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* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "MockDevice.h"
#include "MockPreparedModel.h"
#include <android/hardware/neuralnetworks/1.1/IDevice.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <nnapi/IDevice.h>
#include <nnapi/TypeUtils.h>
#include <nnapi/Types.h>
#include <nnapi/hal/1.1/Device.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_1::utils {
namespace {
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Invoke;
using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
const nn::Model kSimpleModel = {
.main = {.operands = {{.type = nn::OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32,
.dimensions = {1},
.lifetime = nn::Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_INPUT},
{.type = nn::OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32,
.dimensions = {1},
.lifetime = nn::Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT}},
.operations = {{.type = nn::OperationType::RELU, .inputs = {0}, .outputs = {1}}},
.inputIndexes = {0},
.outputIndexes = {1}}};
const std::string kName = "Google-MockV1";
const std::string kInvalidName = "";
const sp<V1_1::IDevice> kInvalidDevice;
constexpr V1_0::PerformanceInfo kNoPerformanceInfo = {
.execTime = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
.powerUsage = std::numeric_limits<float>::max()};
template <typename... Args>
auto makeCallbackReturn(Args&&... args) {
return [argPack = std::make_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...)](const auto& cb) {
std::apply(cb, argPack);
return Void();
sp<MockDevice> createMockDevice() {
const auto mockDevice = MockDevice::create();
// Setup default actions for each relevant call.
const auto getCapabilities_ret =
.float32Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
.quantized8Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
.relaxedFloat32toFloat16Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
// Setup default actions for each relevant call.
ON_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities_1_1(_)).WillByDefault(Invoke(getCapabilities_ret));
// Ensure that older calls are not used.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities(_)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getSupportedOperations(_, _)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel(_, _)).Times(0);
// These EXPECT_CALL(...).Times(testing::AnyNumber()) calls are to suppress warnings on the
// uninteresting methods calls.
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities_1_1(_)).Times(testing::AnyNumber());
return mockDevice;
auto makePreparedModelReturn(V1_0::ErrorStatus launchStatus, V1_0::ErrorStatus returnStatus,
const sp<V1_0::utils::MockPreparedModel>& preparedModel) {
return [launchStatus, returnStatus, preparedModel](const V1_1::Model& /*model*/,
V1_1::ExecutionPreference /*preference*/,
const sp<V1_0::IPreparedModelCallback>& cb)
-> hardware::Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> {
cb->notify(returnStatus, preparedModel).isOk();
return launchStatus;
std::function<hardware::Status()> makeTransportFailure(status_t status) {
return [status] { return hardware::Status::fromStatusT(status); };
const auto makeGeneralTransportFailure = makeTransportFailure(NO_MEMORY);
const auto makeDeadObjectFailure = makeTransportFailure(DEAD_OBJECT);
} // namespace
TEST(DeviceTest, invalidName) {
// run test
const auto device = MockDevice::create();
const auto result = Device::create(kInvalidName, device);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
TEST(DeviceTest, invalidDevice) {
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, kInvalidDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT);
TEST(DeviceTest, getCapabilitiesError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto ret =
.float32Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
.quantized8Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
.relaxedFloat32toFloat16Performance = kNoPerformanceInfo,
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities_1_1(_)).Times(1).WillOnce(Invoke(ret));
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, getCapabilitiesTransportFailure) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities_1_1(_))
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, getCapabilitiesDeadObject) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getCapabilities_1_1(_))
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, linkToDeathError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto ret = []() -> Return<bool> { return false; };
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, linkToDeathRet()).Times(1).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(ret));
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, linkToDeathTransportFailure) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, linkToDeathRet())
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, linkToDeathDeadObject) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, linkToDeathRet())
// run test
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, getName) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto& name = device->getName();
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(name, kName);
TEST(DeviceTest, getFeatureLevel) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto featureLevel = device->getFeatureLevel();
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(featureLevel, nn::Version::ANDROID_P);
TEST(DeviceTest, getCachedData) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto result = Device::create(kName, mockDevice);
<< "Failed with " << result.error().code << ": " << result.error().message;
const auto& device = result.value();
// run test and verify results
EXPECT_EQ(device->getVersionString(), device->getVersionString());
EXPECT_EQ(device->getType(), device->getType());
EXPECT_EQ(device->getSupportedExtensions(), device->getSupportedExtensions());
EXPECT_EQ(device->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(), device->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded());
EXPECT_EQ(device->getCapabilities(), device->getCapabilities());
TEST(DeviceTest, wait) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto ret = []() -> Return<void> { return {}; };
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, ping()).Times(1).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(ret));
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto result = device->wait();
// verify result
<< "Failed with " << result.error().code << ": " << result.error().message;
TEST(DeviceTest, waitTransportFailure) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, ping())
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto result = device->wait();
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, waitDeadObject) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, ping()).Times(1).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(makeDeadObjectFailure));
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto result = device->wait();
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, getSupportedOperations) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
const auto ret = [](const auto& model, const auto& cb) {
cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, std::vector<bool>(model.operations.size(), true));
return hardware::Void();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getSupportedOperations_1_1(_, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Invoke(ret));
// run test
const auto result = device->getSupportedOperations(kSimpleModel);
// verify result
<< "Failed with " << result.error().code << ": " << result.error().message;
const auto& supportedOperations = result.value();
EXPECT_EQ(supportedOperations.size(), kSimpleModel.main.operations.size());
EXPECT_THAT(supportedOperations, Each(testing::IsTrue()));
TEST(DeviceTest, getSupportedOperationsError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
const auto ret = [](const auto& /*model*/, const auto& cb) {
cb(V1_0::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, {});
return hardware::Void();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getSupportedOperations_1_1(_, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(Invoke(ret));
// run test
const auto result = device->getSupportedOperations(kSimpleModel);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, getSupportedOperationsTransportFailure) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getSupportedOperations_1_1(_, _))
// run test
const auto result = device->getSupportedOperations(kSimpleModel);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, getSupportedOperationsDeadObject) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, getSupportedOperations_1_1(_, _))
// run test
const auto result = device->getSupportedOperations(kSimpleModel);
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModel) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
const auto mockPreparedModel = V1_0::utils::MockPreparedModel::create();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, mockPreparedModel)));
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
<< "Failed with " << result.error().code << ": " << result.error().message;
EXPECT_NE(result.value(), nullptr);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelLaunchError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
V1_0::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, nullptr)));
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelReturnError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
V1_0::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE, nullptr)));
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelNullptrError) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE, nullptr)));
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelTransportFailure) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelDeadObject) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _))
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelAsyncCrash) {
// setup test
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
const auto ret = [&mockDevice]() -> hardware::Return<V1_0::ErrorStatus> {
return V1_0::ErrorStatus::NONE;
EXPECT_CALL(*mockDevice, prepareModel_1_1(_, _, _)).Times(1).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(ret));
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModel(kSimpleModel, nn::ExecutionPreference::DEFAULT,
nn::Priority::DEFAULT, {}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::DEAD_OBJECT);
TEST(DeviceTest, prepareModelFromCacheNotSupported) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto result = device->prepareModelFromCache({}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
TEST(DeviceTest, allocateNotSupported) {
// setup call
const auto mockDevice = createMockDevice();
const auto device = Device::create(kName, mockDevice).value();
// run test
const auto result = device->allocate({}, {}, {}, {});
// verify result
EXPECT_EQ(result.error().code, nn::ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
} // namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_1::utils