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<desc>This sample SVG file draws a flower</desc>
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stroke: #000; stroke-width: 1" >
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C 271.45 647.38 383.43 575.21 256.71 613.30
C 383.43 575.21 251.04 565.90 205.23 609.68
C 251.04 565.90 265.13 432.88 210.71 557.95
C 265.13 432.88 175.04 531.37 175.67 596.26
C 175.04 531.37 80.63 437.67 138.96 559.82
C 80.63 437.67 100.67 569.80 146.75 611.20
C 100.67 569.80 -31.14 585.98 95.49 617.49
C -31.14 585.98 83.94 652.25 140.24 643.26
C 83.94 652.25 13.98 766.12 113.04 687.55
C 13.98 766.12 137.45 716.63 161.05 668.30
C 137.45 716.63 182.02 842.45 178.39 717.23
C 182.02 842.45 220.90 714.46 193.51 667.46
C 220.90 714.46 346.44 757.48 242.33 684.19 z" />
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C 339.44 764.48 264.45 654.38 206.17 648.37
C 264.45 654.38 376.43 582.21 249.71 620.30
C 376.43 582.21 244.04 572.90 198.23 616.68
C 244.04 572.90 258.13 439.88 203.71 564.95
C 258.13 439.88 168.04 538.37 168.67 603.26
C 168.04 538.37 73.63 444.67 131.96 566.82
C 73.63 444.67 93.67 576.80 139.75 618.20
C 93.67 576.80 -38.14 592.98 88.49 624.49
C -38.14 592.98 76.94 659.25 133.24 650.26
C 76.94 659.25 6.98 773.12 106.04 694.55
C 6.98 773.12 130.45 723.63 154.05 675.30
C 130.45 723.63 175.02 849.45 171.39 724.23
C 175.02 849.45 213.90 721.46 186.51 674.46
C 213.90 721.46 339.44 764.48 235.33 691.19 z" />
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C 199.44 622.16 189.19 612.21 176.54 612.21
C 163.89 612.21 153.63 622.16 153.63 634.43
C 153.63 646.71 163.89 656.66 176.54 656.66
C 189.19 656.66 199.44 646.71 199.44 634.43 z"/>