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# Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is a .pyl, or "Python Literal", file. You can treat it just like a
# .json file, with the following exceptions:
# * all keys must be quoted (use single quotes, please);
# * comments are allowed, using '#' syntax; and
# * trailing commas are allowed.
# This is a map of builder group names -> builder names -> config names
# (where each config name is a key in the 'configs' dict, below). MB uses
# this dict to look up which config to use for a given bot.
'builder_groups': {
'angle': {
'android-arm-dbg': 'angle_goma_android_arm_debug_bot',
'android-arm-rel': 'angle_goma_android_arm_release_bot',
'android-arm64-dbg': 'angle_goma_android_arm64_debug_bot',
'android-arm64-rel': 'angle_goma_android_arm64_release_bot',
'android-perf': 'angle_goma_android_perf_bot',
'linux-clang-dbg': 'angle_goma_debug_bot',
'linux-clang-rel': 'angle_goma_release_bot',
'linux-gcc-dbg': 'angle_non_clang_debug_bot',
'linux-gcc-rel': 'angle_non_clang_release_bot',
'linux-perf': 'angle_goma_perf_bot',
'mac-dbg': 'angle_goma_debug_bot',
'mac-rel': 'angle_goma_release_bot',
'win-clang-x64-dbg': 'angle_goma_debug_bot',
'win-clang-x64-rel': 'angle_goma_release_bot',
'win-clang-x86-dbg': 'angle_goma_x86_debug_bot',
'win-clang-x86-rel': 'angle_goma_x86_release_bot',
'win-msvc-x64-dbg': 'angle_non_clang_debug_bot',
'win-msvc-x64-rel': 'angle_non_clang_release_bot',
'win-msvc-x86-dbg': 'angle_non_clang_x86_debug_bot',
'win-msvc-x86-rel': 'angle_non_clang_x86_release_bot',
'win-perf': 'angle_goma_perf_bot',
'winuwp-x64-dbg': 'angle_winuwp_non_clang_debug_bot',
'winuwp-x64-rel': 'angle_winuwp_non_clang_release_bot',
# This is the list of configs that you can pass to mb; each config
# represents a particular combination of gn args that
# we must support. A given config *may* be platform-specific but
# is not necessarily so (i.e., we might have mac, win, and linux
# bots all using the 'release_bot' config).
'configs': {
'angle_goma_android_arm_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'android', 'arm', 'debug'],
'angle_goma_android_arm_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'android', 'arm', 'release'],
'angle_goma_android_arm64_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'android', 'arm64', 'debug'],
'angle_goma_android_arm64_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'android', 'arm64', 'release'],
'angle_goma_android_perf_bot': ['angle', 'traces', 'goma', 'android', 'arm64', 'perf'],
'angle_goma_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'debug'],
'angle_goma_perf_bot': ['angle', 'traces', 'goma', 'perf'],
'angle_goma_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'release'],
'angle_goma_x86_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'x86', 'debug'],
'angle_goma_x86_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'traces', 'goma', 'x86', 'release'],
'angle_non_clang_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'non_clang', 'debug'],
'angle_non_clang_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'non_clang', 'release'],
'angle_non_clang_x86_debug_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'non_clang', 'x86', 'debug'],
'angle_non_clang_x86_release_bot': ['angle', 'opencl', 'non_clang', 'x86', 'release'],
'angle_winuwp_non_clang_debug_bot': ['angle', 'winuwp', 'non_clang', 'debug'],
'angle_winuwp_non_clang_release_bot': ['angle', 'winuwp', 'non_clang', 'release'],
# This is a dict mapping a given 'mixin' name to a dict of settings that
# mb should use. See //tools/mb/docs/ for more information.
'mixins': {
'android': {
'gn_args': 'target_os="android"',
'angle': {
'gn_args': 'build_angle_gles1_conform_tests=true is_component_build=true',
'opencl': {
'gn_args': 'angle_enable_cl=true',
'arm': {
'gn_args': 'target_cpu="arm"',
'arm64': {
'gn_args': 'target_cpu="arm64"',
'debug': {
'gn_args': 'is_debug=true',
'goma': {
'gn_args': 'use_goma=true',
'non_clang': {
'gn_args': 'is_clang=false',
'perf': {
'gn_args': 'is_debug=false symbol_level=1',
'release': {
'gn_args': 'is_debug=false angle_assert_always_on=true symbol_level=1',
'traces': {
'gn_args': 'build_angle_trace_perf_tests=true',
'winuwp': {
'gn_args': 'target_os="winuwp"',
'x86': {
'gn_args': 'target_cpu="x86"',