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//===-- runtime/transformational.cpp --------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "transformational.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "terminator.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cinttypes>
namespace Fortran::runtime {
static inline std::int64_t GetInt64(const char *p, std::size_t bytes) {
switch (bytes) {
case 1:
return *reinterpret_cast<const std::int8_t *>(p);
case 2:
return *reinterpret_cast<const std::int16_t *>(p);
case 4:
return *reinterpret_cast<const std::int32_t *>(p);
case 8:
return *reinterpret_cast<const std::int64_t *>(p);
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
terminator.Crash("no case for %dz bytes", bytes);
// F2018 16.9.163
OwningPtr<Descriptor> RESHAPE(const Descriptor &source, const Descriptor &shape,
const Descriptor *pad, const Descriptor *order) {
// Compute and check the rank of the result.
Terminator terminator{__FILE__, __LINE__};
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, shape.rank() == 1);
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, shape.type().IsInteger());
SubscriptValue resultRank{shape.GetDimension(0).Extent()};
resultRank >= 0 && resultRank <= static_cast<SubscriptValue>(maxRank));
// Extract and check the shape of the result; compute its element count.
SubscriptValue lowerBound[maxRank]; // all 1's
SubscriptValue resultExtent[maxRank];
std::size_t shapeElementBytes{shape.ElementBytes()};
std::size_t resultElements{1};
SubscriptValue shapeSubscript{shape.GetDimension(0).LowerBound()};
for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < resultRank; ++j, ++shapeSubscript) {
lowerBound[j] = 1;
resultExtent[j] =
GetInt64(shape.Element<char>(&shapeSubscript), shapeElementBytes);
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, resultExtent[j] >= 0);
resultElements *= resultExtent[j];
// Check that there are sufficient elements in the SOURCE=, or that
// the optional PAD= argument is present and nonempty.
std::size_t elementBytes{source.ElementBytes()};
std::size_t sourceElements{source.Elements()};
std::size_t padElements{pad ? pad->Elements() : 0};
if (resultElements < sourceElements) {
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, padElements > 0);
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, pad->ElementBytes() == elementBytes);
// Extract and check the optional ORDER= argument, which must be a
// permutation of [1..resultRank].
int dimOrder[maxRank];
if (order) {
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, order->rank() == 1);
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, order->type().IsInteger());
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, order->GetDimension(0).Extent() == resultRank);
std::uint64_t values{0};
SubscriptValue orderSubscript{order->GetDimension(0).LowerBound()};
for (SubscriptValue j{0}; j < resultRank; ++j, ++orderSubscript) {
auto k{GetInt64(
order->OffsetElement<char>(orderSubscript), shapeElementBytes)};
terminator, k >= 1 && k <= resultRank && !((values >> k) & 1));
values |= std::uint64_t{1} << k;
dimOrder[k - 1] = j;
} else {
for (int j{0}; j < resultRank; ++j) {
dimOrder[j] = j;
// Create and populate the result's descriptor.
const DescriptorAddendum *sourceAddendum{source.Addendum()};
const typeInfo::DerivedType *sourceDerivedType{
sourceAddendum ? sourceAddendum->derivedType() : nullptr};
OwningPtr<Descriptor> result;
if (sourceDerivedType) {
result = Descriptor::Create(*sourceDerivedType, nullptr, resultRank,
resultExtent, CFI_attribute_allocatable);
} else {
result = Descriptor::Create(source.type(), elementBytes, nullptr,
resultRank, resultExtent,
CFI_attribute_allocatable); // TODO rearrange these arguments
DescriptorAddendum *resultAddendum{result->Addendum()};
RUNTIME_CHECK(terminator, resultAddendum);
resultAddendum->flags() |= DescriptorAddendum::DoNotFinalize;
if (sourceDerivedType) {
std::size_t lenParameters{sourceAddendum->LenParameters()};
for (std::size_t j{0}; j < lenParameters; ++j) {
j, sourceAddendum->LenParameterValue(j));
// Allocate storage for the result's data.
int status{result->Allocate(lowerBound, resultExtent)};
if (status != CFI_SUCCESS) {
terminator.Crash("RESHAPE: Allocate failed (error %d)", status);
// Populate the result's elements.
SubscriptValue resultSubscript[maxRank];
SubscriptValue sourceSubscript[maxRank];
std::size_t resultElement{0};
std::size_t elementsFromSource{std::min(resultElements, sourceElements)};
for (; resultElement < elementsFromSource; ++resultElement) {
source.Element<const void>(sourceSubscript), elementBytes);
result->IncrementSubscripts(resultSubscript, dimOrder);
if (resultElement < resultElements) {
// Remaining elements come from the optional PAD= argument.
SubscriptValue padSubscript[maxRank];
for (; resultElement < resultElements; ++resultElement) {
pad->Element<const void>(padSubscript), elementBytes);
result->IncrementSubscripts(resultSubscript, dimOrder);
return result;
} // namespace Fortran::runtime