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Provides annotation support for projects that use Spring.


Add the dependencies to your project.

Replace SPRING_VERSION with the version of spring you're using.

For Maven add to your pom.xml:

  <!-- census -->
  <!-- spring aspects -->

For Gradle add to your dependencies:

compile 'io.opencensus:opencensus-api:0.16.1'
compile 'io.opencensus:opencensus-contrib-spring:0.16.1'
runtime 'io.opencensus:opencensus-impl:0.16.1'
runtime 'org.springframework:spring-aspects:SPRING_VERSION'


Traced Annotation

The opencensus-contrib-spring package provides support for a @Traced annotation that can be applied to methods. When applied, the method will be wrapped in a Span,

If the method throws an exception, the Span will be marked with a status of Status.UNKNOWN and the stack trace will be added to the span as an annotation.

To enable the @Traced annotation, include the CensusSpringAspect bean.

  <!-- traces explicit calls to Traced -->
  <bean id="censusAspect" class="io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.CensusSpringAspect">
    <constructor-arg ref="tracer"/>

Database Support

The opencensus-contrib-spring package also includes support for tracing database calls. When database support is included, all calls to java.sql.PreparedStatement.execute* will be wrapped in a Span in the same way that @Traced wraps methods.

To enable database support, include the CensusSpringSqlAspect bean.

  <!-- traces all SQL calls -->
  <bean id="censusSQLAspect" class="io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.CensusSpringSqlAspect">
    <constructor-arg ref="tracer"/>

Complete Spring XML configuration

The following contains a complete spring xml file to configure opencensus-contrib-spring with support for both @Traced and database connection tracing.

Note: This example does not include the configuration of any exporters. That will need to be done separately.

TBD:* Include examples of spring with exporters.

<beans xmlns=""


  <!-- traces explicit calls to Traced -->
  <bean id="censusAspect" class="io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.CensusSpringAspect">
    <constructor-arg ref="tracer"/>

  <!-- traces all SQL calls -->
  <bean id="censusSQLAspect" class="io.opencensus.contrib.spring.aop.CensusSpringSqlAspect">
    <constructor-arg ref="tracer"/>

  <!-- global tracer -->
  <bean id="tracer" class="io.opencensus.trace.Tracing" factory-method="getTracer"/>

Traced Usage

Once configured, you can use the @Traced annotation to indicate that a method should be wrapped with a Span. By default, @Traced will use the name of the method as the span name. However, @Traced supports an optional name attribute to allow a custom span name to be specified.

  void example1() {
    // do work
  // a custom span name can also be provided to Traced
  @Traced(name = "custom-span-name")
  void example2() {
    // do moar work


opencensus-contrib-spring support only enables annotations. You will still need to configure opencensus and register exporters / views.

Java Versions

Java 6 or above is required for using this artifact.

About the aop package

opencensus-contrib-spring makes heavy use of Aspect Oriented Programming AOP to add behavior to annotations. Fortunately, Spring supports this natively so we can leverage the capabilities they've already built in.