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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cast/streaming/answer_messages.h"
#include <utility>
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "platform/base/error.h"
#include "util/json/json_helpers.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
namespace {
/// Constraint properties.
// Audio constraints. See properties below.
static constexpr char kAudio[] = "audio";
// Video constraints. See properties below.
static constexpr char kVideo[] = "video";
// An optional field representing the minimum bits per second. If not specified
// by the receiver, the sender will use kDefaultAudioMinBitRate and
// kDefaultVideoMinBitRate, which represent the true operational minimum.
static constexpr char kMinBitRate[] = "minBitRate";
// 32kbps is sender default for audio minimum bit rate.
static constexpr int kDefaultAudioMinBitRate = 32 * 1000;
// 300kbps is sender default for video minimum bit rate.
static constexpr int kDefaultVideoMinBitRate = 300 * 1000;
// Maximum encoded bits per second. This is the lower of (1) the max capability
// of the decoder, or (2) the max data transfer rate.
static constexpr char kMaxBitRate[] = "maxBitRate";
// Maximum supported end-to-end latency, in milliseconds. Proportional to the
// size of the data buffers in the receiver.
static constexpr char kMaxDelay[] = "maxDelay";
/// Video constraint properties.
// Maximum pixel rate (width * height * framerate). Is often less than
// multiplying the fields in maxDimensions. This field is used to set the
// maximum processing rate.
static constexpr char kMaxPixelsPerSecond[] = "maxPixelsPerSecond";
// Minimum dimensions. If omitted, the sender will assume a reasonable minimum
// with the same aspect ratio as maxDimensions, as close to 320*180 as possible.
// Should reflect the true operational minimum.
static constexpr char kMinDimensions[] = "minDimensions";
// Maximum dimensions, not necessarily ideal dimensions.
static constexpr char kMaxDimensions[] = "maxDimensions";
/// Audio constraint properties.
// Maximum supported sampling frequency (not necessarily ideal).
static constexpr char kMaxSampleRate[] = "maxSampleRate";
// Maximum number of audio channels (1 is mono, 2 is stereo, etc.).
static constexpr char kMaxChannels[] = "maxChannels";
/// Dimension properties.
// Width in pixels.
static constexpr char kWidth[] = "width";
// Height in pixels.
static constexpr char kHeight[] = "height";
// Frame rate as a rational decimal number or fraction.
// E.g. 30 and "3000/1001" are both valid representations.
static constexpr char kFrameRate[] = "frameRate";
/// Display description properties
// If this optional field is included in the ANSWER message, the receiver is
// attached to a fixed display that has the given dimensions and frame rate
// configuration. These may exceed, be the same, or be less than the values in
// constraints. If undefined, we assume the display is not fixed (e.g. a Google
// Hangouts UI panel).
static constexpr char kDimensions[] = "dimensions";
// An optional field. When missing and dimensions are specified, the sender
// will assume square pixels and the dimensions imply the aspect ratio of the
// fixed display. WHen present and dimensions are also specified, implies the
// pixels are not square.
static constexpr char kAspectRatio[] = "aspectRatio";
// The delimeter used for the aspect ratio format ("A:B").
static constexpr char kAspectRatioDelimiter[] = ":";
// Sets the aspect ratio constraints. Value must be either "sender" or
// "receiver", see kScalingSender and kScalingReceiver below.
static constexpr char kScaling[] = "scaling";
// scaling = "sender" means that the sender must provide video frames of a fixed
// aspect ratio. In this case, the dimensions object must be passed or an error
// case will occur.
static constexpr char kScalingSender[] = "sender";
// scaling = "receiver" means that the sender may send arbitrarily sized frames,
// and the receiver will handle scaling and letterboxing as necessary.
static constexpr char kScalingReceiver[] = "receiver";
/// Answer properties.
// A number specifying the UDP port used for all streams in this session.
// Must have a value between kUdpPortMin and kUdpPortMax.
static constexpr char kUdpPort[] = "udpPort";
static constexpr int kUdpPortMin = 1;
static constexpr int kUdpPortMax = 65535;
// Numbers specifying the indexes chosen from the offer message.
static constexpr char kSendIndexes[] = "sendIndexes";
// uint32_t values specifying the RTP SSRC values used to send the RTCP feedback
// of the stream indicated in kSendIndexes.
static constexpr char kSsrcs[] = "ssrcs";
// Provides detailed maximum and minimum capabilities of the receiver for
// processing the selected streams. The sender may alter video resolution and
// frame rate throughout the session, and the constraints here determine how
// much data volume is allowed.
static constexpr char kConstraints[] = "constraints";
// Provides details about the display on the receiver.
static constexpr char kDisplay[] = "display";
// absl::optional array of numbers specifying the indexes of streams that will
// send event logs through RTCP.
static constexpr char kReceiverRtcpEventLog[] = "receiverRtcpEventLog";
// OPtional array of numbers specifying the indexes of streams that will use
// DSCP values specified in the OFFER message for RTCP packets.
static constexpr char kReceiverRtcpDscp[] = "receiverRtcpDscp";
// True if receiver can report wifi status.
static constexpr char kReceiverGetStatus[] = "receiverGetStatus";
// If this optional field is present the receiver supports the specific
// RTP extensions (such as adaptive playout delay).
static constexpr char kRtpExtensions[] = "rtpExtensions";
Json::Value AspectRatioConstraintToJson(AspectRatioConstraint aspect_ratio) {
switch (aspect_ratio) {
case AspectRatioConstraint::kVariable:
return Json::Value(kScalingReceiver);
case AspectRatioConstraint::kFixed:
return Json::Value(kScalingSender);
bool AspectRatioConstraintParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& value,
AspectRatioConstraint* out) {
// the aspect ratio constraint is an optional field.
if (!value) {
return true;
std::string aspect_ratio;
if (!json::ParseAndValidateString(value, &aspect_ratio)) {
return false;
if (aspect_ratio == kScalingReceiver) {
*out = AspectRatioConstraint::kVariable;
return true;
} else if (aspect_ratio == kScalingSender) {
*out = AspectRatioConstraint::kFixed;
return true;
return false;
template <typename T>
Json::Value PrimitiveVectorToJson(const std::vector<T>& vec) {
Json::Value array(Json::ValueType::arrayValue);
for (Json::Value::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < vec.size(); ++i) {
array[i] = Json::Value(vec[i]);
return array;
template <typename T>
bool ParseOptional(const Json::Value& value, absl::optional<T>* out) {
// It's fine if the value is empty.
if (!value) {
return true;
T tentative_out;
if (!T::ParseAndValidate(value, &tentative_out)) {
return false;
*out = tentative_out;
return true;
} // namespace
// static
bool AspectRatio::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& value, AspectRatio* out) {
std::string parsed_value;
if (!json::ParseAndValidateString(value, &parsed_value)) {
return false;
std::vector<absl::string_view> fields =
absl::StrSplit(parsed_value, kAspectRatioDelimiter);
if (fields.size() != 2) {
return false;
if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(fields[0], &out->width) ||
!absl::SimpleAtoi(fields[1], &out->height)) {
return false;
return out->IsValid();
bool AspectRatio::IsValid() const {
return width > 0 && height > 0;
// static
bool AudioConstraints::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root,
AudioConstraints* out) {
if (!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMaxSampleRate],
&(out->max_sample_rate)) ||
!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMaxChannels], &(out->max_channels)) ||
!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMaxBitRate], &(out->max_bit_rate))) {
return false;
std::chrono::milliseconds max_delay;
if (json::ParseAndValidateMilliseconds(root[kMaxDelay], &max_delay)) {
out->max_delay = max_delay;
if (!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMinBitRate], &(out->min_bit_rate))) {
out->min_bit_rate = kDefaultAudioMinBitRate;
return out->IsValid();
Json::Value AudioConstraints::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
root[kMaxSampleRate] = max_sample_rate;
root[kMaxChannels] = max_channels;
root[kMinBitRate] = min_bit_rate;
root[kMaxBitRate] = max_bit_rate;
if (max_delay.has_value()) {
root[kMaxDelay] = Json::Value::Int64(max_delay->count());
return root;
bool AudioConstraints::IsValid() const {
return max_sample_rate > 0 && max_channels > 0 && min_bit_rate > 0 &&
max_bit_rate >= min_bit_rate;
bool Dimensions::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root, Dimensions* out) {
if (!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kWidth], &(out->width)) ||
!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kHeight], &(out->height)) ||
&(out->frame_rate))) {
return false;
return out->IsValid();
bool Dimensions::IsValid() const {
return width > 0 && height > 0 && frame_rate.is_positive();
Json::Value Dimensions::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
root[kWidth] = width;
root[kHeight] = height;
root[kFrameRate] = frame_rate.ToString();
return root;
// static
bool VideoConstraints::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root,
VideoConstraints* out) {
if (!Dimensions::ParseAndValidate(root[kMaxDimensions],
&(out->max_dimensions)) ||
!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMaxBitRate], &(out->max_bit_rate)) ||
&(out->min_dimensions))) {
return false;
std::chrono::milliseconds max_delay;
if (json::ParseAndValidateMilliseconds(root[kMaxDelay], &max_delay)) {
out->max_delay = max_delay;
double max_pixels_per_second;
if (json::ParseAndValidateDouble(root[kMaxPixelsPerSecond],
&max_pixels_per_second)) {
out->max_pixels_per_second = max_pixels_per_second;
if (!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kMinBitRate], &(out->min_bit_rate))) {
out->min_bit_rate = kDefaultVideoMinBitRate;
return out->IsValid();
bool VideoConstraints::IsValid() const {
return max_pixels_per_second > 0 && min_bit_rate > 0 &&
max_bit_rate > min_bit_rate &&
(!max_delay.has_value() || max_delay->count() > 0) &&
max_dimensions.IsValid() &&
(!min_dimensions.has_value() || min_dimensions->IsValid()) &&
max_dimensions.frame_rate.numerator > 0;
Json::Value VideoConstraints::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
root[kMaxDimensions] = max_dimensions.ToJson();
root[kMinBitRate] = min_bit_rate;
root[kMaxBitRate] = max_bit_rate;
if (max_pixels_per_second.has_value()) {
root[kMaxPixelsPerSecond] = max_pixels_per_second.value();
if (min_dimensions.has_value()) {
root[kMinDimensions] = min_dimensions->ToJson();
if (max_delay.has_value()) {
root[kMaxDelay] = Json::Value::Int64(max_delay->count());
return root;
// static
bool Constraints::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root, Constraints* out) {
if (!AudioConstraints::ParseAndValidate(root[kAudio], &(out->audio)) ||
!VideoConstraints::ParseAndValidate(root[kVideo], &(out->video))) {
return false;
return out->IsValid();
bool Constraints::IsValid() const {
return audio.IsValid() && video.IsValid();
Json::Value Constraints::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
root[kAudio] = audio.ToJson();
root[kVideo] = video.ToJson();
return root;
// static
bool DisplayDescription::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root,
DisplayDescription* out) {
if (!ParseOptional<Dimensions>(root[kDimensions], &(out->dimensions)) ||
!ParseOptional<AspectRatio>(root[kAspectRatio], &(out->aspect_ratio))) {
return false;
AspectRatioConstraint constraint;
if (AspectRatioConstraintParseAndValidate(root[kScaling], &constraint)) {
out->aspect_ratio_constraint =
} else {
out->aspect_ratio_constraint = absl::nullopt;
return out->IsValid();
bool DisplayDescription::IsValid() const {
// At least one of the properties must be set, and if a property is set
// it must be valid.
if (aspect_ratio.has_value() && !aspect_ratio->IsValid()) {
return false;
if (dimensions.has_value() && !dimensions->IsValid()) {
return false;
// Sender behavior is undefined if the aspect ratio is fixed but no
// dimensions or aspect ratio are provided.
if (aspect_ratio_constraint.has_value() &&
(aspect_ratio_constraint.value() == AspectRatioConstraint::kFixed) &&
!dimensions.has_value() && !aspect_ratio.has_value()) {
return false;
return aspect_ratio.has_value() || dimensions.has_value() ||
Json::Value DisplayDescription::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
if (aspect_ratio.has_value()) {
root[kAspectRatio] = absl::StrCat(
aspect_ratio->width, kAspectRatioDelimiter, aspect_ratio->height);
if (dimensions.has_value()) {
root[kDimensions] = dimensions->ToJson();
if (aspect_ratio_constraint.has_value()) {
root[kScaling] =
return root;
bool Answer::ParseAndValidate(const Json::Value& root, Answer* out) {
if (!json::ParseAndValidateInt(root[kUdpPort], &(out->udp_port)) ||
&(out->send_indexes)) ||
!json::ParseAndValidateUintArray(root[kSsrcs], &(out->ssrcs)) ||
!ParseOptional<Constraints>(root[kConstraints], &(out->constraints)) ||
!ParseOptional<DisplayDescription>(root[kDisplay], &(out->display))) {
return false;
if (!json::ParseBool(root[kReceiverGetStatus],
&(out->supports_wifi_status_reporting))) {
out->supports_wifi_status_reporting = false;
// These function set to empty array if not present, so we can ignore
// the return value for optional values.
return out->IsValid();
bool Answer::IsValid() const {
if (ssrcs.empty() || send_indexes.empty()) {
return false;
// We don't know what the indexes used in the offer were here, so we just
// sanity check.
for (const int index : send_indexes) {
if (index < 0) {
return false;
if (constraints.has_value() && !constraints->IsValid()) {
return false;
if (display.has_value() && !display->IsValid()) {
return false;
return kUdpPortMin <= udp_port && udp_port <= kUdpPortMax;
Json::Value Answer::ToJson() const {
Json::Value root;
if (constraints.has_value()) {
root[kConstraints] = constraints->ToJson();
if (display.has_value()) {
root[kDisplay] = display->ToJson();
root[kUdpPort] = udp_port;
root[kReceiverGetStatus] = supports_wifi_status_reporting;
root[kSendIndexes] = PrimitiveVectorToJson(send_indexes);
root[kSsrcs] = PrimitiveVectorToJson(ssrcs);
// Some sender do not handle empty array properly, so we omit these fields
// if they are empty.
if (!receiver_rtcp_event_log.empty()) {
root[kReceiverRtcpEventLog] =
if (!receiver_rtcp_dscp.empty()) {
root[kReceiverRtcpDscp] = PrimitiveVectorToJson(receiver_rtcp_dscp);
if (!rtp_extensions.empty()) {
root[kRtpExtensions] = PrimitiveVectorToJson(rtp_extensions);
return root;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen