You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

6846 lines
131 KiB

<!DOCTYPE testSuite [
<!ENTITY dii "<&#xE14;&#xE35;/>">
<author>James Clark</author>
<documentation>For October 26 version of the spec.</documentation>
<documentation>Various possible syntax errors.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<define name="bar">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<data type="token">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<empty name="bar"/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo" extra="bar">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<parentRef name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>Tests for obsolete syntax</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<start name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo" ns="">
<attribute name="bar" global="true">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<data type="token" key="foo"/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<data type="token" keyRef="foo"/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<keyRef name="foo">
<data type="token"/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<key name="foo">
<data type="token"/>
<documentation>Tests for missing attributes and child elements</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="string">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="string">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<define name="baz"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>Checking of ns attribute</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" ns="">
<documentation>No checking of ns attribute is performed</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" ns="DAV:">
<foo xmlns="DAV:"/>
<documentation>No checking of ns attribute is performed</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" ns="xyzzy">
<documentation>No checking of ns attribute is performed</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" ns="bad_scheme://">
<documentation>Checking of datatypeLibrary attribute</documentation>
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="foo_bar:xyzzy">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="foobar:xyzzy">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="http:ok">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="foo:">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must conform to RFC 2396</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not be relative</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="xyzzy">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not be relative</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="xyzzy#foo:bar">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not be relative</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="xyzzy?foo:bar">
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not be relative</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="xyzzy/foo:bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="foo:bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="" datatypeLibrary="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data datatypeLibrary="" type="string"/>
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not contain fragment identifier</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns=""
<documentation>Value of datatypeLibrary attribute must not contain fragment identifier</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns=""
<documentation>Tests for QName and NCNames in schemas</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="&#xE14;&#xE35;">
<element name="&#xE35;" xmlns="">
<element name="" xmlns="">
<element xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="&#xE35;"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="&#xE35;"/>
<define name="&#xE35;">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="&#xE14;&#xE35;"/>
<define name="&#xE14;&#xE35;">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name=""/>
<define name="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="x y"/>
<define name="x y">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns=""
<ref name="x:y"/>
<define name="x:y">
<element name="foo">
<element xmlns=""
<element xmlns=""
<element xmlns=""
<documentation>Tests for elements that allow only a single pattern child.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="bar">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<documentation>Tests for foreign element and attribute handling.</documentation>
<r:element name="foo" xmlns:r="" r:a="val">
<element xmlns="">
<name>foo<eg:comment xmlns:eg=""/></name>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<value>foo<eg:comment xmlns:eg=""/></value>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<data type="string"><eg:comment xmlns:eg=""/></data>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<ext xmlns="">
<element xmlns=""/>
<grammar xmlns="" xmlns:eg="">
<data type="string"/>
<grammar xmlns="" xmlns:eg=""
<start eg:comment="">
<element eg:comment="">
<name eg:comment="">foo</name>
<data eg:comment="" type="string"/>
<empty eg:comment=""/>
<rng:grammar xmlns:rng="" xmlns="">
<rng:data type="string"/>
<rng:grammar xmlns:rng="">
<rng:data type="string"/>
<element name="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;foo&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;" xmlns="">
<attribute name="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;bar&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;"/>
<foo bar=""/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<value type="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;string&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;">bar</value>
<foo>bar </foo>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;string&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;"/>
<element xmlns="">
<foo bar=""/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<start combine="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;choice&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;">
<ref name="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;x&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;"/>
<define name="x">
<ref name="y"/>
<define name="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;y&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;">
<start combine="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;interleave&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;">
<parentRef name="&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;z&#xA;&#xD;&#x20;&#x9;"/>
<define name="z">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<value datatypeLibrary="">bar</value>
<foo> bar </foo>
<foo>ba r</foo>
<dir name="sub">
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<externalRef xmlns=""
xml:base="sub/y" href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="bar">
<dir name="sub1">
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="bar">
<dir name="sub3">
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<group xmlns="" xml:base="sub1/">
<group xml:base="sub2">
<group xml:base="sub3/y">
<externalRef href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x#foo"/>
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x" ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<resource name="x">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<start xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="y"/>
<resource name="y">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<externalRef xmlns="" href="x"/>
<documentation>Same value of href before resolution, but not a loop.</documentation>
<dir name="sub">
<resource name="x">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="sub/x"/>
<dir name="sub">
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<externalRef xmlns="" href="sub/x"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x" ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="y"/>
<resource name="y">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="y"/>
<resource name="y">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<dir name="sub">
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="sub/x"/>
<dir name="sub">
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="sub/x"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x">
<ref name="foo"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<ref name="foo"/>
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="x"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<resource name="x">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo" combine="choice">
<element name="foo3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<include href="x">
<define name="foo" combine="choice">
<element name="foo1">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo2">
<resource name="level1.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<include href="level2.rng">
<define name="foo">
<element name="bar">
<resource name="level2.rng">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<include href="level1.rng">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<element xmlns="" ns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="bar" ns=""/>
<eg:foo eg:bar="x" xmlns:eg=""/>
<eg:foo xmlns:eg="" bar="x"/>
<element xmlns="" ns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<eg:foo xmlns:eg="" eg:bar="x"/>
<eg:foo xmlns:eg="" bar="x"/>
<element xmlns="" ns="" name="foo">
<eg:foo xmlns:eg="" eg:bar="x"/>
<eg:foo xmlns:eg="" bar="x"/>
<resource name="x">
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<group ns="" xmlns="" >
<externalRef href="x"/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<group xmlns="">
<element ns="">
<valid><foo xmlns=""/></valid>
<element ns="" xmlns="">
<valid><foo xmlns=""/></valid>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute ns="">
<valid><foo xmlns:x="" x:bar="whatever"/></valid>
<invalid><foo bar="whatever"/></invalid>
<element xmlns="" name="foo:bar">
<element xmlns="" name="eg:foo" xmlns:eg="">
<foo xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo" xmlns:eg="">
<attribute name="eg:bar"/>
<foo xmlns:ex="" ex:bar="x"/>
<foo xmlns:ex="" ex:bar="x"/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="xml:lang"/>
<foo xml:lang="en"/>
<foo lang="en"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<div ns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<foo xmlns=""/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="bars"/>
<define name="bars">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<foo>x y z</foo>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="token">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<foo bar=""/>
<foo bar="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<foo bar=""/>
<foo bar="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar1">
<element name="bar2">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar1">
<element name="bar2">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<documentation>Tests that 4.16 is before 4.20.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>Tests that 4.16 is before removal of unreachable definitions.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="xmlns">
<element name="xmlns" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name=" xmlns">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="xmlns">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<attribute name="xmlns">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="xmlns" ns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<name ns="">xmlns</name>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<name ns="">xmlns</name>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<name ns="">xmlns</name>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute ns="" name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="" ns="">
<valid><foo xmlns=""/></valid>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="token">
<param name="minLength">2</param>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="tok"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<value type="tok"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="token">
<param name="minLength">2</param>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<data type="tok"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<value type="tok"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<data type="token">
<param name="minLength">2</param>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<data type="tok"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<value type="tok"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x">
<element name="foo1">
<define name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="foo2">
<define name="x">
<element name="foo3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<start name="x">
<element name="foo1">
<start name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="foo2">
<start name="x">
<element name="foo3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x">
<element name="foo1">
<define name="x">
<element name="foo2">
<grammar xmlns="">
<start name="x">
<element name="foo1">
<start name="x">
<element name="foo2">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="foo1">
<define name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="foo2">
<define name="x">
<element name="foo3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<start combine="choice">
<element name="foo1">
<start combine="choice">
<element name="foo2">
<element name="foo3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="bar1">
<define name="x">
<element name="bar2">
<define name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<start name="x" combine="choice">
<element name="bar1">
<start name="x">
<element name="bar2">
<start name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar1">
<define name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar2">
<define name="x">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<start combine="interleave">
<element name="bar1">
<element name="bar2">
<start combine="interleave">
<element name="bar3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="x"/>
<define name="x">
<element name="bar1">
<define name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar2">
<define name="x">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<start name="x">
<element name="bar1">
<start name="x" combine="interleave">
<element name="bar2">
<start name="x">
<element name="bar3">
<documentation>grammar must have a start</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.18</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.19</documentation>
<choice xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>every ref must have a def</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.18</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="foo">
<ref name="bar"/>
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.19</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="foo"/>
<documentation>every parentRef must have a def</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<parentRef name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.18</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<parentRef name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>4.17 is before 4.19</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<parentRef name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<parentRef name="foo"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="innerFoo">
<parentRef name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="outerFoo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="outerFoo">
<ref name="foo"/>
<define name="foo">
<element name="innerFoo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="bar"/>
<define name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<ref name="bar"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="bar"/>
<define name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<ref name="bar"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<define name="bar">
<ref name="bar"/>
<documentation>Tests that recursion detection happens before
normalization of notAllowed.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<ref name="bar"/>
<define name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<ref name="bar"/>
<element xmlns="">
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns="HTTP://"/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<nsName ns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<foo xmlns=""/>
<bar xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="">
<name ns="">foo</name>
<name ns="">bar</name>
<choice xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar1">
<element name="bar2">
<element name="bar1">
<element name="bar3">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar1">
<attribute name="bar2">
<attribute name="bar1">
<attribute name="bar3">
<foo bar1="x" bar2="x"/>
<foo bar1="x" bar3="x"/>
<foo bar1="x"/>
<foo bar2="x"/>
<foo bar3="x"/>
<foo bar1="x" bar2="x" bar3="x"/>
<choice xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<attribute name="baz">
<foo bar="x" baz="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<attribute name="baz">
<foo bar="x" baz="x"/>
<foo bar="x"/>
<foo baz="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="baz">
<attribute name="bar">
<foo bar="x" baz="x"/>
<foo bar="x"/>
<foo baz="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<foo bar="x"><baz/></foo>
<foo bar="x"/>
<foo baz="x"><bar/></foo>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="baz">
<attribute name="bar">
<foo bar="x"><baz/></foo>
<foo bar="x"/>
<foo baz="x"><bar/></foo>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<foo> </foo>
<?target data?>
<?target data?>
<?target data?>
<?target data?>
<foo bar="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<valid><foo bar=""/></valid>
<valid><foo bar=" "/></valid>
<invalid><foo bar="x"/></invalid>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<valid><foo> </foo></valid>
<invalid><foo bar=""/></invalid>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<valid><foo bar=""/></valid>
<valid><foo bar=" "/></valid>
<invalid><foo bar="x"/></invalid>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar">
<foo bar="x"/>
<foo baz="x"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<foo> </foo>
<?target data?>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
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<?target data?>
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<grammar xmlns="">
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<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<attribute name="bar">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
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<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<element name="bar">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<data type="token"/>
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<data type="token"/>
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="string">
<grammar xmlns="">
<attribute name="foo"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<data type="string"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<data type="string"/>
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="token"/>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="foo">
<grammar xmlns="">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<documentation>Tests that constraints are post-normalization</documentation>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<text xmlns=""/>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="bar">
<attribute name="baz"/>
<documentation>The nested attribute element is normalized out because
of the not allowed.</documentation>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="bar">
<attribute name="baz"/>
<foo bar="baz"/>
<documentation>The group element is normalized out.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<foo xyzzy1="val1" xyzzy2="val2"/>
<documentation>The group element is normalized out.</documentation>
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<foo xyzzy1="val1" xyzzy2="val2"/>
<documentation>The attribute elements are all normalized out.</documentation>
<element xmlns="" name="foo">
<attribute name="a1">
<attribute name="a2">
<attribute name="a3">
<grammar xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<data type="token"/>
<data type="token"/>
<documentation>Checks that normalization of notAllowed happens
before string sequence checking.</documentation>
<choice xmlns="">
<element name="foo">
<element name="bar">
<data type="token"/>
<data type="token"/>
<documentation>notAllowed in an element is not normalized</documentation>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<data type="token"/>
<data type="token"/>
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<foo bar="xx"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<foo bar="val" xyzzy="anotherval"/>
<foo bar="val" baz=""/>
<foo bar="val"/>
<foo xyzzy="val"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<nsName ns=""/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<nsName ns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<nsName ns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="foo"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="baz"/>
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<foo x="xx" baz="yy"/>
<foo xmlns:eg="" eg:x="xx" baz="yy"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<nsName ns=""/>
<nsName ns=""/>
<foo xmlns:eg1=""
eg1:x="xx" eg2:y="yy"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<foo bar="xx"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute name="bar"/>
<attribute name="baz"/>
<attribute name="bar"/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute><nsName ns =""/><text/></attribute>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<attribute><choice><nsName ns =""/><name>foo</name></choice><text/></attribute>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="baz">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<nsName ns=""/>
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="foo" xmlns="">
<element name="bar">
<element name="baz">
<grammar xmlns="">
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