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This sample shows you how to use ActionBarCompat to create a basic Activity which
displays action items. It covers inflating items from a menu resource, as well as adding
an item in code. Items that are not shown as action items on the Action Bar are
displayed in the action bar overflow.
<template src="base"/>
<categories>Getting Started, UI</categories>
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<!-- List of APIs that this sample should be cross-referenced under. Use <android>
for fully-qualified Framework class names ("android:" namespace).
Use <ext> for custom namespaces, if needed. See "Samples Index API" documentation
for more details. -->
This sample shows you how to use ActionBarCompat to create a basic Activity
which displays action items. It covers inflating items from a menu resource,
as well as adding an item in code.
Android 3.0 introduced the “action bar” control, a toolbar that is expected
to be present in most types of applications. This control identifies the user
location, and provides user actions and navigation modes.
Using the action bar offers your users a familiar interface across applications
that the system gracefully adapts for different screen configurations.
Instantiating an action bar can be done by using the [ActionBar][1] API provided
in API 11 or above. Support for older devices is provided by the
[support library’s ActionBar][2] implementation, compatible back to API 7.
This sample demonstrates using the support library APIs.
Using an ActionBar with the support library requires the following steps:
1. Create your activity by extending AppCompatActivity.
2. Use (or extend) one of the Theme.AppCompat themes for your activity.
Once this is done, action items will be created for any options menu items that
would otherwise be created during when `[onCreateOptionsMenu()][3]` is called.
[1]: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActionBar.html
[2]: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/app/ActionBar.html
[3]: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#onCreateOptionsMenu(android.view.Menu)