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Longevity Library

This library serves as a test runner for longevity suites, which exercise test cases repeatedly in order to exercise or stress the device under test. Annotate a collection of JUnit test classes with a subclass of LongevitySuite, and now have longevity tests!


There is both host-side (core) and device-side (platform) for longevity tests with only minor differences. All of the examples below use the sample suites bundled as part of the LongevityHostLibSamples and LongevityPlatformLibSamples modules under the samples/ directory. Follow the samples directory to see how longevity suites are constructed.


Template command with stubbed out options.

java <options> -cp <jar> org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <suite>

Run simple test suite 50 times, and quit when an error is encountered.

java -Diterations=5 -Dquitter=true -cp out/host/linux-x86/framework/LongevityHostSamples.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore

Run simple test suite 10 times, shuffle all tests, and quit after 30 minutes.

java -Diterations=10 -Dsuite-timeout_msec=1800000 -Dshuffle=true -cp out/host/linux-x86/framework/LongevityHostSamples.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore


Template command with stubbed out options.

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e <option> <value> -e class <suite> android.platform.test.longevity.samples/androidx.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner

Run simple test suite 50 times, and quit when an error is encountered.

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e iterations 50 -e quitter true -e class android.platform.test.longevity.samples.SimpleSuite android.platform.test.longevity.samples/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner

Run simple test suite 10 times, shuffle all tests, and quit after 30 minutes.

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e iterations 10 -e shuffle true -e suite-timeout_msec 1800000 -e class android.platform.test.longevity.samples.SimpleSuite android.platform.test.longevity.samples/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner

Run simple test suite 100 times, and quit when battery drops below 5%.

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e iterations 100 -e min-battery 0.05 -e class android.platform.test.longevity.samples.SimpleSuite android.platform.test.longevity.samples/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner

Run a suite using the sample profile under assets/

adb shell am instrument -w -r -e profile sample_profile -e class android.platform.test.longevity.samples.SimpleProfile android.platform.test.longevity.samples/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner


  • iterations <int> - the number of times to repeat the suite.
  • min-battery <double> - quit if battery falls below this threshold.
  • shuffle <bool> - shuffles all test cases in the repeated suite.
  • suite-timeout_msec <long> - an overall timeout for the suite.
  • timeout_msec <long> - a timeout for individual test methods.
  • quitter <bool> - quit the suite if any test errors are encountered.
  • profile <string> - use a profile under assets/ or at your own path.
  • rename-iterations <bool> - rename each iteration by appending the iteration number to the class name.


Host-side tests for the library can be built with the LongevityHostLibTests module under the tests/ directory. Run them using java out/host/linux-x86/framework/LongevityHostLibTests.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore <test class>.

Device-side tests for the library can be built with the LongevityLibTests module under the tests/ directory. Run them using adb shell am instrument -w -r android.platform.test.longevity.tests/androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner.


If any issues are encountered, please send patches to recent contributors.