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// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "cast/streaming/compound_rtcp_parser.h"
#include "cast/streaming/constants.h"
#include "cast/streaming/frame_crypto.h"
#include "cast/streaming/frame_id.h"
#include "cast/streaming/rtp_defines.h"
#include "cast/streaming/rtp_packetizer.h"
#include "cast/streaming/rtp_time.h"
#include "cast/streaming/sender_packet_router.h"
#include "cast/streaming/sender_report_builder.h"
#include "cast/streaming/session_config.h"
#include "platform/api/time.h"
#include "util/yet_another_bit_vector.h"
namespace openscreen {
namespace cast {
class Environment;
// The Cast Streaming Sender, a peer corresponding to some Cast Streaming
// Receiver at the other end of a network link. See class level comments for
// Receiver for a high-level overview.
// The Sender is the peer responsible for enqueuing EncodedFrames for streaming,
// guaranteeing their delivery to a Receiver, and handling feedback events from
// a Receiver. Some feedback events are used for managing the Sender's internal
// queue of in-flight frames, requesting network packet re-transmits, etc.;
// while others are exposed via the Sender's public interface. For example,
// sometimes the Receiver signals that it needs a a key frame to resolve a
// picture loss condition, and the modules upstream of the Sender (e.g., where
// encoding happens) should call NeedsKeyFrame() to check for, and handle that.
// There are usually one or two Senders in a streaming session, one for audio
// and one for video. Both senders work with the same SenderPacketRouter
// instance to schedule their transmission of packets, and provide the necessary
// metrics for estimating bandwidth utilization and availability.
// It is the responsibility of upstream code modules to handle congestion
// control. With respect to this Sender, that means the media encoding bit rate
// should be throttled based on network bandwidth availability. This Sender does
// not do any throttling, only flow-control. In other words, this Sender can
// only manage its in-flight queue of frames, and if that queue grows too large,
// it will eventually reject further enqueuing.
// General usage: A client should check the in-flight media duration frequently
// to decide when to pause encoding, to avoid wasting system resources on
// encoding frames that will likely be rejected by the Sender. The client should
// also frequently call NeedsKeyFrame() and, when this returns true, direct its
// encoder to produce a key frame soon. Finally, when using EnqueueFrame(), an
// EncodedFrame struct should be prepared with its frame_id field set to
// whatever GetNextFrameId() returns. Please see method comments for
// more-detailed usage info.
class Sender final : public SenderPacketRouter::Sender,
public CompoundRtcpParser::Client {
// Interface for receiving notifications about events of possible interest.
// Handling each of these is optional, but some may be mandatory for certain
// applications (see method comments below).
class Observer {
// Called when a frame was canceled. "Canceled" means that the Receiver has
// either acknowledged successful receipt of the frame or has decided to
// skip over it. Note: Frame cancellations may occur out-of-order.
virtual void OnFrameCanceled(FrameId frame_id);
// Called when a Receiver begins reporting picture loss, and there is no key
// frame currently enqueued in the Sender. The application should enqueue a
// key frame as soon as possible. Note: An application that pauses frame
// sending (e.g., screen mirroring when the screen is not changing) should
// use this notification to send an out-of-band "refresh frame," encoded as
// a key frame.
virtual void OnPictureLost();
virtual ~Observer();
// Result codes for EnqueueFrame().
enum EnqueueFrameResult {
// The frame has been queued for sending.
// The frame's payload was too large. This is typically triggered when
// submitting a payload of several dozen megabytes or more. This result code
// likely indicates some kind of upstream bug.
// The span of FrameIds is too large. Cast Streaming's protocol design
// imposes a limit in the maximum difference between the highest-valued
// in-flight FrameId and the least-valued one.
// Too-large a media duration is in-flight. Enqueuing another frame would
// automatically cause late play-out at the Receiver.
// Constructs a Sender that attaches to the given |environment|-provided
// resources and |packet_router|. The |config| contains the settings that were
// agreed-upon by both sides from the OFFER/ANSWER exchange (i.e., the part of
// the overall end-to-end connection process that occurs before Cast Streaming
// is started). The |rtp_payload_type| does not affect the behavior of this
// Sender. It is simply passed along to a Receiver in the RTP packet stream.
Sender(Environment* environment,
SenderPacketRouter* packet_router,
SessionConfig config,
RtpPayloadType rtp_payload_type);
~Sender() final;
const SessionConfig& config() const { return config_; }
Ssrc ssrc() const { return rtcp_session_.sender_ssrc(); }
int rtp_timebase() const { return rtp_timebase_; }
// Sets an observer for receiving notifications. Call with nullptr to stop
// observing.
void SetObserver(Observer* observer);
// Returns the number of frames currently in-flight. This is only meant to be
// informative. Clients should use GetInFlightMediaDuration() to make
// throttling decisions.
int GetInFlightFrameCount() const;
// Returns the total media duration of the frames currently in-flight,
// assuming the next not-yet-enqueued frame will have the given RTP timestamp.
// For a better user experience, the result should be compared to
// GetMaxInFlightMediaDuration(), and media encoding should be throttled down
// before additional EnqueueFrame() calls would cause this to reach the
// current maximum limit.
Clock::duration GetInFlightMediaDuration(
RtpTimeTicks next_frame_rtp_timestamp) const;
// Return the maximum acceptable in-flight media duration, given the current
// target playout delay setting and end-to-end network/system conditions.
Clock::duration GetMaxInFlightMediaDuration() const;
// Returns true if the Receiver requires a key frame. Note that this will
// return true until a key frame is accepted by EnqueueFrame(). Thus, when
// encoding is pipelined, care should be taken to instruct the encoder to
// produce just ONE forced key frame.
bool NeedsKeyFrame() const;
// Returns the next FrameId, the one after the frame enqueued by the last call
// to EnqueueFrame(). Note that the next call to EnqueueFrame() assumes this
// frame ID be used.
FrameId GetNextFrameId() const;
// Enqueues the given |frame| for sending as soon as possible. Returns OK if
// the frame is accepted, and some time later Observer::OnFrameCanceled() will
// be called once it is no longer in-flight.
// All fields of the |frame| must be set to valid values: the |frame_id| must
// be the same as GetNextFrameId(); both the |rtp_timestamp| and
// |reference_time| fields must be monotonically increasing relative to the
// prior frame; and the frame's |data| pointer must be set.
[[nodiscard]] EnqueueFrameResult EnqueueFrame(const EncodedFrame& frame);
// Causes all pending operations to discard data when they are processed
// later.
void CancelInFlightData();
// Tracking/Storage for frames that are ready-to-send, and until they are
// fully received at the other end.
struct PendingFrameSlot {
// The frame to send, or nullopt if this slot is not in use.
absl::optional<EncryptedFrame> frame;
// Represents which packets need to be sent. Elements are indexed by
// FramePacketId. A set bit means a packet needs to be sent (or re-sent).
YetAnotherBitVector send_flags;
// The time when each of the packets was last sent, or
// |SenderPacketRouter::kNever| if the packet has not been sent yet.
// Elements are indexed by FramePacketId. This is used to avoid
// re-transmitting any given packet too frequently.
std::vector<Clock::time_point> packet_sent_times;
bool is_active_for_frame(FrameId frame_id) const {
return frame && frame->frame_id == frame_id;
// Return value from the ChooseXYZ() helper methods.
struct ChosenPacket {
PendingFrameSlot* slot = nullptr;
FramePacketId packet_id{};
explicit operator bool() const { return !!slot; }
// An extension of ChosenPacket that also includes the point-in-time when the
// packet should be sent.
struct ChosenPacketAndWhen : public ChosenPacket {
Clock::time_point when = SenderPacketRouter::kNever;
// SenderPacketRouter::Sender implementation.
void OnReceivedRtcpPacket(Clock::time_point arrival_time,
absl::Span<const uint8_t> packet) final;
absl::Span<uint8_t> GetRtcpPacketForImmediateSend(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t> buffer) final;
absl::Span<uint8_t> GetRtpPacketForImmediateSend(
Clock::time_point send_time,
absl::Span<uint8_t> buffer) final;
Clock::time_point GetRtpResumeTime() final;
// CompoundRtcpParser::Client implementation.
void OnReceiverReferenceTimeAdvanced(Clock::time_point reference_time) final;
void OnReceiverReport(const RtcpReportBlock& receiver_report) final;
void OnReceiverIndicatesPictureLoss() final;
void OnReceiverCheckpoint(FrameId frame_id,
std::chrono::milliseconds playout_delay) final;
void OnReceiverHasFrames(std::vector<FrameId> acks) final;
void OnReceiverIsMissingPackets(std::vector<PacketNack> nacks) final;
// Helper to choose which packet to send, from those that have been flagged as
// "need to send." Returns a "false" result if nothing needs to be sent.
ChosenPacket ChooseNextRtpPacketNeedingSend();
// Helper that returns the packet that should be used to kick-start the
// Receiver, and the time at which the packet should be sent. Returns a kNever
// result if kick-starting is not needed.
ChosenPacketAndWhen ChooseKickstartPacket();
// Cancels the given frame once it is known to have been fully received (i.e.,
// based on the ACK feedback from the Receiver in a RTCP packet). This clears
// the corresponding entry in |pending_frames_| and notifies the Observer.
void CancelPendingFrame(FrameId frame_id);
// Inline helper to return the slot that would contain the tracking info for
// the given |frame_id|.
const PendingFrameSlot* get_slot_for(FrameId frame_id) const {
return &pending_frames_[(frame_id - FrameId::first()) %
PendingFrameSlot* get_slot_for(FrameId frame_id) {
return &pending_frames_[(frame_id - FrameId::first()) %
const SessionConfig config_;
SenderPacketRouter* const packet_router_;
RtcpSession rtcp_session_;
CompoundRtcpParser rtcp_parser_;
SenderReportBuilder sender_report_builder_;
RtpPacketizer rtp_packetizer_;
const int rtp_timebase_;
FrameCrypto crypto_;
// Ring buffer of PendingFrameSlots. The frame having FrameId x will always
// be slotted at position x % pending_frames_.size(). Use get_slot_for() to
// access the correct slot for a given FrameId.
std::array<PendingFrameSlot, kMaxUnackedFrames> pending_frames_{};
// A count of the number of frames in-flight (i.e., the number of active
// entries in |pending_frames_|).
int num_frames_in_flight_ = 0;
// The ID of the last frame enqueued.
FrameId last_enqueued_frame_id_ = FrameId::leader();
// Indicates that all of the packets for all frames up to and including this
// FrameId have been successfully received (or otherwise do not need to be
// re-transmitted).
FrameId checkpoint_frame_id_ = FrameId::leader();
// The ID of the latest frame the Receiver seems to be aware of.
FrameId latest_expected_frame_id_ = FrameId::leader();
// The target playout delay for the last-enqueued frame. This is auto-updated
// when a frame is enqueued that changes the delay.
std::chrono::milliseconds target_playout_delay_;
FrameId playout_delay_change_at_frame_id_ = FrameId::first();
// The exact arrival time of the last RTCP packet.
Clock::time_point rtcp_packet_arrival_time_ = SenderPacketRouter::kNever;
// The near-term average round trip time. This is updated with each Sender
// Report → Receiver Report round trip. This is initially zero, indicating the
// round trip time has not been measured yet.
Clock::duration round_trip_time_{0};
// Maintain current stats in a Sender Report that is ready for sending at any
// time. This includes up-to-date lip-sync information, and packet and byte
// count stats.
RtcpSenderReport pending_sender_report_;
// These are used to determine whether a key frame needs to be sent to the
// Receiver. When the Receiver provides a picture loss notification, the
// current checkpoint frame ID is stored in |picture_lost_at_frame_id_|. Then,
// while |last_enqueued_key_frame_id_| is less than or equal to
// |picture_lost_at_frame_id_|, the Sender knows it still needs to send a key
// frame to resolve the picture loss condition. In all other cases, the
// Receiver is either in a good state or is in the process of receiving the
// key frame that will make that happen.
FrameId picture_lost_at_frame_id_ = FrameId::leader();
FrameId last_enqueued_key_frame_id_ = FrameId::leader();
// The current observer (optional).
Observer* observer_ = nullptr;
} // namespace cast
} // namespace openscreen