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* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* rebalance-interrupts:
* One-shot distribution of unassigned* IRQs to CPU cores.
* Useful for devices with the ARM-GIC-v3, as the Linux driver will take any
* interrupt assigned with an all-cores mask and always have it run on core 0.
* This should be run once, long enough after boot that all drivers have
* registered their interrupts.
* This program is configured to spread the load across all the cores in
* CPUFREQ policy 0. This is because other cores may be hotplugged in
* or out, and if hotplugged out the interrupts would be sent to core0 always.
* It might be wise to avoid core0 so that any later-added IRQs don't overcrowd
* core 0.
* Any program that has an actual IRQ related performance constraint should
* override any settings assigned by this and assign the IRQ to the same
* core as the code whose performance is impacted by the IRQ.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#define LOG_TAG "rebalance_interrupts"
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/format.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#define POLICY0_CORES_PATH "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/affected_cpus"
#define SYSFS_IRQDIR "/sys/kernel/irq"
#define PROC_IRQDIR "/proc/irq"
using android::base::ParseInt;
using android::base::ParseUint;
using android::base::ReadFileToString;
using android::base::Trim;
using android::base::WriteStringToFile;
using std::list;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
// Return a vector of strings describing the affected CPUs for cpufreq
// Policy 0.
vector<int> Policy0AffectedCpus() {
string policy0_cores_unparsed;
if (!ReadFileToString(POLICY0_CORES_PATH, &policy0_cores_unparsed))
return vector<int>();
string policy0_trimmed = android::base::Trim(policy0_cores_unparsed);
vector<string> cpus_as_string = android::base::Split(policy0_trimmed, " ");
vector<int> cpus_as_int;
for (int i = 0; i < cpus_as_string.size(); ++i) {
int cpu;
if (!ParseInt(cpus_as_string[i].c_str(), &cpu))
return vector<int>();
return cpus_as_int;
// Return a vector of strings describing the CPU masks for cpufreq Policy 0.
vector<string> Policy0CpuMasks() {
vector<int> cpus = Policy0AffectedCpus();
vector<string> cpu_masks;
for (int i = 0; i < cpus.size(); ++i)
cpu_masks.push_back(fmt::format("{0:02x}", 1 << cpus[i]));
return cpu_masks;
// Read the actions for the given irq# from sysfs, and add it to action_to_irq
bool AddEntryToIrqmap(const char* irq,
map<string, list<string>>& action_to_irqs) {
const string irq_base(SYSFS_IRQDIR "/");
string irq_actions_path = irq_base + irq + "/actions";
string irq_actions;
if (!ReadFileToString(irq_actions_path, &irq_actions))
return false;
irq_actions = Trim(irq_actions);
if (irq_actions == "(null)")
irq_actions = "";
return true;
// Get a mapping of driver "action" to IRQ#s for each IRQ# in
bool GetIrqmap(map<string, list<string>>& action_to_irqs) {
bool some_success = false;
std::unique_ptr<DIR, decltype(&closedir)> irq_dir(opendir(SYSFS_IRQDIR), closedir);
if (!irq_dir) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "opening dir " SYSFS_IRQDIR;
return false;
struct dirent* entry;
while ((entry = readdir(irq_dir.get()))) {
// If the directory entry isn't a parsable number, skip it.
// . and .. get skipped here.
unsigned throwaway;
if (!ParseUint(entry->d_name, &throwaway))
some_success |= AddEntryToIrqmap(entry->d_name, action_to_irqs);
return some_success;
// Given a map of irq actions -> IRQs,
// find out which ones haven't been assigned and add those to
// rebalance_actions.
void FindUnassignedIrqs(const map<string, list<string>>& action_to_irqs,
list<pair<string, list<string>>>& rebalance_actions) {
for (const auto &action_to_irqs_entry: action_to_irqs) {
bool rebalance = true;
for (const auto& irq: action_to_irqs_entry.second) {
string smp_affinity;
string proc_path(PROC_IRQDIR "/");
proc_path += irq + "/smp_affinity";
ReadFileToString(proc_path, &smp_affinity);
smp_affinity = Trim(smp_affinity);
// Try to respect previoulsy set IRQ affinities.
// On ARM interrupt controllers under Linux, if an IRQ is assigned
// to more than one core it will only be assigned to the lowest core.
// Assume any IRQ which is set to more than one core in the lowest four
// CPUs hasn't been assigned and needs to be rebalanced.
if (smp_affinity.back() == '0' ||
smp_affinity.back() == '1' ||
smp_affinity.back() == '2' ||
smp_affinity.back() == '4' ||
smp_affinity.back() == '8') {
rebalance = false;
// Treat each unnamed action IRQ as independent.
if (action_to_irqs_entry.first.empty()) {
if (rebalance) {
pair<string, list<string>> empty_action_irq;
empty_action_irq.first = "";
rebalance = true;
if (rebalance && !action_to_irqs_entry.first.empty()) {
// Read the file at `path`, Trim whitespace, see if it matches `expected_value`.
// Print the results to stdout.
void ReportIfAffinityUpdated(const std::string expected_value,
const std::string path) {
std::string readback, report;
ReadFileToString(path, &readback);
readback = Trim(readback);
if (readback != expected_value) {
report += "Unable to set ";
} else {
report += "Success setting ";
report += path;
report += ": found " + readback + " vs " + expected_value + "\n";
LOG(DEBUG) << report;
// Evenly distribute the IRQ actions across all the Policy0 CPUs.
// Assign all the IRQs of an action to a single CPU core.
bool RebalanceIrqs(const list<pair<string, list<string>>>& action_to_irqs) {
int mask_index = 0;
std::vector<std::string> affinity_masks = Policy0CpuMasks();
if (affinity_masks.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to find Policy0 CPUs for IRQ assignment.";
return false;
for (const auto &action_to_irq: action_to_irqs) {
for (const auto& irq: action_to_irq.second) {
std::string affinity_path(PROC_IRQDIR "/");
affinity_path += irq + "/smp_affinity";
WriteStringToFile(affinity_masks[mask_index], affinity_path);
ReportIfAffinityUpdated(affinity_masks[mask_index], affinity_path);
mask_index = (mask_index + 1) % affinity_masks.size();
return true;
int main(int /* argc */, char* /* argv */[]) {
map<string, list<string>> irq_mapping;
list<pair<string, list<string>>> action_to_irqs;
// Find the mapping of "irq actions" to IRQs.
// Each IRQ has an assocatied irq_actions field, showing the actions
// associated with it. Multiple IRQs have the same actions.
// Generate the mapping of actions to IRQs with that action,
// as these IRQs should all be mapped to the same cores.
if (!GetIrqmap(irq_mapping)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read IRQ mappings. Are you root?";
return 1;
// Some IRQs are already assigned to a subset of cores, usually for
// good reason (like some drivers have an IRQ per core, for per-core
// queues.) Find the set of IRQs that haven't been mapped to specific
// cores.
FindUnassignedIrqs(irq_mapping, action_to_irqs);
// Distribute the rebalancable IRQs across all cores.
return RebalanceIrqs(action_to_irqs) ? 0 : 1;