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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
#include <android/binder_enums.h>
#include <android/binder_interface_utils.h>
#include <android/binder_status.h>
#include <nnapi/hal/aidl/Conversions.h>
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "GeneratedTestHarness.h"
#include "Utils.h"
namespace aidl::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::vts::functional {
using implementation::PreparedModelCallback;
using test_helper::TestBuffer;
using test_helper::TestModel;
enum class DeadlineBoundType { NOW, UNLIMITED, SHORT };
constexpr std::array<DeadlineBoundType, 3> deadlineBounds = {
DeadlineBoundType::NOW, DeadlineBoundType::UNLIMITED, DeadlineBoundType::SHORT};
std::string toString(DeadlineBoundType type) {
switch (type) {
case DeadlineBoundType::NOW:
return "NOW";
case DeadlineBoundType::UNLIMITED:
return "UNLIMITED";
case DeadlineBoundType::SHORT:
return "SHORT";
LOG(FATAL) << "Unrecognized DeadlineBoundType: " << static_cast<int>(type);
return {};
constexpr auto kShortDuration = std::chrono::milliseconds{5};
using Results = std::tuple<ErrorStatus, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing>;
using MaybeResults = std::optional<Results>;
using ExecutionFunction =
std::function<MaybeResults(const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel,
const Request& request, int64_t deadlineNs)>;
static int64_t makeDeadline(DeadlineBoundType deadlineBoundType) {
const auto getNanosecondsSinceEpoch = [](const auto& time) -> int64_t {
const auto timeSinceEpoch = time.time_since_epoch();
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(timeSinceEpoch).count();
::android::base::boot_clock::time_point timePoint;
switch (deadlineBoundType) {
case DeadlineBoundType::NOW:
timePoint = ::android::base::boot_clock::now();
case DeadlineBoundType::UNLIMITED:
timePoint = ::android::base::boot_clock::time_point::max();
case DeadlineBoundType::SHORT:
timePoint = ::android::base::boot_clock::now() + kShortDuration;
return getNanosecondsSinceEpoch(timePoint);
void runPrepareModelTest(const std::shared_ptr<IDevice>& device, const Model& model,
Priority priority, std::optional<DeadlineBoundType> deadlineBound) {
int64_t deadlineNs = kNoDeadline;
if (deadlineBound.has_value()) {
deadlineNs = makeDeadline(deadlineBound.value());
// see if service can handle model
std::vector<bool> supportedOps;
const auto supportedCallStatus = device->getSupportedOperations(model, &supportedOps);
ASSERT_NE(0ul, supportedOps.size());
const bool fullySupportsModel =
std::all_of(supportedOps.begin(), supportedOps.end(), [](bool valid) { return valid; });
// launch prepare model
const std::shared_ptr<PreparedModelCallback> preparedModelCallback =
const auto prepareLaunchStatus =
device->prepareModel(model, ExecutionPreference::FAST_SINGLE_ANSWER, priority,
deadlineNs, {}, {}, kEmptyCacheToken, preparedModelCallback);
<< "prepareLaunchStatus: " << prepareLaunchStatus.getDescription();
// retrieve prepared model
const ErrorStatus prepareReturnStatus = preparedModelCallback->getStatus();
const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel> preparedModel = preparedModelCallback->getPreparedModel();
// The getSupportedOperations call returns a list of operations that are guaranteed not to fail
// if prepareModel is called, and 'fullySupportsModel' is true i.f.f. the entire model is
// guaranteed. If a driver has any doubt that it can prepare an operation, it must return false.
// So here, if a driver isn't sure if it can support an operation, but reports that it
// successfully prepared the model, the test can continue.
if (!fullySupportsModel && prepareReturnStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, preparedModel.get());
// verify return status
if (!deadlineBound.has_value()) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, prepareReturnStatus);
} else {
switch (deadlineBound.value()) {
case DeadlineBoundType::NOW:
case DeadlineBoundType::SHORT:
// Either the driver successfully completed the task or it
// aborted and returned MISSED_DEADLINE_*.
EXPECT_TRUE(prepareReturnStatus == ErrorStatus::NONE ||
prepareReturnStatus == ErrorStatus::MISSED_DEADLINE_TRANSIENT ||
prepareReturnStatus == ErrorStatus::MISSED_DEADLINE_PERSISTENT);
case DeadlineBoundType::UNLIMITED:
// If an unlimited deadline is supplied, we expect the execution to
// proceed normally. In this case, check it normally by breaking out
// of the switch statement.
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, prepareReturnStatus);
ASSERT_EQ(prepareReturnStatus == ErrorStatus::NONE, preparedModel.get() != nullptr);
void runPrepareModelTests(const std::shared_ptr<IDevice>& device, const Model& model) {
// test priority
for (auto priority : ndk::enum_range<Priority>{}) {
SCOPED_TRACE("priority: " + toString(priority));
if (priority == kDefaultPriority) continue;
runPrepareModelTest(device, model, priority, {});
// test deadline
for (auto deadlineBound : deadlineBounds) {
SCOPED_TRACE("deadlineBound: " + toString(deadlineBound));
runPrepareModelTest(device, model, kDefaultPriority, deadlineBound);
static MaybeResults executeSynchronously(const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel,
const Request& request, int64_t deadlineNs) {
const bool measure = false;
// run execution
ExecutionResult executionResult;
const auto ret = preparedModel->executeSynchronously(request, measure, deadlineNs,
kOmittedTimeoutDuration, &executionResult);
EXPECT_TRUE(ret.isOk() || ret.getExceptionCode() == EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC)
<< ret.getDescription();
if (!ret.isOk()) {
if (ret.getExceptionCode() != EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
return std::nullopt;
return MaybeResults(
{static_cast<ErrorStatus>(ret.getServiceSpecificError()), {}, kNoTiming});
// return results
return MaybeResults({executionResult.outputSufficientSize
? ErrorStatus::NONE
std::move(executionResult.outputShapes), executionResult.timing});
static MaybeResults executeBurst(const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel,
const Request& request, int64_t deadlineNs) {
const bool measure = false;
// create burst
std::shared_ptr<IBurst> burst;
auto ret = preparedModel->configureExecutionBurst(&burst);
EXPECT_TRUE(ret.isOk()) << ret.getDescription();
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, burst.get());
if (!ret.isOk() || burst.get() == nullptr) {
return std::nullopt;
// use -1 for all memory identifier tokens
const std::vector<int64_t> slots(request.pools.size(), -1);
// run execution
ExecutionResult executionResult;
ret = burst->executeSynchronously(request, slots, measure, deadlineNs, kOmittedTimeoutDuration,
EXPECT_TRUE(ret.isOk() || ret.getExceptionCode() == EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC)
<< ret.getDescription();
if (!ret.isOk()) {
if (ret.getExceptionCode() != EX_SERVICE_SPECIFIC) {
return std::nullopt;
return MaybeResults(
{static_cast<ErrorStatus>(ret.getServiceSpecificError()), {}, kNoTiming});
// return results
return MaybeResults({executionResult.outputSufficientSize
? ErrorStatus::NONE
std::move(executionResult.outputShapes), executionResult.timing});
void runExecutionTest(const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel,
const TestModel& testModel, const Request& request,
const ExecutionContext& context, bool synchronous,
DeadlineBoundType deadlineBound) {
const ExecutionFunction execute = synchronous ? executeSynchronously : executeBurst;
const auto deadlineNs = makeDeadline(deadlineBound);
// Perform execution and unpack results.
const auto results = execute(preparedModel, request, deadlineNs);
if (!results.has_value()) return;
const auto& [status, outputShapes, timing] = results.value();
// Verify no timing information was returned
EXPECT_EQ(timing, kNoTiming);
// Validate deadline information if applicable.
switch (deadlineBound) {
case DeadlineBoundType::NOW:
case DeadlineBoundType::SHORT:
// Either the driver successfully completed the task or it
// aborted and returned MISSED_DEADLINE_*.
ASSERT_TRUE(status == ErrorStatus::NONE ||
status == ErrorStatus::MISSED_DEADLINE_TRANSIENT ||
case DeadlineBoundType::UNLIMITED:
// If an unlimited deadline is supplied, we expect the execution to
// proceed normally. In this case, check it normally by breaking out
// of the switch statement.
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, status);
// If the model output operands are fully specified, outputShapes must be either
// either empty, or have the same number of elements as the number of outputs.
ASSERT_TRUE(outputShapes.size() == 0 ||
outputShapes.size() == testModel.main.outputIndexes.size());
// Go through all outputs, check returned output shapes.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < outputShapes.size(); i++) {
const auto expect =
const std::vector<int32_t>& actual = outputShapes[i].dimensions;
EXPECT_EQ(expect, actual);
// Retrieve execution results.
const std::vector<TestBuffer> outputs = context.getOutputBuffers(request);
// We want "close-enough" results.
if (status == ErrorStatus::NONE) {
checkResults(testModel, outputs);
void runExecutionTests(const std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel,
const TestModel& testModel, const Request& request,
const ExecutionContext& context) {
for (bool synchronous : {false, true}) {
for (auto deadlineBound : deadlineBounds) {
runExecutionTest(preparedModel, testModel, request, context, synchronous,
void runTests(const std::shared_ptr<IDevice>& device, const TestModel& testModel) {
// setup
const Model model = createModel(testModel);
// run prepare model tests
runPrepareModelTests(device, model);
// prepare model
std::shared_ptr<IPreparedModel> preparedModel;
createPreparedModel(device, model, &preparedModel);
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
// run execution tests
ExecutionContext context;
const Request request = context.createRequest(testModel);
runExecutionTests(preparedModel, testModel, request, context);
class DeadlineTest : public GeneratedTestBase {};
TEST_P(DeadlineTest, Test) {
runTests(kDevice, kTestModel);
[](const TestModel& testModel) { return !testModel.expectFailure; });
} // namespace aidl::android::hardware::neuralnetworks::vts::functional