* Backend test program for CUPS.
* Copyright © 2007-2014 by Apple Inc.
* Copyright © 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
* Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more
* information.
* Include necessary headers.
#include <cups/string-private.h>
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/sidechannel.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
* Local globals...
static int job_canceled = 0;
* Local functions...
static void sigterm_handler(int sig);
static void usage(void) _CUPS_NORETURN;
static void walk_cb(const char *oid, const char *data, int datalen,
void *context);
* 'main()' - Run the named backend.
* Usage:
* testbackend [-s] [-t] device-uri job-id user title copies options [file]
int /* O - Exit status */
main(int argc, /* I - Number of command-line args */
char *argv[]) /* I - Command-line arguments */
int first_arg, /* First argument for backend */
do_cancel = 0, /* Simulate a cancel-job via SIGTERM */
do_ps = 0, /* Do PostScript query+test? */
do_pcl = 0, /* Do PCL query+test? */
do_side_tests = 0, /* Test side-channel ops? */
do_trickle = 0, /* Trickle data to backend */
do_walk = 0, /* Do OID lookup (0) or walking (1) */
show_log = 0; /* Show log messages from backends? */
const char *oid = ".";
/* OID to lookup or walk */
char scheme[255], /* Scheme in URI == backend */
backend[1024], /* Backend path */
libpath[1024], /* Path for libcups */
*ptr; /* Pointer into path */
const char *serverbin; /* CUPS_SERVERBIN environment variable */
int fd, /* Temporary file descriptor */
back_fds[2], /* Back-channel pipe */
side_fds[2], /* Side-channel socket */
data_fds[2], /* Data pipe */
back_pid = -1, /* Backend process ID */
data_pid = -1, /* Trickle process ID */
pid, /* Process ID */
status; /* Exit status */
* Get the current directory and point the run-time linker at the "cups"
* subdirectory...
if (getcwd(libpath, sizeof(libpath)) &&
(ptr = strrchr(libpath, '/')) != NULL && !strcmp(ptr, "/backend"))
strlcpy(ptr, "/cups", sizeof(libpath) - (size_t)(ptr - libpath));
if (!access(libpath, 0))
#ifdef __APPLE__
fprintf(stderr, "Setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to \"%s\".\n", libpath);
setenv("DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", libpath, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH to \"%s\".\n", libpath);
setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", libpath, 1);
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
* See if we have side-channel tests to do...
for (first_arg = 1;
argv[first_arg] && argv[first_arg][0] == '-';
first_arg ++)
if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-d"))
show_log = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-cancel"))
do_cancel = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-pcl"))
do_pcl = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-ps"))
do_ps = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-s"))
do_side_tests = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-t"))
do_trickle = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-get") && (first_arg + 1) < argc)
first_arg ++;
do_side_tests = 1;
oid = argv[first_arg];
else if (!strcmp(argv[first_arg], "-walk") && (first_arg + 1) < argc)
first_arg ++;
do_side_tests = 1;
do_walk = 1;
oid = argv[first_arg];
argc -= first_arg;
if (argc < 6 || argc > 7 || (argc == 7 && do_trickle))
* Extract the scheme from the device-uri - that's the program we want to
* execute.
if (sscanf(argv[first_arg], "%254[^:]", scheme) != 1)
fputs("testbackend: Bad device-uri - no colon!\n", stderr);
return (1);
if (!access(scheme, X_OK))
strlcpy(backend, scheme, sizeof(backend));
if ((serverbin = getenv("CUPS_SERVERBIN")) == NULL)
serverbin = CUPS_SERVERBIN;
snprintf(backend, sizeof(backend), "%s/backend/%s", serverbin, scheme);
if (access(backend, X_OK))
fprintf(stderr, "testbackend: Unknown device scheme \"%s\"!\n", scheme);
return (1);
* Create the back-channel pipe and side-channel socket...
open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY); /* Make sure fd 3 and 4 are used */
open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
fcntl(back_fds[0], F_SETFL, fcntl(back_fds[0], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
fcntl(back_fds[1], F_SETFL, fcntl(back_fds[1], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
socketpair(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0, side_fds);
fcntl(side_fds[0], F_SETFL, fcntl(side_fds[0], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
fcntl(side_fds[1], F_SETFL, fcntl(side_fds[1], F_GETFL) | O_NONBLOCK);
* Execute the trickle process as needed...
if (do_trickle || do_pcl || do_ps || do_cancel)
signal(SIGTERM, sigterm_handler);
if ((data_pid = fork()) == 0)
* Trickle/query child comes here. Rearrange file descriptors so that
* FD 1, 3, and 4 point to the backend...
if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY)) != 0)
dup2(fd, 0);
if (data_fds[1] != 1)
dup2(data_fds[1], 1);
if (back_fds[0] != 3)
dup2(back_fds[0], 3);
if (side_fds[0] != 4)
dup2(side_fds[0], 4);
if (do_trickle)
* Write 10 spaces, 1 per second...
int i; /* Looping var */
for (i = 0; i < 10; i ++)
write(1, " ", 1);
else if (do_cancel)
* Write PS or PCL lines until we see SIGTERM...
int line = 0, page = 0; /* Current line and page */
ssize_t bytes; /* Number of bytes of response data */
char buffer[1024]; /* Output buffer */
if (do_pcl)
write(1, "\033E", 2);
write(1, "%!\n/Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont 0 setgray\n", 52);
while (!job_canceled)
if (line == 0)
page ++;
if (do_pcl)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "PCL Page %d\r\n\r\n", page);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"18 732 moveto (PS Page %d) show\n", page);
write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
line ++;
if (do_pcl)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "Line %d\r\n", line);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "18 %d moveto (Line %d) show\n",
720 - line * 12, line);
write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
if (line >= 55)
* Eject after 55 lines...
line = 0;
if (do_pcl)
write(1, "\014", 1);
write(1, "showpage\n", 9);
* Check for back-channel data...
if ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0)) > 0)
write(2, buffer, (size_t)bytes);
* Throttle output to ~100hz...
* Eject current page with info...
if (do_pcl)
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"Canceled on line %d of page %d\r\n\014\033E", line, page);
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
"\n18 %d moveto (Canceled on line %d of page %d)\nshowpage\n",
720 - line * 12, line, page);
write(1, buffer, strlen(buffer));
* See if we get any back-channel data...
while ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 5.0)) > 0)
write(2, buffer, (size_t)bytes);
* Do PS or PCL query + test pages.
char buffer[1024]; /* Buffer for response data */
ssize_t bytes; /* Number of bytes of response data */
double timeout; /* Timeout */
const char *data; /* Data to send */
static const char *pcl_data = /* PCL data */
"@PJL JOB NAME = \"Hello, World!\"\r\n"
"Hello, World!\n"
"@PJL EOJ NAME=\"Hello, World!\"\r\n"
static const char *ps_data = /* PostScript data */
"product = flush\n"
"currentpagedevice /PageSize get aload pop\n"
"2 copy gt {exch} if\n"
"19 dict\n"
"dup [612 792] (Letter) put\n"
"dup [612 1008] (Legal) put\n"
"dup [612 935] (w612h935) put\n"
"dup [522 756] (Executive) put\n"
"dup [595 842] (A4) put\n"
"dup [420 595] (A5) put\n"
"dup [499 709] (ISOB5) put\n"
"dup [516 728] (B5) put\n"
"dup [612 936] (w612h936) put\n"
"dup [284 419] (Postcard) put\n"
"dup [419.5 567] (DoublePostcard) put\n"
"dup [558 774] (w558h774) put\n"
"dup [553 765] (w553h765) put\n"
"dup [522 737] (w522h737) put\n"
"dup [499 709] (EnvISOB5) put\n"
"dup [297 684] (Env10) put\n"
"dup [459 649] (EnvC5) put\n"
"dup [312 624] (EnvDL) put\n"
"dup [279 540] (EnvMonarch) put\n"
"{ exch aload pop 4 index sub abs 5 le exch\n"
" 5 index sub abs 5 le and\n"
" {exch pop exit} {pop} ifelse\n"
"} bind forall\n"
"= flush pop pop\n"
"/Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont\n"
"0 setgray 36 720 moveto (Hello, ) show product show (!) show\n"
if (do_pcl)
data = pcl_data;
data = ps_data;
write(1, data, strlen(data));
write(2, "DEBUG: START\n", 13);
timeout = 60.0;
while ((bytes = cupsBackChannelRead(buffer, sizeof(buffer),
timeout)) > 0)
write(2, buffer, (size_t)bytes);
timeout = 5.0;
write(2, "\nDEBUG: END\n", 12);
else if (data_pid < 0)
perror("testbackend: Unable to fork");
return (1);
data_fds[0] = data_fds[1] = -1;
* Execute the backend...
if ((back_pid = fork()) == 0)
* Child comes here...
if (do_trickle || do_ps || do_pcl || do_cancel)
if (data_fds[0] != 0)
dup2(data_fds[0], 0);
if (!show_log)
if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY)) != 2)
dup2(fd, 2);
if (back_fds[1] != 3)
dup2(back_fds[1], 3);
if (side_fds[1] != 4)
dup2(side_fds[1], 4);
execv(backend, argv + first_arg);
fprintf(stderr, "testbackend: Unable to execute \"%s\": %s\n", backend,
return (errno);
else if (back_pid < 0)
perror("testbackend: Unable to fork");
return (1);
* Parent comes here, setup back and side channel file descriptors...
if (do_trickle || do_ps || do_pcl || do_cancel)
if (back_fds[0] != 3)
dup2(back_fds[0], 3);
if (side_fds[0] != 4)
dup2(side_fds[0], 4);
* Do side-channel tests as needed, then wait for the backend...
if (do_side_tests)
int length; /* Length of buffer */
char buffer[2049]; /* Buffer for reponse */
cups_sc_status_t scstatus; /* Status of side-channel command */
static const char * const statuses[] =
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_NONE", /* No status */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_OK", /* Operation succeeded */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_IO_ERROR", /* An I/O error occurred */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_TIMEOUT", /* The backend did not respond */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE", /* The device did not respond */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE", /* The command/response message was invalid */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_TOO_BIG", /* Response too big */
"CUPS_SC_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED" /* Command not implemented */
length = 0;
scstatus = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_DRAIN_OUTPUT, buffer,
&length, 60.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_DRAIN_OUTPUT returned %s\n", statuses[scstatus]);
length = 1;
scstatus = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_BIDI, buffer,
&length, 5.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_BIDI returned %s, %d\n", statuses[scstatus], buffer[0]);
length = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
scstatus = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID, buffer,
&length, 5.0);
buffer[length] = '\0';
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_DEVICE_ID returned %s, \"%s\"\n",
statuses[scstatus], buffer);
length = 1;
scstatus = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_STATE, buffer,
&length, 5.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_GET_STATE returned %s, %02X\n", statuses[scstatus],
buffer[0] & 255);
if (do_walk)
* Walk the OID tree...
scstatus = cupsSideChannelSNMPWalk(oid, 5.0, walk_cb, NULL);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_WALK returned %s\n", statuses[scstatus]);
* Lookup the same OID twice...
length = sizeof(buffer);
scstatus = cupsSideChannelSNMPGet(oid, buffer, &length, 5.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET %s returned %s, %d bytes (%s)\n", oid,
statuses[scstatus], (int)length, buffer);
length = sizeof(buffer);
scstatus = cupsSideChannelSNMPGet(oid, buffer, &length, 5.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_GET %s returned %s, %d bytes (%s)\n", oid,
statuses[scstatus], (int)length, buffer);
length = 0;
scstatus = cupsSideChannelDoRequest(CUPS_SC_CMD_SOFT_RESET, buffer,
&length, 5.0);
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_SOFT_RESET returned %s\n", statuses[scstatus]);
if (do_cancel)
kill(data_pid, SIGTERM);
kill(back_pid, SIGTERM);
while ((pid = wait(&status)) > 0)
if (status)
if (WIFEXITED(status))
printf("%s exited with status %d!\n",
pid == back_pid ? backend : "test",
printf("%s crashed with signal %d!\n",
pid == back_pid ? backend : "test",
* Exit accordingly...
return (status != 0);
* 'sigterm_handler()' - Flag when we get SIGTERM.
static void
sigterm_handler(int sig) /* I - Signal */
job_canceled = 1;
* 'usage()' - Show usage information.
static void
puts("Usage: testbackend [-cancel] [-d] [-ps | -pcl] [-s [-get OID] "
"[-walk OID]] [-t] device-uri job-id user title copies options [file]");
puts(" -cancel Simulate a canceled print job after 2 seconds.");
puts(" -d Show log messages from backend.");
puts(" -get OID Lookup the specified SNMP OID.");
puts(" (. is a good one for printers)");
puts(" -pcl Send PCL+PJL query and test page to backend.");
puts(" -ps Send PostScript query and test page to backend.");
puts(" -s Do side-channel + SNMP tests.");
puts(" -t Send spaces slowly to backend ('trickle').");
puts(" -walk OID Walk the specified SNMP OID.");
puts(" (. is a good one for printers)");
* 'walk_cb()' - Show results of cupsSideChannelSNMPWalk...
static void
walk_cb(const char *oid, /* I - OID */
const char *data, /* I - Data */
int datalen, /* I - Length of data */
void *context) /* I - Context (unused) */
char temp[80];
if ((size_t)datalen > (sizeof(temp) - 1))
memcpy(temp, data, sizeof(temp) - 1);
temp[sizeof(temp) - 1] = '\0';
memcpy(temp, data, (size_t)datalen);
temp[datalen] = '\0';
printf("CUPS_SC_CMD_SNMP_WALK %s, %d bytes (%s)\n", oid, datalen, temp);