99 lines
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99 lines
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#ifndef DISPLAY_VK_H
#define DISPLAY_VK_H
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "CompositorVk.h"
#include "Hwc2.h"
#include "RenderContext.h"
#include "SwapChainStateVk.h"
#include "vulkan/cereal/common/goldfish_vk_dispatch.h"
// The DisplayVk class holds the Vulkan and other states required to draw a
// frame in a host window.
class DisplayVk {
class DisplayBufferInfo {
DisplayBufferInfo(const goldfish_vk::VulkanDispatch &, VkDevice,
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, VkFormat, VkImage);
const goldfish_vk::VulkanDispatch &m_vk;
VkDevice m_vkDevice;
uint32_t m_width;
uint32_t m_height;
VkFormat m_vkFormat;
VkImageView m_vkImageView;
friend class DisplayVk;
DisplayVk(const goldfish_vk::VulkanDispatch &, VkPhysicalDevice,
uint32_t swapChainQueueFamilyIndex,
uint32_t compositorQueueFamilyIndex, VkDevice,
VkQueue compositorVkQueue, VkQueue swapChainVkQueue);
void bindToSurface(VkSurfaceKHR, uint32_t width, uint32_t height);
// The caller is responsible to make sure the VkImage lives longer than the
// DisplayBufferInfo created here. However, given that DisplayBufferInfo
// lives in a shared_ptr, the potential lifetime of DisplayBufferInfo is
// aligned to DisplayVk when DisplayVk::m_surfaceState::m_prevDisplayBuffer
// is locked and upgraded to a shared_ptr in DisplayVk::post.
std::shared_ptr<DisplayBufferInfo> createDisplayBuffer(VkImage, VkFormat,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height);
void post(const std::shared_ptr<DisplayBufferInfo> &);
void compose(
uint32_t numLayers, const ComposeLayer layers[],
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplayBufferInfo>> &composeBuffers);
bool canComposite(VkFormat);
// Returns if the composition specified by the parameter is different from
// the previous composition. If the composition is different, update the
// previous composition stored in m_surfaceState. Must be called after
// bindToSurface() is called.
bool compareAndSaveComposition(
uint32_t renderTargetIndex, uint32_t numLayers,
const ComposeLayer layers[],
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DisplayBufferInfo>> &composeBuffers);
const goldfish_vk::VulkanDispatch &m_vk;
VkPhysicalDevice m_vkPhysicalDevice;
uint32_t m_swapChainQueueFamilyIndex;
uint32_t m_compositorQueueFamilyIndex;
VkDevice m_vkDevice;
VkQueue m_compositorVkQueue;
VkQueue m_swapChainVkQueue;
VkCommandPool m_vkCommandPool;
VkSampler m_compositionVkSampler;
VkFence m_frameDrawCompleteFence;
VkSemaphore m_imageReadySem;
VkSemaphore m_frameDrawCompleteSem;
std::unique_ptr<SwapChainStateVk> m_swapChainStateVk;
std::unique_ptr<CompositorVk> m_compositorVk;
struct SurfaceState {
struct Layer {
ComposeLayer m_hwc2Layer;
std::weak_ptr<DisplayBufferInfo> m_displayBuffer;
uint32_t m_width = 0;
uint32_t m_height = 0;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Layer>>>
std::unique_ptr<SurfaceState> m_surfaceState;
std::unordered_map<VkFormat, bool> m_canComposite;