* Copyright (c) Hisilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. 2017-2019. All rights reserved.
* Description: internal debug define.
* Author: Hisilicon
* Create: 2017-05-31
#ifndef __SOC_LOG_H__
#define __SOC_LOG_H__
#include "td_type.h"
#include "soc_module.h"
#define SOC_LOG_MARK
#define SOC_DEBUG
#ifdef __KERNEL__
#define soc_print printk
#define soc_panic printk
#include <stdio.h>
#define soc_print printf
#define soc_panic printf
#undef SOC_DEBUG
#ifndef __KERNEL__
#include <stdio.h>
static inline td_void soc_empty_print(__attribute__((unused)) const td_char *format, ...)
#define soc_panic(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_print(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Default level of the output debugging information.
* CNcomment: 默认的调试信息输出级别.
* SDK internal Use only.
* Allow modules to modify, If the related module does not define it, no information output.
#define LOG_FUNC_TRACE 0
* SDK internal Use Only.
* Allow modules to modify, If the related module does not define it, no information output.
#define LOG_IAPI_TRACE 0
* SDK internal use only.
* Allow modules to modify, default value is SOC_ID_SYS.
* Level of the output debugging information.
* CNcomment: 调试信息输出级别.
typedef enum {
/* Alert information.
* It indicates that a important exception occurs in the system.action must be taken immediately
* CNcomment: 警告信息, 此类错误默认不打印到串口,默认打印到BBOX后台日志收集系统,
* 用户系统重要状态变化,非常重要的异常。
/* Fatal error.
* It indicates that a Fatal problem occurs in the system. Therefore, you must pay attention to it
* CNcomment: 致命错误, 此类错误需要特别关注,一般出现此类错误代表系统出现了重大问题
/* Major error.
* It indicates that a major problem occurs in the system and the system cannot run
* CNcomment: 一般错误, 一般出现此类错误代表系统出现了比较大的问题,不能再正常运行
/* Warning.
* It indicates that a minor problem occurs in the system, but the system still can run properly
* CNcomment: 告警信息, 一般出现此类信息代表系统可能出现问题,但是还能继续运行
/* Notice.
* It is used to prompt users. Users can open the message when locating problems.
* CNcomment: 正常但重要的信息, 一般出现在系统的关键路径调用上
/* INFO.
* It is used to prompt users. Users can open the message when locating problems.
* It is recommended to disable this message in general.
* CNcomment: 提示信息, 一般是为提醒用户而输出,在定位问题的时候可以打开,一般情况下建议关闭
/* Debug.
* It is used to prompt developers. Developers can open the message when locating problems
* It is recommended to disable this message in general.
* CNcomment: 提示信息, 一般是为开发人员调试问题而设定的打印级别,一般情况下建议关闭
/* Trace.
* It is used to track the entry and exit of function when the interface is called.
* CNcomment: 提示信息,一般用于跟踪接口调用时函数的进入与退出
} soc_log_level;
/* Just only for alert level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印告警信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for fatal level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印致命信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for error level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印错误信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for warning level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印警告信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for notice level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印注意信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for info level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印信息级别而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for debug level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印调试信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
/* Just only for trace level print. */ /* CNcomment: 为了打印接口跟踪信息而制定的宏打印级别 */
#define SOC_LOG_LINE __LINE__
#define SOC_LOG_LINE 0
/* Just only debug output, MUST BE NOT calling it.
* CNcomment: 调试输出信息接口,不推荐直接调用此接口
td_void soc_log_print(td_u32 level, td_u32 module_id, const td_u8 *fn_name, td_u32 line_num, const td_char *format, ...);
/* CNcomment: 调试输出信息接口,是输出信息,不换行 */
td_void soc_log_simple_print(const td_char *format, ...);
/* CNcomment: 打印块数据 */
td_void soc_log_print_block(td_u32 level, td_u32 module_id, const td_char *block, td_u32 size);
#ifdef SOC_DEBUG
#define soc_trace(level, module_id, fmt...) \
do { \
soc_log_print(level, (td_u32)module_id, (td_u8 *)__FUNCTION__, SOC_LOG_LINE, fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_simple_trace(fmt...) do { \
soc_log_simple_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_assert(expr) \
do { \
if (!(expr)) { \
soc_panic("\nASSERT failed at:\n >File name: %s\n >Function : %s\n >Line No. : %d\n >Condition: %s\n", \
__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, #expr); \
} \
} while (0)
/* Supported for debug output to serial/network/u-disk.
* CNcomment: 各个模块需要调用以下宏进行输出调试信息、可输出到串口、网口、U盘存储等
* Just only reserve the alert level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留BBOX关键的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Supported for debug output to serial/network/u-disk.
* CNcomment: 各个模块需要调用以下宏进行输出调试信息、可输出到串口、网口、U盘存储等
* Just only reserve the fatal level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Just only reserve the alert/fatal/error level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的和错误级别的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Just only reserve the alert/fatal/error/warning level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的、错误的、警告级别的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Just only reserve the alert/fatal/error/warning/notice level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的、错误的、警告、重要级别的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Just only reserve the alert/fatal/error/warning/info level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的、错误的、警告和信息级别的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
/* Just only reserve the alert/fatal/error/warning/info/debug level output.
* CNcomment: 仅仅保留致命的、错误的、警告和信息级别的调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_DBG, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_DBG, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
/* Reserve all the levels output.
* CNcomment: 保留所有级别调试信息
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_DBG, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...) soc_trace(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_TRACE, LOG_MODULE_ID, fmt)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ALERT, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_ERROR, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_WARN, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size) soc_log_print_block(SOC_TRACE_LEVEL_DBG, LOG_MODULE_ID, block, size)
#define soc_trace(level, module_id, fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_assert(expr)
#define soc_assert_ret(expr)
#define soc_log_alert(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_fatal(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_err(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_warn(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_notice(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_info(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_dbg(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_log_trace(fmt...) do { \
soc_empty_print(fmt); \
} while (0)
#define soc_alert_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_fatal_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_err_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_warn_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_notice_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_info_print_block(block, size)
#define soc_dbg_print_block(block, size)
#endif /* endif SOC_DEBUG */
/* function trace log, strictly prohibited to expand */
#define soc_alert_print_err_code(err_code) soc_log_alert("Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", err_code)
/* function trace log, print the called function name when function is error */
#define soc_alert_print_call_fun_err(func, err_code) \
soc_log_alert("Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", #func, err_code)
/* Function trace log, print the pointer name when pointer is null */
#define soc_alert_print_null_pointer(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %p, Null Pointer!\n", #val, val)
/* function trace log, strictly prohibited to expand */
#define soc_fatal_print_err_code(err_code) soc_log_fatal("Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", err_code)
/* function trace log, print the called function name when function is error */
#define soc_fatal_print_call_fun_err(func, err_code) \
soc_log_fatal("Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", #func, err_code)
/* Function trace log, print the pointer name when pointer is null */
#define soc_fatal_print_null_pointer(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %p, Null Pointer!\n", #val, val)
/* function trace log, strictly prohibited to expand */
#define soc_err_print_err_code(err_code) soc_log_err("Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", err_code)
/* function trace log, print the called function name when function is error */
#define soc_err_print_call_fun_err(func, err_code) soc_log_err("Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", #func, err_code)
/* Function trace log, print the pointer name when pointer is null */
#define soc_err_print_null_pointer(val) soc_log_err("%s = %p, Null Pointer!\n", #val, val)
/* function trace log, strictly prohibited to expand */
#define soc_warn_print_err_code(err_code) soc_log_warn("Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", err_code)
/* function trace log, print the called function name when function is error */
#define soc_warn_print_call_fun_err(func, err_code) \
soc_log_warn("Call %s Failed, Error Code: [0x%08X]\n", #func, err_code)
/* Function trace log, print the pointer name when pointer is null */
#define soc_warn_print_null_pointer(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %p, Null Pointer!\n", #val, val)
/* Used for displaying more detailed alert information */
#define soc_alert_print_s32(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_u32(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_s64(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_u64(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_h32(val) soc_log_alert("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_h64(val) soc_log_alert("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_str(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_void(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_float(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_alert_print_bool(val) soc_log_alert("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_alert_print_info(val) soc_log_alert("<%s>\n", val)
/* Used for displaying more detailed fatal information */
#define soc_fatal_print_s32(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_u32(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_s64(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_u64(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_h32(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_h64(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_str(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_void(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_float(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_fatal_print_bool(val) soc_log_fatal("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_fatal_print_info(val) soc_log_fatal("<%s>\n", val)
/* Used for displaying more detailed error information */
#define soc_err_print_s32(val) soc_log_err("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_u32(val) soc_log_err("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_s64(val) soc_log_err("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_u64(val) soc_log_err("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_h32(val) soc_log_err("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_h64(val) soc_log_err("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_str(val) soc_log_err("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_void(val) soc_log_err("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_float(val) soc_log_err("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_err_print_bool(val) soc_log_err("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_err_print_info(val) soc_log_err("<%s>\n", val)
/* Used for displaying more detailed warning information */
#define soc_warn_print_s32(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_u32(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_s64(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_u64(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_h32(val) soc_log_warn("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_h64(val) soc_log_warn("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_str(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_void(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_float(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_warn_print_bool(val) soc_log_warn("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_warn_print_info(val) soc_log_warn("<%s>\n", val)
/* Used for displaying more detailed key info information */
#define soc_notice_print_s32(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_u32(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_s64(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_u64(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_h32(val) soc_log_notice("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_h64(val) soc_log_notice("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_str(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_void(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_float(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_notice_print_bool(val) soc_log_notice("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_notice_print_info(val) soc_log_notice("<%s>\n", val)
/* Only used for key info, Can be expanded as needed */
#define soc_info_print_s32(val) soc_log_info("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_u32(val) soc_log_info("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_s64(val) soc_log_info("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_u64(val) soc_log_info("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_h32(val) soc_log_info("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_h64(val) soc_log_info("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_str(val) soc_log_info("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_void(val) soc_log_info("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_float(val) soc_log_info("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_info_print_bool(val) soc_log_info("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_info_print_info(val) soc_log_info("<%s>\n", val)
/* Only used for self debug, Can be expanded as needed */
#define soc_dbg_print_s32(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %d\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_u32(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %u\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_s64(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %lld\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_u64(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %llu\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_h32(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = 0x%08X\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_h64(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = 0x%016llX\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_str(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %s\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_void(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %p\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_float(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %f\n", #val, val)
#define soc_dbg_print_bool(val) soc_log_dbg("%s = %s\n", #val, val ? "True" : "False")
#define soc_dbg_print_info(val) soc_log_dbg("<%s>\n", val)
/* define function trace */
#define soc_notice_func_enter() soc_log_notice(" ===>[Enter]\n")
#define soc_notice_func_exit() soc_log_notice(" <===[Exit]\n")
#define soc_notice_func_trace() soc_log_notice(" =TRACE=\n")
#define soc_info_func_enter() soc_log_info(" ===>[Enter]\n")
#define soc_info_func_exit() soc_log_info(" <===[Exit]\n")
#define soc_info_func_trace() soc_log_info(" =TRACE=\n")
#define soc_dbg_func_enter() soc_log_dbg(" ===>[Enter]\n")
#define soc_dbg_func_exit() soc_log_dbg(" <===[Exit]\n")
#define soc_dbg_func_trace() soc_log_dbg(" =TRACE=\n")
#define mk_str(exp) #exp
#define mk_marco_to_str(exp) mk_str(exp)
#define VERSION_STRING ("SDK_VERSION: [" mk_marco_to_str(SDK_VERSION) "] Build Time: [" __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "]")
#define USER_VERSION_STRING ("SDK_VERSION: [" mk_marco_to_str(SDK_VERSION) "]")
/* Function trace log for user input low frequency counts
* CNcomment: 用于输入降频打印的次数
#define soc_dbg_func_trace_low_freq_cnt(freq) \
do { \
static unsigned int freqtimes = 0; \
if ((freqtimes % (unsigned int)freq) == 0) { \
soc_log_dbg(" =TRACE Freq=%d,freqtimes=%d=\n", freq, freqtimes); \
} \
freqtimes++; \
} while (0)
/* function trace log for user add extra print log as need
* CNcomment: 用户根据需求增加额外的打印
* need use soc_func_trace_low_freq_cnt_end at the same time, to repesent the addtional prints is the end
* CNcomment: 需要同时使用soc_func_trace_low_freq_cnt_end,表明额外增加的打印截止
#define soc_func_trace_low_freq_cnt_begin(freq) \
do { \
static unsigned int freqtimes = 0; \
if ((freqtimes % (unsigned int)freq) == 0) { \
do { \
} while (0)
#define soc_func_trace_low_freq_cnt_end() \
} \
freqtimes++; \
} \
while (0)
/* Function trace log for user input low frequency time
* CNcomment: 用于输入降频打印的时间
#define soc_dbg_func_trace_low_freq_time(time) \
do { \
static td_u32 last_time = 0; \
td_u32 curr_time; \
curr_time = log_get_time_ms(); \
if (time <= (curr_time - last_time)) { \
soc_log_dbg(" =TRACE freq=%d,freqtimes=%d=\n", time, curr_time); \
last_time = curr_time; \
} \
} while (0)
/* function trace log for user add extra print log as need
* CNcomment: 用户根据需求增加额外的打印
* need use soc_func_trace_low_freq_time_end at the same time, to repesent the addtional prints is the end
* CNcomment: 需要同时使用soc_func_trace_low_freq_time_end,表明额外增加的打印截止
#define soc_func_trace_low_freq_time_begin(time) \
do { \
static td_u32 last_time = 0; \
td_u32 curr_time; \
curr_time = log_get_time_ms(); \
if (time <= (curr_time - last_time)) { \
do { \
} while (0)
#define soc_func_trace_low_freq_time_end() \
last_time = curr_time; \
} \
} \
while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __SOC_LOG_H__ */