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* drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.1 Module
* -------------------------------------------------
* Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* \file
* \brief Synchronization Tests
#include "es31fSynchronizationTests.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp"
#include "tcuSurface.hpp"
#include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp"
#include "gluRenderContext.hpp"
#include "gluShaderProgram.hpp"
#include "gluObjectWrapper.hpp"
#include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp"
#include "gluContextInfo.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"
#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deMemory.h"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include <map>
namespace deqp
namespace gles31
namespace Functional
static bool checkSupport(Context& ctx)
auto ctxType = ctx.getRenderContext().getType();
return contextSupports(ctxType, glu::ApiType::es(3, 2)) ||
contextSupports(ctxType, glu::ApiType::core(4, 5)) ||
static bool validateSortedAtomicRampAdditionValueChain (const std::vector<deUint32>& valueChain, deUint32 sumValue, int& invalidOperationNdx, deUint32& errorDelta, deUint32& errorExpected)
std::vector<deUint32> chainDelta(valueChain.size());
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < (int)valueChain.size(); ++callNdx)
chainDelta[callNdx] = ((callNdx + 1 == (int)valueChain.size()) ? (sumValue) : (valueChain[callNdx+1])) - valueChain[callNdx];
// chainDelta contains now the actual additions applied to the value
// check there exists an addition ramp form 1 to ...
std::sort(chainDelta.begin(), chainDelta.end());
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < (int)valueChain.size(); ++callNdx)
if ((int)chainDelta[callNdx] != callNdx+1)
invalidOperationNdx = callNdx;
errorDelta = chainDelta[callNdx];
errorExpected = callNdx+1;
return false;
return true;
static void readBuffer (const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 target, int numElements, std::vector<deUint32>& result)
const void* ptr = gl.mapBufferRange(target, 0, (int)(sizeof(deUint32) * numElements), GL_MAP_READ_BIT);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "map");
if (!ptr)
throw tcu::TestError("mapBufferRange returned NULL");
memcpy(&result[0], ptr, sizeof(deUint32) * numElements);
if (gl.unmapBuffer(target) == GL_FALSE)
throw tcu::TestError("unmapBuffer returned false");
static deUint32 readBufferUint32 (const glw::Functions& gl, deUint32 target)
std::vector<deUint32> vec;
readBuffer(gl, target, 1, vec);
return vec[0];
//! Generate a ramp of values from 1 to numElements, and shuffle it
void generateShuffledRamp (int numElements, std::vector<int>& ramp)
de::Random rng(0xabcd);
// some positive (non-zero) unique values
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < numElements; ++callNdx)
ramp[callNdx] = callNdx + 1;
rng.shuffle(ramp.begin(), ramp.end());
static std::string specializeShader(Context& context, const char* code)
auto ctxType = context.getRenderContext().getType();
const bool isES32orGL45 = glu::contextSupports(ctxType, glu::ApiType::es(3, 2)) ||
glu::contextSupports(ctxType, glu::ApiType::core(4, 5));
const glu::GLSLVersion glslVersion = glu::getContextTypeGLSLVersion(ctxType);
std::map<std::string, std::string> specializationMap;
specializationMap["GLSL_VERSION_DECL"] = glu::getGLSLVersionDeclaration(glslVersion);
specializationMap["SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE"] = isES32orGL45 ? "" : "#extension GL_OES_shader_image_atomic : require";
return tcu::StringTemplate(code).specialize(specializationMap);
class InterInvocationTestCase : public TestCase
enum StorageType
enum CaseFlags
InterInvocationTestCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags = 0);
~InterInvocationTestCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
void runCompute (void);
bool verifyResults (void);
virtual std::string genShaderSource (void) const = 0;
std::string genBarrierSource (void) const;
const StorageType m_storage;
const bool m_useAtomic;
const bool m_aliasingStorages;
const bool m_syncWithGroup;
const int m_workWidth; // !< total work width
const int m_workHeight; // !< ... height
const int m_localWidth; // !< group width
const int m_localHeight; // !< group height
const int m_elementsPerInvocation; // !< elements accessed by a single invocation
glw::GLuint m_storageBuf;
glw::GLuint m_storageTex;
glw::GLuint m_resultBuf;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_program;
InterInvocationTestCase::InterInvocationTestCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags)
: TestCase (context, name, desc)
, m_storage (storage)
, m_useAtomic ((flags & FLAG_ATOMIC) != 0)
, m_aliasingStorages ((flags & FLAG_ALIASING_STORAGES) != 0)
, m_syncWithGroup ((flags & FLAG_IN_GROUP) != 0)
, m_workWidth (256)
, m_workHeight (256)
, m_localWidth (16)
, m_localHeight (8)
, m_elementsPerInvocation (8)
, m_storageBuf (0)
, m_storageTex (0)
, m_resultBuf (0)
, m_program (DE_NULL)
DE_ASSERT(m_localWidth*m_localHeight <= 128); // minimum MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS value
InterInvocationTestCase::~InterInvocationTestCase (void)
void InterInvocationTestCase::init (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
// requirements
if (m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !checkSupport(m_context))
throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Test requires GL_OES_shader_image_atomic extension");
// program
m_program = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genShaderSource()));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_program;
if (!m_program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
// source
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
const int bufferElements = m_workWidth * m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation;
const int bufferSize = bufferElements * (int)sizeof(deUint32);
std::vector<deUint32> zeroBuffer (bufferElements, 0);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Allocating zero-filled buffer for storage, size " << bufferElements << " elements, " << bufferSize << " bytes." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_storageBuf);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_storageBuf);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, bufferSize, &zeroBuffer[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen storage buf");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
const int bufferElements = m_workWidth * m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation;
const int bufferSize = bufferElements * (int)sizeof(deUint32);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Allocating image for storage, size " << m_workWidth << "x" << m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation << ", " << bufferSize << " bytes." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.genTextures(1, &m_storageTex);
gl.bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_storageTex);
gl.texStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_R32I, m_workWidth, m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen storage image");
// Zero-fill
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Filling image with 0." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
const std::vector<deInt32> zeroBuffer(m_workWidth * m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation, 0);
gl.texSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, m_workWidth, m_workHeight * m_elementsPerInvocation, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_INT, &zeroBuffer[0]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "specify image contents");
// destination
const int bufferElements = m_workWidth * m_workHeight;
const int bufferSize = bufferElements * (int)sizeof(deUint32);
std::vector<deInt32> negativeBuffer (bufferElements, -1);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Allocating -1 filled buffer for results, size " << bufferElements << " elements, " << bufferSize << " bytes." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_resultBuf);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_resultBuf);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, bufferSize, &negativeBuffer[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen storage buf");
void InterInvocationTestCase::deinit (void)
if (m_storageBuf)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_storageBuf);
m_storageBuf = DE_NULL;
if (m_storageTex)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteTextures(1, &m_storageTex);
m_storageTex = DE_NULL;
if (m_resultBuf)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_resultBuf);
m_resultBuf = DE_NULL;
delete m_program;
m_program = DE_NULL;
InterInvocationTestCase::IterateResult InterInvocationTestCase::iterate (void)
// Dispatch
// Verify buffer contents
if (verifyResults())
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, (std::string((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image")) + " content verification failed").c_str());
return STOP;
void InterInvocationTestCase::runCompute (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const int groupsX = m_workWidth / m_localWidth;
const int groupsY = m_workHeight / m_localHeight;
DE_ASSERT((m_workWidth % m_localWidth) == 0);
DE_ASSERT((m_workHeight % m_localHeight) == 0);
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Dispatching compute.\n"
<< " group size: " << m_localWidth << "x" << m_localHeight << "\n"
<< " dispatch size: " << groupsX << "x" << groupsY << "\n"
<< " total work size: " << m_workWidth << "x" << m_workHeight << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// source
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_aliasingStorages)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_storageBuf);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source buf");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_aliasingStorages)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_storageBuf);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, m_storageBuf);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source buf");
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Binding same buffer object to buffer storages." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_aliasingStorages)
gl.bindImageTexture(1, m_storageTex, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_READ_WRITE, GL_R32I);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind result buf");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_aliasingStorages)
gl.bindImageTexture(1, m_storageTex, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_READ_WRITE, GL_R32I);
gl.bindImageTexture(2, m_storageTex, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_READ_WRITE, GL_R32I);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind result buf");
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Binding same texture level to image storages." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// destination
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_resultBuf);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind result buf");
// dispatch
gl.dispatchCompute(groupsX, groupsY, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "dispatchCompute");
bool InterInvocationTestCase::verifyResults (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const int errorFloodThreshold = 5;
int numErrorsLogged = 0;
const void* mapped = DE_NULL;
std::vector<deInt32> results (m_workWidth * m_workHeight);
bool error = false;
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_resultBuf);
mapped = gl.mapBufferRange(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_workWidth * m_workHeight * sizeof(deInt32), GL_MAP_READ_BIT);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "map buffer");
// copy to properly aligned array
deMemcpy(&results[0], mapped, m_workWidth * m_workHeight * sizeof(deUint32));
if (gl.unmapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER) != GL_TRUE)
throw tcu::TestError("memory map store corrupted");
// check the results
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)results.size(); ++ndx)
if (results[ndx] != 1)
error = true;
if (numErrorsLogged == 0)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result buffer failed, got unexpected values.\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numErrorsLogged++ < errorFloodThreshold)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << " Error at index " << ndx << ": expected 1, got " << results[ndx] << ".\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// after N errors, no point continuing verification
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << " -- too many errors, skipping verification --\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (!error)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result buffer ok." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
return !error;
std::string InterInvocationTestCase::genBarrierSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
if (m_syncWithGroup)
// Wait until all invocations in this work group have their texture/buffer read/write operations complete
// \note We could also use memoryBarrierBuffer() or memoryBarrierImage() in place of groupMemoryBarrier() but
// we only require intra-workgroup synchronization.
buf << "\n"
<< " groupMemoryBarrier();\n"
<< " barrier();\n"
<< "\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
// Waiting only for data written by this invocation. Since all buffer reads and writes are
// processed in order (within a single invocation), we don't have to do anything.
buf << "\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
// Waiting only for data written by this invocation. But since operations complete in undefined
// order, we have to wait for them to complete.
buf << "\n"
<< " memoryBarrierImage();\n"
<< "\n";
return buf.str();
class InvocationBasicCase : public InterInvocationTestCase
InvocationBasicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags);
std::string genShaderSource (void) const;
virtual std::string genShaderMainBlock (void) const = 0;
InvocationBasicCase::InvocationBasicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags)
: InterInvocationTestCase(context, name, desc, storage, flags)
std::string InvocationBasicCase::genShaderSource (void) const
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x=" << m_localWidth << ", local_size_y=" << m_localHeight << ") in;\n"
<< "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer Output\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int values[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) coherent buffer Storage\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int values[];\n"
<< "} sb_store;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "highp int getIndex (in highp uvec2 localID, in highp int element)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint groupNdx = gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupID.y + gl_WorkGroupID.x;\n"
<< " return int((localID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_NumWorkGroups.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.x) + (groupNdx * gl_WorkGroupSize.x) + localID.x) * " << m_elementsPerInvocation << " + element;\n"
<< "}\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(r32i, binding=1) coherent uniform highp iimage2D u_image;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "highp ivec2 getCoord (in highp uvec2 localID, in highp int element)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " return ivec2(int(gl_WorkGroupID.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x + localID.x), int(gl_WorkGroupID.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.y + localID.y) + element * " << m_workHeight << ");\n"
<< "}\n";
buf << "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " int resultNdx = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupID.y + gl_WorkGroupID.x);\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n"
<< genShaderMainBlock()
<< "\n"
<< " sb_result.values[resultNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
class InvocationWriteReadCase : public InvocationBasicCase
InvocationWriteReadCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags);
std::string genShaderMainBlock (void) const;
InvocationWriteReadCase::InvocationWriteReadCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags)
: InvocationBasicCase(context, name, desc, storage, flags)
std::string InvocationWriteReadCase::genShaderMainBlock (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
// write
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicAdd(sb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")], groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")] = groupNdx;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicAdd(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), int(groupNdx));\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), ivec4(int(groupNdx), 0, 0, 0));\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// read
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
const std::string localID = (m_syncWithGroup) ? ("(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy + uvec2(" + de::toString(ndx+1) + ", " + de::toString(2*ndx) + ")) % gl_WorkGroupSize.xy") : ("gl_LocalInvocationID.xy");
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (atomicExchange(sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")], 0) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")] == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageAtomicExchange(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), 0) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageLoad(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")).x == groupNdx);\n";
return buf.str();
class InvocationReadWriteCase : public InvocationBasicCase
InvocationReadWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags);
std::string genShaderMainBlock (void) const;
InvocationReadWriteCase::InvocationReadWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags)
: InvocationBasicCase(context, name, desc, storage, flags)
std::string InvocationReadWriteCase::genShaderMainBlock (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
// read
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
const std::string localID = (m_syncWithGroup) ? ("(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy + uvec2(" + de::toString(ndx+1) + ", " + de::toString(2*ndx) + ")) % gl_WorkGroupSize.xy") : ("gl_LocalInvocationID.xy");
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (atomicExchange(sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")], 123) == 0);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")] == 0);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageAtomicExchange(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), 123) == 0);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageLoad(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")).x == 0);\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// write
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicAdd(sb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")], groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")] = groupNdx;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicAdd(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), int(groupNdx));\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), ivec4(int(groupNdx), 0, 0, 0));\n";
return buf.str();
class InvocationOverWriteCase : public InvocationBasicCase
InvocationOverWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags);
std::string genShaderMainBlock (void) const;
InvocationOverWriteCase::InvocationOverWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags)
: InvocationBasicCase(context, name, desc, storage, flags)
std::string InvocationOverWriteCase::genShaderMainBlock (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
// write
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicAdd(sb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")], 456);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")] = 456;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicAdd(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), 456);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), ivec4(456, 0, 0, 0));\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// write over
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
// write another invocation's value or our own value depending on test type
const std::string localID = (m_syncWithGroup) ? ("(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy + uvec2(" + de::toString(ndx+4) + ", " + de::toString(3*ndx) + ")) % gl_WorkGroupSize.xy") : ("gl_LocalInvocationID.xy");
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicExchange(sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")], groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")] = groupNdx;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicExchange(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), ivec4(groupNdx, 0, 0, 0));\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// read
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
// check another invocation's value or our own value depending on test type
const std::string localID = (m_syncWithGroup) ? ("(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy + uvec2(" + de::toString(ndx+1) + ", " + de::toString(2*ndx) + ")) % gl_WorkGroupSize.xy") : ("gl_LocalInvocationID.xy");
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (atomicExchange(sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")], 123) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (sb_store.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")] == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageAtomicExchange(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), 123) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageLoad(u_image, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")).x == groupNdx);\n";
return buf.str();
class InvocationAliasWriteCase : public InterInvocationTestCase
enum TestType
InvocationAliasWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, TestType type, StorageType storage, int flags);
std::string genShaderSource (void) const;
const TestType m_type;
InvocationAliasWriteCase::InvocationAliasWriteCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, TestType type, StorageType storage, int flags)
: InterInvocationTestCase (context, name, desc, storage, flags | FLAG_ALIASING_STORAGES)
, m_type (type)
std::string InvocationAliasWriteCase::genShaderSource (void) const
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x=" << m_localWidth << ", local_size_y=" << m_localHeight << ") in;\n"
<< "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer Output\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int values[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) coherent buffer Storage0\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int values[];\n"
<< "} sb_store0;\n"
<< "layout(binding=2, std430) coherent buffer Storage1\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int values[];\n"
<< "} sb_store1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "highp int getIndex (in highp uvec2 localID, in highp int element)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint groupNdx = gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupID.y + gl_WorkGroupID.x;\n"
<< " return int((localID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_NumWorkGroups.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.x) + (groupNdx * gl_WorkGroupSize.x) + localID.x) * " << m_elementsPerInvocation << " + element;\n"
<< "}\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(r32i, binding=1) coherent uniform highp iimage2D u_image0;\n"
<< "layout(r32i, binding=2) coherent uniform highp iimage2D u_image1;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "highp ivec2 getCoord (in highp uvec2 localID, in highp int element)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " return ivec2(int(gl_WorkGroupID.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x + localID.x), int(gl_WorkGroupID.y * gl_WorkGroupSize.y + localID.y) + element * " << m_workHeight << ");\n"
<< "}\n";
buf << "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " int resultNdx = int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupSize.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(gl_NumWorkGroups.x * gl_WorkGroupID.y + gl_WorkGroupID.x);\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n";
if (m_type == TYPE_OVERWRITE)
// write
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicAdd(sb_store0.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")], 456);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store0.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")] = 456;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicAdd(u_image0, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), 456);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image0, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), ivec4(456, 0, 0, 0));\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// write (again)
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
const std::string localID = (m_syncWithGroup) ? ("(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy + uvec2(" + de::toString(ndx+2) + ", " + de::toString(2*ndx) + ")) % gl_WorkGroupSize.xy") : ("gl_LocalInvocationID.xy");
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tatomicExchange(sb_store1.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")], groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tsb_store1.values[getIndex(" << localID << ", " << ndx << ")] = groupNdx;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageAtomicExchange(u_image1, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\timageStore(u_image1, getCoord(" << localID << ", " << ndx << "), ivec4(groupNdx, 0, 0, 0));\n";
// barrier
buf << genBarrierSource();
// read
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_elementsPerInvocation; ++ndx)
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (atomicExchange(sb_store0.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")], 123) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (sb_store0.values[getIndex(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")] == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageAtomicExchange(u_image0, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << "), 123) == groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !m_useAtomic)
buf << "\tallOk = allOk && (imageLoad(u_image0, getCoord(gl_LocalInvocationID.xy, " << ndx << ")).x == groupNdx);\n";
// return result
buf << "\n"
<< " sb_result.values[resultNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
namespace op
struct WriteData
int targetHandle;
int seed;
static WriteData Generate(int targetHandle, int seed)
WriteData retVal;
retVal.targetHandle = targetHandle;
retVal.seed = seed;
return retVal;
struct ReadData
int targetHandle;
int seed;
static ReadData Generate(int targetHandle, int seed)
ReadData retVal;
retVal.targetHandle = targetHandle;
retVal.seed = seed;
return retVal;
struct Barrier
struct WriteDataInterleaved
int targetHandle;
int seed;
bool evenOdd;
static WriteDataInterleaved Generate(int targetHandle, int seed, bool evenOdd)
WriteDataInterleaved retVal;
retVal.targetHandle = targetHandle;
retVal.seed = seed;
retVal.evenOdd = evenOdd;
return retVal;
struct ReadDataInterleaved
int targetHandle;
int seed0;
int seed1;
static ReadDataInterleaved Generate(int targetHandle, int seed0, int seed1)
ReadDataInterleaved retVal;
retVal.targetHandle = targetHandle;
retVal.seed0 = seed0;
retVal.seed1 = seed1;
return retVal;
struct ReadMultipleData
int targetHandle0;
int seed0;
int targetHandle1;
int seed1;
static ReadMultipleData Generate(int targetHandle0, int seed0, int targetHandle1, int seed1)
ReadMultipleData retVal;
retVal.targetHandle0 = targetHandle0;
retVal.seed0 = seed0;
retVal.targetHandle1 = targetHandle1;
retVal.seed1 = seed1;
return retVal;
struct ReadZeroData
int targetHandle;
static ReadZeroData Generate(int targetHandle)
ReadZeroData retVal;
retVal.targetHandle = targetHandle;
return retVal;
} // namespace op
class InterCallTestCase;
class InterCallOperations
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::WriteData&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::ReadData&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::Barrier&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::ReadMultipleData&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::WriteDataInterleaved&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::ReadDataInterleaved&);
InterCallOperations& operator<< (const op::ReadZeroData&);
struct Command
enum CommandType
CommandType type;
union CommandUnion
op::WriteData write;
op::ReadData read;
op::Barrier barrier;
op::ReadMultipleData readMulti;
op::WriteDataInterleaved writeInterleave;
op::ReadDataInterleaved readInterleave;
op::ReadZeroData readZero;
} u_cmd;
friend class InterCallTestCase;
std::vector<Command> m_cmds;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::WriteData& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_WRITE;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.write = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::ReadData& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_READ;
m_cmds.back() = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::Barrier& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_BARRIER;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.barrier = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::ReadMultipleData& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_READ_MULTIPLE;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.readMulti = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::WriteDataInterleaved& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_WRITE_INTERLEAVE;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.writeInterleave = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::ReadDataInterleaved& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_READ_INTERLEAVE;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.readInterleave = cmd;
return *this;
InterCallOperations& InterCallOperations::operator<< (const op::ReadZeroData& cmd)
m_cmds.back().type = Command::TYPE_READ_ZERO;
m_cmds.back().u_cmd.readZero = cmd;
return *this;
class InterCallTestCase : public TestCase
enum StorageType
enum Flags
InterCallTestCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags, const InterCallOperations& ops);
~InterCallTestCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
bool verifyResults (void);
void runCommand (const op::WriteData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName);
void runCommand (const op::ReadData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName);
void runCommand (const op::Barrier&);
void runCommand (const op::ReadMultipleData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName);
void runCommand (const op::WriteDataInterleaved& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName);
void runCommand (const op::ReadDataInterleaved& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName);
void runCommand (const op::ReadZeroData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName);
void runSingleRead (int targetHandle, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName);
glw::GLuint genStorage (int friendlyName);
glw::GLuint genResultStorage (void);
glu::ShaderProgram* genWriteProgram (int seed);
glu::ShaderProgram* genReadProgram (int seed);
glu::ShaderProgram* genReadMultipleProgram (int seed0, int seed1);
glu::ShaderProgram* genWriteInterleavedProgram (int seed, bool evenOdd);
glu::ShaderProgram* genReadInterleavedProgram (int seed0, int seed1);
glu::ShaderProgram* genReadZeroProgram (void);
const StorageType m_storage;
const int m_invocationGridSize; // !< width and height of the two dimensional work dispatch
const int m_perInvocationSize; // !< number of elements accessed in single invocation
const std::vector<InterCallOperations::Command> m_cmds;
const bool m_useAtomic;
const bool m_formatInteger;
std::vector<glu::ShaderProgram*> m_operationPrograms;
std::vector<glw::GLuint> m_operationResultStorages;
std::map<int, glw::GLuint> m_storageIDs;
InterCallTestCase::InterCallTestCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* desc, StorageType storage, int flags, const InterCallOperations& ops)
: TestCase (context, name, desc)
, m_storage (storage)
, m_invocationGridSize (512)
, m_perInvocationSize (2)
, m_cmds (ops.m_cmds)
, m_useAtomic ((flags & FLAG_USE_ATOMIC) != 0)
, m_formatInteger ((flags & FLAG_USE_INT) != 0)
InterCallTestCase::~InterCallTestCase (void)
void InterCallTestCase::init (void)
int programFriendlyName = 0;
// requirements
if (m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE && !checkSupport(m_context))
throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Test requires GL_OES_shader_image_atomic extension");
// generate resources and validate command list
m_operationPrograms.resize(m_cmds.size(), DE_NULL);
m_operationResultStorages.resize(m_cmds.size(), 0);
for (int step = 0; step < (int)m_cmds.size(); ++step)
switch (m_cmds[step].type)
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_WRITE:
const op::WriteData& cmd = m_cmds[step].u_cmd.write;
// new storage handle?
if (m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle) == m_storageIDs.end())
m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle] = genStorage(cmd.targetHandle);
// program
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genWriteProgram(cmd.seed);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ:
const op::ReadData& cmd = m_cmds[step];
DE_ASSERT(m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle) != m_storageIDs.end());
// program and result storage
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genReadProgram(cmd.seed);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
m_operationResultStorages[step] = genResultStorage();
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_BARRIER:
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_MULTIPLE:
const op::ReadMultipleData& cmd = m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readMulti;
DE_ASSERT(m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle0) != m_storageIDs.end());
DE_ASSERT(m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle1) != m_storageIDs.end());
// program
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genReadMultipleProgram(cmd.seed0, cmd.seed1);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
m_operationResultStorages[step] = genResultStorage();
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_WRITE_INTERLEAVE:
const op::WriteDataInterleaved& cmd = m_cmds[step].u_cmd.writeInterleave;
// new storage handle?
if (m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle) == m_storageIDs.end())
m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle] = genStorage(cmd.targetHandle);
// program
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genWriteInterleavedProgram(cmd.seed, cmd.evenOdd);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_INTERLEAVE:
const op::ReadDataInterleaved& cmd = m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readInterleave;
DE_ASSERT(m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle) != m_storageIDs.end());
// program
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genReadInterleavedProgram(cmd.seed0, cmd.seed1);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
m_operationResultStorages[step] = genResultStorage();
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_ZERO:
const op::ReadZeroData& cmd = m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readZero;
// new storage handle?
if (m_storageIDs.find(cmd.targetHandle) == m_storageIDs.end())
m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle] = genStorage(cmd.targetHandle);
// program
glu::ShaderProgram* program = genReadZeroProgram();
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program #" << ++programFriendlyName << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << *program;
if (!program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_operationPrograms[step] = program;
m_operationResultStorages[step] = genResultStorage();
void InterCallTestCase::deinit (void)
// programs
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_operationPrograms.size(); ++ndx)
delete m_operationPrograms[ndx];
// result storages
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_operationResultStorages.size(); ++ndx)
if (m_operationResultStorages[ndx])
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_operationResultStorages[ndx]);
// storage
for (std::map<int, glw::GLuint>::const_iterator it = m_storageIDs.begin(); it != m_storageIDs.end(); ++it)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
gl.deleteBuffers(1, &it->second);
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
gl.deleteTextures(1, &it->second);
InterCallTestCase::IterateResult InterCallTestCase::iterate (void)
int programFriendlyName = 0;
int resultStorageFriendlyName = 0;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Running operations:" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// run steps
for (int step = 0; step < (int)m_cmds.size(); ++step)
switch (m_cmds[step].type)
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_WRITE: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.write, step, programFriendlyName); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ: runCommand(m_cmds[step], step, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_BARRIER: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.barrier); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_MULTIPLE: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readMulti, step, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_WRITE_INTERLEAVE: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.writeInterleave, step, programFriendlyName); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_INTERLEAVE: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readInterleave, step, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName); break;
case InterCallOperations::Command::TYPE_READ_ZERO: runCommand(m_cmds[step].u_cmd.readZero, step, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName); break;
// read results from result buffers
if (verifyResults())
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, (std::string((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image")) + " content verification failed").c_str());
return STOP;
bool InterCallTestCase::verifyResults (void)
int resultBufferFriendlyName = 0;
bool allResultsOk = true;
bool anyResult = false;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Reading verifier program results" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int step = 0; step < (int)m_cmds.size(); ++step)
const int errorFloodThreshold = 5;
int numErrorsLogged = 0;
if (m_operationResultStorages[step])
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const void* mapped = DE_NULL;
std::vector<deInt32> results (m_invocationGridSize * m_invocationGridSize);
bool error = false;
anyResult = true;
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_operationResultStorages[step]);
mapped = gl.mapBufferRange(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_invocationGridSize * m_invocationGridSize * sizeof(deUint32), GL_MAP_READ_BIT);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "map buffer");
// copy to properly aligned array
deMemcpy(&results[0], mapped, m_invocationGridSize * m_invocationGridSize * sizeof(deUint32));
if (gl.unmapBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER) != GL_TRUE)
throw tcu::TestError("memory map store corrupted");
// check the results
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)results.size(); ++ndx)
if (results[ndx] != 1)
error = true;
if (numErrorsLogged == 0)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result storage #" << ++resultBufferFriendlyName << " failed, got unexpected values.\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (numErrorsLogged++ < errorFloodThreshold)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << " Error at index " << ndx << ": expected 1, got " << results[ndx] << ".\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// after N errors, no point continuing verification
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << " -- too many errors, skipping verification --\n" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (error)
allResultsOk = false;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result storage #" << ++resultBufferFriendlyName << " ok." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
return allResultsOk;
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::WriteData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running program #" << ++programFriendlyName << " to write " << ((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image")) << " #" << cmd.targetHandle << ".\n"
<< " Dispatch size: " << m_invocationGridSize << "x" << m_invocationGridSize << "."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// set destination
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind destination buffer");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
gl.bindImageTexture(0, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, (m_useAtomic) ? (GL_READ_WRITE) : (GL_WRITE_ONLY), (m_formatInteger) ? (GL_R32I) : (GL_R32F));
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind destination image");
// calc
gl.dispatchCompute(m_invocationGridSize, m_invocationGridSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "dispatch write");
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::ReadData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName)
runSingleRead(cmd.targetHandle, stepNdx, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName);
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::Barrier& cmd)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Memory Barrier\n\tbits = GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BARRIER_BIT" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Memory Barrier\n\tbits = GL_SHADER_IMAGE_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::ReadMultipleData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running program #" << ++programFriendlyName << " to verify " << ((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffers") : ("images")) << " #" << cmd.targetHandle0 << " and #" << cmd.targetHandle1 << ".\n"
<< " Writing results to result storage #" << ++resultStorageFriendlyName << ".\n"
<< " Dispatch size: " << m_invocationGridSize << "x" << m_invocationGridSize << "."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// set sources
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle0]);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle1]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source buffers");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
gl.bindImageTexture(1, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle0], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, (m_useAtomic) ? (GL_READ_WRITE) : (GL_READ_ONLY), (m_formatInteger) ? (GL_R32I) : (GL_R32F));
gl.bindImageTexture(2, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle1], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, (m_useAtomic) ? (GL_READ_WRITE) : (GL_READ_ONLY), (m_formatInteger) ? (GL_R32I) : (GL_R32F));
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source images");
// set destination
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_operationResultStorages[stepNdx]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind result buffer");
// calc
gl.dispatchCompute(m_invocationGridSize, m_invocationGridSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "dispatch read multi");
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::WriteDataInterleaved& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running program #" << ++programFriendlyName << " to write " << ((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image")) << " #" << cmd.targetHandle << ".\n"
<< " Writing to every " << ((cmd.evenOdd) ? ("even") : ("odd")) << " " << ((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("element") : ("column")) << ".\n"
<< " Dispatch size: " << m_invocationGridSize / 2 << "x" << m_invocationGridSize << "."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// set destination
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind destination buffer");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
gl.bindImageTexture(0, m_storageIDs[cmd.targetHandle], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, (m_useAtomic) ? (GL_READ_WRITE) : (GL_WRITE_ONLY), (m_formatInteger) ? (GL_R32I) : (GL_R32F));
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind destination image");
// calc
gl.dispatchCompute(m_invocationGridSize / 2, m_invocationGridSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "dispatch write");
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::ReadDataInterleaved& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName)
runSingleRead(cmd.targetHandle, stepNdx, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName);
void InterCallTestCase::runCommand (const op::ReadZeroData& cmd, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName)
runSingleRead(cmd.targetHandle, stepNdx, programFriendlyName, resultStorageFriendlyName);
void InterCallTestCase::runSingleRead (int targetHandle, int stepNdx, int& programFriendlyName, int& resultStorageFriendlyName)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running program #" << ++programFriendlyName << " to verify " << ((m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image")) << " #" << targetHandle << ".\n"
<< " Writing results to result storage #" << ++resultStorageFriendlyName << ".\n"
<< " Dispatch size: " << m_invocationGridSize << "x" << m_invocationGridSize << "."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// set source
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_storageIDs[targetHandle]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source buffer");
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
gl.bindImageTexture(1, m_storageIDs[targetHandle], 0, GL_FALSE, 0, (m_useAtomic) ? (GL_READ_WRITE) : (GL_READ_ONLY), (m_formatInteger) ? (GL_R32I) : (GL_R32F));
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind source image");
// set destination
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, m_operationResultStorages[stepNdx]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "bind result buffer");
// calc
gl.dispatchCompute(m_invocationGridSize, m_invocationGridSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "dispatch read");
glw::GLuint InterCallTestCase::genStorage (int friendlyName)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
const int numElements = m_invocationGridSize * m_invocationGridSize * m_perInvocationSize;
const int bufferSize = numElements * (int)((m_formatInteger) ? (sizeof(deInt32)) : (sizeof(glw::GLfloat)));
glw::GLuint retVal = 0;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Creating buffer #" << friendlyName << ", size " << bufferSize << " bytes." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.genBuffers(1, &retVal);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, retVal);
if (m_formatInteger)
const std::vector<deUint32> zeroBuffer(numElements, 0);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, bufferSize, &zeroBuffer[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
const std::vector<float> zeroBuffer(numElements, 0.0f);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, bufferSize, &zeroBuffer[0], GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffer");
return retVal;
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
const int imageWidth = m_invocationGridSize;
const int imageHeight = m_invocationGridSize * m_perInvocationSize;
glw::GLuint retVal = 0;
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Creating image #" << friendlyName << ", size " << imageWidth << "x" << imageHeight
<< ", internalformat = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f"))
<< ", size = " << (imageWidth*imageHeight*sizeof(deUint32)) << " bytes."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.genTextures(1, &retVal);
gl.bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, retVal);
if (m_formatInteger)
gl.texStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_R32I, imageWidth, imageHeight);
gl.texStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_R32F, imageWidth, imageHeight);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen image");
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Filling image with 0"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (m_formatInteger)
const std::vector<deInt32> zeroBuffer(imageWidth * imageHeight, 0);
gl.texSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GL_RED_INTEGER, GL_INT, &zeroBuffer[0]);
const std::vector<float> zeroBuffer(imageWidth * imageHeight, 0.0f);
gl.texSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, &zeroBuffer[0]);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "specify image contents");
return retVal;
return 0;
glw::GLuint InterCallTestCase::genResultStorage (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glw::GLuint retVal = 0;
gl.genBuffers(1, &retVal);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, retVal);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_invocationGridSize * m_invocationGridSize * sizeof(deUint32), DE_NULL, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffer");
return retVal;
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genWriteProgram (int seed)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_out;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=0) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("writeonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageOut;\n";
buf << "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< "\n";
// Write to buffer/image m_perInvocationSize elements
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
for (int writeNdx = 0; writeNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++writeNdx)
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << " atomicExchange(";
buf << " ";
buf << "sb_out.values[(groupNdx + " << seed + writeNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize << "]";
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << ", " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << " = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
for (int writeNdx = 0; writeNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++writeNdx)
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << " imageAtomicExchange";
buf << " imageStore";
buf << "(u_imageOut, ivec2((int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x) + " << (seed + writeNdx*100) << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize << ", int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y) + " << writeNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "), ";
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("ivec4(int(groupNdx), 0, 0, 0)") : ("vec4(float(groupNdx), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)")) << ");\n";
buf << "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genReadProgram (int seed)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_in;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=1) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("readonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageIn;\n";
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer ResultBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int resultOk[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " zero = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("0") : ("0.0")) << ";\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n";
// Verify data
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
if (!m_useAtomic)
buf << " allOk = allOk && (sb_in.values[(groupNdx + "
<< seed + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize << "] == "
<< ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << " allOk = allOk && (atomicExchange(sb_in.values[(groupNdx + "
<< seed + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize << "], zero) == "
<< ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
if (!m_useAtomic)
buf << " allOk = allOk && (imageLoad(u_imageIn, ivec2((gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + "
<< (seed + readNdx*100) << "u) % " << m_invocationGridSize << "u, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "u)).x == "
<< ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << " allOk = allOk && (imageAtomicExchange(u_imageIn, ivec2((gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + "
<< (seed + readNdx*100) << "u) % " << m_invocationGridSize << "u, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "u), zero) == "
<< ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << " sb_result.resultOk[groupNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genReadMultipleProgram (int seed0, int seed1)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer0\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_in0;\n"
<< "layout(binding=2, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer1\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_in1;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=1) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("readonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageIn0;\n"
<< "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=2) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("readonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageIn1;\n";
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer ResultBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int resultOk[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " zero = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("0") : ("0.0")) << ";\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n";
// Verify data
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && (" << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("atomicExchange(") : ("")) << "sb_in0.values[(groupNdx + " << seed0 + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize << "]" << ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : ("")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n"
<< " allOk = allOk && (" << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("atomicExchange(") : ("")) << "sb_in1.values[(groupNdx + " << seed1 + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize << "]" << ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : ("")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && (" << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("imageAtomicExchange") : ("imageLoad")) << "(u_imageIn0, ivec2((gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + " << (seed0 + readNdx*100) << "u) % " << m_invocationGridSize << "u, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "u)" << ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : (").x")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n"
<< " allOk = allOk && (" << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("imageAtomicExchange") : ("imageLoad")) << "(u_imageIn1, ivec2((gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + " << (seed1 + readNdx*100) << "u) % " << m_invocationGridSize << "u, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "u)" << ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : (").x")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << " sb_result.resultOk[groupNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genWriteInterleavedProgram (int seed, bool evenOdd)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_out;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=0) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("writeonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageOut;\n";
buf << "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< "\n";
// Write to buffer/image m_perInvocationSize elements
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
for (int writeNdx = 0; writeNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++writeNdx)
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << " atomicExchange(";
buf << " ";
buf << "sb_out.values[((groupNdx + " << seed + writeNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize / 2 * m_perInvocationSize << ") * 2 + " << ((evenOdd) ? (0) : (1)) << "]";
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << ", " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << "= " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx);\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
for (int writeNdx = 0; writeNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++writeNdx)
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << " imageAtomicExchange";
buf << " imageStore";
buf << "(u_imageOut, ivec2(((int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x) + " << (seed + writeNdx*100) << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") * 2 + " << ((evenOdd) ? (0) : (1)) << ", int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y) + " << writeNdx*m_invocationGridSize << "), ";
if (m_useAtomic)
buf << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(groupNdx));\n";
buf << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("ivec4(int(groupNdx), 0, 0, 0)") : ("vec4(float(groupNdx), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)")) << ");\n";
buf << "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genReadInterleavedProgram (int seed0, int seed1)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_in;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=1) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("readonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageIn;\n";
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer ResultBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int resultOk[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " int interleavedGroupNdx = int((size.x >> 1U) * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + (size.x >> 1U) * gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >> 1U));\n"
<< " " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " zero = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("0") : ("0.0")) << ";\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n";
// Verify data
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << " if (groupNdx % 2 == 0)\n"
<< " {\n";
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("atomicExchange(") : ("")) << "sb_in.values[((interleavedGroupNdx + " << seed0 + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize / 2 << ") * 2 + 0]"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : ("")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(interleavedGroupNdx));\n";
buf << " }\n"
<< " else\n"
<< " {\n";
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("atomicExchange(") : ("")) << "sb_in.values[((interleavedGroupNdx + " << seed1 + readNdx*m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize*m_invocationGridSize*m_perInvocationSize / 2 << ") * 2 + 1]"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : ("")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(interleavedGroupNdx));\n";
buf << " }\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << " if (groupNdx % 2 == 0)\n"
<< " {\n";
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("imageAtomicExchange") : ("imageLoad"))
<< "(u_imageIn, ivec2(((int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >> 1U) + " << (seed0 + readNdx*100) << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") * 2 + 0, int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y) + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << ")"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : (").x")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(interleavedGroupNdx));\n";
buf << " }\n"
<< " else\n"
<< " {\n";
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("imageAtomicExchange") : ("imageLoad"))
<< "(u_imageIn, ivec2(((int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >> 1U) + " << (seed1 + readNdx*100) << ") % " << m_invocationGridSize / 2 << ") * 2 + 1, int(gl_GlobalInvocationID.y) + " << readNdx*m_invocationGridSize << ")"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", zero)") : (").x")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << "(interleavedGroupNdx));\n";
buf << " }\n";
buf << " sb_result.resultOk[groupNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
glu::ShaderProgram* InterCallTestCase::genReadZeroProgram (void)
const bool useImageAtomics = m_useAtomic && m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE;
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< ((useImageAtomics) ? ("${SHADER_IMAGE_ATOMIC_REQUIRE}\n") : (""))
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1) in;\n";
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
buf << "layout(binding=1, std430) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("")) << "buffer Buffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " values[];\n"
<< "} sb_in;\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
buf << "layout(" << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("r32i") : ("r32f")) << ", binding=1) " << ((m_useAtomic) ? ("coherent ") : ("readonly ")) << "uniform highp " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("iimage2D") : ("image2D")) << " u_imageIn;\n";
buf << "layout(binding=0, std430) buffer ResultBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp int resultOk[];\n"
<< "} sb_result;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main (void)\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " uvec3 size = gl_NumWorkGroups * gl_WorkGroupSize;\n"
<< " int groupNdx = int(size.x * size.y * gl_GlobalInvocationID.z + size.x*gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x);\n"
<< " " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("int") : ("float")) << " anything = " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("5") : ("5.0")) << ";\n"
<< " bool allOk = true;\n"
<< "\n";
// Verify data
if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("atomicExchange(") : ("")) << "sb_in.values[groupNdx * " << m_perInvocationSize << " + " << readNdx << "]"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", anything)") : ("")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("0") : ("0.0")) << ");\n";
else if (m_storage == STORAGE_IMAGE)
for (int readNdx = 0; readNdx < m_perInvocationSize; ++readNdx)
buf << " allOk = allOk && ("
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? ("imageAtomicExchange") : ("imageLoad")) << "(u_imageIn, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x, gl_GlobalInvocationID.y + " << (readNdx*m_invocationGridSize) << "u)"
<< ((m_useAtomic) ? (", anything)") : (").x")) << " == " << ((m_formatInteger) ? ("0") : ("0.0")) << ");\n";
buf << " sb_result.resultOk[groupNdx] = (allOk) ? (1) : (0);\n"
<< "}\n";
return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str())));
class SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase : public TestCase
SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize);
~SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
std::string genComputeSource (void) const;
const int m_numCalls;
const int m_workSize;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_program;
deUint32 m_bufferID;
std::vector<deUint32> m_intermediateResultBuffers;
SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize)
: TestCase (context, name, description)
, m_numCalls (numCalls)
, m_workSize (workSize)
, m_program (DE_NULL)
, m_bufferID (DE_NULL)
SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::~SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase (void)
void SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::init (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
std::vector<deUint32> zeroData (m_workSize, 0);
// gen buffers
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_bufferID);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_bufferID);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize, &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_numCalls; ++ndx)
deUint32 buffer = 0;
gl.genBuffers(1, &buffer);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize, &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffers");
// gen program
m_program = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genComputeSource()));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_program;
if (!m_program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
void SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::deinit (void)
if (m_bufferID)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_bufferID);
m_bufferID = 0;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_intermediateResultBuffers.size(); ++ndx)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_intermediateResultBuffers[ndx]);
delete m_program;
m_program = DE_NULL;
TestCase::IterateResult SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::iterate (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const deUint32 sumValue = (deUint32)(m_numCalls * (m_numCalls + 1) / 2);
std::vector<int> deltas;
// generate unique deltas
generateShuffledRamp(m_numCalls, deltas);
// invoke program N times, each with a different delta
const int deltaLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(m_program->getProgram(), "u_atomicDelta");
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running shader " << m_numCalls << " times.\n"
<< "Num groups = (" << m_workSize << ", 1, 1)\n"
<< "Setting u_atomicDelta to a unique value for each call.\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (deltaLocation == -1)
throw tcu::TestError("u_atomicDelta location was -1");
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, m_bufferID);
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Call " << callNdx << ": u_atomicDelta = " << deltas[callNdx]
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.uniform1ui(deltaLocation, deltas[callNdx]);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_intermediateResultBuffers[callNdx]);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, 1, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "post dispatch");
// Verify result
std::vector<deUint32> result;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying work buffer, it should be filled with value " << sumValue << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_bufferID);
readBuffer(gl, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_workSize, result);
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_workSize; ++ndx)
if (result[ndx] != sumValue)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Work buffer error, at index " << ndx << " expected value " << (sumValue) << ", got " << result[ndx] << "\n"
<< "Work buffer contains invalid values."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Work buffer contents are valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// verify steps
std::vector<std::vector<deUint32> > intermediateResults (m_numCalls);
std::vector<deUint32> valueChain (m_numCalls);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying intermediate results. " << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// collect results
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_intermediateResultBuffers[callNdx]);
readBuffer(gl, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_workSize, intermediateResults[callNdx]);
// verify values
for (int valueNdx = 0; valueNdx < m_workSize; ++valueNdx)
int invalidOperationNdx;
deUint32 errorDelta;
deUint32 errorExpected;
// collect result chain for each element
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
valueChain[callNdx] = intermediateResults[callNdx][valueNdx];
// check there exists a path from 0 to sumValue using each addition once
// decompose cumulative results to addition operations (all additions positive => this works)
std::sort(valueChain.begin(), valueChain.end());
// validate chain
if (!validateSortedAtomicRampAdditionValueChain(valueChain, sumValue, invalidOperationNdx, errorDelta, errorExpected))
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Intermediate buffer error, at value index " << valueNdx << ", applied operation index " << invalidOperationNdx << ", value was increased by " << errorDelta << ", but expected " << errorExpected << ".\n"
<< "Intermediate buffer contains invalid values. Values at index " << valueNdx << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int logCallNdx = 0; logCallNdx < m_numCalls; ++logCallNdx)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Value[" << logCallNdx << "] = " << intermediateResults[logCallNdx][valueNdx] << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result = " << sumValue << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Intermediate buffers are valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
return STOP;
std::string SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase::genComputeSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer IntermediateResults\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint values[" << m_workSize << "];\n"
<< "} sb_ires;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (binding = 2, std430) volatile buffer WorkBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint values[" << m_workSize << "];\n"
<< "} sb_work;\n"
<< "uniform highp uint u_atomicDelta;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint invocationIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;\n"
<< " sb_ires.values[invocationIndex] = atomicAdd(sb_work.values[invocationIndex], u_atomicDelta);\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
class ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase : public TestCase
ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize);
~ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
std::string genComputeSource (bool evenOdd) const;
const int m_numCalls;
const int m_workSize;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_evenProgram;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_oddProgram;
deUint32 m_counterBuffer;
deUint32 m_intermediateResultBuffer;
ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize)
: TestCase (context, name, description)
, m_numCalls (numCalls)
, m_workSize (workSize)
, m_evenProgram (DE_NULL)
, m_oddProgram (DE_NULL)
, m_counterBuffer (DE_NULL)
, m_intermediateResultBuffer(DE_NULL)
ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::~ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase (void)
void ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::init (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const std::vector<deUint32> zeroData (m_numCalls * m_workSize, 0);
// gen buffer
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_counterBuffer);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_counterBuffer);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(deUint32), &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_intermediateResultBuffer);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_intermediateResultBuffer);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(deUint32) * m_numCalls * m_workSize, &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffers");
// gen programs
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "EvenProgram", "Even program");
m_evenProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genComputeSource(true)));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_evenProgram;
if (!m_evenProgram->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "OddProgram", "Odd program");
m_oddProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genComputeSource(false)));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_oddProgram;
if (!m_oddProgram->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
void ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::deinit (void)
if (m_counterBuffer)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_counterBuffer);
m_counterBuffer = 0;
if (m_intermediateResultBuffer)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_intermediateResultBuffer);
m_intermediateResultBuffer = 0;
delete m_evenProgram;
m_evenProgram = DE_NULL;
delete m_oddProgram;
m_oddProgram = DE_NULL;
TestCase::IterateResult ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::iterate (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
// invoke program N times, each with a different delta
const int evenCallNdxLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(m_evenProgram->getProgram(), "u_callNdx");
const int oddCallNdxLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(m_oddProgram->getProgram(), "u_callNdx");
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running shader pair (even & odd) " << m_numCalls << " times.\n"
<< "Num groups = (" << m_workSize << ", 1, 1)\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (evenCallNdxLocation == -1)
throw tcu::TestError("u_callNdx location was -1");
if (oddCallNdxLocation == -1)
throw tcu::TestError("u_callNdx location was -1");
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_intermediateResultBuffer);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, 0, m_counterBuffer);
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
gl.uniform1ui(evenCallNdxLocation, (deUint32)callNdx);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, 1, 1);
gl.uniform1ui(oddCallNdxLocation, (deUint32)callNdx);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, 1, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "post dispatch");
// Verify result
deUint32 result;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying work buffer, it should be " << m_numCalls*m_workSize << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.bindBuffer(GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, m_counterBuffer);
result = readBufferUint32(gl, GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER);
if ((int)result != m_numCalls*m_workSize)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Counter buffer error, expected value " << (m_numCalls*m_workSize) << ", got " << result << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Counter buffer is valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// verify steps
std::vector<deUint32> intermediateResults;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying intermediate results. " << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// collect results
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_intermediateResultBuffer);
readBuffer(gl, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_numCalls * m_workSize, intermediateResults);
// verify values
std::sort(intermediateResults.begin(), intermediateResults.end());
for (int valueNdx = 0; valueNdx < m_workSize * m_numCalls; ++valueNdx)
if ((int)intermediateResults[valueNdx] != valueNdx)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Intermediate buffer error, at value index " << valueNdx << ", expected " << valueNdx << ", got " << intermediateResults[valueNdx] << ".\n"
<< "Intermediate buffer contains invalid values. Intermediate results:\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int logCallNdx = 0; logCallNdx < m_workSize * m_numCalls; ++logCallNdx)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Value[" << logCallNdx << "] = " << intermediateResults[logCallNdx] << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Intermediate buffers are valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
return STOP;
std::string ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase::genComputeSource (bool evenOdd) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer IntermediateResults\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint values[" << m_workSize * m_numCalls << "];\n"
<< "} sb_ires;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (binding = 0, offset = 0) uniform atomic_uint u_counter;\n"
<< "uniform highp uint u_callNdx;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint dataNdx = u_callNdx * " << m_workSize << "u + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;\n"
<< " if ((dataNdx % 2u) == " << ((evenOdd) ? (0) : (1)) << "u)\n"
<< " sb_ires.values[dataNdx] = atomicCounterIncrement(u_counter);\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
class ConcurrentImageAtomicCase : public TestCase
ConcurrentImageAtomicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize);
~ConcurrentImageAtomicCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
void readWorkImage (std::vector<deUint32>& result);
std::string genComputeSource (void) const;
std::string genImageReadSource (void) const;
std::string genImageClearSource (void) const;
const int m_numCalls;
const int m_workSize;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_program;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_imageReadProgram;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_imageClearProgram;
deUint32 m_imageID;
std::vector<deUint32> m_intermediateResultBuffers;
ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::ConcurrentImageAtomicCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize)
: TestCase (context, name, description)
, m_numCalls (numCalls)
, m_workSize (workSize)
, m_program (DE_NULL)
, m_imageReadProgram (DE_NULL)
, m_imageClearProgram (DE_NULL)
, m_imageID (DE_NULL)
ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::~ConcurrentImageAtomicCase (void)
void ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::init (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
std::vector<deUint32> zeroData (m_workSize * m_workSize, 0);
if (!checkSupport(m_context))
throw tcu::NotSupportedError("Test requires GL_OES_shader_image_atomic");
// gen image
gl.genTextures(1, &m_imageID);
gl.bindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_imageID);
gl.texStorage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, GL_R32UI, m_workSize, m_workSize);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen tex");
// gen buffers
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_numCalls; ++ndx)
deUint32 buffer = 0;
gl.genBuffers(1, &buffer);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, buffer);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize * m_workSize, &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffers");
// gen programs
m_program = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genComputeSource()));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_program;
if (!m_program->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_imageReadProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genImageReadSource()));
if (!m_imageReadProgram->isOk())
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "ImageReadProgram", "Image read program");
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_imageReadProgram;
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
m_imageClearProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genImageClearSource()));
if (!m_imageClearProgram->isOk())
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "ImageClearProgram", "Image read program");
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_imageClearProgram;
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
void ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::deinit (void)
if (m_imageID)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteTextures(1, &m_imageID);
m_imageID = 0;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < (int)m_intermediateResultBuffers.size(); ++ndx)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_intermediateResultBuffers[ndx]);
delete m_program;
m_program = DE_NULL;
delete m_imageReadProgram;
m_imageReadProgram = DE_NULL;
delete m_imageClearProgram;
m_imageClearProgram = DE_NULL;
TestCase::IterateResult ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::iterate (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const deUint32 sumValue = (deUint32)(m_numCalls * (m_numCalls + 1) / 2);
std::vector<int> deltas;
// generate unique deltas
generateShuffledRamp(m_numCalls, deltas);
// clear image
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Clearing image contents" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.bindImageTexture(2, m_imageID, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_WRITE_ONLY, GL_R32UI);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, m_workSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "clear");
// invoke program N times, each with a different delta
const int deltaLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(m_program->getProgram(), "u_atomicDelta");
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running shader " << m_numCalls << " times.\n"
<< "Num groups = (" << m_workSize << ", " << m_workSize << ", 1)\n"
<< "Setting u_atomicDelta to a unique value for each call.\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
if (deltaLocation == -1)
throw tcu::TestError("u_atomicDelta location was -1");
gl.bindImageTexture(2, m_imageID, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_READ_WRITE, GL_R32UI);
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Call " << callNdx << ": u_atomicDelta = " << deltas[callNdx]
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.uniform1ui(deltaLocation, deltas[callNdx]);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_intermediateResultBuffers[callNdx]);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, m_workSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "post dispatch");
// Verify result
std::vector<deUint32> result;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying work image, it should be filled with value " << sumValue << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int ndx = 0; ndx < m_workSize * m_workSize; ++ndx)
if (result[ndx] != sumValue)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Work image error, at index (" << ndx % m_workSize << ", " << ndx / m_workSize << ") expected value " << (sumValue) << ", got " << result[ndx] << "\n"
<< "Work image contains invalid values."
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Image contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Work image contents are valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// verify steps
std::vector<std::vector<deUint32> > intermediateResults (m_numCalls);
std::vector<deUint32> valueChain (m_numCalls);
std::vector<deUint32> chainDelta (m_numCalls);
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying intermediate results. " << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// collect results
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_intermediateResultBuffers[callNdx]);
readBuffer(gl, GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_workSize * m_workSize, intermediateResults[callNdx]);
// verify values
for (int valueNdx = 0; valueNdx < m_workSize; ++valueNdx)
int invalidOperationNdx;
deUint32 errorDelta;
deUint32 errorExpected;
// collect result chain for each element
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
valueChain[callNdx] = intermediateResults[callNdx][valueNdx];
// check there exists a path from 0 to sumValue using each addition once
// decompose cumulative results to addition operations (all additions positive => this works)
std::sort(valueChain.begin(), valueChain.end());
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
chainDelta[callNdx] = ((callNdx + 1 == m_numCalls) ? (sumValue) : (valueChain[callNdx+1])) - valueChain[callNdx];
// chainDelta contains now the actual additions applied to the value
std::sort(chainDelta.begin(), chainDelta.end());
// validate chain
if (!validateSortedAtomicRampAdditionValueChain(valueChain, sumValue, invalidOperationNdx, errorDelta, errorExpected))
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Intermediate buffer error, at index (" << valueNdx % m_workSize << ", " << valueNdx / m_workSize << "), applied operation index "
<< invalidOperationNdx << ", value was increased by " << errorDelta << ", but expected " << errorExpected << ".\n"
<< "Intermediate buffer contains invalid values. Values at index (" << valueNdx % m_workSize << ", " << valueNdx / m_workSize << ")\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
for (int logCallNdx = 0; logCallNdx < m_numCalls; ++logCallNdx)
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Value[" << logCallNdx << "] = " << intermediateResults[logCallNdx][valueNdx] << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Result = " << sumValue << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Intermediate buffers are valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
return STOP;
void ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::readWorkImage (std::vector<deUint32>& result)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
glu::Buffer resultBuffer (m_context.getRenderContext());
// Read image to an ssbo
const std::vector<deUint32> zeroData(m_workSize*m_workSize, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, *resultBuffer);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, (int)(sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize * m_workSize), &zeroData[0], GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, *resultBuffer);
gl.bindImageTexture(2, m_imageID, 0, GL_FALSE, 0, GL_READ_ONLY, GL_R32UI);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, m_workSize, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "read");
// Read ssbo
const void* ptr = gl.mapBufferRange(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 0, (int)(sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize * m_workSize), GL_MAP_READ_BIT);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "map");
if (!ptr)
throw tcu::TestError("mapBufferRange returned NULL");
result.resize(m_workSize * m_workSize);
memcpy(&result[0], ptr, sizeof(deUint32) * m_workSize * m_workSize);
throw tcu::TestError("unmapBuffer returned false");
std::string ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::genComputeSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer IntermediateResults\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint values[" << m_workSize * m_workSize << "];\n"
<< "} sb_ires;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (binding = 2, r32ui) volatile uniform highp uimage2D u_workImage;\n"
<< "uniform highp uint u_atomicDelta;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint invocationIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * uint(" << m_workSize <<");\n"
<< " sb_ires.values[invocationIndex] = imageAtomicAdd(u_workImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), u_atomicDelta);\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
std::string ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::genImageReadSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 1, std430) writeonly buffer ImageValues\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint values[" << m_workSize * m_workSize << "];\n"
<< "} sb_res;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (binding = 2, r32ui) readonly uniform highp uimage2D u_workImage;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint invocationIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x + gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * uint(" << m_workSize <<");\n"
<< " sb_res.values[invocationIndex] = imageLoad(u_workImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy)).x;\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
std::string ConcurrentImageAtomicCase::genImageClearSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 2, r32ui) writeonly uniform highp uimage2D u_workImage;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " imageStore(u_workImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), uvec4(0, 0, 0, 0));\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
class ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase : public TestCase
ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize);
~ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase (void);
void init (void);
void deinit (void);
IterateResult iterate (void);
std::string genSSBOComputeSource (void) const;
std::string genAtomicCounterComputeSource (void) const;
const int m_numCalls;
const int m_workSize;
deUint32 m_bufferID;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_ssboAtomicProgram;
glu::ShaderProgram* m_atomicCounterProgram;
ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, int numCalls, int workSize)
: TestCase (context, name, description)
, m_numCalls (numCalls)
, m_workSize (workSize)
, m_bufferID (DE_NULL)
, m_ssboAtomicProgram (DE_NULL)
, m_atomicCounterProgram (DE_NULL)
// SSBO atomic XORs cancel out
DE_ASSERT((workSize * numCalls) % (16 * 2) == 0);
ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::~ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase (void)
void ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::init (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
const deUint32 zeroBuf[2] = { 0, 0 };
// gen buffer
gl.genBuffers(1, &m_bufferID);
gl.bindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, m_bufferID);
gl.bufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, (int)(sizeof(deUint32) * 2), zeroBuf, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "gen buffers");
// gen programs
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "SSBOProgram", "SSBO atomic program");
m_ssboAtomicProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genSSBOComputeSource()));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_ssboAtomicProgram;
if (!m_ssboAtomicProgram->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
const tcu::ScopedLogSection section(m_testCtx.getLog(), "AtomicCounterProgram", "Atomic counter program");
m_atomicCounterProgram = new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::ProgramSources() << glu::ComputeSource(genAtomicCounterComputeSource()));
m_testCtx.getLog() << *m_atomicCounterProgram;
if (!m_atomicCounterProgram->isOk())
throw tcu::TestError("could not build program");
void ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::deinit (void)
if (m_bufferID)
m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions().deleteBuffers(1, &m_bufferID);
m_bufferID = 0;
delete m_ssboAtomicProgram;
m_ssboAtomicProgram = DE_NULL;
delete m_atomicCounterProgram;
m_atomicCounterProgram = DE_NULL;
TestCase::IterateResult ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::iterate (void)
const glw::Functions& gl = m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Testing atomic counters and SSBO atomic operations with both backed by the same buffer." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
// invoke programs N times
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Running SSBO atomic program and atomic counter program " << m_numCalls << " times. (interleaved)\n"
<< "Num groups = (" << m_workSize << ", 1, 1)\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, m_bufferID);
gl.bindBufferBase(GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, 0, m_bufferID);
for (int callNdx = 0; callNdx < m_numCalls; ++callNdx)
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, 1, 1);
gl.dispatchCompute(m_workSize, 1, 1);
GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(gl.getError(), "post dispatch");
// Verify result
deUint32 result;
// XORs cancel out, only addition is left
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Verifying work buffer, it should be " << m_numCalls*m_workSize << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
gl.bindBuffer(GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, m_bufferID);
result = readBufferUint32(gl, GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER);
if ((int)result != m_numCalls*m_workSize)
<< tcu::TestLog::Message
<< "Buffer value error, expected value " << (m_numCalls*m_workSize) << ", got " << result << "\n"
<< tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Buffer contents invalid");
return STOP;
m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Buffer is valid." << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage;
m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass");
return STOP;
std::string ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::genSSBOComputeSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "layout (binding = 1, std430) volatile buffer WorkBuffer\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " highp uint targetValue;\n"
<< " highp uint dummy;\n"
<< "} sb_work;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " // flip high bits\n"
<< " highp uint mask = uint(1) << (24u + (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x % 8u));\n"
<< " sb_work.dummy = atomicXor(sb_work.targetValue, mask);\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
std::string ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase::genAtomicCounterComputeSource (void) const
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << "${GLSL_VERSION_DECL}\n"
<< "layout (local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "layout (binding = 0, offset = 0) uniform atomic_uint u_counter;\n"
<< "\n"
<< "void main ()\n"
<< "{\n"
<< " atomicCounterIncrement(u_counter);\n"
<< "}";
return specializeShader(m_context, buf.str().c_str());
} // anonymous
SynchronizationTests::SynchronizationTests (Context& context)
: TestCaseGroup(context, "synchronization", "Synchronization tests")
SynchronizationTests::~SynchronizationTests (void)
void SynchronizationTests::init (void)
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const inInvocationGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "in_invocation", "Test intra-invocation synchronization");
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const interInvocationGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "inter_invocation", "Test inter-invocation synchronization");
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const interCallGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "inter_call", "Test inter-call synchronization");
// .in_invocation & .inter_invocation
static const struct CaseConfig
const char* namePrefix;
const InterInvocationTestCase::StorageType storage;
const int flags;
} configs[] =
{ "image", InterInvocationTestCase::STORAGE_IMAGE, 0 },
{ "image_atomic", InterInvocationTestCase::STORAGE_IMAGE, InterInvocationTestCase::FLAG_ATOMIC },
{ "ssbo", InterInvocationTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER, 0 },
{ "ssbo_atomic", InterInvocationTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER, InterInvocationTestCase::FLAG_ATOMIC },
for (int groupNdx = 0; groupNdx < 2; ++groupNdx)
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const targetGroup = (groupNdx == 0) ? (inInvocationGroup) : (interInvocationGroup);
const int extraFlags = (groupNdx == 0) ? (0) : (InterInvocationTestCase::FLAG_IN_GROUP);
for (int configNdx = 0; configNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(configs); ++configNdx)
const char* const target = (configs[configNdx].storage == InterInvocationTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image");
targetGroup->addChild(new InvocationWriteReadCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_write_read").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to ") + target + " and read it").c_str(),
configs[configNdx].flags | extraFlags));
targetGroup->addChild(new InvocationReadWriteCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_read_write").c_str(),
(std::string("Read form ") + target + " and then write to it").c_str(),
configs[configNdx].flags | extraFlags));
targetGroup->addChild(new InvocationOverWriteCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_overwrite").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to ") + target + " twice and read it").c_str(),
configs[configNdx].flags | extraFlags));
targetGroup->addChild(new InvocationAliasWriteCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_alias_write").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to aliasing ") + target + " and read it").c_str(),
configs[configNdx].flags | extraFlags));
targetGroup->addChild(new InvocationAliasWriteCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_alias_overwrite").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to aliasing ") + target + "s and read it").c_str(),
configs[configNdx].flags | extraFlags));
// .inter_call
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const withBarrierGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "with_memory_barrier", "Synchronize with memory barrier");
tcu::TestCaseGroup* const withoutBarrierGroup = new tcu::TestCaseGroup(m_testCtx, "without_memory_barrier", "Synchronize without memory barrier");
// .with_memory_barrier
static const struct CaseConfig
const char* namePrefix;
const InterCallTestCase::StorageType storage;
const int flags;
} configs[] =
{ "image", InterCallTestCase::STORAGE_IMAGE, 0 },
{ "image_atomic", InterCallTestCase::STORAGE_IMAGE, InterCallTestCase::FLAG_USE_ATOMIC | InterCallTestCase::FLAG_USE_INT },
{ "ssbo", InterCallTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER, 0 },
{ "ssbo_atomic", InterCallTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER, InterCallTestCase::FLAG_USE_ATOMIC | InterCallTestCase::FLAG_USE_INT },
const int seed0 = 123;
const int seed1 = 457;
for (int configNdx = 0; configNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(configs); ++configNdx)
const char* const target = (configs[configNdx].storage == InterCallTestCase::STORAGE_BUFFER) ? ("buffer") : ("image");
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_write_read").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to ") + target + " and read it").c_str(),
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadData::Generate(1, seed0)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_read_write").c_str(),
(std::string("Read from ") + target + " and then write to it").c_str(),
<< op::ReadZeroData::Generate(1)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_overwrite").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to ") + target + " twice and read it").c_str(),
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed1)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadData::Generate(1, seed1)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_multiple_write_read").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to multiple ") + target + "s and read them").c_str(),
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::WriteData::Generate(2, seed1)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadMultipleData::Generate(1, seed0, 2, seed1)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_multiple_interleaved_write_read").c_str(),
(std::string("Write to same ") + target + " in multiple calls and read it").c_str(),
<< op::WriteDataInterleaved::Generate(1, seed0, true)
<< op::WriteDataInterleaved::Generate(1, seed1, false)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadDataInterleaved::Generate(1, seed0, seed1)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_multiple_unrelated_write_read_ordered").c_str(),
(std::string("Two unrelated ") + target + " write-reads").c_str(),
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::WriteData::Generate(2, seed1)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::ReadData::Generate(2, seed1)));
withBarrierGroup->addChild(new InterCallTestCase(m_context,
(std::string(configs[configNdx].namePrefix) + "_multiple_unrelated_write_read_non_ordered").c_str(),
(std::string("Two unrelated ") + target + " write-reads").c_str(),
<< op::WriteData::Generate(1, seed0)
<< op::WriteData::Generate(2, seed1)
<< op::Barrier()
<< op::ReadData::Generate(2, seed1)
<< op::ReadData::Generate(1, seed0)));
// .without_memory_barrier
struct InvocationConfig
const char* name;
int count;
static const InvocationConfig ssboInvocations[] =
{ "1k", 1024 },
{ "4k", 4096 },
{ "32k", 32768 },
static const InvocationConfig imageInvocations[] =
{ "8x8", 8 },
{ "32x32", 32 },
{ "128x128", 128 },
static const InvocationConfig counterInvocations[] =
{ "32", 32 },
{ "128", 128 },
{ "1k", 1024 },
static const int callCounts[] = { 2, 5, 100 };
for (int invocationNdx = 0; invocationNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(ssboInvocations); ++invocationNdx)
for (int callCountNdx = 0; callCountNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(callCounts); ++callCountNdx)
withoutBarrierGroup->addChild(new SSBOConcurrentAtomicCase(m_context, (std::string("ssbo_atomic_dispatch_") + de::toString(callCounts[callCountNdx]) + "_calls_" + ssboInvocations[invocationNdx].name + "_invocations").c_str(), "", callCounts[callCountNdx], ssboInvocations[invocationNdx].count));
for (int invocationNdx = 0; invocationNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(imageInvocations); ++invocationNdx)
for (int callCountNdx = 0; callCountNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(callCounts); ++callCountNdx)
withoutBarrierGroup->addChild(new ConcurrentImageAtomicCase(m_context, (std::string("image_atomic_dispatch_") + de::toString(callCounts[callCountNdx]) + "_calls_" + imageInvocations[invocationNdx].name + "_invocations").c_str(), "", callCounts[callCountNdx], imageInvocations[invocationNdx].count));
for (int invocationNdx = 0; invocationNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(counterInvocations); ++invocationNdx)
for (int callCountNdx = 0; callCountNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(callCounts); ++callCountNdx)
withoutBarrierGroup->addChild(new ConcurrentAtomicCounterCase(m_context, (std::string("atomic_counter_dispatch_") + de::toString(callCounts[callCountNdx]) + "_calls_" + counterInvocations[invocationNdx].name + "_invocations").c_str(), "", callCounts[callCountNdx], counterInvocations[invocationNdx].count));
for (int invocationNdx = 0; invocationNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(counterInvocations); ++invocationNdx)
for (int callCountNdx = 0; callCountNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(callCounts); ++callCountNdx)
withoutBarrierGroup->addChild(new ConcurrentSSBOAtomicCounterMixedCase(m_context, (std::string("ssbo_atomic_counter_mixed_dispatch_") + de::toString(callCounts[callCountNdx]) + "_calls_" + counterInvocations[invocationNdx].name + "_invocations").c_str(), "", callCounts[callCountNdx], counterInvocations[invocationNdx].count));
} // Functional
} // gles31
} // deqp