You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

590 lines
21 KiB

// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <string>
// NOTE: although we use gtest here, prefer OSP_CHECKs to
// ASSERTS due to asynchronous concerns around test failures.
// Although this causes the entire test binary to fail instead of
// just a single test, it makes debugging easier/possible.
#include "cast/common/public/service_info.h"
#include "discovery/common/config.h"
#include "discovery/common/reporting_client.h"
#include "discovery/public/dns_sd_service_factory.h"
#include "discovery/public/dns_sd_service_publisher.h"
#include "discovery/public/dns_sd_service_watcher.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "platform/api/udp_socket.h"
#include "platform/base/interface_info.h"
#include "platform/impl/network_interface.h"
#include "platform/impl/platform_client_posix.h"
#include "platform/impl/task_runner.h"
#include "testing/util/task_util.h"
#include "util/chrono_helpers.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
namespace {
// Maximum amount of time needed for a query to be received.
constexpr seconds kMaxQueryDuration{3};
// Total wait time = 4 seconds.
constexpr milliseconds kWaitLoopSleepTime(500);
constexpr int kMaxWaitLoopIterations = 8;
// Total wait time = 2.5 seconds.
// NOTE: This must be less than the above wait time.
constexpr milliseconds kCheckLoopSleepTime(100);
constexpr int kMaxCheckLoopIterations = 25;
// Publishes new service instances.
class Publisher : public discovery::DnsSdServicePublisher<ServiceInfo> {
explicit Publisher(discovery::DnsSdService* service) // NOLINT
: DnsSdServicePublisher<ServiceInfo>(service,
ServiceInfoToDnsSdInstance) {
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Initializing Publisher...\n";
~Publisher() override = default;
bool IsInstanceIdClaimed(const std::string& requested_id) {
auto it =
std::find(instance_ids_.begin(), instance_ids_.end(), requested_id);
return it != instance_ids_.end();
// DnsSdPublisher::Client overrides.
void OnInstanceClaimed(const std::string& requested_id) override {
std::vector<std::string> instance_ids_;
// Receives incoming services and outputs their results to stdout.
class ServiceReceiver : public discovery::DnsSdServiceWatcher<ServiceInfo> {
explicit ServiceReceiver(discovery::DnsSdService* service) // NOLINT
: discovery::DnsSdServiceWatcher<ServiceInfo>(
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const ServiceInfo>> infos) {
}) {
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Initializing ServiceReceiver...";
bool IsServiceFound(const ServiceInfo& check_service) {
return std::find_if(service_infos_.begin(), service_infos_.end(),
[&check_service](const ServiceInfo& info) {
return info.friendly_name ==
}) != service_infos_.end();
void EraseReceivedServices() { service_infos_.clear(); }
void ProcessResults(
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<const ServiceInfo>> infos) {
for (const ServiceInfo& info : infos) {
std::vector<ServiceInfo> service_infos_;
class FailOnErrorReporting : public discovery::ReportingClient {
void OnFatalError(Error error) override {
OSP_LOG_FATAL << "Fatal error received: '" << error << "'";
void OnRecoverableError(Error error) override {
// Pending resolution of openscreen:105, logging recoverable errors is
// disabled, as this will end up polluting the output with logs related to
// mDNS messages received from non-loopback network interfaces over which
// we have no control.
discovery::Config GetConfigSettings() {
// Get the loopback interface to run on.
InterfaceInfo loopback = GetLoopbackInterfaceForTesting().value();
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Selected network interface for testing: " << loopback;
discovery::Config::NetworkInfo::AddressFamilies address_families =
if (loopback.GetIpAddressV4()) {
address_families |= discovery::Config::NetworkInfo::kUseIpV4;
if (loopback.GetIpAddressV6()) {
address_families |= discovery::Config::NetworkInfo::kUseIpV6;
return discovery::Config{{{std::move(loopback), address_families}}};
class DiscoveryE2ETest : public testing::Test {
DiscoveryE2ETest() {
// Sleep to let any packets clear off the network before further tests.
task_runner_ = PlatformClientPosix::GetInstance()->GetTaskRunner();
~DiscoveryE2ETest() {
ServiceInfo GetInfo(int id) {
ServiceInfo hosted_service;
hosted_service.port = 1234;
hosted_service.unique_id = "id" + std::to_string(id);
hosted_service.model_name = "openscreen-Model" + std::to_string(id);
hosted_service.friendly_name = "Demo" + std::to_string(id);
return hosted_service;
void SetUpService(const discovery::Config& config) {
std::atomic_bool done{false};
task_runner_->PostTask([this, &config, &done]() {
dnssd_service_ = discovery::CreateDnsSdService(
task_runner_, &reporting_client_, config);
receiver_ = std::make_unique<ServiceReceiver>(dnssd_service_.get());
publisher_ = std::make_unique<Publisher>(dnssd_service_.get());
done = true;
WaitForCondition([&done]() { return done.load(); }, kWaitLoopSleepTime,
void StartDiscovery() {
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->StartDiscovery(); });
template <typename... RecordTypes>
void UpdateRecords(RecordTypes... records) {
std::vector<ServiceInfo> record_set{std::move(records)...};
for (ServiceInfo& record : record_set) {
task_runner_->PostTask([this, r = std::move(record)]() {
auto error = publisher_->UpdateRegistration(r);
OSP_CHECK(error.ok()) << "\tFailed to update service instance '"
<< r.friendly_name << "': " << error << "!";
template <typename... RecordTypes>
void PublishRecords(RecordTypes... records) {
std::vector<ServiceInfo> record_set{std::move(records)...};
for (ServiceInfo& record : record_set) {
task_runner_->PostTask([this, r = std::move(record)]() {
auto error = publisher_->Register(r);
OSP_CHECK(error.ok()) << "\tFailed to publish service instance '"
<< r.friendly_name << "': " << error << "!";
template <typename... AtomicBoolPtrs>
void WaitUntilSeen(bool should_be_seen, AtomicBoolPtrs... bools) {
std::vector<std::atomic_bool*> atomic_bools{bools...};
int waiting_on = atomic_bools.size();
for (int i = 0; i < kMaxWaitLoopIterations; i++) {
waiting_on = atomic_bools.size();
for (std::atomic_bool* atomic : atomic_bools) {
if (*atomic) {
OSP_CHECK(should_be_seen) << "Found service instance!";
if (waiting_on) {
OSP_LOG_INFO << "\tWaiting on " << waiting_on << "...";
<< "Could not find " << waiting_on << " service instances!";
void CheckForClaimedIds(ServiceInfo service_info,
std::atomic_bool* has_been_seen) {
[this, info = std::move(service_info), has_been_seen]() mutable {
CheckForClaimedIds(std::move(info), has_been_seen, 0);
void CheckForPublishedService(ServiceInfo service_info,
std::atomic_bool* has_been_seen) {
[this, info = std::move(service_info), has_been_seen]() mutable {
CheckForPublishedService(std::move(info), has_been_seen, 0, true);
// TODO( Change this to use a polling
// method to wait until the service disappears rather than immediately failing
// if it exists, so waits throughout this file can be removed.
void CheckNotPublishedService(ServiceInfo service_info,
std::atomic_bool* has_been_seen) {
[this, info = std::move(service_info), has_been_seen]() mutable {
CheckForPublishedService(std::move(info), has_been_seen, 0, false);
TaskRunner* task_runner_;
FailOnErrorReporting reporting_client_;
SerialDeletePtr<discovery::DnsSdService> dnssd_service_;
std::unique_ptr<ServiceReceiver> receiver_;
std::unique_ptr<Publisher> publisher_;
void CheckForClaimedIds(ServiceInfo service_info,
std::atomic_bool* has_been_seen,
int attempts) {
if (publisher_->IsInstanceIdClaimed(service_info.GetInstanceId())) {
// TODO( Log the published service instance.
*has_been_seen = true;
OSP_CHECK_LE(attempts++, kMaxCheckLoopIterations)
<< "Service " << service_info.friendly_name << " publication failed.";
[this, info = std::move(service_info), has_been_seen,
attempts]() mutable {
CheckForClaimedIds(std::move(info), has_been_seen, attempts);
void CheckForPublishedService(ServiceInfo service_info,
std::atomic_bool* has_been_seen,
int attempts,
bool expect_to_be_present) {
if (!receiver_->IsServiceFound(service_info)) {
if (attempts++ > kMaxCheckLoopIterations) {
<< "Service " << service_info.friendly_name << " discovery failed.";
[this, info = std::move(service_info), has_been_seen, attempts,
expect_to_be_present]() mutable {
CheckForPublishedService(std::move(info), has_been_seen, attempts,
} else if (expect_to_be_present) {
// TODO( Log the discovered service instance.
*has_been_seen = true;
} else {
OSP_LOG_FATAL << "Found instance '" << service_info.friendly_name << "'!";
// The below runs an E2E tests. These test requires no user interaction and is
// intended to perform a set series of actions to validate that discovery is
// functioning as intended.
// Known issues:
// - The ipv6 socket in discovery/mdns/ fails to bind to an ipv6
// address on the loopback interface. Investigating this issue is pending
// resolution of bug
// In this test, the following operations are performed:
// 1) Start up the Cast platform for a posix system.
// 2) Publish 3 CastV2 service instances to the loopback interface using mDNS,
// with record announcement disabled.
// 3) Wait for the probing phase to successfully complete.
// 4) Query for records published over the loopback interface, and validate that
// all 3 previously published services are discovered.
TEST_F(DiscoveryE2ETest, ValidateQueryFlow) {
// Set up demo infra.
auto discovery_config = GetConfigSettings();
discovery_config.new_record_announcement_count = 0;
auto instance1 = GetInfo(1);
auto instance2 = GetInfo(2);
auto instance3 = GetInfo(3);
// Start discovery and publication.
PublishRecords(instance1, instance2, instance3);
// Wait until all probe phases complete and all instance ids are claimed. At
// this point, all records should be published.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service publication in progress...";
std::atomic_bool found1{false};
std::atomic_bool found2{false};
std::atomic_bool found3{false};
CheckForClaimedIds(instance1, &found1);
CheckForClaimedIds(instance2, &found2);
CheckForClaimedIds(instance3, &found3);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found1, &found2, &found3);
OSP_LOG_INFO << "\tAll services successfully published!\n";
// Make sure all services are found through discovery.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service discovery in progress...";
found1 = false;
found2 = false;
found3 = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance1, &found1);
CheckForPublishedService(instance2, &found2);
CheckForPublishedService(instance3, &found3);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found1, &found2, &found3);
// In this test, the following operations are performed:
// 1) Start up the Cast platform for a posix system.
// 2) Start service discovery and new queries, with no query messages being
// sent.
// 3) Publish 3 CastV2 service instances to the loopback interface using mDNS,
// with record announcement enabled.
// 4) Ensure the correct records were published over the loopback interface.
// 5) De-register all services.
// 6) Ensure that goodbye records are received for all service instances.
TEST_F(DiscoveryE2ETest, ValidateAnnouncementFlow) {
// Set up demo infra.
auto discovery_config = GetConfigSettings();
discovery_config.new_query_announcement_count = 0;
auto instance1 = GetInfo(1);
auto instance2 = GetInfo(2);
auto instance3 = GetInfo(3);
// Start discovery and publication.
PublishRecords(instance1, instance2, instance3);
// Wait until all probe phases complete and all instance ids are claimed. At
// this point, all records should be published.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service publication in progress...";
std::atomic_bool found1{false};
std::atomic_bool found2{false};
std::atomic_bool found3{false};
CheckForClaimedIds(instance1, &found1);
CheckForClaimedIds(instance2, &found2);
CheckForClaimedIds(instance3, &found3);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found1, &found2, &found3);
OSP_LOG_INFO << "\tAll services successfully published and announced!\n";
// Make sure all services are found through discovery.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service discovery in progress...";
found1 = false;
found2 = false;
found3 = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance1, &found1);
CheckForPublishedService(instance2, &found2);
CheckForPublishedService(instance3, &found3);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found1, &found2, &found3);
OSP_LOG_INFO << "\tAll services successfully discovered!\n";
// Deregister all service instances.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Deregister all services...";
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() {
ErrorOr<int> result = publisher_->DeregisterAll();
ASSERT_EQ(result.value(), 3);
found1 = false;
found2 = false;
found3 = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(instance1, &found1);
CheckNotPublishedService(instance2, &found2);
CheckNotPublishedService(instance3, &found3);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found1, &found2, &found3);
// In this test, the following operations are performed:
// 1) Start up the Cast platform for a posix system.
// 2) Publish one service and ensure it is NOT received.
// 3) Start service discovery and new queries.
// 4) Ensure above published service IS received.
// 5) Stop the started query.
// 6) Update a service, and ensure that no callback is received.
// 7) Restart the query and ensure that only the expected callbacks are
// received.
TEST_F(DiscoveryE2ETest, ValidateRecordsOnlyReceivedWhenQueryRunning) {
// Set up demo infra.
auto discovery_config = GetConfigSettings();
discovery_config.new_record_announcement_count = 1;
auto instance = GetInfo(1);
// Start discovery and publication.
// Wait until all probe phases complete and all instance ids are claimed. At
// this point, all records should be published.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service publication in progress...";
std::atomic_bool found{false};
CheckForClaimedIds(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// And ensure stopped discovery does not find the records.
<< "Validating no service discovery occurs when discovery stopped...";
found = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
// Make sure all services are found through discovery.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service discovery in progress...";
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// Update discovery and ensure that the updated service is seen.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Updating service and waiting for discovery...";
auto updated_instance = instance;
updated_instance.friendly_name = "OtherName";
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(updated_instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// And ensure the old service has been removed.
found = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
// Stop discovery.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Stopping discovery...";
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->StopDiscovery(); });
// Update discovery and ensure that the updated service is NOT seen.
<< "Updating service and validating the change isn't received...";
found = false;
instance.friendly_name = "ThirdName";
CheckNotPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service discovery in progress...";
found = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(updated_instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// In this test, the following operations are performed:
// 1) Start up the Cast platform for a posix system.
// 2) Start service discovery and new queries.
// 3) Publish one service and ensure it is received.
// 4) Hard reset discovery
// 5) Ensure the same service is discovered
// 6) Soft reset the service, and ensure that a callback is received.
TEST_F(DiscoveryE2ETest, ValidateRefreshFlow) {
// Set up demo infra.
// NOTE: This configuration assumes that packets cannot be lost over the
// loopback interface.
auto discovery_config = GetConfigSettings();
discovery_config.new_record_announcement_count = 0;
discovery_config.new_query_announcement_count = 2;
auto instance = GetInfo(1);
// Start discovery and publication.
// Wait until all probe phases complete and all instance ids are claimed. At
// this point, all records should be published.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service publication in progress...";
std::atomic_bool found{false};
CheckForClaimedIds(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// Make sure all services are found through discovery.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Service discovery in progress...";
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// Force refresh discovery, then ensure that the published service is
// re-discovered.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Force refresh discovery...";
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->EraseReceivedServices(); });
found = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->ForceRefresh(); });
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Ensure that the published service is re-discovered...";
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
// Soft refresh discovery, then ensure that the published service is NOT
// re-discovered.
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Call DiscoverNow on discovery...";
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->EraseReceivedServices(); });
found = false;
CheckNotPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(false, &found);
task_runner_->PostTask([this]() { receiver_->DiscoverNow(); });
OSP_LOG_INFO << "Ensure that the published service is re-discovered...";
found = false;
CheckForPublishedService(instance, &found);
WaitUntilSeen(true, &found);
} // namespace
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen