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* Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
* Tests for {@link S2Polygon}.
public strictfp class S2PolygonTest extends GeometryTestCase {
// A set of nested loops around the point 0:0 (lat:lng).
// Every vertex of NEAR0 is a vertex of NEAR1.
private static final String NEAR0 = "-1:0, 0:1, 1:0, 0:-1;";
private static final String NEAR1 = "-1:-1, -1:0, -1:1, 0:1, 1:1, 1:0, 1:-1, 0:-1;";
private static final String NEAR2 = "5:-2, -2:5, -1:-2;";
private static final String NEAR3 = "6:-3, -3:6, -2:-2;";
private static final String NEAR_HEMI = "0:-90, -90:0, 0:90, 90:0;";
// A set of nested loops around the point 0:180 (lat:lng).
// Every vertex of FAR0 and FAR2 belongs to FAR1, and all
// the loops except FAR2 are non-convex.
private static final String FAR0 = "0:179, 1:180, 0:-179, 2:-180;";
private static final String FAR1 =
"0:179, -1:179, 1:180, -1:-179, 0:-179, 3:-178, 2:-180, 3:178;";
private static final String FAR2 = "-1:-179, -1:179, 3:178, 3:-178;"; // opposite
// direction
private static final String FAR3 = "-3:-178, -2:179, -3:178, 4:177, 4:-177;";
private static final String FAR_HEMI = "0:-90, 60:90, -60:90;";
// A set of nested loops around the point -90:0 (lat:lng).
private static final String SOUTH0a = "-90:0, -89.99:0, -89.99:0.01;";
private static final String SOUTH0b = "-90:0, -89.99:0.02, -89.99:0.03;";
private static final String SOUTH0c = "-90:0, -89.99:0.04, -89.99:0.05;";
private static final String SOUTH1 = "-90:0, -89.9:-0.1, -89.9:0.1;";
private static final String SOUTH2 = "-90:0, -89.8:-0.2, -89.8:0.2;";
private static final String SOUTH_HEMI = "0:-180, 0:60, 0:-60;";
// Two different loops that surround all the Near and Far loops except
// for the hemispheres.
private static final String NEAR_FAR1 =
"-1:-9, -9:-9, -9:9, 9:9, 9:-9, 1:-9, " + "1:-175, 9:-175, 9:175, -9:175, -9:-175, -1:-175;";
private static final String NEAR_FAR2 =
"-8:-4, 8:-4, 2:15, 2:170, 8:-175, -8:-175, -2:170, -2:15;";
// Two rectangles that are "adjacent", but rather than having common edges,
// those edges are slighly off. A third rectangle that is not adjacent to
// either of the first two.
private static final String ADJACENT0 = "0:1, 1:1, 2:1, 2:0, 1:0, 0:0;";
private static final String ADJACENT1 = "0:2, 1:2, 2:2, 2:1.01, 1:0.99, 0:1.01;";
private static final String UN_ADJACENT = "10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 12:9, 11:9, 10:9;";
// Shapes used to test comparison functions for polygons.
private static final String RECTANGLE1 = "0:1, 1:1, 2:1, 2:0, 1:0, 0:0;";
private static final String RECTANGLE2 = "5:1, 6:1, 7:1, 7:0, 6:0, 5:0;";
private static final String TRIANGLE = "15:0, 17:0, 16:2;";
private static final String TRIANGLE_ROT = "17:0, 16:2, 15:0;";
private void assertContains(String aStr, String bStr) {
S2Polygon a = makePolygon(aStr);
S2Polygon b = makePolygon(bStr);
// Make sure we've set things up correctly.
public void testInit() {
assertContains(NEAR1, NEAR0);
assertContains(NEAR2, NEAR1);
assertContains(NEAR3, NEAR2);
assertContains(NEAR_HEMI, NEAR3);
assertContains(FAR1, FAR0);
assertContains(FAR2, FAR1);
assertContains(FAR3, FAR2);
assertContains(FAR_HEMI, FAR3);
assertContains(SOUTH1, SOUTH0a);
assertContains(SOUTH1, SOUTH0b);
assertContains(SOUTH1, SOUTH0c);
assertContains(SOUTH_HEMI, SOUTH2);
assertContains(NEAR_FAR1, NEAR3);
assertContains(NEAR_FAR1, FAR3);
assertContains(NEAR_FAR2, NEAR3);
assertContains(NEAR_FAR2, FAR3);
S2Polygon near10 = makePolygon(NEAR0 + NEAR1);
S2Polygon near30 = makePolygon(NEAR3 + NEAR0);
S2Polygon near32 = makePolygon(NEAR2 + NEAR3);
S2Polygon near3210 = makePolygon(NEAR0 + NEAR2 + NEAR3 + NEAR1);
S2Polygon nearH3210 = makePolygon(NEAR0 + NEAR2 + NEAR3 + NEAR_HEMI + NEAR1);
S2Polygon far10 = makePolygon(FAR0 + FAR1);
S2Polygon far21 = makePolygon(FAR2 + FAR1);
S2Polygon far321 = makePolygon(FAR2 + FAR3 + FAR1);
S2Polygon farH20 = makePolygon(FAR2 + FAR_HEMI + FAR0);
S2Polygon farH3210 = makePolygon(FAR2 + FAR_HEMI + FAR0 + FAR1 + FAR3);
S2Polygon south0ab = makePolygon(SOUTH0a + SOUTH0b);
S2Polygon south2 = makePolygon(SOUTH2);
S2Polygon south210b = makePolygon(SOUTH2 + SOUTH0b + SOUTH1);
S2Polygon southH21 = makePolygon(SOUTH2 + SOUTH_HEMI + SOUTH1);
S2Polygon southH20abc = makePolygon(SOUTH2 + SOUTH0b + SOUTH_HEMI + SOUTH0a + SOUTH0c);
S2Polygon nf1n10f2s10abc =
makePolygon(SOUTH0c + FAR2 + NEAR1 + NEAR_FAR1 + NEAR0 + SOUTH1 + SOUTH0b + SOUTH0a);
S2Polygon nf2n2f210s210ab =
makePolygon(FAR2 + SOUTH0a + FAR1 + SOUTH1 + FAR0 + SOUTH0b + NEAR_FAR2 + SOUTH2 + NEAR2);
S2Polygon f32n0 = makePolygon(FAR2 + NEAR0 + FAR3);
S2Polygon n32s0b = makePolygon(NEAR3 + SOUTH0b + NEAR2);
S2Polygon adj0 = makePolygon(ADJACENT0);
S2Polygon adj1 = makePolygon(ADJACENT1);
S2Polygon unAdj = makePolygon(UN_ADJACENT);
private void assertRelation(S2Polygon a, S2Polygon b, int contains, boolean intersects) {
assertEquals(a.contains(b), contains > 0);
assertEquals(b.contains(a), contains < 0);
assertEquals(a.intersects(b), intersects);
public void testRelations() {
assertRelation(near10, near30, -1, true);
assertRelation(near10, near32, 0, false);
assertRelation(near10, near3210, -1, true);
assertRelation(near10, nearH3210, 0, false);
assertRelation(near30, near32, 1, true);
assertRelation(near30, near3210, 1, true);
assertRelation(near30, nearH3210, 0, true);
assertRelation(near32, near3210, -1, true);
assertRelation(near32, nearH3210, 0, false);
assertRelation(near3210, nearH3210, 0, false);
assertRelation(far10, far21, 0, false);
assertRelation(far10, far321, -1, true);
assertRelation(far10, farH20, 0, false);
assertRelation(far10, farH3210, 0, false);
assertRelation(far21, far321, 0, false);
assertRelation(far21, farH20, 0, false);
assertRelation(far21, farH3210, -1, true);
assertRelation(far321, farH20, 0, true);
assertRelation(far321, farH3210, 0, true);
assertRelation(farH20, farH3210, 0, true);
assertRelation(south0ab, south2, -1, true);
assertRelation(south0ab, south210b, 0, true);
assertRelation(south0ab, southH21, -1, true);
assertRelation(south0ab, southH20abc, -1, true);
assertRelation(south2, south210b, 1, true);
assertRelation(south2, southH21, 0, true);
assertRelation(south2, southH20abc, 0, true);
assertRelation(south210b, southH21, 0, true);
assertRelation(south210b, southH20abc, 0, true);
assertRelation(southH21, southH20abc, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf1n10f2s10abc, nf2n2f210s210ab, 0, true);
assertRelation(nf1n10f2s10abc, near32, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf1n10f2s10abc, far21, 0, false);
assertRelation(nf1n10f2s10abc, south0ab, 0, false);
assertRelation(nf1n10f2s10abc, f32n0, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf2n2f210s210ab, near10, 0, false);
assertRelation(nf2n2f210s210ab, far10, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf2n2f210s210ab, south210b, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf2n2f210s210ab, south0ab, 1, true);
assertRelation(nf2n2f210s210ab, n32s0b, 1, true);
private void assertPointApproximatelyEquals(
S2Loop s2Loop, int vertexIndex, double lat, double lng, double error) {
S2LatLng latLng = new S2LatLng(s2Loop.vertex(vertexIndex));
assertDoubleNear(latLng.latDegrees(), lat, error);
assertDoubleNear(latLng.lngDegrees(), lng, error);
private void checkEqual(S2Polygon a, S2Polygon b) {
final double MAX_ERROR = 1e-31;
if (a.isNormalized() && b.isNormalized()) {
boolean r = a.boundaryApproxEquals(b, MAX_ERROR);
} else {
S2PolygonBuilder builder = new S2PolygonBuilder(S2PolygonBuilder.Options.UNDIRECTED_XOR);
S2Polygon a2 = new S2Polygon();
S2Polygon b2 = new S2Polygon();
assertTrue(builder.assemblePolygon(a2, null));
assertTrue(builder.assemblePolygon(b2, null));
assertTrue(a2.boundaryApproxEquals(b2, MAX_ERROR));
public void tryUnion(S2Polygon a, S2Polygon b) {
S2Polygon union = new S2Polygon();
union.initToUnion(a, b);
List<S2Polygon> polygons = Lists.newArrayList();
polygons.add(new S2Polygon(a));
polygons.add(new S2Polygon(b));
S2Polygon destructiveUnion = S2Polygon.destructiveUnion(polygons);
checkEqual(union, destructiveUnion);
public void testDisjoint() {
S2PolygonBuilder builder = new S2PolygonBuilder(S2PolygonBuilder.Options.UNDIRECTED_XOR);
S2Polygon ab = new S2Polygon();
assertTrue(builder.assemblePolygon(ab, null));
S2Polygon union = new S2Polygon();
union.initToUnion(adj0, unAdj);
assertEquals(2, union.numLoops());
checkEqual(ab, union);
tryUnion(adj0, unAdj);
// Android-changed: Commented test. Does not pass on host or device.
public void testUnionSloppySuccess() {
List<S2Polygon> polygons = Lists.newArrayList();
S2Polygon union = S2Polygon.destructiveUnionSloppy(polygons, S1Angle.degrees(0.1));
assertEquals(1, union.numLoops());
if (union.numLoops() != 1) {
S2Loop s2Loop = union.loop(0);
assertEquals(8, s2Loop.numVertices());
if (s2Loop.numVertices() != 8) {
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 3, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 4, 0.0, 2.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 5, 1.0, 2.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 6, 2.0, 2.0, 0.01);
assertPointApproximatelyEquals(s2Loop, 7, 2.0, 1.0, 0.01);
public void testUnionSloppyFailure() {
List<S2Polygon> polygons = Lists.newArrayList();
// The polygons are sufficiently far apart that this angle will not
// bring them together:
S2Polygon union = S2Polygon.destructiveUnionSloppy(polygons, S1Angle.degrees(0.1));
assertEquals(2, union.numLoops());
public void testCompareTo() {
// Polygons with same loops, but in different order:
S2Polygon p1 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE1 + RECTANGLE2);
S2Polygon p2 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE2 + RECTANGLE1);
assertEquals(0, p1.compareTo(p2));
// Polygons with same loops, but in different order and containins a
// different number of points.
S2Polygon p3 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE1 + TRIANGLE);
S2Polygon p4 = makePolygon(TRIANGLE + RECTANGLE1);
assertEquals(0, p3.compareTo(p4));
// Polygons with same logical loop (but loop is reordered).
S2Polygon p5 = makePolygon(TRIANGLE);
S2Polygon p6 = makePolygon(TRIANGLE_ROT);
assertEquals(0, p5.compareTo(p6));
// Polygons with a differing number of loops
S2Polygon p7 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE1 + RECTANGLE2);
S2Polygon p8 = makePolygon(TRIANGLE);
assertTrue(0 > p8.compareTo(p7));
assertTrue(0 < p7.compareTo(p8));
// Polygons with a differing number of loops (one a subset of the other)
S2Polygon p9 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE1 + RECTANGLE2 + TRIANGLE);
S2Polygon p10 = makePolygon(RECTANGLE1 + RECTANGLE2);
assertTrue(0 < p9.compareTo(p10));
assertTrue(0 > p10.compareTo(p9));
public void testGetDistance() {
// Error margin since we're doing numerical computations
double epsilon = 1e-15;
// A rectangle with (lat,lng) vertices (3,1), (3,-1), (-3,-1) and (-3,1)
String inner = "3:1, 3:-1, -3:-1, -3:1;";
// A larger rectangle with (lat,lng) vertices (4,2), (4,-2), (-4,-2) and
// (-4,s)
String outer = "4:2, 4:-2, -4:-2, -4:2;";
S2Polygon rect = makePolygon(inner);
S2Polygon shell = makePolygon(inner + outer);
// All of the vertices of a polygon should be distance 0
for (int i = 0; i < shell.numLoops(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < shell.loop(i).numVertices(); j++) {
assertEquals(0d, shell.getDistance(shell.loop(i).vertex(j)).radians(), epsilon);
// A non-vertex point on an edge should be distance 0
assertEquals(0d, rect.getDistance(
S2Point.normalize(S2Point.add(rect.loop(0).vertex(0), rect.loop(0).vertex(1)))).radians(),
S2Point origin = S2LatLng.fromDegrees(0, 0).toPoint();
// rect contains the origin
assertEquals(0d, rect.getDistance(origin).radians(), epsilon);
// shell does NOT contain the origin, since it has a hole. The shortest
// distance is to (1,0) or (-1,0), and should be 1 degree
assertEquals(1d, shell.getDistance(origin).degrees(), epsilon);