You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

330 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cast/streaming/compound_rtcp_builder.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include "cast/streaming/packet_util.h"
#include "cast/streaming/rtcp_session.h"
#include "util/integer_division.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
#include "util/std_util.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
CompoundRtcpBuilder::CompoundRtcpBuilder(RtcpSession* session)
: session_(session) {
CompoundRtcpBuilder::~CompoundRtcpBuilder() = default;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::SetCheckpointFrame(FrameId frame_id) {
OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame_id, checkpoint_frame_id_);
checkpoint_frame_id_ = frame_id;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::SetPlayoutDelay(std::chrono::milliseconds delay) {
playout_delay_ = delay;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::SetPictureLossIndicator(bool picture_is_lost) {
picture_loss_indicator_ = picture_is_lost;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::IncludeReceiverReportInNextPacket(
const RtcpReportBlock& receiver_report) {
receiver_report_for_next_packet_ = receiver_report;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::IncludeFeedbackInNextPacket(
std::vector<PacketNack> packet_nacks,
std::vector<FrameId> frame_acks) {
// Note: Serialization of these lists will depend on the value of
// |checkpoint_frame_id_| when BuildPacket() is called later.
nacks_for_next_packet_ = std::move(packet_nacks);
acks_for_next_packet_ = std::move(frame_acks);
// Consistency-check: An ACKed frame should not also be NACKed.
for (size_t ack_i = 0, nack_i = 0; ack_i < acks_for_next_packet_.size() &&
nack_i < nacks_for_next_packet_.size();) {
const FrameId ack_frame_id = acks_for_next_packet_[ack_i];
const FrameId nack_frame_id = nacks_for_next_packet_[nack_i].frame_id;
if (ack_frame_id < nack_frame_id) {
} else if (nack_frame_id < ack_frame_id) {
} else {
OSP_DCHECK_NE(ack_frame_id, nack_frame_id);
// Redundancy-check: For any PacketNack whose packet ID is kAllPacketsLost,
// there should be no other PacketNack having the same FrameId.
for (size_t i = 1; i < nacks_for_next_packet_.size(); ++i) {
if (nacks_for_next_packet_[i].packet_id == kAllPacketsLost) {
// Since the elements are sorted, it's only necessary to check the
// immediately preceeding element to make sure it does not have the same
// FrameId.
nacks_for_next_packet_[i - 1].frame_id);
absl::Span<uint8_t> CompoundRtcpBuilder::BuildPacket(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t> buffer) {
OSP_CHECK_GE(buffer.size(), kRequiredBufferSize);
uint8_t* const packet_begin =;
// Receiver Report: Per RFC 3550, Section 6.4.2, all RTCP compound packets
// from receivers must include at least an empty receiver report at the start.
// It's not clear whether the Cast RTCP spec requires this, but it costs very
// little to do so.
// Receiver Reference Time Report: While this is optional in the Cast
// Streaming spec, it is always included by this implementation to improve the
// stability of the end-to-end system.
AppendReceiverReferenceTimeReportPacket(send_time, &buffer);
// Picture Loss Indicator: Only included if the flag is currently set.
if (picture_loss_indicator_) {
// Cast Feedback: Checkpoint information, and add as many NACKs and ACKs as
// the remaning space available in the buffer will allow for.
uint8_t* const packet_end =;
return absl::Span<uint8_t>(packet_begin, packet_end - packet_begin);
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendReceiverReportPacket(
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
RtcpCommonHeader header;
header.packet_type = RtcpPacketType::kReceiverReport;
header.payload_size = kRtcpReceiverReportSize;
if (receiver_report_for_next_packet_) {
header.with.report_count = 1;
header.payload_size += kRtcpReportBlockSize;
} else {
header.with.report_count = 0;
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->receiver_ssrc(), buffer);
if (receiver_report_for_next_packet_) {
receiver_report_for_next_packet_ = absl::nullopt;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendReceiverReferenceTimeReportPacket(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
RtcpCommonHeader header;
header.packet_type = RtcpPacketType::kExtendedReports;
header.payload_size = kRtcpExtendedReportHeaderSize +
kRtcpExtendedReportBlockHeaderSize +
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->receiver_ssrc(), buffer);
AppendField<uint8_t>(kRtcpReceiverReferenceTimeReportBlockType, buffer);
AppendField<uint8_t>(0 /* reserved/unused byte */, buffer);
kRtcpReceiverReferenceTimeReportBlockSize / sizeof(uint32_t), buffer);
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendPictureLossIndicatorPacket(
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
RtcpCommonHeader header;
header.packet_type = RtcpPacketType::kPayloadSpecific;
header.with.subtype = RtcpSubtype::kPictureLossIndicator;
header.payload_size = kRtcpPictureLossIndicatorHeaderSize;
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->receiver_ssrc(), buffer);
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->sender_ssrc(), buffer);
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendCastFeedbackPacket(
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
// Reserve space for the RTCP Common Header. It will be serialized later,
// after the total size of the Cast Feedback message is known.
absl::Span<uint8_t> space_for_header =
ReserveSpace(kRtcpCommonHeaderSize, buffer);
uint8_t* const feedback_fields_begin = buffer->data();
// Append the mandatory fields.
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->receiver_ssrc(), buffer);
AppendField<uint32_t>(session_->sender_ssrc(), buffer);
AppendField<uint32_t>(kRtcpCastIdentifierWord, buffer);
AppendField<uint8_t>(checkpoint_frame_id_.lower_8_bits(), buffer);
// The |loss_count_field| will be set after the Loss Fields are generated
// and the total count is known.
uint8_t* const loss_count_field =
ReserveSpace(sizeof(uint8_t), buffer).data();
OSP_DCHECK_GT(playout_delay_.count(), 0);
OSP_DCHECK_LE(playout_delay_.count(), std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max());
AppendField<uint16_t>(playout_delay_.count(), buffer);
// Try to include as many Loss Fields as possible. Some of the NACKs might
// be dropped if the remaining space in the buffer is insufficient to
// include them all.
const int num_loss_fields = AppendCastFeedbackLossFields(buffer);
OSP_DCHECK_LE(num_loss_fields, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
*loss_count_field = num_loss_fields;
// Try to include the CST2 header and ACK bit vector. Again, some of the
// ACKs might be dropped if the remaining space in the buffer is
// insufficient.
// Go back and fill-in the header fields, now that the total size is known.
RtcpCommonHeader header;
header.packet_type = RtcpPacketType::kPayloadSpecific;
header.with.subtype = RtcpSubtype::kFeedback;
uint8_t* const feedback_fields_end = buffer->data();
header.payload_size = feedback_fields_end - feedback_fields_begin;
int CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendCastFeedbackLossFields(
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
if (nacks_for_next_packet_.empty()) {
return 0;
// The maximum number of entries is limited by available packet buffer space
// and the 8-bit |loss_count_field|.
const int max_num_loss_fields =
std::min<int>(buffer->size() / kRtcpFeedbackLossFieldSize,
// Translate the |nacks_for_next_packet_| list into one or more entries
// representing specific packet losses. Omit any NACKs before the checkpoint.
auto it =
std::find_if(nacks_for_next_packet_.begin(), nacks_for_next_packet_.end(),
[this](const PacketNack& nack) {
return nack.frame_id > checkpoint_frame_id_;
int num_loss_fields = 0;
while (it != nacks_for_next_packet_.end() &&
num_loss_fields != max_num_loss_fields) {
const FrameId frame_id = it->frame_id;
const FramePacketId first_packet_id = it->packet_id;
uint8_t bit_vector = 0;
for (++it; it != nacks_for_next_packet_.end() && it->frame_id == frame_id;
++it) {
const int shift = it->packet_id - first_packet_id - 1;
if (shift >= 8) {
bit_vector |= 1 << shift;
AppendField<uint8_t>(frame_id.lower_8_bits(), buffer);
AppendField<uint16_t>(first_packet_id, buffer);
AppendField<uint8_t>(bit_vector, buffer);
return num_loss_fields;
void CompoundRtcpBuilder::AppendCastFeedbackAckFields(
absl::Span<uint8_t>* buffer) {
// Return if there is not enough space for the CST2 header and the
// smallest-possible ACK bit vector.
if (buffer->size() <
(kRtcpFeedbackAckHeaderSize + kRtcpMinAckBitVectorOctets)) {
// Write the CST2 header and reserve/initialize the start of the ACK bit
// vector.
AppendField<uint32_t>(kRtcpCst2IdentifierWord, buffer);
AppendField<uint8_t>(feedback_count_, buffer);
// The octet count field is set later, after the total is known.
uint8_t* const octet_count_field =
ReserveSpace(sizeof(uint8_t), buffer).data();
// Start with the minimum required number of bit vector octets.
uint8_t* const ack_bitvector =
ReserveSpace(kRtcpMinAckBitVectorOctets, buffer).data();
int num_ack_bitvector_octets = kRtcpMinAckBitVectorOctets;
memset(ack_bitvector, 0, kRtcpMinAckBitVectorOctets);
// Set the bits of the ACK bit vector, auto-expanding the number of ACK octets
// if necessary (and while there is still room in the buffer).
if (!acks_for_next_packet_.empty()) {
const FrameId first_frame_id = checkpoint_frame_id_ + 2;
for (const FrameId& frame_id : acks_for_next_packet_) {
const int bit_index = frame_id - first_frame_id;
if (bit_index < 0) {
constexpr int kBitsPerOctet = 8;
const int octet_index = bit_index / kBitsPerOctet;
// If needed, attempt to increase the number of ACK octets.
if (octet_index >= num_ack_bitvector_octets) {
// Compute how many additional octets are needed.
constexpr int kIncrement = sizeof(uint32_t);
const int num_additional =
(octet_index + 1) - num_ack_bitvector_octets, kIncrement) *
// If there is not enough room in the buffer to add more ACKs, then do
// not continue. Also, if the new total count would exceed the design
// limit, do not continue.
if (static_cast<int>(buffer->size()) < num_additional) {
const int new_count = num_ack_bitvector_octets + num_additional;
if (new_count > kRtcpMaxAckBitVectorOctets) {
// Reserve the additional space from the buffer, and initialize to zero.
memset(ReserveSpace(num_additional, buffer).data(), 0, num_additional);
num_ack_bitvector_octets = new_count;
// At this point, the ACK bit vector is valid at |octet_index|. Set the
// bit representing the ACK for |frame_id|.
const int shift = bit_index % kBitsPerOctet;
ack_bitvector[octet_index] |= 1 << shift;
// Now that the total size of the ACK bit vector is known, go back and set the
// octet count field.
OSP_DCHECK_LE(num_ack_bitvector_octets, std::numeric_limits<uint8_t>::max());
*octet_count_field = num_ack_bitvector_octets;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen