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* This script plugin is used to bundle the host test (e.g. Robolectric) results and dist it in
* a location where TradeFed knows how to parse.
* - If a non-dist build is run with test, it will run the normal unit tests, failing the build if
* there are test failures.
* - If a dist build is run with test (e.g. ./gradlew dist test), the build will ignore any test
* failures, and will create a zip of the XML test reports for each test run, and copy them to
* dist/host-test-reports for consumption by TradeFed.
apply plugin: 'dist'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
// If unit tests are run as part of the build, dist the test XML reports to host-test-reports/*.zip
android.unitTestVariants.all { variant ->
def task = tasks.findByName('test' +
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph ->
// Ignore the failures, so the build continues even on test errors when the build is
// running with 'dist'. (Usually as part of a build server build)
task.ignoreFailures = taskGraph.hasTask(tasks.dist)
def junitReport = task.reports.junitXml
if (junitReport.enabled) {
// Create a zip file of the XML test reports
def zipTask = tasks.create("zipResultsOf${}", Zip) {
from junitReport.destination
archiveName = + ''
destinationDir = junitReport.destination.parentFile
task.finalizedBy zipTask
// Copy the test reports to dist/host-test-reports
// The file path and format should match GradleHostBasedTest class in TradeFed.
tasks.dist.mustRunAfter zipTask
dist.file zipTask.archivePath.path, "host-test-reports/${zipTask.archiveName}"
* The section below adds code coverage to all the unitTest targets. By default, the jacoco plugin
* only adds to the 'java' plugin and not the Android ones.
* For each unitTest task "fooUnitTest", a new target "fooUnitTestCoverage" will be generated for
* to generate the jacoco report.
android.testOptions.unitTests.all {
// Fix robolectric tests reporting 0 coverage on newer versions of the plugin.
jacoco {
includeNoLocationClasses = true
// Define the main coverage task if it does not exist. This task generates coverage report for all
// unit tests.
def coverageTask = tasks.findByName('coverage') ?: tasks.create('coverage') {
group = "Reporting"
description = "Generate Jacoco coverage reports"
android.unitTestVariants.all { variant ->
def testTaskName = "test${}"
def testTask = tasks.findByName(testTaskName)
// Create coverage task of form 'testFlavorCoverageUnitTestCoverage' depending on
// 'testFlavorCoverageUnitTest'
def jacocoTask = tasks.create("${testTaskName}Coverage", JacocoReport) {
group = "Reporting"
description = "Generate a Jacoco coverage report for robolectric tests on ${}."
classDirectories = fileTree(
dir: "${project.buildDir}/intermediates/classes/" +
excludes: ['**/R.class',
sourceDirectories = files(variant.testedVariant.sourceSets.collect { })
executionData = files("${project.buildDir}/jacoco/${testTaskName}.exec")
reports {
xml.enabled = true
html.enabled = true
jacocoTask.dependsOn testTask
// Create a zip file of the HTML coverage reports
def zipTask = tasks.create("zipResultsOf${}", Zip) {
from jacocoTask.reports.html.destination
archiveName = "${testTaskName}"
destinationDir = jacocoTask.reports.html.destination.parentFile
jacocoTask.finalizedBy zipTask
// Copy the coverage reports to dist/host-test-coverage
// The file path and format should match JacocoLogForwarder class in TradeFed.
tasks.dist.mustRunAfter jacocoTask
dist.file jacocoTask.reports.xml.destination.path, "host-test-coverage/${}.xml"
tasks.dist.mustRunAfter zipTask
dist.file zipTask.archivePath.path, "host-test-coverage/${zipTask.archiveName}"