context ID` is always converted to lowercase, may only contain
# characters in a-zA-Z0-9_-% and may be at most 250 bytes long.
# If `Environment ID` is not specified, we assume default 'draft'
# environment. If `User ID` is not specified, we assume default '-' user.
"lifespanCount": 42, # Optional. The number of conversational query requests after which the
# context expires. If set to `0` (the default) the context expires
# immediately. Contexts expire automatically after 20 minutes if there
# are no matching queries.
"webhookSource": "A String", # If the query was fulfilled by a webhook call, this field is set to the
# value of the `source` field returned in the webhook response.
"allRequiredParamsPresent": True or False, # This field is set to:
# - `false` if the matched intent has required parameters and not all of
# the required parameter values have been collected.
# - `true` if all required parameter values have been collected, or if the
# matched intent doesn't contain any required parameters.
"webhookStatus": { # The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for # Specifies the status of the webhook request.
# different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is
# used by [gRPC](https://github.com/grpc). Each `Status` message contains
# three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details.
# You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the
# [API Design Guide](https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/errors).
"message": "A String", # A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any
# user-facing error message should be localized and sent in the
# google.rpc.Status.details field, or localized by the client.
"code": 42, # The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.
"details": [ # A list of messages that carry the error details. There is a common set of
# message types for APIs to use.
"a_key": "", # Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL.
</body></html> |