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# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import re
import logging
import six
from six.moves import range
import time
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class PDConsoleUtils(object):
"""Base clase for all PD console utils
This class provides a set of APIs for expected Type C PD required actions
in TypeC FAFT tests. The base class is specific for Type C console access.
def __init__(self, console):
"""Console can be either usbpd, ec, or pdtester UART
This object with then be used by the class which creates
the PDConsoleUtils class to send/receive commands to UART
# save console for UART access functions
self.console = console
def send_pd_command(self, cmd):
"""Send command to PD console UART
@param cmd: pd command string
def send_pd_command_get_output(self, cmd, regexp, debug_on=True):
"""Send command to PD console, wait for response
@param cmd: pd command string
@param regexp: regular expression for desired output
# Enable PD console debug mode to show control messages
if debug_on:
output = self.console.send_command_get_output(cmd, regexp)
if debug_on:
return output
def send_pd_command_get_reply_msg(self, cmd):
"""Send PD protocol msg, get PD control msg reply
The PD console debug mode is enabled prior to sending
a pd protocol message. This allows the
control message reply to be extracted. The debug mode
is disabled prior to exiting.
@param cmd: pd command to issue to the UART console
@returns: PD control header message
m = self.send_pd_command_get_output(cmd, ['RECV\s([\w]+)\W'])
ctrl_msg = int(m[0][1], 16) & self.PD_CONTROL_MSG_MASK
return ctrl_msg
def verify_pd_console(self):
"""Verify that PD commands exist on UART console
Send 'help' command to UART console
@returns: True if 'pd' is found, False if not
l = self.console.send_command_get_output('help', ['(pd)\s+([\w]+)'])
if l[0][1] == 'pd':
return True
return False
def get_pd_version(self):
"""Get the version of the PD stack
@returns: version of PD stack, one of (1, 2)
# Match a number or an error ("Wrong number of params")
matches = self.console.send_command_get_output('pd version',
if matches:
result = matches[0][1]
if result[0].isdigit():
return int(result)
return 1
def execute_pd_state_cmd(self, port):
"""Get PD state for specified channel
pd 0/1 state command gives produces 5 fields. The full response
line is captured and then parsed to extract each field to fill
the dict containing port, polarity, role, pd_state, and flags.
@param port: Type C PD port 0 or 1
@returns: A dict with the 5 fields listed above
@raises: TestFail if any field not found
cmd = 'pd'
subcmd = 'state'
pd_cmd = cmd +" " + str(port) + " " + subcmd
# Two FW versions for this command, get full line.
m = self.send_pd_command_get_output(pd_cmd, ['(Port.*) - (Role:.*)\n'],
# Extract desired values from result string
state_result = {}
pd_state_dict = self.PD_STATE_DICT
for key, regexp in six.iteritems(pd_state_dict):
value =, m[0][0])
if value:
state_result[key] =
raise error.TestFail('pd %d state: %r value not found' %
(port, key))
return state_result
def get_pd_state(self, port):
"""Get the current PD state
raise NotImplementedError(
'should be implemented in derived class')
def get_pd_port(self, port):
"""Get the current PD port
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pd state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return pd_dict['port']
def get_pd_role(self, port):
"""Get the current PD power role (source or sink)
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pd state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return pd_dict['role']
def get_pd_flags(self, port):
"""Get the current PD flags
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pd state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return pd_dict['flags']
def get_pd_dualrole(self, port):
"""Get the current PD dualrole setting
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current PD dualrole setting, one of (on, off, snk, src)
if self.per_port_dualrole_setting is True:
cmd = 'pd %d dualrole' % port
elif self.per_port_dualrole_setting is False:
cmd = 'pd dualrole'
self.per_port_dualrole_setting = True
return self.get_pd_dualrole(port)
self.per_port_dualrole_setting = False
return self.get_pd_dualrole(port)
dualrole_values = self.DUALROLE_VALUES
m = self.send_pd_command_get_output(
cmd, ['dual-role toggling:\s+([\w ]+)[\r\n]'], debug_on=False)
# Find the index according to the output of "pd dualrole" command
dual_index = self.DUALROLE_CMD_RESULTS.index(m[0][1])
# Map to a string which is the output of this method
return dualrole_values[dual_index]
def set_pd_dualrole(self, port, value):
"""Set pd dualrole
raise NotImplementedError(
'should be implemented in derived class')
def query_pd_connection(self):
"""Determine if PD connection is present
Try the 'pd 0/1 state' command and see if it's in either
expected state of a connection. Record the port number
that has an active connection
@returns: dict with params port, connect, and state
status = {}
port = 0;
status['connect'] = False
status['port'] = port
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
# Check port 0 first
if self.is_pd_connected(port):
status['connect'] = True
status['role'] = state
port = 1
status['port'] = port
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
|'CHECK PORT 1: %s', state)
# Check port 1
if self.is_pd_connected(port):
status['connect'] = True
status['role'] = state
return status
def swap_power_role(self, port):
"""Attempt a power role swap
This method attempts to execute a power role swap. A check
is made to ensure that dualrole mode is enabled and that
a PD contract is currently established. If both checks pass,
then the power role swap command is issued. After a delay,
if a PD contract is established and the current state does
not equal the starting state, then it was successful.
@param port: pd port number
@returns: True if power swap is successful, False otherwise.
# Get starting state
if self.is_pd_dual_role_enabled(port) == False:
|'Dualrole Mode not enabled!')
return False
if self.is_pd_connected(port) == False:
|'PD contract not established!')
return False
current_pr = self.get_pd_state(port)
swap_cmd = 'pd %d swap power' % port
new_pr = self.get_pd_state(port)
|'Power swap: %s -> %s', current_pr, new_pr)
if self.is_pd_connected(port) == False:
return False
return bool(current_pr != new_pr)
def disable_pd_console_debug(self):
"""Turn off PD console debug
cmd = 'pd dump 0'
def enable_pd_console_debug(self):
"""Enable PD console debug level 1
cmd = 'pd dump 2'
def is_pd_flag_set(self, port, key):
"""Test a bit in PD protocol state flags
The flag word contains various PD protocol state information.
This method allows for a specific flag to be tested.
@param port: Port which has the active PD connection
@param key: dict key to retrieve the flag bit mapping
@returns True if the bit to be tested is set
pd_flags = self.get_pd_flags(port)
return bool(self.PD_STATE_FLAGS_DICT[key] & int(pd_flags, 16))
def is_pd_connected(self, port):
"""Check if a PD connection is active
@param port: port to be used for pd console commands
@returns True if port is in connected state
return self.is_src_connected(port) or self.is_snk_connected(port)
def is_pd_dual_role_enabled(self, port):
"""Check if a PD device is in dualrole mode
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns True is dualrole mode is active, false otherwise
drp = self.get_pd_dualrole(port)
return drp == 'on'
def is_src_connected(self, port, state=None):
"""Checks if the port is connected as a source
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@param state: the state to check (None to get current state)
@returns True if connected as SRC, False otherwise
if state is None:
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
return state in self.get_src_connect_states()
def is_snk_connected(self, port, state=None):
"""Checks if the port is connected as a sink
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@param state: the state to check (None to get current state)
@returns True if connected as SNK, False otherwise
if state is None:
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
return state in self.get_snk_connect_states()
def is_disconnected(self, port, state=None):
"""Checks if the port is disconnected
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@param state: the state to check (None to get current state)
@return True if disconnected
if state is None:
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
return state in self.get_disconnected_states()
def get_src_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SRC state
raise NotImplementedError(
'should be implemented in derived class')
def get_snk_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SNK state
raise NotImplementedError(
'should be implemented in derived class')
def get_disconnected_states(self):
"""Returns the names of the disconnected states
def is_snk_discovery_state(self, port):
"""Returns true if in snk discovery state, else false
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@return: True if in SNK Discovery state
raise NotImplementedError(
'should be implemented in derived class')
class TCPMv1ConsoleUtils(PDConsoleUtils):
""" Provides a set of methods common to USB PD TCPMv1 FAFT tests
Each instance of this class is associated with a particular
servo UART console. USB PD tests will typically use the console
command 'pd' and its subcommands to control/monitor Type C PD
connections. The servo object used for UART operations is
passed in and stored when this object is created.
# Dualrole input/output values of methods in this class.
DUALROLE_VALUES = ['on', 'off', 'snk', 'src']
# Strings passing to the console command "pd dualrole"
DUALROLE_CMD_ARGS = ['on', 'off', 'sink', 'source']
# Strings returned from the console command "pd dualrole"
DUALROLE_CMD_RESULTS = ['on', 'off', 'force sink', 'force source']
# Some old firmware uses a single dualrole setting for all ports; while
# some new firmware uses a per port dualrole setting. This flag will be
# initialized to True or False.
# TODO: Remove this flag when the old setting phases out
per_port_dualrole_setting = None
# Dictionary for 'pd 0/1 state' parsing
'port': 'Port\s+([\w]+)',
'role': 'Role:\s+([\w]+-[\w]+)',
'pd_state': 'State:\s+([\w()]+)',
'flags': 'Flags:\s+([\w]+)',
'polarity': '(CC\d)'
# Regex to match PD state name; work for both old and new formats
RE_PD_STATE = r"(\d+)?\(?([\w_]+)?\)?"
# Copied from ec repo: common/usb_pd_protocol.c
"DISABLED", # index: 0
"SNK_DISCOVERY", # index: 5
"SNK_SWAP_SNK_DISABLE", # index: 10
"SRC_ACCEPTED", # index: 20
"DR_SWAP", # index: 25
"VCONN_SWAP_SEND", # index: 30
"HARD_RESET_EXECUTE", # index: 35
# Dictionary for PD control message types
'GoodCRC': 1,
'GotoMin': 2,
'Accept': 3,
'Reject': 4,
'Ping': 5,
'PS_RDY': 6,
'Get_Source_Cap': 7,
'Get_Sink_Cap': 8,
'DR_Swap': 9,
'PR_Swap': 10,
'VCONN_Swap': 11,
'Wait': 12,
'Soft_Reset': 13
# Dictionary for PD firmware state flags
'power_swap': 1 << 1,
'data_swap': 1 << 2,
'data_swap_active': 1 << 3,
'vconn_on': 1 << 12
def _normalize_pd_state(self, state):
"""Normalize the PD state name which handles both old and new formats.
The old format is like: "SNK_READY"
The new format is like: "8()" if debug_level == 0, or
"8(SNK_READY)" if debug_level > 0
This method will convert the new format to the old one.
@param state: The raw PD state text
@returns: The normalized PD state name
@raises: TestFail if unexpected PD state format
m = re.match(self.RE_PD_STATE, state)
if m and any(m.groups()):
state_index, state_name = m.groups()
if state_index is None:
# The old format: return the name
return state_name
# The new format: map the index to a name
mapped_name = self.PD_STATE_NAMES[int(state_index)]
if state_name is not None:
assert mapped_name == state_name
return mapped_name
raise error.TestFail('Unexpected PD state format: %s' % state)
def get_pd_state(self, port):
"""Get the current PD state
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pd state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return self._normalize_pd_state(pd_dict['pd_state'])
def set_pd_dualrole(self, port, value):
"""Set pd dualrole
It can be set to either:
1. on
2. off
3. snk (force sink mode)
4. src (force source mode)
After setting, the current value is read to confirm that it
was set properly.
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@param value: One of the 4 options listed
dualrole_values = self.DUALROLE_VALUES
# If the dualrole setting is not initialized, call the get method to
# initialize it.
if self.per_port_dualrole_setting is None:
# Get string required for console command
dual_index = dualrole_values.index(value)
# Create console command
if self.per_port_dualrole_setting is True:
cmd = 'pd %d dualrole %s' % (port, self.DUALROLE_CMD_ARGS[dual_index])
elif self.per_port_dualrole_setting is False:
cmd = 'pd dualrole %s' % (self.DUALROLE_CMD_ARGS[dual_index])
raise error.TestFail("dualrole error")
# Get current setting to verify that command was successful
dual = self.get_pd_dualrole(port)
# If it doesn't match, then raise error
if dual != value:
raise error.TestFail("dualrole error: " + value + " != " + dual)
def get_src_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SRC state
return self.SRC_CONNECT
def get_snk_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SRC state
return self.SNK_CONNECT
def is_snk_discovery_state(self, port):
"""Returns true if in snk discovery state, else false
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@return: True if in SNK Discovery state
state = self.get_pd_state(port)
return state == self.SNK_DISCOVERY
class TCPMv2ConsoleUtils(PDConsoleUtils):
""" Provides a set of methods common to USB PD TCPMv1 FAFT tests
Each instance of this class is associated with a particular
servo UART console. USB PD tests will typically use the console
command 'pd' and its subcommands to control/monitor Type C PD
connections. The servo object used for UART operations is
passed in and stored when this object is created.
SRC_CONNECT = ('Attached.SRC', 'UnorientedDebugAccessory.SRC')
SNK_CONNECT = ('Attached.SNK', 'DebugAccessory.SNK')
SRC_DISC = 'Unattached.SRC'
SNK_DISC = 'Unattached.SNK'
LOW_POWER_MODE = 'LowPowerMode'
# Dualrole input/output values of methods in this class.
DUALROLE_VALUES = ['on', 'off', 'sink', 'source']
# Strings passing to the console command "pd dualrole"
DUALROLE_CMD_ARGS = ['on', 'off', 'sink', 'source']
# Strings returned from the console command "pd dualrole"
DUALROLE_CMD_RESULTS = ['on', 'off', 'force sink', 'force source']
# Some old firmware uses a single dualrole setting for all ports; while
# some new firmware uses a per port dualrole setting. This flag will be
# initialized to True or False.
# TODO: Remove this flag when the old setting phases out
per_port_dualrole_setting = None
# Dictionary for 'pd 0/1 state' parsing
'port': 'Port\s+([\w]+)',
'role': 'Role:\s+([\w]+-[\w]+)',
'pd_state': 'TC State:\s+([\w().]+)',
'flags': 'Flags:\s+([\w]+)',
'pe_state': 'PE State:\s+(\w*)',
'polarity': '(CC\d)'
# Regex to match PD state name; work for both old and new formats
RE_PD_STATE = r"(\d+)?\(?([\w_]+)?\)?"
# Dictionary for PD control message types
'GoodCRC': 1,
'GotoMin': 2,
'Accept': 3,
'Reject': 4,
'Ping': 5,
'PS_RDY': 6,
'Get_Source_Cap': 7,
'Get_Sink_Cap': 8,
'DR_Swap': 9,
'PR_Swap': 10,
'VCONN_Swap': 11,
'Wait': 12,
'Soft_Reset': 13
# Dictionary for PD firmware state flags
'power_swap': 1 << 1,
'data_swap': 1 << 2,
'data_swap_active': 1 << 3,
'vconn_on': 1 << 12
def get_pe_state(self, port):
"""Get the current Policy Engine state
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pe state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return pd_dict['pe_state']
def get_pd_state(self, port):
"""Get the current PD state
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@returns: current pd state
pd_dict = self.execute_pd_state_cmd(port)
return pd_dict['pd_state']
def set_pd_dualrole(self, port, value):
"""Set pd dualrole
It can be set to either:
1. on
2. off
3. snk (force sink mode)
4. src (force source mode)
After setting, the current value is read to confirm that it
was set properly.
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@param value: One of the 4 options listed
dualrole_values = self.DUALROLE_VALUES
if value == 'src':
value = 'source'
elif value == 'snk':
value = 'sink'
# Get string required for console command
dual_index = dualrole_values.index(value)
# Create console command
cmd = 'pd %d dualrole %s' % (port, self.DUALROLE_CMD_ARGS[dual_index])
# Get current setting to verify that command was successful
dual = self.get_pd_dualrole(port)
# If it doesn't match, then raise error
if dual != value:
raise error.TestFail("dualrole error: " + value + " != " + dual)
def get_src_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SRC states
@returns: List of connected source state names
return self.SRC_CONNECT
def get_snk_connect_states(self):
"""Returns the name of the SRC states
@returns: List of connected sink state names
return self.SNK_CONNECT
def is_snk_discovery_state(self, port):
"""Returns true if in snk discovery state, else false
@param port: Type C PD port 0/1
@return: True if in SNK Discovery state
state = self.get_pe_state(port)
return state == self.SNK_DISCOVERY
class PDConnectionUtils(PDConsoleUtils):
"""Provides a set of methods common to USB PD FAFT tests
This class is used for PD utility methods that require access
to both PDTester and DUT PD consoles.
def __init__(self, dut_console, pdtester_console):
@param dut_console: PD console object for DUT
@param pdtester_console: PD console object for PDTester
# save console for DUT PD UART access functions
self.dut_console = dut_console
# save console for PDTester UART access functions
self.pdtester_console = pdtester_console
def _verify_pdtester_connection(self, port):
"""Verify DUT to PDTester PD connection
This method checks for a PDTester PD connection for the
given port by first verifying if a PD connection is present.
If found, then it uses a PDTester feature to force a PD disconnect.
If the port is no longer in the connected state, and following
a delay, is found to be back in the connected state, then
a DUT pd to PDTester connection is verified.
@param port: DUT pd port to test
@returns True if DUT to PDTester pd connection is verified
# pdtester console command to force PD disconnect
disc_cmd = 'fakedisconnect 100 %d' % (DISCONNECT_TIME_SEC * 1000)
# Only check for PDTester if DUT has active PD connection
if self.dut_console.is_pd_connected(port):
# Attempt to force PD disconnection
# Verify that DUT PD port is no longer connected
if self.dut_console.is_pd_connected(port) == False:
# Wait for disconnect timer and give time to reconnect
time.sleep(self.dut_console.CONNECT_TIME + DISCONNECT_TIME_SEC)
if self.dut_console.is_pd_connected(port):
|'PDTester connection verified on port %d',
return True
# Could have disconnected other port, allow it to reconnect
# before exiting.
time.sleep(self.dut_console.CONNECT_TIME + DISCONNECT_TIME_SEC)
return False
def find_dut_to_pdtester_connection(self):
"""Find the PD port which is connected to PDTester
@returns DUT pd port number if found, None otherwise
for port in range(self.dut_console.PD_MAX_PORTS):
# Check for DUT to PDTester connection on port
if self._verify_pdtester_connection(port):
# PDTester PD connection found so exit
return port
return None
def create_pd_console_utils(console):
"""Factory that detects the proper PDConsole Utils to use for DUT
@param console: DUT PD console
@returns: An instance of TCPMv1ConsoleUtils or TCPMv2ConsoleUtils
pd_console_utils = {
1: TCPMv1ConsoleUtils,
2: TCPMv2ConsoleUtils,
version = PDConsoleUtils(console).get_pd_version()
logging.debug('%s is TCPM v%s', console, version)
cls = pd_console_utils[version]
return cls(console)