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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "mojo/public/c/system/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/system_export.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
// Flags passed to |MojoSetQuota| via |MojoSetQuotaOptions|.
typedef uint32_t MojoSetQuotaFlags;
// No flags.
#define MOJO_SET_QUOTA_FLAG_NONE ((MojoSetQuotaFlags)0)
// Options passed to |MojoSetQuota()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoSetQuotaOptions {
// The size of this structure, used for versioning.
uint32_t struct_size;
// See |MojoSetQuotaFlags| above.
MojoSetQuotaFlags flags;
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(MojoSetQuotaOptions) == 8,
"MojoSetQuotaOptions has wrong size.");
// Flags passed to |MojoQueryQuota| via |MojoQueryQuotaOptions|.
typedef uint32_t MojoQueryQuotaFlags;
// No flags.
#define MOJO_QUERY_QUOTA_FLAG_NONE ((MojoQueryQuotaFlags)0)
// Options passed to |MojoQueryQuota()|.
struct MOJO_ALIGNAS(8) MojoQueryQuotaOptions {
// The size of this structure, used for versioning.
uint32_t struct_size;
// See |MojoQueryQuotaFlags| above.
MojoQueryQuotaFlags flags;
MOJO_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(MojoQueryQuotaOptions) == 8,
"MojoQueryQuotaOptions has wrong size.");
// The maximum value any quota can be set to. Effectively means "no quota".
#define MOJO_QUOTA_LIMIT_NONE ((uint64_t)0xffffffffffffffff)
// An enumeration of different types of quotas that can be set on a handle.
typedef uint32_t MojoQuotaType;
// Limits the number of unread messages which can be queued on a message pipe
// endpoint before raising a |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_QUOTA_EXCEEDED| signal on that
// endpoint. May only be set on message pipe handles.
// Limits the total size (in bytes) of unread messages which can be queued on a
// message pipe endpoint before raising a |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_QUOTA_EXCEEDED|
// signal on that endpoint. May only be set on message pipe handles.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Sets a quota on a given handle which will cause that handle to raise the
// |MOJO_HANDLE_SIGNAL_QUOTA_EXCEEDED| signal if the quota is exceeded. Signals
// can be trapped using |MojoCreateTrap()| and related APIs (see trap.h).
// All quota limits on a handle default to |MOJO_QUOTA_LIMIT_NONE|, meaning that
// the resource is unlimited.
// NOTE: A handle's quota is only enforced as long as the handle remains within
// the process which set the quota.
// Parameters:
// |handle|: The handle on which a quota should be set.
// |type|: The type of quota to set. Certain types of quotas may only be set
// on certain types of handles. See notes on individual quota type
// definitions above for meaning and restrictions.
// |limit|: The limiting value of the quota. The meaning of this is determined
// by |type|. See notes on individual quota type definitions above.
// |options|: Additional options; may be null.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the quota was successfully set.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle value,
// |type| is not a known quota type, |options| is non-null but
// |*options| is malformed, or the quota |type| cannot be set on |handle|
// because the quota does not apply to that type of handle.
MojoSetQuota(MojoHandle handle,
MojoQuotaType type,
uint64_t limit,
const struct MojoSetQuotaOptions* options);
// Queries a handle for information about a specific quota.
// Parameters:
// |handle|: The handle to query.
// |type|: The type of quota to query.
// |limit|: Receives the quota's currently set limit if non-null.
// |usage|: Receives the quota's current usage if non-null.
// Returns:
// |MOJO_RESULT_OK| if the quota was successfully queried on |handle|. Upon
// return, |*limit| contains the quota's current limit if |limit| is
// non-null, and |*usage| contains the quota's current usage if |usage| is
// non-null.
// |MOJO_RESULT_INVALID_ARGUMENT| if |handle| is not a valid handle value or
// quota |type| does not apply to the type of object referenced by
// |handle|.
MojoQueryQuota(MojoHandle handle,
MojoQuotaType type,
const struct MojoQueryQuotaOptions* options,
uint64_t* limit,
uint64_t* usage);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"