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Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be
used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings
in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group.
Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California.
All Rights Reserved
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard not be
used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
software without specific, written prior permission.
/* Definitions used by the library and client */
#ifndef _XINPUT_H_
#define _XINPUT_H_
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/extensions/XI.h>
#define _deviceKeyPress 0
#define _deviceKeyRelease 1
#define _deviceButtonPress 0
#define _deviceButtonRelease 1
#define _deviceMotionNotify 0
#define _deviceFocusIn 0
#define _deviceFocusOut 1
#define _proximityIn 0
#define _proximityOut 1
#define _deviceStateNotify 0
#define _deviceMappingNotify 1
#define _changeDeviceNotify 2
/* Space of 3 between is necessary! Reserved for DeviceKeyStateNotify,
DeviceButtonStateNotify, DevicePresenceNotify (essentially unused). This
code has to be in sync with FixExtensionEvents() in xserver/Xi/extinit.c */
#define _propertyNotify 6
#define FindTypeAndClass(d,type,_class,classid,offset) \
{ int _i; XInputClassInfo *_ip; \
type = 0; _class = 0; \
for (_i=0, _ip= ((XDevice *) d)->classes; \
_i< ((XDevice *) d)->num_classes; \
_i++, _ip++) \
if (_ip->input_class == classid) \
{type = _ip->event_type_base + offset; \
_class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | type;}}
#define DeviceKeyPress(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, KeyClass, _deviceKeyPress)
#define DeviceKeyRelease(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, KeyClass, _deviceKeyRelease)
#define DeviceButtonPress(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, ButtonClass, _deviceButtonPress)
#define DeviceButtonRelease(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, ButtonClass, _deviceButtonRelease)
#define DeviceMotionNotify(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, ValuatorClass, _deviceMotionNotify)
#define DeviceFocusIn(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, FocusClass, _deviceFocusIn)
#define DeviceFocusOut(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, FocusClass, _deviceFocusOut)
#define ProximityIn(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, ProximityClass, _proximityIn)
#define ProximityOut(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, ProximityClass, _proximityOut)
#define DeviceStateNotify(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, OtherClass, _deviceStateNotify)
#define DeviceMappingNotify(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, OtherClass, _deviceMappingNotify)
#define ChangeDeviceNotify(d,type,_class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, OtherClass, _changeDeviceNotify)
#define DevicePropertyNotify(d, type, _class) \
FindTypeAndClass(d, type, _class, OtherClass, _propertyNotify)
#define DevicePointerMotionHint(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _devicePointerMotionHint;}
#define DeviceButton1Motion(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButton1Motion;}
#define DeviceButton2Motion(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButton2Motion;}
#define DeviceButton3Motion(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButton3Motion;}
#define DeviceButton4Motion(d,type, _class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButton4Motion;}
#define DeviceButton5Motion(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButton5Motion;}
#define DeviceButtonMotion(d,type, _class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButtonMotion;}
#define DeviceOwnerGrabButton(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceOwnerGrabButton;}
#define DeviceButtonPressGrab(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _deviceButtonGrab;}
#define NoExtensionEvent(d,type,_class) \
{ _class = ((XDevice *) d)->device_id << 8 | _noExtensionEvent;}
/* We need the declaration for DevicePresence. */
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
extern "C" {
extern int _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent(Display *);
extern void _xibaddevice( Display *dpy, int *error);
extern void _xibadclass( Display *dpy, int *error);
extern void _xibadevent( Display *dpy, int *error);
extern void _xibadmode( Display *dpy, int *error);
extern void _xidevicebusy( Display *dpy, int *error);
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
#define DevicePresence(dpy, type, _class) \
{ \
type = _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent(dpy); \
_class = (0x10000 | _devicePresence); \
/* Errors */
#define BadDevice(dpy,error) _xibaddevice(dpy, &error)
#define BadClass(dpy,error) _xibadclass(dpy, &error)
#define BadEvent(dpy,error) _xibadevent(dpy, &error)
#define BadMode(dpy,error) _xibadmode(dpy, &error)
#define DeviceBusy(dpy,error) _xidevicebusy(dpy, &error)
typedef struct _XAnyClassinfo *XAnyClassPtr;
* DeviceKey events. These events are sent by input devices that
* support input class Keys.
* The location of the X pointer is reported in the coordinate
* fields of the x,y and x_root,y_root fields.
typedef struct
int type; /* of event */
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed */
Bool send_event; /* true if from SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* "event" window reported relative to */
XID deviceid;
Window root; /* root window event occured on */
Window subwindow; /* child window */
Time time; /* milliseconds */
int x, y; /* x, y coordinates in event window */
int x_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
int y_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
unsigned int state; /* key or button mask */
unsigned int keycode; /* detail */
Bool same_screen; /* same screen flag */
unsigned int device_state; /* device key or button mask */
unsigned char axes_count;
unsigned char first_axis;
int axis_data[6];
} XDeviceKeyEvent;
typedef XDeviceKeyEvent XDeviceKeyPressedEvent;
typedef XDeviceKeyEvent XDeviceKeyReleasedEvent;
* DeviceButton events. These events are sent by extension devices
* that support input class Buttons.
typedef struct {
int type; /* of event */
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* "event" window reported relative to */
XID deviceid;
Window root; /* root window that the event occured on */
Window subwindow; /* child window */
Time time; /* milliseconds */
int x, y; /* x, y coordinates in event window */
int x_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
int y_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
unsigned int state; /* key or button mask */
unsigned int button; /* detail */
Bool same_screen; /* same screen flag */
unsigned int device_state; /* device key or button mask */
unsigned char axes_count;
unsigned char first_axis;
int axis_data[6];
} XDeviceButtonEvent;
typedef XDeviceButtonEvent XDeviceButtonPressedEvent;
typedef XDeviceButtonEvent XDeviceButtonReleasedEvent;
* DeviceMotionNotify event. These events are sent by extension devices
* that support input class Valuators.
typedef struct
int type; /* of event */
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* "event" window reported relative to */
XID deviceid;
Window root; /* root window that the event occured on */
Window subwindow; /* child window */
Time time; /* milliseconds */
int x, y; /* x, y coordinates in event window */
int x_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
int y_root; /* coordinates relative to root */
unsigned int state; /* key or button mask */
char is_hint; /* detail */
Bool same_screen; /* same screen flag */
unsigned int device_state; /* device key or button mask */
unsigned char axes_count;
unsigned char first_axis;
int axis_data[6];
} XDeviceMotionEvent;
* DeviceFocusChange events. These events are sent when the focus
* of an extension device that can be focused is changed.
typedef struct
int type; /* of event */
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* "event" window reported relative to */
XID deviceid;
int mode; /* NotifyNormal, NotifyGrab, NotifyUngrab */
int detail;
* NotifyAncestor, NotifyVirtual, NotifyInferior,
* NotifyNonLinear,NotifyNonLinearVirtual, NotifyPointer,
* NotifyPointerRoot, NotifyDetailNone
Time time;
} XDeviceFocusChangeEvent;
typedef XDeviceFocusChangeEvent XDeviceFocusInEvent;
typedef XDeviceFocusChangeEvent XDeviceFocusOutEvent;
* ProximityNotify events. These events are sent by those absolute
* positioning devices that are capable of generating proximity information.
typedef struct
int type; /* ProximityIn or ProximityOut */
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window;
XID deviceid;
Window root;
Window subwindow;
Time time;
int x, y;
int x_root, y_root;
unsigned int state;
Bool same_screen;
unsigned int device_state; /* device key or button mask */
unsigned char axes_count;
unsigned char first_axis;
int axis_data[6];
} XProximityNotifyEvent;
typedef XProximityNotifyEvent XProximityInEvent;
typedef XProximityNotifyEvent XProximityOutEvent;
* DeviceStateNotify events are generated on EnterWindow and FocusIn
* for those clients who have selected DeviceState.
typedef struct
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
} XInputClass;
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window;
XID deviceid;
Time time;
int num_classes;
char data[64];
} XDeviceStateNotifyEvent;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
unsigned char num_valuators;
unsigned char mode;
int valuators[6];
} XValuatorStatus;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
short num_keys;
char keys[32];
} XKeyStatus;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
short num_buttons;
char buttons[32];
} XButtonStatus;
* DeviceMappingNotify event. This event is sent when the key mapping,
* modifier mapping, or button mapping of an extension device is changed.
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* unused */
XID deviceid;
Time time;
int request; /* one of MappingModifier, MappingKeyboard,
MappingPointer */
int first_keycode;/* first keycode */
int count; /* defines range of change w. first_keycode*/
} XDeviceMappingEvent;
* ChangeDeviceNotify event. This event is sent when an
* XChangeKeyboard or XChangePointer request is made.
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* unused */
XID deviceid;
Time time;
int request; /* NewPointer or NewKeyboard */
} XChangeDeviceNotifyEvent;
* DevicePresenceNotify event. This event is sent when the list of
* input devices changes, in which case devchange will be false, and
* no information about the change will be contained in the event;
* the client should use XListInputDevices() to learn what has changed.
* If devchange is true, an attribute that the server believes is
* important has changed on a device, and the client should use
* XGetDeviceControl to examine the device. If control is non-zero,
* then that control has changed meaningfully.
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* unused */
Time time;
Bool devchange;
XID deviceid;
XID control;
} XDevicePresenceNotifyEvent;
* Notifies the client that a property on a device has changed value. The
* client is expected to query the server for updated value of the property.
typedef struct {
int type;
unsigned long serial; /* # of last request processed by server */
Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
Display *display; /* Display the event was read from */
Window window; /* unused */
Time time;
XID deviceid; /* id of the device that changed */
Atom atom; /* the property that changed */
int state; /* PropertyNewValue or PropertyDeleted */
} XDevicePropertyNotifyEvent;
* Control structures for input devices that support input class
* Feedback. These are used by the XGetFeedbackControl and
* XChangeFeedbackControl functions.
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
} XFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int click;
int percent;
int pitch;
int duration;
int led_mask;
int global_auto_repeat;
char auto_repeats[32];
} XKbdFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int accelNum;
int accelDenom;
int threshold;
} XPtrFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int resolution;
int minVal;
int maxVal;
} XIntegerFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int max_symbols;
int num_syms_supported;
KeySym *syms_supported;
} XStringFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int percent;
int pitch;
int duration;
} XBellFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int led_values;
int led_mask;
} XLedFeedbackState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
} XFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int accelNum;
int accelDenom;
int threshold;
} XPtrFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int click;
int percent;
int pitch;
int duration;
int led_mask;
int led_value;
int key;
int auto_repeat_mode;
} XKbdFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int num_keysyms;
KeySym *syms_to_display;
} XStringFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int int_to_display;
} XIntegerFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int percent;
int pitch;
int duration;
} XBellFeedbackControl;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
XID id;
int led_mask;
int led_values;
} XLedFeedbackControl;
* Device control structures.
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
} XDeviceControl;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int first_valuator;
int num_valuators;
int *resolutions;
} XDeviceResolutionControl;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int num_valuators;
int *resolutions;
int *min_resolutions;
int *max_resolutions;
} XDeviceResolutionState;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int min_x;
int max_x;
int min_y;
int max_y;
int flip_x;
int flip_y;
int rotation;
int button_threshold;
} XDeviceAbsCalibControl, XDeviceAbsCalibState;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int offset_x;
int offset_y;
int width;
int height;
int screen;
XID following;
} XDeviceAbsAreaControl, XDeviceAbsAreaState;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int status;
} XDeviceCoreControl;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int status;
int iscore;
} XDeviceCoreState;
typedef struct {
XID control;
int length;
int enable;
} XDeviceEnableControl, XDeviceEnableState;
* An array of XDeviceList structures is returned by the
* XListInputDevices function. Each entry contains information
* about one input device. Among that information is an array of
* pointers to structures that describe the characteristics of
* the input device.
typedef struct _XAnyClassinfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
} XAnyClassInfo;
typedef struct _XDeviceInfo *XDeviceInfoPtr;
typedef struct _XDeviceInfo
XID id;
Atom type;
char *name;
int num_classes;
int use;
XAnyClassPtr inputclassinfo;
} XDeviceInfo;
typedef struct _XKeyInfo *XKeyInfoPtr;
typedef struct _XKeyInfo
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
unsigned short min_keycode;
unsigned short max_keycode;
unsigned short num_keys;
} XKeyInfo;
typedef struct _XButtonInfo *XButtonInfoPtr;
typedef struct _XButtonInfo {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
short num_buttons;
} XButtonInfo;
typedef struct _XAxisInfo *XAxisInfoPtr;
typedef struct _XAxisInfo {
int resolution;
int min_value;
int max_value;
} XAxisInfo;
typedef struct _XValuatorInfo *XValuatorInfoPtr;
typedef struct _XValuatorInfo
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
XID c_class;
XID class;
int length;
unsigned char num_axes;
unsigned char mode;
unsigned long motion_buffer;
XAxisInfoPtr axes;
} XValuatorInfo;
* An XDevice structure is returned by the XOpenDevice function.
* It contains an array of pointers to XInputClassInfo structures.
* Each contains information about a class of input supported by the
* device, including a pointer to an array of data for each type of event
* the device reports.
typedef struct {
unsigned char input_class;
unsigned char event_type_base;
} XInputClassInfo;
typedef struct {
XID device_id;
int num_classes;
XInputClassInfo *classes;
} XDevice;
* The following structure is used to return information for the
* XGetSelectedExtensionEvents function.
typedef struct {
XEventClass event_type;
XID device;
} XEventList;
* The following structure is used to return motion history data from
* an input device that supports the input class Valuators.
* This information is returned by the XGetDeviceMotionEvents function.
typedef struct {
Time time;
int *data;
} XDeviceTimeCoord;
* Device state structure.
* This is returned by the XQueryDeviceState request.
typedef struct {
XID device_id;
int num_classes;
XInputClass *data;
} XDeviceState;
* Note that the mode field is a bitfield that reports the Proximity
* status of the device as well as the mode. The mode field should
* be OR'd with the mask DeviceMode and compared with the values
* Absolute and Relative to determine the mode, and should be OR'd
* with the mask ProximityState and compared with the values InProximity
* and OutOfProximity to determine the proximity state.
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
unsigned char num_valuators;
unsigned char mode;
int *valuators;
} XValuatorState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
short num_keys;
char keys[32];
} XKeyState;
typedef struct {
#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
unsigned char c_class;
unsigned char class;
unsigned char length;
short num_buttons;
char buttons[32];
} XButtonState;
* Function definitions.
extern int XChangeKeyboardDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */
extern int XChangePointerDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* xaxis */,
int /* yaxis */
extern int XGrabDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Window /* grab_window */,
Bool /* ownerEvents */,
int /* event count */,
XEventClass* /* event_list */,
int /* this_device_mode */,
int /* other_devices_mode */,
Time /* time */
extern int XUngrabDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Time /* time */
extern int XGrabDeviceKey(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned int /* key */,
unsigned int /* modifiers */,
XDevice* /* modifier_device */,
Window /* grab_window */,
Bool /* owner_events */,
unsigned int /* event_count */,
XEventClass* /* event_list */,
int /* this_device_mode */,
int /* other_devices_mode */
extern int XUngrabDeviceKey(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned int /* key */,
unsigned int /* modifiers */,
XDevice* /* modifier_dev */,
Window /* grab_window */
extern int XGrabDeviceButton(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned int /* button */,
unsigned int /* modifiers */,
XDevice* /* modifier_device */,
Window /* grab_window */,
Bool /* owner_events */,
unsigned int /* event_count */,
XEventClass* /* event_list */,
int /* this_device_mode */,
int /* other_devices_mode */
extern int XUngrabDeviceButton(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned int /* button */,
unsigned int /* modifiers */,
XDevice* /* modifier_dev */,
Window /* grab_window */
extern int XAllowDeviceEvents(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* event_mode */,
Time /* time */
extern int XGetDeviceFocus(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Window* /* focus */,
int* /* revert_to */,
Time* /* time */
extern int XSetDeviceFocus(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Window /* focus */,
int /* revert_to */,
Time /* time */
extern XFeedbackState *XGetFeedbackControl(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int* /* num_feedbacks */
extern void XFreeFeedbackList(
XFeedbackState* /* list */
extern int XChangeFeedbackControl(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned long /* mask */,
XFeedbackControl* /* f */
extern int XDeviceBell(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
XID /* feedbackclass */,
XID /* feedbackid */,
int /* percent */
extern KeySym *XGetDeviceKeyMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
#if NeedWidePrototypes
unsigned int /* first */,
KeyCode /* first */,
int /* keycount */,
int* /* syms_per_code */
extern int XChangeDeviceKeyMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* first */,
int /* syms_per_code */,
KeySym* /* keysyms */,
int /* count */
extern XModifierKeymap *XGetDeviceModifierMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */
extern int XSetDeviceModifierMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
XModifierKeymap* /* modmap */
extern int XSetDeviceButtonMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned char* /* map[] */,
int /* nmap */
extern int XGetDeviceButtonMapping(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
unsigned char* /* map[] */,
unsigned int /* nmap */
extern XDeviceState *XQueryDeviceState(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */
extern void XFreeDeviceState(
XDeviceState* /* list */
extern XExtensionVersion *XGetExtensionVersion(
Display* /* display */,
_Xconst char* /* name */
extern XDeviceInfo *XListInputDevices(
Display* /* display */,
int* /* ndevices */
extern void XFreeDeviceList(
XDeviceInfo* /* list */
extern XDevice *XOpenDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XID /* id */
extern int XCloseDevice(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */
extern int XSetDeviceMode(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* mode */
extern int XSetDeviceValuators(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int* /* valuators */,
int /* first_valuator */,
int /* num_valuators */
extern XDeviceControl *XGetDeviceControl(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* control */
extern int XChangeDeviceControl(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
int /* control */,
XDeviceControl* /* d */
extern int XSelectExtensionEvent(
Display* /* display */,
Window /* w */,
XEventClass* /* event_list */,
int /* count */
extern int XGetSelectedExtensionEvents(
Display* /* display */,
Window /* w */,
int* /* this_client_count */,
XEventClass** /* this_client_list */,
int* /* all_clients_count */,
XEventClass** /* all_clients_list */
extern int XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(
Display* /* display */,
Window /* window */,
int /* count */,
XEventClass* /* events */,
int /* mode */
extern XEventClass *XGetDeviceDontPropagateList(
Display* /* display */,
Window /* window */,
int* /* count */
extern Status XSendExtensionEvent(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Window /* dest */,
Bool /* prop */,
int /* count */,
XEventClass* /* list */,
XEvent* /* event */
extern XDeviceTimeCoord *XGetDeviceMotionEvents(
Display* /* display */,
XDevice* /* device */,
Time /* start */,
Time /* stop */,
int* /* nEvents */,
int* /* mode */,
int* /* axis_count */
extern void XFreeDeviceMotionEvents(
XDeviceTimeCoord* /* events */
extern void XFreeDeviceControl(
XDeviceControl* /* control */
extern Atom* XListDeviceProperties(
Display* /* dpy */,
XDevice* /* dev */,
int* /* nprops_return */
extern void XChangeDeviceProperty(
Display* /* dpy */,
XDevice* /* dev */,
Atom /* property */,
Atom /* type */,
int /* format */,
int /* mode */,
_Xconst unsigned char * /*data */,
int /* nelements */
extern void
Display* /* dpy */,
XDevice* /* dev */,
Atom /* property */
extern Status
Display* /* dpy*/,
XDevice* /* dev*/,
Atom /* property*/,
long /* offset*/,
long /* length*/,
Bool /* delete*/,
Atom /* req_type*/,
Atom* /* actual_type*/,
int* /* actual_format*/,
unsigned long* /* nitems*/,
unsigned long* /* bytes_after*/,
unsigned char** /* prop*/
#endif /* _XINPUT_H_ */