You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This module contains the generic CLI object
High Level Design:
The atest class contains attributes & method generic to all the CLI
The class inheritance is shown here using the command
'atest server list ...' as an example:
atest <-- server <-- server_list
Note: The site_<topic>.py and its classes are only needed if you need
to override the common <topic>.py methods with your site specific ones.
High Level Algorithm:
1. atest figures out the topic and action from the 2 first arguments
on the command line and imports the <topic> (or site_<topic>)
1. Init
The main atest module creates a <topic>_<action> object. The
__init__() function is used to setup the parser options, if this
<action> has some specific options to add to its <topic>.
If it exists, the child __init__() method must call its parent
class __init__() before adding its own parser arguments.
2. Parsing
If the child wants to validate the parsing (e.g. make sure that
there are hosts in the arguments), or if it wants to check the
options it added in its __init__(), it should implement a parse()
The child parser must call its parent parser and gets back the
options dictionary and the rest of the command line arguments
(leftover). Each level gets to see all the options, but the
leftovers can be deleted as they can be consumed by only one
3. Execution
This execute() method is specific to the child and should use the
self.execute_rpc() to send commands to the Autotest Front-End. It
should return results.
4. Output
The child output() method is called with the execute() resutls as a
parameter. This is child-specific, but should leverage the
atest.print_*() methods.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import sys
import textwrap
import traceback
import urllib2
import common
from autotest_lib.cli import rpc
from autotest_lib.cli import skylab_utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.test_utils import mock
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotemp
skylab_inventory_imported = False
from skylab_inventory import translation_utils
skylab_inventory_imported = True
except ImportError:
# Maps the AFE keys to printable names.
KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN = {'hostname': 'Host',
'platform': 'Platform',
'status': 'Status',
'locked': 'Locked',
'locked_by': 'Locked by',
'lock_time': 'Locked time',
'lock_reason': 'Lock Reason',
'labels': 'Labels',
'description': 'Description',
'hosts': 'Hosts',
'users': 'Users',
'id': 'Id',
'name': 'Name',
'invalid': 'Valid',
'login': 'Login',
'access_level': 'Access Level',
'job_id': 'Job Id',
'job_owner': 'Job Owner',
'job_name': 'Job Name',
'test_type': 'Test Type',
'test_class': 'Test Class',
'path': 'Path',
'owner': 'Owner',
'status_counts': 'Status Counts',
'hosts_status': 'Host Status',
'hosts_selected_status': 'Hosts filtered by Status',
'priority': 'Priority',
'control_type': 'Control Type',
'created_on': 'Created On',
'control_file': 'Control File',
'only_if_needed': 'Use only if needed',
'protection': 'Protection',
'run_verify': 'Run verify',
'reboot_before': 'Pre-job reboot',
'reboot_after': 'Post-job reboot',
'experimental': 'Experimental',
'synch_count': 'Sync Count',
'max_number_of_machines': 'Max. hosts to use',
'parse_failed_repair': 'Include failed repair results',
'shard': 'Shard',
# In the failure, tag that will replace the item.
# Global socket timeout: uploading kernels can take much,
# much longer than the default
'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
'INFO': logging.INFO,
'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
# Convertion functions to be called for printing,
# e.g. to print True/False for booleans.
def __convert_platform(field):
if field is None:
return ""
elif isinstance(field, int):
# Can be 0/1 for False/True
return str(bool(field))
# Can be a platform name
return field
def _int_2_bool_string(value):
return str(bool(value))
KEYS_CONVERT = {'locked': _int_2_bool_string,
'invalid': lambda flag: str(bool(not flag)),
'only_if_needed': _int_2_bool_string,
'platform': __convert_platform,
'labels': lambda labels: ', '.join(labels),
'shards': lambda shard: shard.hostname if shard else ''}
def _get_item_key(item, key):
"""Allow for lookups in nested dictionaries using '.'s within a key."""
if key in item:
return item[key]
nested_item = item
for subkey in key.split('.'):
if not subkey:
raise ValueError('empty subkey in %r' % key)
nested_item = nested_item[subkey]
except KeyError as e:
raise KeyError('%r - looking up key %r in %r' %
(e, key, nested_item))
return nested_item
class CliError(Exception):
"""Error raised by cli calls.
class item_parse_info(object):
"""Object keeping track of the parsing options.
def __init__(self, attribute_name, inline_option='',
filename_option='', use_leftover=False):
"""Object keeping track of the parsing options that will
make up the content of the atest attribute:
attribute_name: the atest attribute name to populate (label)
inline_option: the option containing the items (--label)
filename_option: the option containing the filename (--blist)
use_leftover: whether to add the leftover arguments or not."""
self.attribute_name = attribute_name
self.filename_option = filename_option
self.inline_option = inline_option
self.use_leftover = use_leftover
def get_values(self, options, leftover=[]):
"""Returns the value for that attribute by accumualting all
the values found through the inline option, the parsing of the
file and the leftover"""
def __get_items(input, split_spaces=True):
"""Splits a string of comma separated items. Escaped commas will not
be split. I.e. Splitting 'a, b\,c, d' will yield ['a', 'b,c', 'd'].
If split_spaces is set to False spaces will not be split. I.e.
Splitting 'a b, c\,d, e' will yield ['a b', 'c,d', 'e']"""
# Replace escaped slashes with null characters so we don't misparse
# proceeding commas.
input = input.replace(r'\\', '\0')
# Split on commas which are not preceded by a slash.
if not split_spaces:
split = re.split(r'(?<!\\),', input)
split = re.split(r'(?<!\\),|\s', input)
# Convert null characters to single slashes and escaped commas to
# just plain commas.
return (item.strip().replace('\0', '\\').replace(r'\,', ',') for
item in split if item.strip())
if self.use_leftover:
add_on = leftover
leftover = []
add_on = []
# Start with the add_on
result = set()
for items in add_on:
# Don't split on space here because the add-on
# may have some spaces (like the job name)
result.update(__get_items(items, split_spaces=False))
# Process the inline_option, if any
items = getattr(options, self.inline_option)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# Process the file list, if any and not empty
# The file can contain space and/or comma separated items
flist = getattr(options, self.filename_option)
file_content = []
for line in open(flist).readlines():
file_content += __get_items(line)
if len(file_content) == 0:
raise CliError("Empty file %s" % flist)
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
except IOError:
raise CliError("Could not open file %s" % flist)
return list(result), leftover
class atest(object):
"""Common class for generic processing
Should only be instantiated by itself for usage
references, otherwise, the <topic> objects should
be used."""
msg_topic = '[acl|job|label|shard|test|user|server]'
usage_action = '[action]'
msg_items = ''
def invalid_arg(self, header, follow_up=''):
"""Fail the command with error that command line has invalid argument.
@param header: Header of the error message.
@param follow_up: Extra error message, default to empty string.
twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=' ',
subsequent_indent=' ')
rest = twrap.fill(follow_up)
if self.kill_on_failure:
self.invalid_syntax(header + rest)
print(header + rest, file=sys.stderr)
def invalid_syntax(self, msg):
"""Fail the command with error that the command line syntax is wrong.
@param msg: Error message.
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
def generic_error(self, msg):
"""Fail the command with a generic error.
@param msg: Error message.
if self.debug:
print >> sys.stderr, msg
def parse_json_exception(self, full_error):
"""Parses the JSON exception to extract the bad
items and returns them
This is very kludgy for the moment, but we would need
to refactor the exceptions sent from the front end
to make this better.
@param full_error: The complete error message.
errmsg = str(full_error).split('Traceback')[0].rstrip('\n')
parts = errmsg.split(':')
# Kludge: If there are 2 colons the last parts contains
# the items that failed.
if len(parts) != 3:
return []
return [item.strip() for item in parts[2].split(',') if item.strip()]
def failure(self, full_error, item=None, what_failed='', fatal=False):
"""If kill_on_failure, print this error and die,
otherwise, queue the error and accumulate all the items
that triggered the same error.
@param full_error: The complete error message.
@param item: Name of the actionable item, e.g., hostname.
@param what_failed: Name of the failed item.
@param fatal: True to exit the program with failure.
if self.debug:
errmsg = str(full_error)
errmsg = str(full_error).split('Traceback')[0].rstrip('\n')
if self.kill_on_failure or fatal:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s\n %s" % (what_failed, errmsg)
# Build a dictionary with the 'what_failed' as keys. The
# values are dictionaries with the errmsg as keys and a set
# of items as values.
# self.failed =
# {'Operation delete_host_failed': {'AclAccessViolation:
# set('host0', 'host1')}}
# Try to gather all the same error messages together,
# even if they contain the 'item'
if item and item in errmsg:
errmsg = errmsg.replace(item, FAIL_TAG)
if self.failed.has_key(what_failed):
self.failed[what_failed].setdefault(errmsg, set()).add(item)
self.failed[what_failed] = {errmsg: set([item])}
def show_all_failures(self):
"""Print all failure information.
if not self.failed:
return 0
for what_failed in self.failed.keys():
print >> sys.stderr, what_failed + ':'
for (errmsg, items) in self.failed[what_failed].iteritems():
if len(items) == 0:
print >> sys.stderr, errmsg
elif items == set(['']):
print >> sys.stderr, ' ' + errmsg
elif len(items) == 1:
# Restore the only item
if FAIL_TAG in errmsg:
errmsg = errmsg.replace(FAIL_TAG, items.pop())
errmsg = '%s (%s)' % (errmsg, items.pop())
print >> sys.stderr, ' ' + errmsg
print >> sys.stderr, ' ' + errmsg + ' with <XYZ> in:'
twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent=' ',
subsequent_indent=' ')
items = list(items)
print >> sys.stderr, twrap.fill(', '.join(items))
return 1
def __init__(self):
"""Setup the parser common options"""
# Initialized for unit tests.
self.afe = None
self.failed = {} = {}
self.debug = False
self.parse_delim = '|'
self.kill_on_failure = False
self.web_server = ''
self.verbose = False
self.no_confirmation = False
# Whether the topic or command supports skylab inventory repo.
self.allow_skylab = False
self.enforce_skylab = False
self.topic_parse_info = item_parse_info(attribute_name='not_used')
self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(self._get_usage())
self.parser.add_option('-g', '--debug',
help='Print debugging information',
action='store_true', default=False)
help='Stop at the first failure',
action='store_true', default=False)
help='Print the output using | '
'separated key=value fields',
action='store_true', default=False)
help='Delimiter to use to separate the '
'key=value fields', default='|')
help=('Skip all confirmation in when function '
'require_confirmation is called.'),
action='store_true', default=False)
self.parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
action='store_true', default=False)
self.parser.add_option('-w', '--web',
help='Specify the autotest server '
'to talk to',
action='store', type='string',
dest='web_server', default=None)
help=('Set the logging level. Must be one of %s.'
' Default to ERROR' %
def add_skylab_options(self, enforce_skylab=True):
"""Add options for reading and writing skylab inventory repository.
The enforce_skylab parameter does nothing and is kept for compatibility.
self.allow_skylab = True
self.enforce_skylab = True
action='store_const', dest='skylab',
help=('Environment ("prod" or "staging") of the '
'machine. Default to "prod". %s' %
help=('The path of directory to clone skylab '
'inventory repo into. It can be an empty '
'folder or an existing clean checkout of '
'infra_internal/skylab_inventory. '
'If not provided, a temporary dir will be '
'created and used as the repo dir. %s' %
help=('Keep the inventory-repo-dir after the '
'action completes, otherwise the dir will '
'be cleaned up. %s' %
help=('Upload a change CL as a draft. %s' %
help=('Execute the action as a dryrun. %s' %
help=('Submit a change CL directly without '
'reviewing and submitting it in Gerrit. %s'
% skylab_utils.MSG_ONLY_VALID_IN_SKYLAB),
def _get_usage(self):
return "atest %s %s [options] %s" % (self.msg_topic.lower(),
def backward_compatibility(self, action, argv):
"""To be overidden by subclass if their syntax changed.
@param action: Name of the action.
@param argv: A list of arguments.
return action
def parse_skylab_options(self, options):
"""Parse skylab related options.
@param: options: Option values parsed by the parser.
self.skylab = True
# TODO(nxia): Add skylab_inventory to
# autotest-server-deps ebuilds to remove the ImportError check.
if not skylab_inventory_imported:
raise skylab_utils.SkylabInventoryNotImported(
"Please try to run utils/")
self.draft = options.draft
self.dryrun = options.dryrun
if self.dryrun:
print('This is a dryrun. NO CL will be uploaded.\n')
self.submit = options.submit
if self.submit and (self.dryrun or self.draft):
self.invalid_syntax('Can not set --dryrun or --draft when '
'--submit is set.')
# The change number of the inventory change CL.
self.change_number = None
self.environment = options.environment
self.keep_repo_dir = options.keep_repo_dir
self.inventory_repo_dir = options.inventory_repo_dir
if self.inventory_repo_dir is None:
self.temp_dir = autotemp.tempdir(
auto_clean=not self.keep_repo_dir)
self.inventory_repo_dir =
if self.debug or self.keep_repo_dir:
print('The inventory_repo_dir is created at %s' %
def parse(self, parse_info=[], req_items=None):
"""Parse command arguments.
parse_info is a list of item_parse_info objects.
There should only be one use_leftover set to True in the list.
Also check that the req_items is not empty after parsing.
@param parse_info: A list of item_parse_info objects.
@param req_items: A list of required items.
(options, leftover) = self.parse_global()
all_parse_info = parse_info[:]
for item_parse_info in all_parse_info:
values, leftover = item_parse_info.get_values(options,
setattr(self, item_parse_info.attribute_name, values)
except CliError as s:
if (req_items and not getattr(self, req_items, None)):
self.invalid_syntax('%s %s requires at least one %s' %
if self.allow_skylab:
return (options, leftover)
def parse_global(self):
"""Parse the global arguments.
It consumes what the common object needs to know, and
let the children look at all the options. We could
remove the options that we have used, but there is no
harm in leaving them, and the children may need them
in the future.
Must be called from its children parse()"""
(options, leftover) = self.parser.parse_args()
# Handle our own options setup in __init__()
self.debug = options.debug
self.kill_on_failure = options.kill_on_failure
if options.parse:
suffix = '_parse'
suffix = '_std'
for func in ['print_fields', 'print_table',
'print_by_ids', 'print_list']:
setattr(self, func, getattr(self, func + suffix))
self.parse_delim = options.parse_delim
self.verbose = options.verbose
self.no_confirmation = options.no_confirmation
self.web_server = options.web_server
self.afe = rpc.afe_comm(self.web_server)
except rpc.AuthError as s:
self.failure(str(s), fatal=True)
return (options, leftover)
def check_and_create_items(self, op_get, op_create,
items, **data_create):
"""Create the items if they don't exist already.
@param op_get: Name of `get` RPC.
@param op_create: Name of `create` RPC.
@param items: Actionable items specified in CLI command, e.g., hostname,
to be passed to each RPC.
@param data_create: Data to be passed to `create` RPC.
for item in items:
ret = self.execute_rpc(op_get, name=item)
if len(ret) == 0:
data_create['name'] = item
self.execute_rpc(op_create, **data_create)
except CliError:
def execute_rpc(self, op, item='', **data):
"""Execute RPC.
@param op: Name of the RPC.
@param item: Actionable item specified in CLI command.
@param data: Data to be passed to RPC.
retry = 2
while retry:
return, **data)
except urllib2.URLError as err:
if hasattr(err, 'reason'):
if 'timed out' not in err.reason:
self.invalid_syntax('Invalid server name %s: %s' %
(self.afe.web_server, err))
if hasattr(err, 'code'):
error_parts = [str(err)]
if self.debug:
error_parts.append( # read the response body
self.failure('\n\n'.join(error_parts), item=item,
what_failed=("Error received from web server"))
raise CliError("Error from web server")
if self.debug:
print('retrying: %r %d' % (data, retry))
retry -= 1
if retry == 0:
if item:
myerr = '%s timed out for %s' % (op, item)
myerr = '%s timed out' % op
self.failure(myerr, item=item,
what_failed=("Timed-out contacting "
"the Autotest server"))
raise CliError("Timed-out contacting the Autotest server")
except mock.CheckPlaybackError:
except Exception as full_error:
# There are various exceptions throwns by JSON,
# urllib & httplib, so catch them all.
self.failure(full_error, item=item,
what_failed='Operation %s failed' % op)
raise CliError(str(full_error))
# There is no output() method in the atest object (yet?)
# but here are some helper functions to be used by its
# children
def print_wrapped(self, msg, values):
"""Print given message and values in wrapped lines unless
AUTOTEST_CLI_NO_WRAP is specified in environment variables.
@param msg: Message to print.
@param values: A list of values to print.
if len(values) == 0:
elif len(values) == 1:
print(msg + ': ')
elif len(values) > 1:
if msg.endswith('s'):
print(msg + ': ')
print(msg + 's: ')
if 'AUTOTEST_CLI_NO_WRAP' in os.environ:
twrap = textwrap.TextWrapper(initial_indent='\t',
print(twrap.fill(', '.join(values)))
def __conv_value(self, type, value):
return KEYS_CONVERT.get(type, str)(value)
def print_fields_std(self, items, keys, title=None):
"""Print the keys in each item, one on each line.
@param items: Items to print.
@param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
@param title: Title of the output, default to None.
if not items:
if title:
for item in items:
for key in keys:
print('%s: %s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
_get_item_key(item, key))))
def print_fields_parse(self, items, keys, title=None):
"""Print the keys in each item as comma separated name=value
@param items: Items to print.
@param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
@param title: Title of the output, default to None.
for item in items:
values = ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
_get_item_key(item, key)))
for key in keys
if self.__conv_value(key,
_get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
def __find_justified_fmt(self, items, keys):
"""Find the max length for each field.
@param items: Items to lookup for.
@param keys: Name of the keys to look up each item in items.
lens = {}
# Don't justify the last field, otherwise we have blank
# lines when the max is overlaps but the current values
# are smaller
if not items:
print("No results")
for key in keys[:-1]:
lens[key] = max(len(self.__conv_value(key,
_get_item_key(item, key)))
for item in items)
lens[key] = max(lens[key], len(KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key]))
lens[keys[-1]] = 0
return ' '.join(["%%-%ds" % lens[key] for key in keys])
def print_dict(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
"""Print a dictionary.
@param items: Dictionary to print.
@param title: Title of the output, default to None.
@param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
default to False.
if not items:
if line_before:
for key, value in items.items():
print('%s : %s' % (key, value))
def print_table_std(self, items, keys_header, sublist_keys=()):
"""Print a mix of header and lists in a user readable format.
The headers are justified, the sublist_keys are wrapped.
@param items: Items to print.
@param keys_header: Header of the keys, use to look up in items.
@param sublist_keys: Keys for sublist in each item.
if not items:
fmt = self.__find_justified_fmt(items, keys_header)
header = tuple(KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key] for key in keys_header)
print(fmt % header)
for item in items:
values = tuple(self.__conv_value(key,
_get_item_key(item, key))
for key in keys_header)
print(fmt % values)
if sublist_keys:
for key in sublist_keys:
_get_item_key(item, key))
def print_table_parse(self, items, keys_header, sublist_keys=()):
"""Print a mix of header and lists in a user readable format.
@param items: Items to print.
@param keys_header: Header of the keys, use to look up in items.
@param sublist_keys: Keys for sublist in each item.
for item in items:
values = ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
self.__conv_value(key, _get_item_key(item, key)))
for key in keys_header
if self.__conv_value(key,
_get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
if sublist_keys:
[values.append('%s=%s'% (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
','.join(_get_item_key(item, key))))
for key in sublist_keys
if len(_get_item_key(item, key))]
def print_by_ids_std(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
"""Prints ID & names of items in a user readable form.
@param items: Items to print.
@param title: Title of the output, default to None.
@param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
default to False.
if not items:
if line_before:
if title:
print(title + ':')
self.print_table_std(items, keys_header=['id', 'name'])
def print_by_ids_parse(self, items, title=None, line_before=False):
"""Prints ID & names of items in a parseable format.
@param items: Items to print.
@param title: Title of the output, default to None.
@param line_before: True to print an empty line before the output,
default to False.
if not items:
if line_before:
if title:
print(title + '='),
values = []
for item in items:
values += ['%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
_get_item_key(item, key)))
for key in ['id', 'name']
if self.__conv_value(key,
_get_item_key(item, key)) != '']
def print_list_std(self, items, key):
"""Print a wrapped list of results
@param items: Items to to lookup for given key, could be a nested
@param key: Name of the key to look up for value.
if not items:
print(' '.join(_get_item_key(item, key) for item in items))
def print_list_parse(self, items, key):
"""Print a wrapped list of results.
@param items: Items to to lookup for given key, could be a nested
@param key: Name of the key to look up for value.
if not items:
print('%s=%s' % (KEYS_TO_NAMES_EN[key],
','.join(_get_item_key(item, key) for item in items)))
def prompt_confirmation(message=None):
"""Prompt a question for user to confirm the action before proceeding.
@param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of the
@return: True to proceed or False to abort.
if message:
sys.stdout.write('Continue? [y/N] ')
read = raw_input().lower()
if read == 'y':
return True
print('User did not confirm. Aborting...')
return False
def require_confirmation(message=None):
"""Decorator to prompt a question for user to confirm action before
If user chooses not to proceed, do not call the function.
@param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of the
@return: A decorator wrapper for calling the actual function.
def deco_require_confirmation(func):
"""Wrapper for the decorator.
@param func: Function to be called.
@return: the actual decorator to call the function.
def func_require_confirmation(*args, **kwargs):
"""Decorator to prompt a question for user to confirm.
@param message: A detailed message to explain possible impact of
the action.
if (args[0].no_confirmation or
func(*args, **kwargs)
return func_require_confirmation
return deco_require_confirmation