You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
491 lines
21 KiB
491 lines
21 KiB
// Autogenerated by the ProtoZero compiler plugin. DO NOT EDIT.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "perfetto/protozero/message.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/proto_decoder.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/proto_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ChromeCompositorSchedulerState;
class ChromeFrameReporter;
class ChromeHistogramSample;
class ChromeKeyedService;
class ChromeLatencyInfo;
class ChromeLegacyIpc;
class ChromeMessagePump;
class ChromeUserEvent;
class DebugAnnotation;
class LogMessage;
class SourceLocation;
class TaskExecution;
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t;
enum TrackEvent_Type : int32_t {
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = 1,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END = 2,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT = 3,
TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER = 4,
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_Type TrackEvent_Type_MAX = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
enum TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope : int32_t {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 1,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS = 2,
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD = 3,
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MIN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
const TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_MAX = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
class EventName_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventName_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventName_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventName : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventName_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class EventCategory_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/2, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
EventCategory_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit EventCategory_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<2>().as_string(); }
class EventCategory : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = EventCategory_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kIidFieldNumber = 1,
kNameFieldNumber = 2,
void set_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(2,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(2, data, size);
class TrackEventDefaults_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/31, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEventDefaults_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
class TrackEventDefaults : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEventDefaults_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
class TrackEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/35, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/true> {
TrackEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_category_iids() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> category_iids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(3); }
bool has_categories() const { return at<22>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstChars> categories() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstChars>(22); }
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_name() const { return at<23>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars name() const { return at<23>().as_string(); }
bool has_type() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
int32_t type() const { return at<9>().as_int32(); }
bool has_track_uuid() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t track_uuid() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_counter_value() const { return at<30>().valid(); }
int64_t counter_value() const { return at<30>().as_int64(); }
bool has_extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return at<31>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<uint64_t> extra_counter_track_uuids() const { return GetRepeated<uint64_t>(31); }
bool has_extra_counter_values() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<int64_t> extra_counter_values() const { return GetRepeated<int64_t>(12); }
bool has_debug_annotations() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
::protozero::RepeatedFieldIterator<::protozero::ConstBytes> debug_annotations() const { return GetRepeated<::protozero::ConstBytes>(4); }
bool has_task_execution() const { return at<5>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes task_execution() const { return at<5>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_log_message() const { return at<21>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes log_message() const { return at<21>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes cc_scheduler_state() const { return at<24>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_user_event() const { return at<25>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_keyed_service() const { return at<26>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_legacy_ipc() const { return at<27>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_histogram_sample() const { return at<28>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_latency_info() const { return at<29>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_frame_reporter() const { return at<32>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_source_location() const { return at<33>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes source_location() const { return at<33>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_source_location_iid() const { return at<34>().valid(); }
uint64_t source_location_iid() const { return at<34>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_chrome_message_pump() const { return at<35>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes chrome_message_pump() const { return at<35>().as_bytes(); }
bool has_timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_delta_us() const { return at<1>().as_int64(); }
bool has_timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().valid(); }
int64_t timestamp_absolute_us() const { return at<16>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_delta_us() const { return at<2>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_time_absolute_us() const { return at<17>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_delta() const { return at<8>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_count_absolute() const { return at<20>().as_int64(); }
bool has_legacy_event() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstBytes legacy_event() const { return at<6>().as_bytes(); }
class TrackEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kCategoryIidsFieldNumber = 3,
kCategoriesFieldNumber = 22,
kNameIidFieldNumber = 10,
kNameFieldNumber = 23,
kTypeFieldNumber = 9,
kTrackUuidFieldNumber = 11,
kCounterValueFieldNumber = 30,
kExtraCounterTrackUuidsFieldNumber = 31,
kExtraCounterValuesFieldNumber = 12,
kDebugAnnotationsFieldNumber = 4,
kTaskExecutionFieldNumber = 5,
kLogMessageFieldNumber = 21,
kCcSchedulerStateFieldNumber = 24,
kChromeUserEventFieldNumber = 25,
kChromeKeyedServiceFieldNumber = 26,
kChromeLegacyIpcFieldNumber = 27,
kChromeHistogramSampleFieldNumber = 28,
kChromeLatencyInfoFieldNumber = 29,
kChromeFrameReporterFieldNumber = 32,
kSourceLocationFieldNumber = 33,
kSourceLocationIidFieldNumber = 34,
kChromeMessagePumpFieldNumber = 35,
kTimestampDeltaUsFieldNumber = 1,
kTimestampAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 16,
kThreadTimeDeltaUsFieldNumber = 2,
kThreadTimeAbsoluteUsFieldNumber = 17,
kThreadInstructionCountDeltaFieldNumber = 8,
kThreadInstructionCountAbsoluteFieldNumber = 20,
kLegacyEventFieldNumber = 6,
using LegacyEvent = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent;
using Type = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type;
static const Type TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_BEGIN;
static const Type TYPE_SLICE_END = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_SLICE_END;
static const Type TYPE_INSTANT = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_INSTANT;
static const Type TYPE_COUNTER = TrackEvent_Type_TYPE_COUNTER;
void add_category_iids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void add_categories(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(22,, value.size());
void add_categories(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(22, data, size);
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_name(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(23,, value.size());
void set_name(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(23, data, size);
void set_type(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_Type value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_track_uuid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_counter_value(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(30, value);
void add_extra_counter_track_uuids(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(31, value);
void add_extra_counter_values(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(12, value);
template <typename T = DebugAnnotation> T* add_debug_annotations() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(4);
template <typename T = TaskExecution> T* set_task_execution() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(5);
template <typename T = LogMessage> T* set_log_message() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(21);
template <typename T = ChromeCompositorSchedulerState> T* set_cc_scheduler_state() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(24);
template <typename T = ChromeUserEvent> T* set_chrome_user_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(25);
template <typename T = ChromeKeyedService> T* set_chrome_keyed_service() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(26);
template <typename T = ChromeLegacyIpc> T* set_chrome_legacy_ipc() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(27);
template <typename T = ChromeHistogramSample> T* set_chrome_histogram_sample() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(28);
template <typename T = ChromeLatencyInfo> T* set_chrome_latency_info() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(29);
template <typename T = ChromeFrameReporter> T* set_chrome_frame_reporter() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(32);
template <typename T = SourceLocation> T* set_source_location() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(33);
void set_source_location_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(34, value);
template <typename T = ChromeMessagePump> T* set_chrome_message_pump() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(35);
void set_timestamp_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_timestamp_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(16, value);
void set_thread_time_delta_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_thread_time_absolute_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(17, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_thread_instruction_count_absolute(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(20, value);
template <typename T = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent> T* set_legacy_event() {
return BeginNestedMessage<T>(6);
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder : public ::protozero::TypedProtoDecoder</*MAX_FIELD_ID=*/19, /*HAS_NONPACKED_REPEATED_FIELDS=*/false> {
TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) : TypedProtoDecoder(data, len) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const std::string& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, raw.size()) {}
explicit TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder(const ::protozero::ConstBytes& raw) : TypedProtoDecoder(, raw.size) {}
bool has_name_iid() const { return at<1>().valid(); }
uint64_t name_iid() const { return at<1>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_phase() const { return at<2>().valid(); }
int32_t phase() const { return at<2>().as_int32(); }
bool has_duration_us() const { return at<3>().valid(); }
int64_t duration_us() const { return at<3>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_duration_us() const { return at<4>().as_int64(); }
bool has_thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().valid(); }
int64_t thread_instruction_delta() const { return at<15>().as_int64(); }
bool has_unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().valid(); }
uint64_t unscoped_id() const { return at<6>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_local_id() const { return at<10>().valid(); }
uint64_t local_id() const { return at<10>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_global_id() const { return at<11>().valid(); }
uint64_t global_id() const { return at<11>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_id_scope() const { return at<7>().valid(); }
::protozero::ConstChars id_scope() const { return at<7>().as_string(); }
bool has_use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().valid(); }
bool use_async_tts() const { return at<9>().as_bool(); }
bool has_bind_id() const { return at<8>().valid(); }
uint64_t bind_id() const { return at<8>().as_uint64(); }
bool has_bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().valid(); }
bool bind_to_enclosing() const { return at<12>().as_bool(); }
bool has_flow_direction() const { return at<13>().valid(); }
int32_t flow_direction() const { return at<13>().as_int32(); }
bool has_instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().valid(); }
int32_t instant_event_scope() const { return at<14>().as_int32(); }
bool has_pid_override() const { return at<18>().valid(); }
int32_t pid_override() const { return at<18>().as_int32(); }
bool has_tid_override() const { return at<19>().valid(); }
int32_t tid_override() const { return at<19>().as_int32(); }
class TrackEvent_LegacyEvent : public ::protozero::Message {
using Decoder = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_Decoder;
enum : int32_t {
kNameIidFieldNumber = 1,
kPhaseFieldNumber = 2,
kDurationUsFieldNumber = 3,
kThreadDurationUsFieldNumber = 4,
kThreadInstructionDeltaFieldNumber = 15,
kUnscopedIdFieldNumber = 6,
kLocalIdFieldNumber = 10,
kGlobalIdFieldNumber = 11,
kIdScopeFieldNumber = 7,
kUseAsyncTtsFieldNumber = 9,
kBindIdFieldNumber = 8,
kBindToEnclosingFieldNumber = 12,
kFlowDirectionFieldNumber = 13,
kInstantEventScopeFieldNumber = 14,
kPidOverrideFieldNumber = 18,
kTidOverrideFieldNumber = 19,
using FlowDirection = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection;
using InstantEventScope = ::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_UNSPECIFIED;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_IN = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_IN;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_OUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_OUT;
static const FlowDirection FLOW_INOUT = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection_FLOW_INOUT;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_UNSPECIFIED;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_GLOBAL = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_GLOBAL;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_PROCESS = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_PROCESS;
static const InstantEventScope SCOPE_THREAD = TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope_SCOPE_THREAD;
void set_name_iid(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(1, value);
void set_phase(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(2, value);
void set_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(3, value);
void set_thread_duration_us(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(4, value);
void set_thread_instruction_delta(int64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(15, value);
void set_unscoped_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(6, value);
void set_local_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(10, value);
void set_global_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(11, value);
void set_id_scope(const std::string& value) {
AppendBytes(7,, value.size());
void set_id_scope(const char* data, size_t size) {
AppendBytes(7, data, size);
void set_use_async_tts(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(9, value);
void set_bind_id(uint64_t value) {
AppendVarInt(8, value);
void set_bind_to_enclosing(bool value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(12, value);
void set_flow_direction(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_FlowDirection value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(13, value);
void set_instant_event_scope(::perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent_LegacyEvent_InstantEventScope value) {
AppendTinyVarInt(14, value);
void set_pid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(18, value);
void set_tid_override(int32_t value) {
AppendVarInt(19, value);
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
} // Namespace.
#endif // Include guard.