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626 lines
18 KiB

%def bindiv(result="", second="", tmp="", wide="", suffix="", rem="0", ext="cdq"):
* 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op1=-1.
/* div/rem vAA, vBB, vCC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # rax <- BB
movzbq 3(rPC), %rcx # rcx <- CC
.if $wide
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rax # eax <- vBB
GET_WIDE_VREG $second, %rcx # ecx <- vCC
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- vBB
GET_VREG $second, %rcx # ecx <- vCC
test${suffix} $second, $second
jz common_errDivideByZero
cmp${suffix} $$-1, $second
je 2f
cmp${suffix} $$2, $second
je 3f
$ext # rdx:rax <- sign-extended of rax
idiv${suffix} $second
.if $wide
SET_WIDE_VREG $result, rINSTq # eax <- vBB
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq # eax <- vBB
.if $rem
xor${suffix} $result, $result
neg${suffix} $result
jmp 1b
.if $rem
mov${suffix} $tmp, $result
.if $wide
shr${suffix} $$63, $result
shr${suffix} $$31, $result
add${suffix} $tmp, $result
and${suffix} $$-2, $result
sub${suffix} $result, $tmp
mov${suffix} $tmp, $result
mov${suffix} $result, $tmp
.if $wide
shr${suffix} $$63, $tmp
shr${suffix} $$31, $tmp
add${suffix} $tmp, $result
sar${suffix} $result
jmp 1b
%def bindiv2addr(result="", second="", tmp="", wide="", suffix="", rem="0", ext="cdq"):
* 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op1=-1.
/* div/rem/2addr vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- BA
sarl $$4, %ecx # rcx <- B
andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
.if $wide
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # eax <- vA
GET_WIDE_VREG $second, %rcx # ecx <- vB
GET_VREG %eax, rINSTq # eax <- vA
GET_VREG $second, %rcx # ecx <- vB
test${suffix} $second, $second
jz common_errDivideByZero
cmp${suffix} $$-1, $second
je 2f
cmp${suffix} $$2, $second
je 3f
$ext # rdx:rax <- sign-extended of rax
idiv${suffix} $second
.if $wide
SET_WIDE_VREG $result, rINSTq # vA <- result
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq # vA <- result
.if $rem
xor${suffix} $result, $result
neg${suffix} $result
jmp 1b
.if $rem
mov${suffix} $tmp, $result
.if $wide
shr${suffix} $$63, $result
shr${suffix} $$31, $result
add${suffix} $tmp, $result
and${suffix} $$-2, $result
sub${suffix} $result, $tmp
mov${suffix} $tmp, $result
mov${suffix} $result, $tmp
.if $wide
shr${suffix} $$63, $tmp
shr${suffix} $$31, $tmp
add${suffix} $tmp, $result
sar${suffix} $result
jmp 1b
%def bindivLit16(result="", rem="0"):
* 32-bit binary div/rem operation. Handles special case of op1=-1.
/* div/rem/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
/* Need A in rINST, ssssCCCC in ecx, vB in eax */
movl rINST, %eax # rax <- 000000BA
sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- vB
movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
testl %ecx, %ecx
jz common_errDivideByZero
cmpl $$-1, %ecx
je 2f
cdq # rax <- sign-extended of eax
idivl %ecx
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq # vA <- result
.if $rem
xorl $result, $result
negl $result
jmp 1b
%def bindivLit8(result="", rem="0"):
* 32-bit div/rem "lit8" binary operation. Handles special case of
* op0=minint & op1=-1
/* div/rem/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # eax <- BB
movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssssCC
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- rBB
testl %ecx, %ecx
je common_errDivideByZero
cmpl $$-1, %ecx
je 2f
cdq # rax <- sign-extended of eax
idivl %ecx
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq # vA <- result
.if $rem
xorl $result, $result
negl $result
jmp 1b
%def binop(result="%eax", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit binary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
* specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op (rFP,%ecx,4)".
* This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
* comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
* For: add-int, sub-int, and-int, or-int,
* xor-int, shl-int, shr-int, ushr-int
/* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # rax <- BB
movzbq 3(rPC), %rcx # rcx <- CC
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- vBB
$instr VREG_ADDRESS(%rcx),%eax
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq
%def binop1(wide="0", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit binary operation in which both operands loaded to
* registers (op0 in eax, op1 in ecx).
/* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # eax <- BB
movzbq 3(rPC), %rcx # ecx <- CC
GET_VREG %ecx, %rcx # eax <- vCC
.if $wide
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rax # rax <- vBB
$instr # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- vBB
$instr # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
%def binop2addr(result="%eax", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit "/2addr" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
* that specifies an instruction that performs "result = r0 op r1".
* This could be an instruction or a function call.
* For: add-int/2addr, sub-int/2addr, mul-int/2addr, div-int/2addr,
* rem-int/2addr, and-int/2addr, or-int/2addr, xor-int/2addr,
* shl-int/2addr, shr-int/2addr, ushr-int/2addr, add-float/2addr,
* sub-float/2addr, mul-float/2addr, div-float/2addr, rem-float/2addr
/* binop/2addr vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
GET_VREG %eax, rINSTq # eax <- vB
$instr %eax, VREG_ADDRESS(%rcx)
%def binopLit16(result="%eax", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit "lit16" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
* that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
* This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
* comes back in a register other than eax, you can override "result".)
* For: add-int/lit16, rsub-int,
* and-int/lit16, or-int/lit16, xor-int/lit16
/* binop/lit16 vA, vB, #+CCCC */
movl rINST, %eax # rax <- 000000BA
sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- vB
andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
movswl 2(rPC), %ecx # ecx <- ssssCCCC
$instr # for example: addl %ecx, %eax
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq
%def binopLit8(result="%eax", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit "lit8" binary operation. Provide an "instr" line
* that specifies an instruction that performs "result = eax op ecx".
* This could be an x86 instruction or a function call. (If the result
* comes back in a register other than r0, you can override "result".)
* For: add-int/lit8, rsub-int/lit8
* and-int/lit8, or-int/lit8, xor-int/lit8,
* shl-int/lit8, shr-int/lit8, ushr-int/lit8
/* binop/lit8 vAA, vBB, #+CC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # rax <- BB
movsbl 3(rPC), %ecx # rcx <- ssssssCC
GET_VREG %eax, %rax # eax <- rBB
$instr # ex: addl %ecx,%eax
SET_VREG $result, rINSTq
%def binopWide(instr=""):
* Generic 64-bit binary operation.
/* binop vAA, vBB, vCC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rax # eax <- BB
movzbq 3(rPC), %rcx # ecx <- CC
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rax # rax <- v[BB]
$instr VREG_ADDRESS(%rcx),%rax
SET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # v[AA] <- rax
%def binopWide2addr(instr=""):
* Generic 64-bit binary operation.
/* binop/2addr vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # rax <- vB
$instr %rax,VREG_ADDRESS(%rcx)
%def cvtfp_int(fp_suffix="", i_suffix="", max_const="", result_reg="", wide=""):
/* On fp to int conversions, Java requires that
* if the result > maxint, it should be clamped to maxint. If it is less
* than minint, it should be clamped to minint. If it is a nan, the result
* should be zero. Further, the rounding mode is to truncate.
/* float/double to int/long vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
GET_VREG_XMM${fp_suffix} %xmm0, rINSTq
mov${i_suffix} ${max_const}, ${result_reg}
cvtsi2s${fp_suffix}${i_suffix} ${result_reg}, %xmm1
comis${fp_suffix} %xmm1, %xmm0
jae 1f
jp 2f
cvtts${fp_suffix}2si${i_suffix} %xmm0, ${result_reg}
jmp 1f
xor${i_suffix} ${result_reg}, ${result_reg}
.if $wide
SET_WIDE_VREG ${result_reg}, %rcx
SET_VREG ${result_reg}, %rcx
%def shop2addr(wide="0", instr=""):
* Generic 32-bit "shift/2addr" operation.
/* shift/2addr vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # ecx <- BA
sarl $$4, %ecx # ecx <- B
GET_VREG %ecx, %rcx # ecx <- vBB
andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
.if $wide
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # rax <- vAA
$instr # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
GET_VREG %eax, rINSTq # eax <- vAA
$instr # ex: sarl %cl, %eax
%def unop(preinstr="", instr="", wide="0"):
* Generic 32/64-bit unary operation. Provide an "instr" line that
* specifies an instruction that performs "result = op eax".
/* unop vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4,rINST # rINST <- B
.if ${wide}
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # rax <- vB
GET_VREG %eax, rINSTq # eax <- vB
andb $$0xf,%cl # ecx <- A
.if ${wide}
SET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rcx
SET_VREG %eax, %rcx
%def op_add_int():
% binop(instr="addl")
%def op_add_int_2addr():
% binop2addr(instr="addl")
%def op_add_int_lit16():
% binopLit16(instr="addl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_add_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="addl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_add_long():
% binopWide(instr="addq")
%def op_add_long_2addr():
% binopWide2addr(instr="addq")
%def op_and_int():
% binop(instr="andl")
%def op_and_int_2addr():
% binop2addr(instr="andl")
%def op_and_int_lit16():
% binopLit16(instr="andl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_and_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="andl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_and_long():
% binopWide(instr="andq")
%def op_and_long_2addr():
% binopWide2addr(instr="andq")
%def op_cmp_long():
* Compare two 64-bit values. Puts 0, 1, or -1 into the destination
* register based on the results of the comparison.
/* cmp-long vAA, vBB, vCC */
movzbq 2(rPC), %rdx # edx <- BB
movzbq 3(rPC), %rcx # ecx <- CC
GET_WIDE_VREG %rdx, %rdx # rdx <- v[BB]
xorl %eax, %eax
xorl %edi, %edi
addb $$1, %al
movl $$-1, %esi
cmpq VREG_ADDRESS(%rcx), %rdx
cmovl %esi, %edi
cmovg %eax, %edi
%def op_div_int():
% bindiv(result="%eax", second="%ecx", tmp="%edx", wide="0", suffix="l")
%def op_div_int_2addr():
% bindiv2addr(result="%eax", second="%ecx", tmp="%edx", wide="0", suffix="l")
%def op_div_int_lit16():
% bindivLit16(result="%eax")
%def op_div_int_lit8():
% bindivLit8(result="%eax")
%def op_div_long():
% bindiv(result="%rax", second="%rcx", tmp="%rdx", wide="1", suffix="q", ext="cqo")
%def op_div_long_2addr():
% bindiv2addr(result="%rax", second="%rcx", tmp="%rdx", wide="1", suffix="q", ext="cqo")
%def op_int_to_byte():
% unop(instr="movsbl %al, %eax")
%def op_int_to_char():
% unop(instr="movzwl %ax,%eax")
%def op_int_to_long():
/* int to long vA, vB */
movzbq rINSTbl, %rax # rax <- +A
sarl $$4, %eax # eax <- B
andb $$0xf, rINSTbl # rINST <- A
movslq VREG_ADDRESS(%rax), %rax
SET_WIDE_VREG %rax, rINSTq # v[A] <- %rax
%def op_int_to_short():
% unop(instr="movswl %ax, %eax")
%def op_long_to_int():
/* we ignore the high word, making this equivalent to a 32-bit reg move */
% op_move()
%def op_mul_int():
% binop(instr="imull")
%def op_mul_int_2addr():
/* mul vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
GET_VREG %eax, %rcx # eax <- vA
imull (rFP,rINSTq,4), %eax
SET_VREG %eax, %rcx
%def op_mul_int_lit16():
% binopLit16(instr="imull %ecx, %eax")
%def op_mul_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="imull %ecx, %eax")
%def op_mul_long():
% binopWide(instr="imulq")
%def op_mul_long_2addr():
/* mul vA, vB */
movl rINST, %ecx # rcx <- A+
sarl $$4, rINST # rINST <- B
andb $$0xf, %cl # ecx <- A
GET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rcx # rax <- vA
imulq (rFP,rINSTq,4), %rax
SET_WIDE_VREG %rax, %rcx
%def op_neg_int():
% unop(instr=" negl %eax")
%def op_neg_long():
% unop(instr=" negq %rax", wide="1")
%def op_not_int():
% unop(instr=" notl %eax")
%def op_not_long():
% unop(instr=" notq %rax", wide="1")
%def op_or_int():
% binop(instr="orl")
%def op_or_int_2addr():
% binop2addr(instr="orl")
%def op_or_int_lit16():
% binopLit16(instr="orl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_or_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="orl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_or_long():
% binopWide(instr="orq")
%def op_or_long_2addr():
% binopWide2addr(instr="orq")
%def op_rem_int():
% bindiv(result="%edx", second="%ecx", tmp="%eax", wide="0", suffix="l", rem="1")
%def op_rem_int_2addr():
% bindiv2addr(result="%edx", second="%ecx", tmp="%eax", wide="0", suffix="l", rem="1")
%def op_rem_int_lit16():
% bindivLit16(result="%edx", rem="1")
%def op_rem_int_lit8():
% bindivLit8(result="%edx", rem="1")
%def op_rem_long():
% bindiv(result="%rdx", second="%rcx", tmp="%rax", wide="1", suffix="q", ext="cqo", rem="1")
%def op_rem_long_2addr():
% bindiv2addr(result="%rdx", second="%rcx", tmp="%rax", wide="1", suffix="q", rem="1", ext="cqo")
%def op_rsub_int():
/* this op is "rsub-int", but can be thought of as "rsub-int/lit16" */
% binopLit16(instr="subl %eax, %ecx", result="%ecx")
%def op_rsub_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="subl %eax, %ecx", result="%ecx")
%def op_shl_int():
% binop1(instr="sall %cl, %eax")
%def op_shl_int_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="sall %cl, %eax")
%def op_shl_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="sall %cl, %eax")
%def op_shl_long():
% binop1(instr="salq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_shl_long_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="salq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_shr_int():
% binop1(instr="sarl %cl, %eax")
%def op_shr_int_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="sarl %cl, %eax")
%def op_shr_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="sarl %cl, %eax")
%def op_shr_long():
% binop1(instr="sarq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_shr_long_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="sarq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_sub_int():
% binop(instr="subl")
%def op_sub_int_2addr():
% binop2addr(instr="subl")
%def op_sub_long():
% binopWide(instr="subq")
%def op_sub_long_2addr():
% binopWide2addr(instr="subq")
%def op_ushr_int():
% binop1(instr="shrl %cl, %eax")
%def op_ushr_int_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="shrl %cl, %eax")
%def op_ushr_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="shrl %cl, %eax")
%def op_ushr_long():
% binop1(instr="shrq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_ushr_long_2addr():
% shop2addr(instr="shrq %cl, %rax", wide="1")
%def op_xor_int():
% binop(instr="xorl")
%def op_xor_int_2addr():
% binop2addr(instr="xorl")
%def op_xor_int_lit16():
% binopLit16(instr="xorl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_xor_int_lit8():
% binopLit8(instr="xorl %ecx, %eax")
%def op_xor_long():
% binopWide(instr="xorq")
%def op_xor_long_2addr():
% binopWide2addr(instr="xorq")