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362 lines
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362 lines
15 KiB
Contents and purpose:
Draws the event graph and progress bar
Copyright (c) 2008 Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import wx
import logging
from JetUtils import *
from JetDefs import *
EOS_BAR = '#095000'
APP_BAR = '#B3BB97'
class Marker():
""" Defines portions of the graph for events """
def __init__(self, sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn):
self.sEventType = sEventType
self.iEventId = iEventId
self.sName = sName
self.StartMbt = ConvertStrTimeToTuple(sStartMbt)
self.EndMbt = ConvertStrTimeToTuple(sEndMbt)
self.iStartMeasure = iStartMeasure
self.iStart = 0
self.iEnd = 0
self.iWidth = 0
self.iHeight = 0
self.iTop = 0
self.iUpdate = False
self.sColor = '#FFFFB8'
self.ppqn = ppqn
self.isDirty = False
def CalcCoord(self, step, height, ColorFct):
""" Calculates the coordinates in pixels for graphing the shaded regions """
iStartM = self.StartMbt[0] - self.iStartMeasure
iEndM = self.EndMbt[0] - self.iStartMeasure
self.iStart = step * iStartM
self.iEnd = step * iEndM
self.iStart = self.iStart + ((step / 4.0) * (self.StartMbt[1]-1))
self.iEnd = self.iEnd + ((step / 4.0) * (self.EndMbt[1]-1))
pctTickOfBeat = (float(self.StartMbt[2]) / float(self.ppqn))
self.iStart = self.iStart + ((pctTickOfBeat * (step / 4.0)))
pctTickOfBeat = (float(self.EndMbt[2]) / float(self.ppqn))
self.iEnd = self.iEnd + ((pctTickOfBeat * (step / 4.0)))
self.iWidth = self.iEnd - self.iStart
self.iHeight = height
self.sColor = ColorFct()
self.iUpdate = False
class SegmentGraph(wx.Panel):
""" Draws the player graph bar """
def __init__(self, parent, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, ClickCallbackFct=None, showLabels=True, showClips=True, showAppEvts=True):
wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1, pos=pos, size=size, style=wx.BORDER_STATIC)
self.iLocationInMs = 0
self.iLengthInMs = 0
self.iLengthInMeasures = 0
self.iMarkerTop = 15
self.iScaleTop = 0
self.iEdges = 5
self.iStartMeasure = 0
self.iMidiMode = False
self.ClickCallbackFct = ClickCallbackFct
self.iColor = 0
self.showLabels = showLabels
self.showClips = showClips
self.showAppEvts = showAppEvts
self.font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, False, 'Courier')
self.Markers = []
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
#initialize buffer
def ClearGraph(self):
""" Clears the graph values """
self.iLocationInMs = 0
self.iLengthInMs = 0
self.iLengthInMeasures = 0
self.iMarkerTop = 15
self.iScaleTop = 0
self.iEdges = 5
self.iStartMeasure = 0
self.iMidiMode = False
self.iColor = 0
self.Markers = []
self.iLocationInMs = 0
def LoadSegment(self, segment, segMarker=None, iMidiMode=False, showLabels=True, showClips=True, showAppEvts=True):
""" Loads up the segment drawing the graph """
if segment is None:
return None
self.iMidiMode = iMidiMode
self.showLabels = showLabels
self.showClips = showClips
self.showAppEvts = showAppEvts
self.Markers = []
self.iLocationInMs = 0
info = MidiSegInfo(segment)
#disable graph for debugging
#return info
self.iLengthInMs = info.iLengthInMs
self.ppqn = info.ppqn
self.StartMbt = mbtFct(ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.start), 1)
self.EndMbt = mbtFct(ConvertStrTimeToTuple(segment.end), 1)
self.LengthMbt = None
self.iStartMeasure = self.StartMbt[0]
self.iLengthInMeasures = self.EndMbt[0] - self.StartMbt[0]
for jet_event in segment.jetevents:
if self.showClips and jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_CLIP, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_start,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
elif jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_EOS:
self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_EOS, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
elif self.showAppEvts and jet_event.event_type == JetDefs.E_APP:
self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_APP, jet_event.event_id, jet_event.event_name, mbtFct(jet_event.event_start,1), mbtFct(jet_event.event_end,1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
if segMarker is not None:
self.AddMarker(JetDefs.E_CLIP, 0, segMarker[0], mbtFct(segMarker[1],1), mbtFct(segMarker[2],1), self.iStartMeasure, self.ppqn)
return info
def AddMarker(self, sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn):
""" Adds a marker to the list """
if not CompareMbt(sStartMbt, sEndMbt):
sEndMbt = sStartMbt
self.Markers.append(Marker(sEventType, iEventId, sName, sStartMbt, sEndMbt, iStartMeasure, ppqn))
def OnLeftDown(self, event):
""" Calls the function assicated with an event """
pt = event.GetPosition()
for Marker in self.Markers:
if pt[0] >= Marker.iStart and pt[0] <= Marker.iEnd and pt[1] >= Marker.iTop and pt[1] <= Marker.iTop + Marker.iHeight:
if self.ClickCallbackFct != None:
self.ClickCallbackFct(Marker.sName, Marker.iEventId)
def GetAColor(self):
""" Gets a color """
color = GRAPH_COLORS[self.iColor]
self.iColor = self.iColor + 1
if self.iColor >= len(GRAPH_COLORS):
self.iColor = 0
return color
def OnSize(self, event=None):
""" Repaints for resizing of screen """
if OsWindows():
# The Buffer init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always
# the same size as the Window
Size = self.GetClientSizeTuple()
# Make new offscreen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the
# current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to
# a file, or whatever.
self._Buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(*Size)
if event is not None:
def OnPaint(self, event=None):
""" Painting of windows """
if OsWindows():
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self, self._Buffer)
dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
def DoDrawing(self, dc=None):
""" Does the actual drawing of the control """
if dc is None:
if OsWindows():
dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
self.iColor = 0
gWidth, gHeight = self.GetSize()
gWidth = gWidth - (self.iEdges * 2)
step = int(gWidth / (self.iLengthInMeasures + .01))
for Marker in self.Markers:
Marker.CalcCoord(step, gHeight, self.GetAColor)
""" eliminate overlaps; establish colors """
iClips = 0
iMarkers = 0
for index, Marker in enumerate(self.Markers):
if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
iClips = iClips + 1
iOverlaps = 1
for index1, Marker1 in enumerate(self.Markers):
if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
if index != index1 and not Marker1.iUpdate:
if Marker.iStart <= Marker1.iStart and Marker.iEnd <= Marker1.iEnd and Marker.iEnd >= Marker1.iStart:
iOverlaps = iOverlaps + 1
Marker.iUpdate = True
Marker1.iUpdate = True
if not Marker.iUpdate and Marker.iStart >= Marker1.iStart and Marker.iEnd >= Marker1.iEnd and Marker.iStart <= Marker1.iEnd:
iOverlaps = iOverlaps + 1
Marker.iUpdate = True
Marker1.iUpdate = True
if iOverlaps > 1:
iTop = 0
for index1, Marker1 in enumerate(self.Markers):
if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
if Marker1.iUpdate:
Marker1.iHeight = gHeight / iOverlaps
Marker1.iTop = iTop * Marker1.iHeight
iTop = iTop + 1
elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_APP:
iMarkers = iMarkers + 1
for Marker in self.Markers:
if Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_CLIP:
dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, Marker.iWidth, Marker.iHeight)
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
k = ((Marker.iStart + Marker.iEnd) / 2) - (width/2) + self.iEdges
if self.showLabels or self.iMidiMode:
dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
if self.iMidiMode:
self.iMidiModeStart = Marker.iStart
elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_EOS:
dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, 1, Marker.iHeight)
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
k = Marker.iStart - (width/2) + self.iEdges
dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
elif Marker.sEventType == JetDefs.E_APP:
dc.DrawRectangle(Marker.iStart + self.iEdges, Marker.iTop, 1, Marker.iHeight)
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(Marker.sName)
k = Marker.iStart - (width/2) + self.iEdges
if self.showLabels or self.iMidiMode:
dc.DrawText(Marker.sName, k, ((Marker.iTop+Marker.iHeight/2) - (height*.5)))
""" Draw scale """
if gWidth == 0:
iDiv = 50
iDiv = (gWidth)/18
if iDiv == 0:
iDiv = 50
scale = ((self.iLengthInMeasures / iDiv) + 1)
if scale == 0:
scale = 1
beatStep = step / 4.0
j = 0
lastEnd = 0
num = range(self.iStartMeasure, self.iStartMeasure + self.iLengthInMeasures + 1, 1)
for i in range(0, (self.iLengthInMeasures+1)*step, step):
k = i + self.iEdges
dc.DrawLine(k, self.iScaleTop, k, self.iScaleTop+8)
if i != (self.iLengthInMeasures)*step:
for iBeat in range(1,4):
k = i+(iBeat * beatStep) + self.iEdges
dc.DrawLine(k, self.iScaleTop, k, self.iScaleTop+4)
width, height = dc.GetTextExtent(str(num[j]))
k = i-(width/2) + self.iEdges
if k > lastEnd:
if j == 0 or (j % scale) == 0:
dc.DrawText(str(num[j]), k, self.iScaleTop+8)
lastEnd = k + width
j = j + 1
""" Updates the location bar in case screen moved or resized """
if self.iLocationInMs > 0 and self.iLengthInMs > 0:
iOffset = 0
if self.iMidiMode:
iOffset = self.iMidiModeStart
till = gWidth * (self.iLocationInMs / self.iLengthInMs)
dc.DrawRectangle(self.iEdges + iOffset, gHeight-6, till, 3)
def UpdateLocation(self, iLocationInMs):
""" Updates the location bar """
#disable graph for debugging
#return info
self.iLocationInMs = iLocationInMs
if self.iLocationInMs > 0 and self.iLengthInMs > 0:
if OsWindows():
dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer)
dc = wx.AutoBufferedPaintDC(self)
dc.Background = wx.Brush(wx.WHITE)
iOffset = 0
if self.iMidiMode:
iOffset = self.iMidiModeStart
gWidth, gHeight = self.GetSize()
gWidth = gWidth - (self.iEdges * 2)
till = gWidth * (self.iLocationInMs / self.iLengthInMs)
dc.DrawRectangle(self.iEdges + iOffset, gHeight-6, till, 3)
self.isDirty = True
if self.isDirty:
self.isDirty = False