You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

8 lines
543 B

RUN: %opt-viewer -s %p/Inputs/unicode-function-name -o %t %p/Inputs/unicode-function-name/s.opt.yaml --no-highlight --demangler=llvm-cxxfilt
RUN: diff %p/Outputs/unicode-function-name/index.html %t/index.html
RUN: diff %p/Outputs/unicode-function-name/s.swift.html %t/s.swift.html
# Also test the pygments code path without actually checking the output since
# that may slightly vary between pygment versions
RUN: %opt-viewer -s %p/Inputs/unicode-function-name -o %t.unused %p/Inputs/unicode-function-name/s.opt.yaml --demangler=llvm-cxxfilt