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* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "neuralnetworks_hidl_hal_test"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ftw.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <hidlmemory/mapping.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include "1.2/Callbacks.h"
#include "GeneratedTestHarness.h"
#include "MemoryUtils.h"
#include "TestHarness.h"
#include "VtsHalNeuralnetworks.h"
// Forward declaration of the mobilenet generated test models in
// frameworks/ml/nn/runtime/test/generated/.
namespace generated_tests::mobilenet_224_gender_basic_fixed {
const test_helper::TestModel& get_test_model();
} // namespace generated_tests::mobilenet_224_gender_basic_fixed
namespace generated_tests::mobilenet_quantized {
const test_helper::TestModel& get_test_model();
} // namespace generated_tests::mobilenet_quantized
namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_2::vts::functional {
using namespace test_helper;
using implementation::PreparedModelCallback;
using V1_0::ErrorStatus;
using V1_1::ExecutionPreference;
namespace float32_model {
constexpr auto get_test_model = generated_tests::mobilenet_224_gender_basic_fixed::get_test_model;
} // namespace float32_model
namespace quant8_model {
constexpr auto get_test_model = generated_tests::mobilenet_quantized::get_test_model;
} // namespace quant8_model
namespace {
enum class AccessMode { READ_WRITE, READ_ONLY, WRITE_ONLY };
// Creates cache handles based on provided file groups.
// The outer vector corresponds to handles and the inner vector is for fds held by each handle.
void createCacheHandles(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& fileGroups,
const std::vector<AccessMode>& mode, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* handles) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fileGroups.size(); i++) {
std::vector<int> fds;
for (const auto& file : fileGroups[i]) {
int fd;
if (mode[i] == AccessMode::READ_ONLY) {
fd = open(file.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
} else if (mode[i] == AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY) {
fd = open(file.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
} else if (mode[i] == AccessMode::READ_WRITE) {
fd = open(file.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
} else {
ASSERT_GE(fd, 0);
native_handle_t* cacheNativeHandle = native_handle_create(fds.size(), 0);
ASSERT_NE(cacheNativeHandle, nullptr);
std::copy(fds.begin(), fds.end(), &cacheNativeHandle->data[0]);
(*handles)[i].setTo(cacheNativeHandle, /*shouldOwn=*/true);
void createCacheHandles(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& fileGroups, AccessMode mode,
hidl_vec<hidl_handle>* handles) {
createCacheHandles(fileGroups, std::vector<AccessMode>(fileGroups.size(), mode), handles);
// Create a chain of broadcast operations. The second operand is always constant tensor [1].
// For simplicity, activation scalar is shared. The second operand is not shared
// in the model to let driver maintain a non-trivial size of constant data and the corresponding
// data locations in cache.
// --------- activation --------
// ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
// E.g. input -> ADD -> ADD -> ADD -> ... -> ADD -> output
// ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑
// [1] [1] [1] [1]
// This function assumes the operation is either ADD or MUL.
template <typename CppType, TestOperandType operandType>
TestModel createLargeTestModelImpl(TestOperationType op, uint32_t len) {
EXPECT_TRUE(op == TestOperationType::ADD || op == TestOperationType::MUL);
// Model operations and operands.
std::vector<TestOperation> operations(len);
std::vector<TestOperand> operands(len * 2 + 2);
// The activation scalar, value = 0.
operands[0] = {
.type = TestOperandType::INT32,
.dimensions = {},
.numberOfConsumers = len,
.scale = 0.0f,
.zeroPoint = 0,
.lifetime = TestOperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY,
.data = TestBuffer::createFromVector<int32_t>({0}),
// The buffer value of the constant second operand. The logical value is always 1.0f.
CppType bufferValue;
// The scale of the first and second operand.
float scale1, scale2;
if (operandType == TestOperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32) {
bufferValue = 1.0f;
scale1 = 0.0f;
scale2 = 0.0f;
} else if (op == TestOperationType::ADD) {
bufferValue = 1;
scale1 = 1.0f;
scale2 = 1.0f;
} else {
// To satisfy the constraint on quant8 MUL: input0.scale * input1.scale < output.scale,
// set input1 to have scale = 0.5f and bufferValue = 2, i.e. 1.0f in floating point.
bufferValue = 2;
scale1 = 1.0f;
scale2 = 0.5f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const uint32_t firstInputIndex = i * 2 + 1;
const uint32_t secondInputIndex = firstInputIndex + 1;
const uint32_t outputIndex = secondInputIndex + 1;
// The first operation input.
operands[firstInputIndex] = {
.type = operandType,
.dimensions = {1},
.numberOfConsumers = 1,
.scale = scale1,
.zeroPoint = 0,
.lifetime = (i == 0 ? TestOperandLifeTime::MODEL_INPUT
: TestOperandLifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE),
.data = (i == 0 ? TestBuffer::createFromVector<CppType>({1}) : TestBuffer()),
// The second operation input, value = 1.
operands[secondInputIndex] = {
.type = operandType,
.dimensions = {1},
.numberOfConsumers = 1,
.scale = scale2,
.zeroPoint = 0,
.lifetime = TestOperandLifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY,
.data = TestBuffer::createFromVector<CppType>({bufferValue}),
// The operation. All operations share the same activation scalar.
// The output operand is created as an input in the next iteration of the loop, in the case
// of all but the last member of the chain; and after the loop as a model output, in the
// case of the last member of the chain.
operations[i] = {
.type = op,
.inputs = {firstInputIndex, secondInputIndex, /*activation scalar*/ 0},
.outputs = {outputIndex},
// For TestOperationType::ADD, output = 1 + 1 * len = len + 1
// For TestOperationType::MUL, output = 1 * 1 ^ len = 1
CppType outputResult = static_cast<CppType>(op == TestOperationType::ADD ? len + 1u : 1u);
// The model output.
operands.back() = {
.type = operandType,
.dimensions = {1},
.numberOfConsumers = 0,
.scale = scale1,
.zeroPoint = 0,
.lifetime = TestOperandLifeTime::MODEL_OUTPUT,
.data = TestBuffer::createFromVector<CppType>({outputResult}),
return {
.main = {.operands = std::move(operands),
.operations = std::move(operations),
.inputIndexes = {1},
.outputIndexes = {len * 2 + 1}},
.isRelaxed = false,
} // namespace
// Tag for the compilation caching tests.
class CompilationCachingTestBase : public testing::Test {
CompilationCachingTestBase(sp<IDevice> device, OperandType type)
: kDevice(std::move(device)), kOperandType(type) {}
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_NE(kDevice.get(), nullptr);
const bool deviceIsResponsive = kDevice->ping().isOk();
// Create cache directory. The cache directory and a temporary cache file is always created
// to test the behavior of prepareModelFromCache, even when caching is not supported.
char cacheDirTemp[] = "/data/local/tmp/TestCompilationCachingXXXXXX";
char* cacheDir = mkdtemp(cacheDirTemp);
ASSERT_NE(cacheDir, nullptr);
mCacheDir = cacheDir;
Return<void> ret = kDevice->getNumberOfCacheFilesNeeded(
[this](ErrorStatus status, uint32_t numModelCache, uint32_t numDataCache) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, status);
mNumModelCache = numModelCache;
mNumDataCache = numDataCache;
mIsCachingSupported = mNumModelCache > 0 || mNumDataCache > 0;
// Create empty cache files.
mTmpCache = mCacheDir + "tmp";
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
mModelCache.push_back({mCacheDir + "model" + std::to_string(i)});
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
mDataCache.push_back({mCacheDir + "data" + std::to_string(i)});
// Sample handles, use AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY for createCacheHandles to create files.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelHandle, dataHandle, tmpHandle;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &modelHandle);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &dataHandle);
createCacheHandles({{mTmpCache}}, AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY, &tmpHandle);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service does not "
"support compilation caching.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service does not "
"support compilation caching."
<< std::endl;
void TearDown() override {
// If the test passes, remove the tmp directory. Otherwise, keep it for debugging purposes.
if (!testing::Test::HasFailure()) {
// Recursively remove the cache directory specified by mCacheDir.
auto callback = [](const char* entry, const struct stat*, int, struct FTW*) {
return remove(entry);
nftw(mCacheDir.c_str(), callback, 128, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_MOUNT | FTW_PHYS);
// Model and examples creators. According to kOperandType, the following methods will return
// either float32 model/examples or the quant8 variant.
TestModel createTestModel() {
if (kOperandType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32) {
return float32_model::get_test_model();
} else {
return quant8_model::get_test_model();
TestModel createLargeTestModel(OperationType op, uint32_t len) {
if (kOperandType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32) {
return createLargeTestModelImpl<float, TestOperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32>(
static_cast<TestOperationType>(op), len);
} else {
return createLargeTestModelImpl<uint8_t, TestOperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM>(
static_cast<TestOperationType>(op), len);
// See if the service can handle the model.
bool isModelFullySupported(const Model& model) {
bool fullySupportsModel = false;
Return<void> supportedCall = kDevice->getSupportedOperations_1_2(
[&fullySupportsModel, &model](ErrorStatus status, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, status);
ASSERT_EQ(supported.size(), model.operations.size());
fullySupportsModel = std::all_of(supported.begin(), supported.end(),
[](bool valid) { return valid; });
return fullySupportsModel;
void saveModelToCache(const Model& model, const hidl_vec<hidl_handle>& modelCache,
const hidl_vec<hidl_handle>& dataCache,
sp<IPreparedModel>* preparedModel = nullptr) {
if (preparedModel != nullptr) *preparedModel = nullptr;
// Launch prepare model.
sp<PreparedModelCallback> preparedModelCallback = new PreparedModelCallback();
hidl_array<uint8_t, sizeof(mToken)> cacheToken(mToken);
Return<ErrorStatus> prepareLaunchStatus =
kDevice->prepareModel_1_2(model, ExecutionPreference::FAST_SINGLE_ANSWER,
modelCache, dataCache, cacheToken, preparedModelCallback);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus), ErrorStatus::NONE);
// Retrieve prepared model.
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModelCallback->getStatus(), ErrorStatus::NONE);
if (preparedModel != nullptr) {
*preparedModel = IPreparedModel::castFrom(preparedModelCallback->getPreparedModel())
bool checkEarlyTermination(ErrorStatus status) {
if (status == ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"save the prepared model that it does not support.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"save the prepared model that it does not support."
<< std::endl;
return true;
return false;
bool checkEarlyTermination(const Model& model) {
if (!isModelFullySupported(model)) {
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"prepare model that it does not support.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"prepare model that it does not support."
<< std::endl;
return true;
return false;
void prepareModelFromCache(const hidl_vec<hidl_handle>& modelCache,
const hidl_vec<hidl_handle>& dataCache,
sp<IPreparedModel>* preparedModel, ErrorStatus* status) {
// Launch prepare model from cache.
sp<PreparedModelCallback> preparedModelCallback = new PreparedModelCallback();
hidl_array<uint8_t, sizeof(mToken)> cacheToken(mToken);
Return<ErrorStatus> prepareLaunchStatus = kDevice->prepareModelFromCache(
modelCache, dataCache, cacheToken, preparedModelCallback);
if (static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus) != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
*preparedModel = nullptr;
*status = static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus);
// Retrieve prepared model.
*status = preparedModelCallback->getStatus();
*preparedModel = IPreparedModel::castFrom(preparedModelCallback->getPreparedModel())
// Absolute path to the temporary cache directory.
std::string mCacheDir;
// Groups of file paths for model and data cache in the tmp cache directory, initialized with
// outer_size = mNum{Model|Data}Cache, inner_size = 1. The outer vector corresponds to handles
// and the inner vector is for fds held by each handle.
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> mModelCache;
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> mDataCache;
// A separate temporary file path in the tmp cache directory.
std::string mTmpCache;
uint8_t mToken[static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN)] = {};
uint32_t mNumModelCache;
uint32_t mNumDataCache;
uint32_t mIsCachingSupported;
const sp<IDevice> kDevice;
// The primary data type of the testModel.
const OperandType kOperandType;
using CompilationCachingTestParam = std::tuple<NamedDevice, OperandType>;
// A parameterized fixture of CompilationCachingTestBase. Every test will run twice, with the first
// pass running with float32 models and the second pass running with quant8 models.
class CompilationCachingTest : public CompilationCachingTestBase,
public testing::WithParamInterface<CompilationCachingTestParam> {
: CompilationCachingTestBase(getData(std::get<NamedDevice>(GetParam())),
std::get<OperandType>(GetParam())) {}
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, CacheSavingAndRetrieval) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, CacheSavingAndRetrievalNonZeroOffset) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
uint8_t sampleBytes[] = {0, 0};
// Write a sample integer to the cache.
// The driver should be able to handle non-empty cache and non-zero fd offset.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modelCache.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(write(modelCache[i].getNativeHandle()->data[0], &sampleBytes,
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataCache.size(); i++) {
write(dataCache[i].getNativeHandle()->data[0], &sampleBytes, sizeof(sampleBytes)),
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
uint8_t sampleByte = 0;
// Advance the offset of each handle by one byte.
// The driver should be able to handle non-zero fd offset.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modelCache.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_GE(read(modelCache[i].getNativeHandle()->data[0], &sampleByte, 1), 0);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dataCache.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_GE(read(dataCache[i].getNativeHandle()->data[0], &sampleByte, 1), 0);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (!mIsCachingSupported) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else if (checkEarlyTermination(status)) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::NONE);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidNumCache) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
// Test with number of model cache files greater than mNumModelCache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an additional cache file for model cache.
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of model cache files smaller than mNumModelCache.
if (mModelCache.size() > 0) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pop out the last cache file.
auto tmp = mModelCache.back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of data cache files greater than mNumDataCache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an additional cache file for data cache.
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of data cache files smaller than mNumDataCache.
if (mDataCache.size() > 0) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pop out the last cache file.
auto tmp = mDataCache.back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareModelFromCacheInvalidNumCache) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
// Test with number of model cache files greater than mNumModelCache.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of model cache files smaller than mNumModelCache.
if (mModelCache.size() > 0) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
auto tmp = mModelCache.back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of data cache files greater than mNumDataCache.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Test with number of data cache files smaller than mNumDataCache.
if (mDataCache.size() > 0) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
auto tmp = mDataCache.back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidNumFd) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with NumFd greater than 1.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an invalid number of fds for handle i.
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with NumFd equal to 0.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an invalid number of fds for handle i.
auto tmp = mModelCache[i].back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with NumFd greater than 1.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an invalid number of fds for handle i.
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with NumFd equal to 0.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
// Pass an invalid number of fds for handle i.
auto tmp = mDataCache[i].back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareModelFromCacheInvalidNumFd) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with NumFd greater than 1.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with NumFd equal to 0.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
auto tmp = mModelCache[i].back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with NumFd greater than 1.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with NumFd equal to 0.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
auto tmp = mDataCache[i].back();
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCacheInvalidAccessMode) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
std::vector<AccessMode> modelCacheMode(mNumModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE);
std::vector<AccessMode> dataCacheMode(mNumDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE);
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with invalid access mode.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
modelCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_ONLY;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, modelCacheMode, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, dataCacheMode, &dataCache);
modelCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_WRITE;
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with invalid access mode.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
dataCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_ONLY;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, modelCacheMode, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, dataCacheMode, &dataCache);
dataCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_WRITE;
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel);
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Execute and verify results.
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModel,
// Check if prepareModelFromCache fails.
preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
if (status != ErrorStatus::INVALID_ARGUMENT) {
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareModelFromCacheInvalidAccessMode) {
// Create test HIDL model and compile.
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
std::vector<AccessMode> modelCacheMode(mNumModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE);
std::vector<AccessMode> dataCacheMode(mNumDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE);
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
// Go through each handle in model cache, test with invalid access mode.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
modelCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, modelCacheMode, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, dataCacheMode, &dataCache);
modelCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_WRITE;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Go through each handle in data cache, test with invalid access mode.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
dataCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::WRITE_ONLY;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, modelCacheMode, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, dataCacheMode, &dataCache);
dataCacheMode[i] = AccessMode::READ_WRITE;
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
// Copy file contents between file groups.
// The outer vector corresponds to handles and the inner vector is for fds held by each handle.
// The outer vector sizes must match and the inner vectors must have size = 1.
static void copyCacheFiles(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& from,
const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& to) {
constexpr size_t kBufferSize = 1000000;
uint8_t buffer[kBufferSize];
ASSERT_EQ(from.size(), to.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < from.size(); i++) {
ASSERT_EQ(from[i].size(), 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(to[i].size(), 1u);
int fromFd = open(from[i][0].c_str(), O_RDONLY);
int toFd = open(to[i][0].c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
ASSERT_GE(fromFd, 0);
ASSERT_GE(toFd, 0);
ssize_t readBytes;
while ((readBytes = read(fromFd, &buffer, kBufferSize)) > 0) {
ASSERT_EQ(write(toFd, &buffer, readBytes), readBytes);
ASSERT_GE(readBytes, 0);
// Number of operations in the large test model.
constexpr uint32_t kLargeModelSize = 100;
constexpr uint32_t kNumIterationsTOCTOU = 100;
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, SaveToCache_TOCTOU) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test models and check if fully supported by the service.
const TestModel testModelMul = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::MUL, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelMul = createModel(testModelMul);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelMul)) return;
const TestModel testModelAdd = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::ADD, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelAdd = createModel(testModelAdd);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelAdd)) return;
// Save the modelMul compilation to cache.
auto modelCacheMul = mModelCache;
for (auto& cache : modelCacheMul) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(modelCacheMul, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(modelMul, modelCache, dataCache);
// Use a different token for modelAdd.
// This test is probabilistic, so we run it multiple times.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumIterationsTOCTOU; i++) {
// Save the modelAdd compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
// Spawn a thread to copy the cache content concurrently while saving to cache.
std::thread thread(copyCacheFiles, std::cref(modelCacheMul), std::cref(mModelCache));
saveModelToCache(modelAdd, modelCache, dataCache);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
// The preparation may fail or succeed, but must not crash. If the preparation succeeds,
// the prepared model must be executed with the correct result and not crash.
if (status != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModelAdd,
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, PrepareFromCache_TOCTOU) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test models and check if fully supported by the service.
const TestModel testModelMul = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::MUL, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelMul = createModel(testModelMul);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelMul)) return;
const TestModel testModelAdd = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::ADD, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelAdd = createModel(testModelAdd);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelAdd)) return;
// Save the modelMul compilation to cache.
auto modelCacheMul = mModelCache;
for (auto& cache : modelCacheMul) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(modelCacheMul, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(modelMul, modelCache, dataCache);
// Use a different token for modelAdd.
// This test is probabilistic, so we run it multiple times.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kNumIterationsTOCTOU; i++) {
// Save the modelAdd compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(modelAdd, modelCache, dataCache);
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
// Spawn a thread to copy the cache content concurrently while preparing from cache.
std::thread thread(copyCacheFiles, std::cref(modelCacheMul), std::cref(mModelCache));
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
// The preparation may fail or succeed, but must not crash. If the preparation succeeds,
// the prepared model must be executed with the correct result and not crash.
if (status != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
} else {
ASSERT_NE(preparedModel, nullptr);
EvaluatePreparedModel(preparedModel, testModelAdd,
TEST_P(CompilationCachingTest, ReplaceSecuritySensitiveCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
// Create test models and check if fully supported by the service.
const TestModel testModelMul = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::MUL, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelMul = createModel(testModelMul);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelMul)) return;
const TestModel testModelAdd = createLargeTestModel(OperationType::ADD, kLargeModelSize);
const Model modelAdd = createModel(testModelAdd);
if (checkEarlyTermination(modelAdd)) return;
// Save the modelMul compilation to cache.
auto modelCacheMul = mModelCache;
for (auto& cache : modelCacheMul) {
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(modelCacheMul, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(modelMul, modelCache, dataCache);
// Use a different token for modelAdd.
// Save the modelAdd compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(modelAdd, modelCache, dataCache);
// Replace the model cache of modelAdd with modelMul.
copyCacheFiles(modelCacheMul, mModelCache);
// Retrieve the preparedModel from cache, expect failure.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
static const auto kNamedDeviceChoices = testing::ValuesIn(getNamedDevices());
static const auto kOperandTypeChoices =
testing::Values(OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32, OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM);
std::string printCompilationCachingTest(
const testing::TestParamInfo<CompilationCachingTestParam>& info) {
const auto& [namedDevice, operandType] = info.param;
const std::string type = (operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32 ? "float32" : "quant8");
return gtestCompliantName(getName(namedDevice) + "_" + type);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(TestCompilationCaching, CompilationCachingTest,
testing::Combine(kNamedDeviceChoices, kOperandTypeChoices),
using CompilationCachingSecurityTestParam = std::tuple<NamedDevice, OperandType, uint32_t>;
class CompilationCachingSecurityTest
: public CompilationCachingTestBase,
public testing::WithParamInterface<CompilationCachingSecurityTestParam> {
: CompilationCachingTestBase(getData(std::get<NamedDevice>(GetParam())),
std::get<OperandType>(GetParam())) {}
void SetUp() {
// Get a random integer within a closed range [lower, upper].
template <typename T>
T getRandomInt(T lower, T upper) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dis(lower, upper);
return dis(generator);
// Randomly flip one single bit of the cache entry.
void flipOneBitOfCache(const std::string& filename, bool* skip) {
FILE* pFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r+");
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END), 0);
long int fileSize = ftell(pFile);
if (fileSize == 0) {
*skip = true;
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, getRandomInt(0l, fileSize - 1), SEEK_SET), 0);
int readByte = fgetc(pFile);
ASSERT_NE(readByte, EOF);
ASSERT_EQ(fseek(pFile, -1, SEEK_CUR), 0);
ASSERT_NE(fputc(static_cast<uint8_t>(readByte) ^ (1U << getRandomInt(0, 7)), pFile), EOF);
*skip = false;
// Randomly append bytes to the cache entry.
void appendBytesToCache(const std::string& filename, bool* skip) {
FILE* pFile = fopen(filename.c_str(), "a");
uint32_t appendLength = getRandomInt(1, 256);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < appendLength; i++) {
ASSERT_NE(fputc(getRandomInt<uint8_t>(0, 255), pFile), EOF);
*skip = false;
enum class ExpectedResult { GENERAL_FAILURE, NOT_CRASH };
// Test if the driver behaves as expected when given corrupted cache or token.
// The modifier will be invoked after save to cache but before prepare from cache.
// The modifier accepts one pointer argument "skip" as the returning value, indicating
// whether the test should be skipped or not.
void testCorruptedCache(ExpectedResult expected, std::function<void(bool*)> modifier) {
const TestModel& testModel = createTestModel();
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
if (checkEarlyTermination(model)) return;
// Save the compilation to cache.
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
saveModelToCache(model, modelCache, dataCache);
bool skip = false;
if (skip) return;
// Retrieve preparedModel from cache.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = nullptr;
ErrorStatus status;
hidl_vec<hidl_handle> modelCache, dataCache;
createCacheHandles(mModelCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &modelCache);
createCacheHandles(mDataCache, AccessMode::READ_WRITE, &dataCache);
prepareModelFromCache(modelCache, dataCache, &preparedModel, &status);
switch (expected) {
case ExpectedResult::GENERAL_FAILURE:
ASSERT_EQ(status, ErrorStatus::GENERAL_FAILURE);
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel, nullptr);
case ExpectedResult::NOT_CRASH:
ASSERT_EQ(preparedModel == nullptr, status != ErrorStatus::NONE);
const uint32_t kSeed = std::get<uint32_t>(GetParam());
std::mt19937 generator;
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, CorruptedModelCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
[this, i](bool* skip) { flipOneBitOfCache(mModelCache[i][0], skip); });
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, WrongLengthModelCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumModelCache; i++) {
[this, i](bool* skip) { appendBytesToCache(mModelCache[i][0], skip); });
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, CorruptedDataCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
[this, i](bool* skip) { flipOneBitOfCache(mDataCache[i][0], skip); });
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, WrongLengthDataCache) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mNumDataCache; i++) {
[this, i](bool* skip) { appendBytesToCache(mDataCache[i][0], skip); });
TEST_P(CompilationCachingSecurityTest, WrongToken) {
if (!mIsCachingSupported) return;
testCorruptedCache(ExpectedResult::GENERAL_FAILURE, [this](bool* skip) {
// Randomly flip one single bit in mToken.
uint32_t ind =
getRandomInt(0u, static_cast<uint32_t>(Constant::BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN) - 1);
mToken[ind] ^= (1U << getRandomInt(0, 7));
*skip = false;
std::string printCompilationCachingSecurityTest(
const testing::TestParamInfo<CompilationCachingSecurityTestParam>& info) {
const auto& [namedDevice, operandType, seed] = info.param;
const std::string type = (operandType == OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32 ? "float32" : "quant8");
return gtestCompliantName(getName(namedDevice) + "_" + type + "_" + std::to_string(seed));
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(TestCompilationCaching, CompilationCachingSecurityTest,
testing::Combine(kNamedDeviceChoices, kOperandTypeChoices,
testing::Range(0U, 10U)),
} // namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_2::vts::functional