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GTest Unit Tests


GTest Unit Tests

GTest is a Google developed open source unit testing framework for C++ and C code. As the majority of GD code is writeen in C++, GTest provide the first layer of defence against bugs from the implementation level. Used in combination with GMock developers can easily isolate classes and functions from their code to conduct unit testing.

Test Binary

All Gd unit test classes are compiled into a single binary bluetooth_test_gd.

Test Sources Definitions

  • Tests should live in the same directory as the source code
  • Mocks should live in the same directory as the source header so that it can be shared among multiple tests
  • Tests should not modify global states that would affect other tests, so that all tests could be executed using the same binary
  • Each module can define a filegroup() that includes all test sources. This filegroup is then included in a single cc_test() target that produce a single test binary bluetooth_test_gd. A single test binary simplifies the configuration effort needed for compilation, presubmit and postsubmit execution, and so on.

How to run tests

Use atest

ATest is an Android tool that allows a developers to run multiple modes of tests from the same atest command, including Java Instrumentation Tests, C/C++ GTests, CTS/GTS tests, etc. To use atest with GD, simplying sync your Android tree, run source build/ and lunch to a desired target. Then

  • To run tests on device, the following command will automatically build, push, and execute tests on a connected Android device

    atest bluetooth_test_gd
  • To run tests on host, the following command will automatically build and run tests on your host machine

    atest --host bluetooth_test_gd
  • To run a single test case, use <test_binary>:<test_class>#<test_method> format, such as

    atest --host bluetooth_test_gd:AclManagerTest#invoke_registered_callback_connection_complete_success

    See atest --help for more documentation on how to use atest to run various tests

Run it yourself (Not receommended unless really needed)

Sometimes, you may want to execute the test binary directly because you want to attach a debugger or you want to avoid the test boostrap delay in atest. You can do it with the following steps

  1. Sync Android tree, run build/envsetup and lunch desired target, cd into Android checkout root directory

  2. Make bluetooth_test_gd binary

    m -j40 bluetooth_test_gd
  3. Run the test on host {value=3}

  4. Run the test on device {value=4}

    Push test to device

    adb push $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/testcases/bluetooth_test_gd/arm64/bluetooth_test_gd /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd

    Run test using ADB

    adb shell /data/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd
  5. Run test with filter (Works the same way for device based test) {value=5}

    $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd/bluetooth_test_gd --gtest_filter=AclManagerTest.invoke_registered_callback_connection_complete_success*

    Note: the '*' wildcard is very important

  6. Get command line help {value=6}

    $ANDROID_HOST_OUT/nativetest64/bluetooth_test_gd/bluetooth_test_gd --help

Example: L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest

Note: All paths are relative to system/bt/gd

Source code:

#pragma once

#include "common/bidi_queue.h"
#include "l2cap/cid.h"
#include "l2cap/classic/fixed_channel.h"
#include "l2cap/internal/channel_impl.h"
#include "l2cap/l2cap_packets.h"
#include "os/handler.h"
#include "os/log.h"

namespace bluetooth {
namespace l2cap {
namespace classic {
namespace internal {

class Link;

class FixedChannelImpl : public l2cap::internal::ChannelImpl {
  FixedChannelImpl(Cid cid, Link* link, os::Handler* l2cap_handler);
  virtual ~FixedChannelImpl() = default;
  hci::Address GetDevice() const;
  virtual void RegisterOnCloseCallback(os::Handler* user_handler, FixedChannel::OnCloseCallback on_close_callback);
  virtual void Acquire();
  virtual void Release();
  virtual bool IsAcquired() const;
  virtual void OnClosed(hci::ErrorCode status);
  virtual std::string ToString();
  common::BidiQueueEnd<packet::BasePacketBuilder, packet::PacketView<packet::kLittleEndian>>* GetQueueUpEnd();
  common::BidiQueueEnd<packet::PacketView<packet::kLittleEndian>, packet::BasePacketBuilder>* GetQueueDownEnd();
  Cid GetCid() const;
  Cid GetRemoteCid() const;
  // private fields omitted in doc ...

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace classic
}  // namespace l2cap
}  // namespace bluetooth

Mocks for dependencies' unit tests

#pragma once

#include "l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h"

#include <gmock/gmock.h>

// Unit test interfaces
namespace bluetooth {
namespace l2cap {
namespace classic {
namespace internal {
namespace testing {

class MockFixedChannelImpl : public FixedChannelImpl {
  MockFixedChannelImpl(Cid cid, Link* link, os::Handler* l2cap_handler) : FixedChannelImpl(cid, link, l2cap_handler) {}
  MOCK_METHOD(void, RegisterOnCloseCallback,
              (os::Handler * user_handler, FixedChannel::OnCloseCallback on_close_callback), (override));
  MOCK_METHOD(void, Acquire, (), (override));
  MOCK_METHOD(void, Release, (), (override));
  MOCK_METHOD(bool, IsAcquired, (), (override, const));
  MOCK_METHOD(void, OnClosed, (hci::ErrorCode status), (override));

}  // namespace testing
}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace classic
}  // namespace l2cap
}  // namespace bluetooth


#include "l2cap/classic/internal/fixed_channel_impl.h"

#include "common/testing/bind_test_util.h"
#include "l2cap/cid.h"
#include "l2cap/classic/internal/link_mock.h"
#include "l2cap/internal/parameter_provider_mock.h"
#include "os/handler.h"

#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>

namespace bluetooth {
namespace l2cap {
namespace classic {
namespace internal {

using l2cap::internal::testing::MockParameterProvider;
using ::testing::_;
using testing::MockLink;
using ::testing::Return;

class L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest : public ::testing::Test {
  static void SyncHandler(os::Handler* handler) {
    std::promise<void> promise;
    auto future = promise.get_future();
    handler->Post(common::BindOnce(&std::promise<void>::set_value, common::Unretained(&promise)));

  void SetUp() override {
    thread_ = new os::Thread("test_thread", os::Thread::Priority::NORMAL);
    l2cap_handler_ = new os::Handler(thread_);

  void TearDown() override {
    delete l2cap_handler_;
    delete thread_;

  os::Thread* thread_ = nullptr;
  os::Handler* l2cap_handler_ = nullptr;

TEST_F(L2capClassicFixedChannelImplTest, get_device) {
  MockParameterProvider mock_parameter_provider;
  EXPECT_CALL(mock_parameter_provider, GetClassicLinkIdleDisconnectTimeout())
  testing::MockClassicAclConnection* mock_acl_connection = new testing::MockClassicAclConnection();
  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, GetAddress()).Times(1);
  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, RegisterCallbacks(_, l2cap_handler_)).Times(1);
  EXPECT_CALL(*mock_acl_connection, UnregisterCallbacks(_)).Times(1);
  MockLink mock_classic_link(l2cap_handler_, &mock_parameter_provider,
  hci::AddressWithType device{hci::Address{{0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06}},
  EXPECT_CALL(mock_classic_link, GetDevice()).WillRepeatedly(Return(device));
  FixedChannelImpl fixed_channel_impl(kSmpBrCid, &mock_classic_link, l2cap_handler_);
  EXPECT_EQ(device.GetAddress(), fixed_channel_impl.GetDevice());

// Other test cases omitted in doc ...

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace classic
}  // namespace l2cap
}  // namespace bluetooth