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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cast/streaming/sender.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <ratio>
#include "cast/streaming/session_config.h"
#include "util/chrono_helpers.h"
#include "util/osp_logging.h"
#include "util/std_util.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
using openscreen::operator<<; // For std::chrono::duration logging.
Sender::Sender(Environment* environment,
SenderPacketRouter* packet_router,
SessionConfig config,
RtpPayloadType rtp_payload_type)
: config_(config),
rtcp_parser_(&rtcp_session_, this),
crypto_(config.aes_secret_key, config.aes_iv_mask),
target_playout_delay_(config.target_playout_delay) {
OSP_DCHECK_NE(rtcp_session_.sender_ssrc(), rtcp_session_.receiver_ssrc());
OSP_DCHECK_GT(rtp_timebase_, 0);
OSP_DCHECK(target_playout_delay_ > milliseconds::zero());
pending_sender_report_.reference_time = SenderPacketRouter::kNever;
packet_router_->OnSenderCreated(rtcp_session_.receiver_ssrc(), this);
Sender::~Sender() {
void Sender::SetObserver(Sender::Observer* observer) {
observer_ = observer;
int Sender::GetInFlightFrameCount() const {
return num_frames_in_flight_;
Clock::duration Sender::GetInFlightMediaDuration(
RtpTimeTicks next_frame_rtp_timestamp) const {
if (num_frames_in_flight_ == 0) {
return Clock::duration::zero(); // No frames are currently in-flight.
const PendingFrameSlot& oldest_slot = *get_slot_for(checkpoint_frame_id_ + 1);
// Note: The oldest slot's frame cannot have been canceled because the
// protocol does not allow ACK'ing this particular frame without also moving
// the checkpoint forward. See "CST2 feedback" discussion in rtp_defines.h.
OSP_DCHECK(oldest_slot.is_active_for_frame(checkpoint_frame_id_ + 1));
return (next_frame_rtp_timestamp - oldest_slot.frame->rtp_timestamp)
Clock::duration Sender::GetMaxInFlightMediaDuration() const {
// Assumption: The total amount of allowed in-flight media should equal the
// half of the playout delay window, plus the amount of time it takes to
// receive an ACK from the Receiver.
// Why half of the playout delay window? It's assumed here that capture and
// media encoding, which occur before EnqueueFrame() is called, are executing
// within the first half of the playout delay window. This leaves the second
// half for executing all network transmits/re-transmits, plus decoding and
// play-out at the Receiver.
return (target_playout_delay_ / 2) + (round_trip_time_ / 2);
bool Sender::NeedsKeyFrame() const {
return last_enqueued_key_frame_id_ <= picture_lost_at_frame_id_;
FrameId Sender::GetNextFrameId() const {
return last_enqueued_frame_id_ + 1;
Sender::EnqueueFrameResult Sender::EnqueueFrame(const EncodedFrame& frame) {
// Assume the fields of the |frame| have all been set correctly, with
// monotonically increasing timestamps and a valid pointer to the data.
OSP_DCHECK_EQ(frame.frame_id, GetNextFrameId());
OSP_DCHECK_GE(frame.referenced_frame_id, FrameId::first());
if (frame.frame_id != FrameId::first()) {
OSP_DCHECK_GT(frame.rtp_timestamp, pending_sender_report_.rtp_timestamp);
OSP_DCHECK_GT(frame.reference_time, pending_sender_report_.reference_time);
// Check whether enqueuing the frame would exceed the design limit for the
// span of FrameIds. Even if |num_frames_in_flight_| is less than
// kMaxUnackedFrames, it's the span of FrameIds that is restricted.
if ((frame.frame_id - checkpoint_frame_id_) > kMaxUnackedFrames) {
// Check whether enqueuing the frame would exceed the current maximum media
// duration limit.
if (GetInFlightMediaDuration(frame.rtp_timestamp) >
GetMaxInFlightMediaDuration()) {
// Encrypt the frame and initialize the slot tracking its sending.
PendingFrameSlot* const slot = get_slot_for(frame.frame_id);
slot->frame = crypto_.Encrypt(frame);
const int packet_count = rtp_packetizer_.ComputeNumberOfPackets(*slot->frame);
if (packet_count <= 0) {
slot->send_flags.Resize(packet_count, YetAnotherBitVector::SET);
slot->packet_sent_times.assign(packet_count, SenderPacketRouter::kNever);
// Officially record the "enqueue."
last_enqueued_frame_id_ = slot->frame->frame_id;
last_enqueued_frame_id_ - checkpoint_frame_id_);
if (slot->frame->dependency == EncodedFrame::KEY_FRAME) {
last_enqueued_key_frame_id_ = slot->frame->frame_id;
// Update the target playout delay, if necessary.
if (slot->frame->new_playout_delay > milliseconds::zero()) {
target_playout_delay_ = slot->frame->new_playout_delay;
playout_delay_change_at_frame_id_ = slot->frame->frame_id;
// Update the lip-sync information for the next Sender Report.
pending_sender_report_.reference_time = slot->frame->reference_time;
pending_sender_report_.rtp_timestamp = slot->frame->rtp_timestamp;
// If the round trip time hasn't been computed yet, immediately send a RTCP
// packet (i.e., before the RTP packets are sent). The RTCP packet will
// provide a Sender Report which contains the required lip-sync information
// the Receiver needs for timing the media playout.
// Detail: Working backwards, if the round trip time is not known, then this
// Sender has never processed a Receiver Report. Thus, the Receiver has never
// provided a Receiver Report, which it can only do after having processed a
// Sender Report from this Sender. Thus, this Sender really needs to send
// that, right now!
if (round_trip_time_ == Clock::duration::zero()) {
// Re-activate RTP sending if it was suspended.
return OK;
void Sender::CancelInFlightData() {
while (checkpoint_frame_id_ <= last_enqueued_frame_id_) {
void Sender::OnReceivedRtcpPacket(Clock::time_point arrival_time,
absl::Span<const uint8_t> packet) {
rtcp_packet_arrival_time_ = arrival_time;
// This call to Parse() invoke zero or more of the OnReceiverXYZ() methods in
// the current call stack:
if (rtcp_parser_.Parse(packet, last_enqueued_frame_id_)) {
packet_router_->OnRtcpReceived(arrival_time, round_trip_time_);
absl::Span<uint8_t> Sender::GetRtcpPacketForImmediateSend(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t> buffer) {
if (pending_sender_report_.reference_time == SenderPacketRouter::kNever) {
// Cannot send a report if one is not available (i.e., a frame has never
// been enqueued).
return buffer.subspan(0, 0);
// The Sender Report to be sent is a snapshot of the "pending Sender Report,"
// but with its timestamp fields modified. First, the reference time is set to
// the RTCP packet's send time. Then, the corresponding RTP timestamp is
// translated to match (for lip-sync).
RtcpSenderReport sender_report = pending_sender_report_;
sender_report.reference_time = send_time;
sender_report.rtp_timestamp += RtpTimeDelta::FromDuration(
sender_report.reference_time - pending_sender_report_.reference_time,
return sender_report_builder_.BuildPacket(sender_report, buffer).first;
absl::Span<uint8_t> Sender::GetRtpPacketForImmediateSend(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t> buffer) {
ChosenPacket chosen = ChooseNextRtpPacketNeedingSend();
// If no packets need sending (i.e., all packets have been sent at least once
// and do not need to be re-sent yet), check whether a Kickstart packet should
// be sent. It's possible that there has been complete packet loss of some
// frames, and the Receiver may not be aware of the existence of the latest
// frame(s). Kickstarting is the only way the Receiver can discover the newer
// frames it doesn't know about.
if (!chosen) {
const ChosenPacketAndWhen kickstart = ChooseKickstartPacket();
if (kickstart.when > send_time) {
// Nothing to send, so return "empty" signal to the packet router. The
// packet router will suspend RTP sending until this Sender explicitly
// resumes it.
return buffer.subspan(0, 0);
chosen = kickstart;
const absl::Span<uint8_t> result = rtp_packetizer_.GeneratePacket(
*chosen.slot->frame, chosen.packet_id, buffer);
chosen.slot->packet_sent_times[chosen.packet_id] = send_time;
// According to RFC3550, the octet count does not include the RTP header. The
// following is just a good approximation, however, because the header size
// will very infrequently be 4 bytes greater (see
// RtpPacketizer::kAdaptiveLatencyHeaderSize). No known Cast Streaming
// Receiver implementations use this for anything, and so this should be fine.
const int approximate_octet_count =
static_cast<int>(result.size()) - RtpPacketizer::kBaseRtpHeaderSize;
OSP_DCHECK_GE(approximate_octet_count, 0);
pending_sender_report_.send_octet_count += approximate_octet_count;
return result;
Clock::time_point Sender::GetRtpResumeTime() {
if (ChooseNextRtpPacketNeedingSend()) {
return Alarm::kImmediately;
return ChooseKickstartPacket().when;
void Sender::OnReceiverReferenceTimeAdvanced(Clock::time_point reference_time) {
// Not used.
void Sender::OnReceiverReport(const RtcpReportBlock& receiver_report) {
OSP_DCHECK_NE(rtcp_packet_arrival_time_, SenderPacketRouter::kNever);
const Clock::duration total_delay =
rtcp_packet_arrival_time_ -
receiver_report.last_status_report_id, rtcp_packet_arrival_time_);
const auto non_network_delay =
// Round trip time measurement: This is the time elapsed since the Sender
// Report was sent, minus the time the Receiver did other stuff before sending
// the Receiver Report back.
// If the round trip time seems to be less than or equal to zero, assume clock
// imprecision by one or both peers caused a bad value to be calculated. The
// true value is likely very close to zero (i.e., this is ideal network
// behavior); and so just represent this as 75 µs, an optimistic
// wired-Ethernet LAN ping time.
constexpr auto kNearZeroRoundTripTime = Clock::to_duration(microseconds(75));
static_assert(kNearZeroRoundTripTime > Clock::duration::zero(),
"More precision in Clock::duration needed!");
const Clock::duration measurement =
std::max(total_delay - non_network_delay, kNearZeroRoundTripTime);
// Validate the measurement by using the current target playout delay as a
// "reasonable upper-bound." It's certainly possible that the actual network
// round-trip time could exceed the target playout delay, but that would mean
// the current network performance is totally inadequate for streaming anyway.
if (measurement > target_playout_delay_) {
OSP_LOG_WARN << "Invalidating a round-trip time measurement ("
<< measurement
<< ") since it exceeds the current target playout delay ("
<< target_playout_delay_ << ").";
// Measurements will typically have high variance. Use a simple smoothing
// filter to track a short-term average that changes less drastically.
if (round_trip_time_ == Clock::duration::zero()) {
round_trip_time_ = measurement;
} else {
// Arbitrary constant, to provide 1/8 weight to the new measurement, and 7/8
// weight to the old estimate, which seems to work well for de-noising the
// estimate.
constexpr int kInertia = 7;
round_trip_time_ =
(kInertia * round_trip_time_ + measurement) / (kInertia + 1);
// TODO(miu): Add tracing event here to note the updated RTT.
void Sender::OnReceiverIndicatesPictureLoss() {
// The Receiver will continue the PLI notifications until it has received a
// key frame. Thus, if a key frame is already in-flight, don't make a state
// change that would cause this Sender to force another expensive key frame.
if (checkpoint_frame_id_ < last_enqueued_key_frame_id_) {
picture_lost_at_frame_id_ = checkpoint_frame_id_;
if (observer_) {
// Note: It may seem that all pending frames should be canceled until
// EnqueueFrame() is called with a key frame. However:
// 1. The Receiver should still be the main authority on what frames/packets
// are being ACK'ed and NACK'ed.
// 2. It may be desirable for the Receiver to be "limping along" in the
// meantime. For example, video may be corrupted but mostly watchable,
// and so it's best for the Sender to continue sending the non-key frames
// until the Receiver indicates otherwise.
void Sender::OnReceiverCheckpoint(FrameId frame_id,
milliseconds playout_delay) {
if (frame_id > last_enqueued_frame_id_) {
<< "Ignoring checkpoint for " << latest_expected_frame_id_
<< " because this Sender could not have sent any frames after "
<< last_enqueued_frame_id_ << '.';
// CompoundRtcpParser should guarantee this:
OSP_DCHECK(playout_delay >= milliseconds::zero());
while (checkpoint_frame_id_ < frame_id) {
latest_expected_frame_id_ = std::max(latest_expected_frame_id_, frame_id);
if (playout_delay != target_playout_delay_ &&
frame_id >= playout_delay_change_at_frame_id_) {
OSP_LOG_WARN << "Sender's target playout delay (" << target_playout_delay_
<< ") disagrees with the Receiver's (" << playout_delay << ")";
void Sender::OnReceiverHasFrames(std::vector<FrameId> acks) {
OSP_DCHECK(!acks.empty() && AreElementsSortedAndUnique(acks));
if (acks.back() > last_enqueued_frame_id_) {
OSP_LOG_ERROR << "Ignoring individual frame ACKs: ACKing frame "
<< latest_expected_frame_id_
<< " is invalid because this Sender could not have sent any "
"frames after "
<< last_enqueued_frame_id_ << '.';
for (FrameId id : acks) {
latest_expected_frame_id_ = std::max(latest_expected_frame_id_, acks.back());
void Sender::OnReceiverIsMissingPackets(std::vector<PacketNack> nacks) {
OSP_DCHECK(!nacks.empty() && AreElementsSortedAndUnique(nacks));
OSP_DCHECK_NE(rtcp_packet_arrival_time_, SenderPacketRouter::kNever);
// This is a point-in-time threshold that indicates whether each NACK will
// trigger a packet retransmit. The threshold is based on the network round
// trip time because a Receiver's NACK may have been issued while the needed
// packet was in-flight from the Sender. In such cases, the Receiver's NACK is
// likely stale and this Sender should not redundantly re-transmit the packet
// again.
const Clock::time_point too_recent_a_send_time =
rtcp_packet_arrival_time_ - round_trip_time_;
// Iterate over all the NACKs...
bool need_to_send = false;
for (auto nack_it = nacks.begin(); nack_it != nacks.end();) {
// Find the slot associated with the NACK's frame ID.
const FrameId frame_id = nack_it->frame_id;
PendingFrameSlot* slot = nullptr;
if (frame_id <= last_enqueued_frame_id_) {
PendingFrameSlot* const candidate_slot = get_slot_for(frame_id);
if (candidate_slot->is_active_for_frame(frame_id)) {
slot = candidate_slot;
// If no slot was found (i.e., the NACK is invalid) for the frame, skip-over
// all other NACKs for the same frame. While it seems to be a bug that the
// Receiver would attempt to NACK a frame that does not yet exist, this can
// happen in rare cases where RTCP packets arrive out-of-order (i.e., the
// network shuffled them).
if (!slot) {
// TODO(miu): Add tracing event here to record this.
for (++nack_it; nack_it != nacks.end() && nack_it->frame_id == frame_id;
++nack_it) {
latest_expected_frame_id_ = std::max(latest_expected_frame_id_, frame_id);
const auto HandleIndividualNack = [&](FramePacketId packet_id) {
if (slot->packet_sent_times[packet_id] <= too_recent_a_send_time) {
need_to_send = true;
const FramePacketId range_end = slot->packet_sent_times.size();
if (nack_it->packet_id == kAllPacketsLost) {
for (FramePacketId packet_id = 0; packet_id < range_end; ++packet_id) {
} else {
do {
if (nack_it->packet_id < range_end) {
} else {
<< "Ignoring NACK for packet that doesn't exist in frame "
<< frame_id << ": " << static_cast<int>(nack_it->packet_id);
} while (nack_it != nacks.end() && nack_it->frame_id == frame_id);
if (need_to_send) {
Sender::ChosenPacket Sender::ChooseNextRtpPacketNeedingSend() {
// Find the oldest packet needing to be sent (or re-sent).
for (FrameId frame_id = checkpoint_frame_id_ + 1;
frame_id <= last_enqueued_frame_id_; ++frame_id) {
PendingFrameSlot* const slot = get_slot_for(frame_id);
if (!slot->is_active_for_frame(frame_id)) {
continue; // Frame was canceled. None of its packets need to be sent.
const FramePacketId packet_id = slot->send_flags.FindFirstSet();
if (packet_id < slot->send_flags.size()) {
return {slot, packet_id};
return {}; // Nothing needs to be sent.
Sender::ChosenPacketAndWhen Sender::ChooseKickstartPacket() {
if (latest_expected_frame_id_ >= last_enqueued_frame_id_) {
// Since the Receiver must know about all of the frames currently queued, no
// Kickstart packet is necessary.
return {};
// The Kickstart packet is always in the last-enqueued frame, so that the
// Receiver will know about every frame the Sender has. However, which packet
// should be chosen? Any would do, since all packets contain the frame's total
// packet count. For historical reasons, all sender implementations have
// always just sent the last packet; and so that tradition is continued here.
ChosenPacketAndWhen chosen;
chosen.slot = get_slot_for(last_enqueued_frame_id_);
// Note: This frame cannot have been canceled since
// |latest_expected_frame_id_| hasn't yet reached this point.
chosen.packet_id = chosen.slot->send_flags.size() - 1;
const Clock::time_point time_last_sent =
// Sanity-check: This method should not be called to choose a packet while
// there are still unsent packets.
OSP_DCHECK_NE(time_last_sent, SenderPacketRouter::kNever);
// The desired Kickstart interval is a fraction of the total
// |target_playout_delay_|. The reason for the specific ratio here is based on
// lost knowledge (from legacy implementations); but it makes sense (i.e., to
// be a good "network citizen") to be less aggressive for larger playout delay
// windows, and more aggressive for shorter ones to avoid too-late packet
// arrivals.
using kWaitFraction = std::ratio<1, 20>;
const Clock::duration desired_kickstart_interval =
Clock::to_duration(target_playout_delay_) * kWaitFraction::num /
// The actual interval used is increased, if current network performance
// warrants waiting longer. Don't send a Kickstart packet until no NACKs
// have been received for two network round-trip periods.
constexpr int kLowerBoundRoundTrips = 2;
const Clock::duration kickstart_interval = std::max(
desired_kickstart_interval, round_trip_time_ * kLowerBoundRoundTrips);
chosen.when = time_last_sent + kickstart_interval;
return chosen;
void Sender::CancelPendingFrame(FrameId frame_id) {
PendingFrameSlot* const slot = get_slot_for(frame_id);
if (!slot->is_active_for_frame(frame_id)) {
return; // Frame was already canceled.
slot->frame->data.size(), rtcp_packet_arrival_time_, round_trip_time_);
OSP_DCHECK_GT(num_frames_in_flight_, 0);
if (observer_) {
void Sender::Observer::OnFrameCanceled(FrameId frame_id) {}
void Sender::Observer::OnPictureLost() {}
Sender::Observer::~Observer() = default;
Sender::PendingFrameSlot::PendingFrameSlot() = default;
Sender::PendingFrameSlot::~PendingFrameSlot() = default;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen