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* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.gnss@1.0;
import IGnssBatchingCallback;
* Extended interface for GNSS Batching support.
* If this interface is supported, this batching request must be able to run in
* parallel with, or without, non-batched location requested by the
* IGnss start() & stop() - i.e. both requests must be handled independently,
* and not interfere with each other.
* For example, if a 1Hz continuous output is underway on the IGnssCallback,
* due to an IGnss start() operation,
* and then a IGnssBatching start() is called for a location every 10
* seconds, the newly added batching request must not disrupt the 1Hz
* continuous location output on the IGnssCallback.
* As with GNSS Location outputs, source of location must be GNSS satellite
* measurements, optionally using interial and baro sensors to improve
* relative motion filtering. No additional absolute positioning information,
* such as WiFi derived location, may be mixed with the GNSS information.
interface IGnssBatching {
* Enum which holds the bit masks for batching control.
@export(name="", value_prefix="FLP_BATCH_")
enum Flag : uint8_t {
* If this flag is set, the hardware implementation
* must wake up the application processor when the FIFO is full, and
* call IGnssBatchingCallback to return the locations.
* If the flag is not set, the hardware implementation must drop
* the oldest data when the FIFO is full.
struct Options {
* Time interval between samples in the location batch, in nano
* seconds.
int64_t periodNanos;
* Flags controlling how batching should behave.
bitfield<Flag> flags;
* Opens the interface and provides the callback routines
* to the implementation of this interface.
* @param callback Callback interface for IGnssBatching.
* @return success Returns true on success.
init(IGnssBatchingCallback callback) generates (bool success);
* Return the batch size (in number of GnssLocation objects)
* available in this hardware implementation.
* If the available size is variable, for example, based on other operations
* consuming memory, this is the minimum size guaranteed to be available
* for batching operations.
* This may, for example, be used by the upper layer, to decide on the
* batching interval and whether the AP should be woken up or not.
* @return batchSize number of location objects supported per batch
getBatchSize() generates (uint16_t batchSize);
* Start batching locations. This API is primarily used when the AP is
* asleep and the device can batch locations in the hardware.
* IGnssBatchingCallback is used to return the locations.
* When the buffer is full and WAKEUP_ON_FIFO_FULL is used,
* IGnssBatchingCallback must be called to return the locations.
* When the buffer is full and WAKEUP_ON_FIFO_FULL is not set,
* the oldest location object is dropped. In this case the AP must not be
* woken up. The AP would then generally be responsible for using
* flushBatchedLocation to explicitly ask for the location as needed,
* to avoid it being dropped.
* @param options See struct Options definition.
* @return success Returns true on success.
start(Options options) generates (bool success);
* Retrieve all batched locations currently stored.
* IGnssBatchingCallback is used to return the location.
* IGnssBatchingCallback must be called in response, even if there are
* no locations to flush (in which case the Location vector must be empty).
* Subsequent calls to flushBatchedLocation
* must not return any of the locations returned in this call.
* Stop batching.
* @return success Returns true on success.
stop() generates (bool success);
* Closes the interface. If any batch operations are in progress,
* they must be stopped. If any locations are in the hardware batch, they
* must be deleted (and not sent via callback.)
* init() may be called again, after this, if the interface is to be restored